Thứ Ba, 1 tháng 8, 2017

Waching daily Aug 1 2017

The farmer in the dell

The farmer in the dell

Heigh-ho, the derry-o

The farmer in the dell

The farmer takes a wife

The farmer takes a wife

Heigh-ho, the derry-o

The farmer takes a wife

The wife takes a child

The wife takes a child

Heigh-ho, the derry-o

The wife takes a child

The child takes the cow

The child takes the cow

Heigh-ho, the derry-o

The child takes the cow

The cow takes the pig

The cow takes the pig

Heigh-ho, the derry-o

The cow takes the pig

The pig takes the dog

The pig takes the dog

Heigh-ho, the derry-o

The pig takes the dog

The dog takes the cat

The dog takes the cat

Heigh-ho, the derry-o

The dog takes the cat

The cat takes the mouse

The cat takes the mouse

Heigh-ho, the derry-o

The cat takes the mouse

The mouse takes the cheese

The mouse takes the cheese

Heigh-ho, the derry-o

The mouse takes the cheese

The cheese stands alone

The cheese stands alone

Heigh-ho, the derry-o

The cheese stands alone

For more infomation >> Coleção De Rimas De Berçário | Canções Préescolares | Poesia Infantil | Para Crianças - Duration: 1:01:18.


Feeding tricks to get more muscle - Duration: 3:41.

Hi, I'm Raquel Domínguez and I am here today

to tell you some tricks power to help you get

more muscle. Among the questions I most are accustomed to do is How to get more muscle mass

feeding? Well today I'll tell you some tricks that are going to help.

There they go. The most important thing is that you take sufficient protein. I have already spoken more

Sometimes it but if you want to gain mass muscular you are going to have to increase

daily dose of protein above the recommendations of the Organization

World Health Organization. I here in this video and I explained

how much protein should take the day, depending on what your

objective. A common mistake is to replace

carbohydrates proteins, and you have to increase your consumption

Protein does not mean you have to lower carbohydrate, much

less. If you want to gain muscle you're going to having to give your body hydrates

carbon and as a rule needs It is generally recommended to take between three and

four grams per kilo of weight day.

This way, you'll have the energy your body needs for vividness

your workouts and thus gain more muscle, a council that is not going to

surprise, drink water. How many times I stress that you drink water?

Many, but it is the Water is necessary for all. Did you know that 60

percent of your muscles are water? So if 60% are water have to give them

water to grow. A dehydration however small

it will affect your athletic performance, so you know, I never tire of

repeat drink water before, during and after exercise.

Do you want big muscles? Well, eat enough. If you want to increase the

size of your muscles you will also having to increase the number of

calories you take. Ideally do five to six meals a day,

This way your muscles will always have the

energy they need and they will be giving the nutrients it needs to

recover from workouts. That is why the most important meal of

all you do is after train, you have to give back to your body

a full meal, including proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

It is also recommended that you take antioxidants, especially taking

Vitamin C and e. I've already talked about the importance of

vitamin C, but also vitamin C and vitamin E favor the anabolic process

recovery, regeneration and cell growth in muscles,

So, as you can imagine, you have them to take. I've told you where you can

find vitamin C, but where You can find vitamin e?

Well for example you can find in avocados, nuts like

walnuts or almonds, in seeds like sunflower or pumpkin or

green leafy vegetables such as broccoli or spinach that why

Popeye took spinach so? Surely if you follow these tips you will achieve

increase your muscle mass with feeding. And in today's video

I greet Pablo Cifuentes, Karla Sanchez and Gloria Fernández. Hi guys.

I hope my video you liked today, if you think you can like someone else

share and if you want you also greet you in the

next video let me know in the comments. I hope in the next.

Bye bye

For more infomation >> Feeding tricks to get more muscle - Duration: 3:41.


Eu quero uma bênção - Padre Alessandro Campos nas Rádios - Programa de 01/08/2017 - Duration: 2:26.

For more infomation >> Eu quero uma bênção - Padre Alessandro Campos nas Rádios - Programa de 01/08/2017 - Duration: 2:26.


