hello everyone my name is erika Vondrak and today I want to show you how to sheathe
this basket that can get in Dollar Tree store and is very Easy
making and is lined with trapillo, I wanted to use this one because it is very
irregular for crocheting and The basket can be used to what you want to
laundry, toys, in my case I am
using to keep my crochet threads
so if you want to know how it's done Stay with me to see the step by step
the first thing we'll need is obviously the basket, as I said,
you can get it at dollar tree; t-shirt yarn; hot glue sticks
and a hot glue gun. We begin with the top as
shows trying to guide us with the line top of the basket and we will do
all around
This is going to repeat three times, about three laps until we reach
the hairlines there we proceed to cut
the t-shirt yarn leaving about ten feet, in my case I roll it up
on a craft stick, this with the purpose of having
a little package to go interweaving
between the stripes of the basket, passing once above and once
under hairlines. Once I wove several
(setting that it has been straight and if it's not, straighten the t shirt yarn so that it does not wind the thread between the basket)
then I start to put glue on
the basket vertical stripes
to attached the t shirt yarn
repeat on the inside and when you run out of thread paste
the piece left and the new thread too
trying as far as possible not to show it on the outside of the basket
and we continue interwining it as stated above, one above and one below and s o on
go all the way around the basket
when we reach the end of the lap we will realize that the number of
sticks basket is odd therefore to continue
intertwining we will have to go twice below or twice above
depending on the location where you want to do it
always checking the t-shirt yarn is straight
Here we can see how I have two above and I am going below this two stripes
because we have already completed another lap and After that I
glue it. You can do it without the craft stick as I said before, here simply
passed the thread and pull
when we get to the horizontal stripes just go all around sticking the t-shirt yarn
off the horizontal stripe
and so on until you reach the bottom end of the basket
that is it friends I hope you liked it and if so, give me one "thumbs up" and
do not forget to SUBSCRIBE to the channel
and leave your questions and comments below
see you guys next time
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