Wrapped in a cloth and lying in a simple manger.
Surrounded by animals,
celebrated by the humble shepherds,
receiving gifts from the Wise Men, and announced by the great guiding star.
Thus was born Jesus of Nazareth,
the child who brought with him the love-wisdom from the heavens.
The child Savior, proclaimed by the angels.
Christ, the Redeemer, son of Mary the servant of the Lord; and of Joseph the noble carpenter.
Son of God.
Jesus grew and performed many miracles.
Through them, the sick of body and soul were healed.
The words, the presence, and the deeds of Jesus revealed the mercy of the Father
and the plan of Creation to help this humanity.
But his greatest known miracles were those done at his Crucifixion and Resurrection.
Jesus was judged for declaring himself 'son of God'.
He was beaten and condemned to be crucified.
He carried the cross to the place of his execution, and fell three times.
Each one of his falls helped to convert humanity to the path of light.
The wounds inflicted on his hands as he was nailed to the cross, illumined all souls.
The water that sprang from his side, from one of his wounds, gave humankind eternal redemption.
The blood flowing from the heart of the master poured out mercy and freed the whole world.
The glorious ascension of Jesus saved all of humanity.
For there was a father sacrificing himself for his children.
A child sacrificing himself for the mistakes of his brothers and sisters.
A soul, chosen by the heavens, fulfilling the purpose, in an unconditional giving of self,
of manifesting the love-wisdom of the universe, in a completely terrestrial life,
ensuring the forgiveness and redemption of all humankind.
Many accomplishments of the Master on the planet Earth are still unknown
and incomprehensible to human beings.
The invisible work of this great being of light, sent by God, is immense and tireless.
And only in the center of the inner being, in the depths of each heart,
exists the seed that can lead each one of us to the fullness of the Christic energy
and to the other aspects of the Greater Truth.
For the time being, may this resound on Earth:
Jesus of Nazareth is the divine portion that, out of absolute love,
became a man to give his life for humanity".
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