Yurena confirma su relación con Isaías, su cita de 'First Dates' - Duration: 2:05.

For more infomation >> Yurena confirma su relación con Isaías, su cita de 'First Dates' - Duration: 2:05.


Jordi Martín se derrumba tras su altercado con Bustamante | Noticias de hoy - Duration: 4:38.

For more infomation >> Jordi Martín se derrumba tras su altercado con Bustamante | Noticias de hoy - Duration: 4:38.


Hotel Alicante Golf in Alicante, Spain. The best images of Hotel Alicante Golf in Alicante - Duration: 3:43.


Hotel Alicante Golf

Offers accommodation in Alicante

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Make your reservation at the best price on our website

Take advantage of your visit to discover amazing places

Visit places like Xcapate, Castle of Santa Barbara, San Juan Beach and Cathedral of St. Nicolás de Bari,

Let yourself go to a single corner with

For more infomation >> Hotel Alicante Golf in Alicante, Spain. The best images of Hotel Alicante Golf in Alicante - Duration: 3:43.


Hotel Gran Playa in Santa Pola, Alicante, Spain. The best images of Hotel Gran Playa - Duration: 3:43.


Hotel Gran Playa

Offers accommodation in Alicante

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Get your book at the best price on our website

Take advantage of your visit to discover amazing places

Visit places like Plaza de los Luceros, Castillo de San Fernando, Basilica of Santa Maria and Alicante Mediterranean Casino,

Let yourself go to a single corner with

For more infomation >> Hotel Gran Playa in Santa Pola, Alicante, Spain. The best images of Hotel Gran Playa - Duration: 3:43.


Hotel Holiday Inn Alicante Playa de San Juan in Alicante, Spain - Duration: 3:43.


Holiday Inn Alicante Playa de San Juan

Offers accommodation in Alicante

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You can book at the best price on our website

Take advantage of your visit to discover amazing places

Segway visit places like Alicante, 60Min Room Escape Alicante, Playa de Muchavista or Real Liceo Casino de Alicante,

Let yourself go to a single corner with

For more infomation >> Hotel Holiday Inn Alicante Playa de San Juan in Alicante, Spain - Duration: 3:43.


Hotel Juan Carlos in Torrevieja, Alicante, Spain. The best images of Hotel Juan Carlos - Duration: 4:28.


Hotel Juan Carlos

Offers accommodation in Alicante

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Get your book at the best price on our website

Take advantage of your visit to discover amazing places

Visit places like Museum of Contemporary Art in Alicante, Alicante 60Min Room Escape, Parke el musico or Benacantil,

Let yourself go to a single corner with

For more infomation >> Hotel Juan Carlos in Torrevieja, Alicante, Spain. The best images of Hotel Juan Carlos - Duration: 4:28.


Hotel City in Alicante, Spain. The best images of the City Hotel in Alicante - Duration: 3:48.


the City

Offers accommodation in Alicante

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Make your reservation at the best price on our website

Take advantage of your visit to discover amazing places

Visit places like Parque La Marjal, Tabarca, Bodegas Sierra Salinas or Park Lo Morant,

Let yourself go to a single corner with

For more infomation >> Hotel City in Alicante, Spain. The best images of the City Hotel in Alicante - Duration: 3:48.


Hotel Campanile Alicante in Alicante, Spain. The best images of Hotel Campanile Alicante - Duration: 3:43.


Campanile Alicante

Offers accommodation in Alicante

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Booking at the best price on our website

Take advantage of your visit to discover amazing places

Visit places like the Museum of Contemporary Art of Alicante, Bodegas Sierra Salinas, Cuevas de Canelobre or Alicante Mediterranean Casino,

Let yourself go to a single corner with

For more infomation >> Hotel Campanile Alicante in Alicante, Spain. The best images of Hotel Campanile Alicante - Duration: 3:43.


Hotel Gravina five in Alicante, Spain. The best images of Hotel Gravina Cinco Alicante - Duration: 3:43.


