"Preparing for the end of the year"
I am alias as "Destruction Incarnate"
according to the principles of all Creation
The hammer of eternity down to me!
Happy Holidays Happy 2018
Soon, another surprise ...
Artek le roi des fake deuxième partie(l'heure de la pls épisode 2) - Duration: 15:36.-------------------------------------------
Découvrez le lien entre les fleurs de Bach et les maux de dos - Santé Hommes - Duration: 7:35.-------------------------------------------
Mauricio B Souza - A Fé de Hoje - Today's Faith (English Caption) - Duration: 5:04.Eu não sou mais escravo, para ter medo. Eu sou um filho de Deus.
Hello, good morning. May the Grace and Peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.
I was talking to a friend today, and we were talking about faith.
About trusting in our God. About giving it all to His hands.
After all, without faith it is impossible to please God.
If we recall, in the time of Moses, when they were crossing the desert...
And God sent bread from Heaven to them.
And God left a clear command: let each one have the enough for that day.
For if they kept for the next day, the bread would rot.
As I already talked in other videos and you can check in our channel.
Everything that God spoke in the Old Testament points to Jesus.
Why did not God give the bread for the whole week or for a few more days?
Because it involves a much greater understanding.
We can get 2 teachings from this passage.
The first: that we obey God, obey the commands of God.
And the second, but not least: that we have faith in God. We must have faith in tomorrow.
And all those people who murmured, who followed Moses ...
and who picked up the bread, and took more than was necessary for one day... on the next day, it rotted.
And since God is beautiful and the Word is alive, and to prove that the essence was not the bread, but in the command of God
On Fridays, God's command was for them to get enough for 2 days, because they were not allowed to work on Saturdays.
And the bread on these two days, Friday and Saturday, did not rot.
And now, how does this fit us into Jesus Christ, as I said at the beginning?
It's simple. Jesus tells us: Be worried about today! Do not worry about what you are going to eat or wear tomorrow, as the pagans do, as do those without faith.
Why did Jesus leave us these words?
Because our supply is enough each day.
We woke up today! We have what to eat.
If we are thinking: "But my finances will not last until the end of the month! Neither my finances!"
Let's remember these verses.
Bread is given every day. This "bread" is the one that fell from the Heavens. Who is the living bread that fell from heaven?
It is Jesus Christ, our Lord, our Savior, our Redeemer.
Let us put into our minds: Jesus Christ is enough every day.
If we have had food to eat today, let us be happy and rejoice, and let us wait for tomorrow provision.
For if we put our trust in money, if we worry about tomorrow ...
All these things shall perish, just as the bread perished for those who took more, because they did not trust.
Let us remember that without faith it is impossible to please God.
If we rejoice, if we receive the gift of today, trusting that tomorrow God will provide
because today we had a place to sleep! Today we had what to eat. Because today we place our trust in God, our Lord, through Jesus Christ.
And if we are weak in faith, let us at least obey.
Because when we obey God, we obey these verses, we obey His Word... then He fulfills His Word.
Tomorrow He will give us the bread. Tomorrow He will give us hope. Tomorrow He will give us food.
Tomorrow He will give us the blessing.
So let us live today, and trust in tomorrow, for Jesus Christ is enough to sustain us.
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Have a great day everyone! MAY THE PEACE OF CHRIST BE WITH YOU!
Shalom Adonai. God bless you.
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