Thứ Bảy, 30 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 30 2017

what's going on? I am here with another's been two and a half months after my surgery and it's been

you know I've had ups and downs I have lost a lot of weight which is great and

feels awesome what else?..... hair loss!!! I have had a

tremendous amount of hair loss within the past two weeks. So at two *months I was

doing great and I was feeling like oh my God!!!...... Thank God I haven't had any hair loss

which is awesome and I was so glad for that; however, about two weeks ago I

started to have a lot of hair loss, my hair would start falling in chunks like

I would literally just do this and rip a whole chunk of hair..... right now I just

lost two hairs by doing that, but mostly like I lose a lot just by doing that or

it stays on my clothing, you know which is not always comfortable ah

but yeah I mean you have to deal with it it's not fun!! I mean, thank God I had a lot of

hair otherwise I would have been bald by now but you know, it's not the best feeling

I'll be honest but is something you can deal with...... I went to the

doctor and I told her, she said that I need to drink more water.... I have been a

bad girl with the water intake.... I haven't been

drinking as much as I need to

so, you know, that is not the best thing to do

but and I have to work on also I have been taking my vitamins normal...

you know all the vitamins you are supposed to take, I've been doing that...yeah my doctor gave

me a shampoo, prescribed shampoo she said I could use, which I used two times, that was for the

hair loss but I didn't like it because as soon as I put that thing on

my hair, my hair would get tangled like I haven't brushed my hair in the year or

so it was just bad because when I was.. oops sorry ....when I was trying to detangle it

I just lost more hair because I was pulling it so I used it twice and I

haven't used it anymore because I really feel like it was

doing more damage done then it was helping... so yeah.... what else?

yeah that's what I'm going to talk about in my next video most likely I'm going

to talk about some snacks that I like to have, that I found that are healthy, that

are good, affordable.... so for now that's all I wanted to tell you I hope you guys are

doing well if you're in the process of I'm going for the surgery or you already

had it and you're like in the same timeframe, let me know what your

experience has been like ......alright so I'm about to get to my job again

Take care, and I will see you in my next video

I hope all the tips help and all the information. If you have any questions you can always feel

free to leave me your comments and I'll try my best to answer

and if you haven't done so, make sure to subscribe to my channel

because I will be posting more videos in the future.

Take care!

Bye :)

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