Thứ Ba, 29 tháng 8, 2017

Waching daily Aug 29 2017

Hey, what's up?

How long! Are you living here?

No, no, I'm still there in Madureira. I'm just strolling here.

And you, hun?

Only branded clothes, south zone, huh?

You really changed your life, huh?

Oh, come on, man. That's nothing!

I live here, but I know where I came from.

And I'm proud of my origin.

Yeah, man, do not even mention. Oh, I missed our old days.

Lots of walks around the square. Oh, lots of good stories to tell.

Yeah! History is what we have most, right?

We did so many shit! Fuck!

Oh yeah

Well, it's already late.

Oh no. Stay a little longer.

Oh, it was good to see you again. I need to go.

Ok, man

A small gift to remember the old days.

Luiza, you're crazy, Anna could have seen you.

I needed to talk to you.

I needed to tell you looking into your eyes.

That I like you

That I felt in love with you since the first time I saw you.

That you make me feel alive again.

I needed to tell you how important you are to me.

You're crazy, girl!?! Get out of here, I do not have time for you!

Where's Alice?

I do not know, you're her wife. You should know.

Look, kid, don't piss me off. Where's Alice?

I don't know.

No, no!

Oh, so you're the famous Alice?

I think you should know the snake that you have on your side.

Your wife is not worth anything. She is a sinic, naughty and just likes to use people!

Who is this woman? What is she talking about?

I don't know. I don't even know this woman.

You know we find a bunch of crazy people on the street, right?

Come on, let's go.

Do you know who I am, Alice?

I'm your wife's lover!

When she said she was staying late at the gym, it was in bed, in my bed that she was.

Is it true?

Is it true, Anna?

Look at me!

Is this woman your lover?

Are you satisfied?

I hope you are.

You did not end up only with my life now.

That woman...

You think you know everything, but you don't know anything!

It's way beyond you!

For more infomation >> Além de Alice - SO1E8 - Tentação & Descoberta (SEASON FINALE) - Duration: 13:46.



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Hello, today I share

ONE SHEET BASIL, MIRACLES DO HEALTH, these are their amazing properties.


All we know for its aroma and flavor, but what many do not know are the many

medicinal properties of basil.

This is a very popular aromatic plant in the kitchen and often used in the

alternative medicine to cure various ailments.

Basil characteristics.

Basil is an annual or biennial is, according to environment conditions.

Is juicy, finely toothed oval leaves.

The stem is erect and ramillado and can measure up to 50 cm, on top, presents

white flowers, although there may be purple.

Basil is well known because it has characteristics that differentiate it from the rest of the

aromatic or herbs consumed in various preparations in the kitchen.

Medicinal properties of basil.

The medicinal properties of basil are not usually too widespread, however,

They are many and worth noting just a few.

- Fighting exhaustion, depression, migraine and insomnia, and attributed characteristics


- It is antispasmodic, digestive, diuretic and carminative, it is also good against

loss of appetite, intestinal parasites and nervous dyspepsia.

- You can increase the secretion of milk from mothers.

- It is excellent for soothing skin irritations, fights acne and has analgesic properties,

antiseptic and healing.

- It's good to cure laryngitis or pharyngitis and lowers fevers also

activates the immune system.

- Desinflama canker sores and sore nipples.

- It is very good against osteo inflammation.

Basil employment.

So we can enjoy this wonderful plant, it is possible to use it in various

presentations, Ointments from infusions, decoctions, poultices, lotions or tinctures.

It can also be found in syrups, salves, powders, soaps or creams.

Can be eaten fresh or dried (external use) or as a condiment for salads, food

vegetarian, soups, meats, pastas, sauces and stews (internal use).

You can also consume basil with olive oil and chopped garlic for all foods.

Growing basil.

The good thing about this herb is that not too precise place to have some branches,

Basil grows in abundance in pots or in the ground if you have a garden.

The growing season is during the summer.

The reason is that develops in places with lots of sunshine and warm weather, it usually does not

resist the cold.

If you want to grow basil, you must sow the seeds directly into the fertilized soil


One of the secrets so you can keep your healthy planting basil is always

keep cut flowers and paid to prevent stop growing.

When harvesting basil, collecting leaves when they are already mature, during

all season.

Undoubtedly, this aromatic plant is wonderful and you can start using it in your meals

and also to cure various diseases or ailments.

Do you have any idea of ​​all this ?.

Tell us about it in the comments !.

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and give us a great !, thanks I LIKE I hope in the next video.



DogHero: conheça a rotina de cuidados da Anfitriã Rose Roperto - Duration: 1:24.

For more infomation >> DogHero: conheça a rotina de cuidados da Anfitriã Rose Roperto - Duration: 1:24.


Glambox de Agosto 2017! Por Mô Azevedo - Duration: 7:42.

For more infomation >> Glambox de Agosto 2017! Por Mô Azevedo - Duration: 7:42.


Ergopedic Bed System - Instruções de Montagem - Cama Ajustável - Duration: 1:23.

Depois de desembalar sua cama ajustável, empurre ambas as seções juntando o

fundo voltado para cima. Usando a chave Allen fornecida, junte as duas pernas centrais. Atache as pernas dos cantos e encaixe o protetor

Repita para as outras três pernas. Há três diferentes alturas disponíveis das pernas 10 cm, 18 cm

ou 26,6 cm para ajustar na sua cama. Ajuste todas as pernas para o mesmo tamanho desejado

Para instalar os motores dos pés e cabeça Assegure-se que o rótulo do motor está

com a face virada para o chão quando a cama estiver em pé.

encaixe os motores dos pés e da cabeça e prenda-os no lugar usando os pinos fornecidos

Para travar o motor no lugar, encaixe os grampos nos pinos

Conecte os cabos USB azul e preto, juntando-os firmemente

Use as ilustrações que estão no rótulo da caixa de controle Insira os cabos da massagem em suas respectivas saídas

e conecte o cabo ao adaptador

depois de ter conectado todos os motores, cabos e pernas vire a cama do lado correto

E encaixe a barra de retenção deslizando no respectivo encaixe na base da cama

Sua Ergopedic Adjustable Bed está agora pronta para ser usada e maximizar o seu


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