Gravina Cinco

Offers accommodation in Alicante

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Get your book at the best price on our website

Take advantage of your visit to discover amazing places

Visit places like Cara del Moro, Museu de Fogueres, Playa de San Juan or Gravina Museum of Fine Arts,

Let yourself go to a single corner with

For more infomation >> Hotel Gravina five in Alicante, Spain. The best images of Hotel Gravina Cinco Alicante - Duration: 3:43.


Hotel Madrid in Torrevieja, Alicante, Spain. The best images of Madrid Hotel in Alicante - Duration: 3:43.


hotel Madrid

Offers accommodation in Alicante

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Booking at the best price on our website

Take advantage of your visit to discover amazing places

Visit places like Parc de l'Ereta, Casino Mediterráneo Alicante, Xcapate or mouse to Cat Escape Room,

Let yourself go to a single corner with

For more infomation >> Hotel Madrid in Torrevieja, Alicante, Spain. The best images of Madrid Hotel in Alicante - Duration: 3:43.


Marco Novo 6 Cs Marketing de Conteúdos - Duration: 43:33.

For more infomation >> Marco Novo 6 Cs Marketing de Conteúdos - Duration: 43:33.


Hotel Daniya Alicante in Alicante, Spain. The best images of Hotel Daniya Alicante - Duration: 3:43.


Daniya Alicante

Offers accommodation in Alicante

Get more information in

Make your reservation at the best price on our website

Take advantage of your visit to discover amazing places

Visit places like Santa Barbara Castle Wall, Parque La Marjal, Plaza de los Luceros or 60Min Room Escape Alicante,

Let yourself go to a single corner with

For more infomation >> Hotel Daniya Alicante in Alicante, Spain. The best images of Hotel Daniya Alicante - Duration: 3:43.


Hotel Mio Cid in Alicante, Spain. The best images of Hotel Mio Cid Alicante - Duration: 3:43.


Hotel Mio Cid

Offers accommodation in Alicante

Get more information in

You can book at the best price on our website

Take advantage of your visit to discover amazing places

Cota Cero visit places like Alicante, House in which Gabriel Miró, Castle of Santa Barbara and Postiguet Beach was born,

Let yourself go to a single corner with

For more infomation >> Hotel Mio Cid in Alicante, Spain. The best images of Hotel Mio Cid Alicante - Duration: 3:43.


🌕 Meditación Guiada de Luna Llena de Tauro, Festival Wesak 2017 · MUNDO PRÁNICO 🌕 - Duration: 1:04:46.

For more infomation >> 🌕 Meditación Guiada de Luna Llena de Tauro, Festival Wesak 2017 · MUNDO PRÁNICO 🌕 - Duration: 1:04:46.


The City hotel market in Alicante, Spain. The best images of Hotel La City market - Duration: 3:53.


The City Market

Offers accommodation in Alicante

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Booking at the best price on our website

Take advantage of your visit to discover amazing places

Visit places like Museum of Aguas de Alicante-Wells Garrigós, Museu de Fogueres, Plaza de los Luceros or Playa del Postiguet,

Let yourself go to a single corner with

For more infomation >> The City hotel market in Alicante, Spain. The best images of Hotel La City market - Duration: 3:53.


Hotel Patilla in Santa Pola, Alicante, Spain. The best images of Hotel Patilla in Alicante - Duration: 3:58.


hotel Patilla

Offers accommodation in Alicante

Find more information

You can book at the best price on our website

Take advantage of your visit to discover amazing places

Visit places like Xcapate, Playa del Postiguet, Playa de San Juan or Las Escaleritas of Jorge Juan,

Let yourself go to a single corner with

For more infomation >> Hotel Patilla in Santa Pola, Alicante, Spain. The best images of Hotel Patilla in Alicante - Duration: 3:58.


Hotel Estudiotel Alicante in Alicante, Spain. The best images of Hotel Estudiotel Alicante - Duration: 4:28.


Estudiotel Alicante

Offers accommodation in Alicante

Find more information

You can book at the best price on our website

Take advantage of your visit to discover amazing places

Visit places like Real Liceo Casino de Alicante, House where was born Carlos Arniches, Benacantil or game Salon Iris Park,

Let yourself go to a single corner with

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