Thứ Bảy, 30 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 31 2017














[audience groans]












LIKE, "SSS..."




For more infomation >> Chappelle's Show - Hip-Hop News - Wu-Tang Torture - Duration: 1:17.


The 1 Bitcoin Show- Ripple, Crypto-dividend news, minor altcoins pump, OTC markets - Duration: 29:06.

Hello everyone this is adam meister the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister

welcome to the one bitcoin show today is December the 30th 2017 strong hand buy

and hold delayed gratification alright sex the last day of the year so they say

thanks to everyone who has sent cryptocurrency donations throughout this

year we got a Bitcoin one recently all of my cryptocurrency links are below

thank you for all the support whether it be retweeting sharing over

all sorts of social media sending cryptocurrency to me anything going to

steam it it's been a great year hasn't it we've had a lot of fun here in the

world of cryptocurrency and Bitcoin and it was totally unpredictable next year

is gonna even be crazier no doubt about it yesterday was this week in Bitcoin

check out that link below we had Tizen Russell Spears and Paul

Kappa standing on it was a great combination and then the guys we talked

for at least like a half an hour off the air those guys can cock it up baby and

it was just a great it was a great show um a lot of you had different opinions

about it Thank You Marcelo D'Mello in the super

chat he just sent two euros thank you thanks for the support

hey you guys in this super chat watching this live do you want to do a super chat

I'll answer her question sure let's do it yet tomorrow I'm going to San Diego

I'll be there for over a week and then I might be in San Francisco Portland Los

Angeles area who knows after that I'm gonna update all of you guys on that

shortly so let us jump into oh yeah also check out Andy Hoffman show I link to it

below world crypto network both of us are on that and I was on his show there

this early this morning and we were talking about crypto dividends and I

started link to it below check it out it was an exciting

show you'll love uh you'll love it if you want to hear about dividends and

some tips so ripples been in the news apparently oh that's the latest eighty

percent pump out there and you know I I can say a lot about ripple but the

greatest ripple resource out there on the internet was created by tone base

and I link to it below it is a YouTube video i retweeted it today follow me at

tech ball people that my twitter is going wild

i mean i'm getting notifications all the time it's growing twitter is awesome you

are part of the twenty percent if you're on twitter and you like learn from it at

least and you know if you don't if you play blind full of silly games on there

then oh yeah i don't know what you are but if you use it as an educational tool

or my tool oh my god so i've retweeted tones old tweet about it or simon's old

tweet about it you'd have to check out tones ripple crypto scam video from the

wintertime i think it was i link to it below and again it is everything you

need to know about ripple and if you're new to my channel if you're some

commentator some news person from the mainstream media if you're someone who's

just a mainstream person who has connections share that video seriously

share if you want to tell people because people who are getting in the ripple

have to know about what's what ripple really is i mean it's not even a

cryptocurrency it is ridiculous pound that like button if you like the second

to last night of the year alright so also i a twit a tweet from tone days

from today people seem to have a problem with using total supply for market cap

y1 ripple is a centralized token created by three guys there is nothing

preventing them from selling all six from selling all to exit scam yeah um

there's a bunch of ripple not circulating now and they could dump it

at any time they could put it onto that and we worked with there are billions of

ripple out there I mean it's insane was it a hundred bill I'd even know so

these these guys could just all their ripple that's not on the market that's

not accounted for under circulating supply they can make it circulating

whenever they feel like it and they could change the rules steam I mean

steam changed its rules well I can triple change this rules so I mean

whatever people are getting into it because they see it's going up they

think it's cheap they just want to pump and dump it you know take your wrist

take your short-term thinkers your impulsive great do that fine that's I

mean that's you I'm here to tell you about long-term 2020 Bitcoin having a

man strong hand strong hand with the Bitcoin apparently on April the 25th of

2018 I'm going to be at a Bitcoin event in Boulder Colorado with andy hoffman

and who knows who else is it's going to be a very interesting event Boulder

Colorado April 25th I think that's the boulder

Bitcoin group apparently there's a lot of Bitcoin stuff out in Colorado

I have never I've only been in the Denver Airport that was my experience in

Colorado and so I I look forward I to seeing a boulder maybe I'll be in Denver

too but uh April 25th Adam Meister at the boulder if all goes well if all goes

well that's far away let's not rush life that's not rushed life but I had to tell

you and he often said it on his show today say hey I got a I got a I got

spread the word on my show to email me at Adam at Tresor help calm if you need

a consultation help setting up your trays or whatever you've got important

information for me that's my email address only saying it once Adam eight

trays or help common ok twice so also on Andy Hall French show today when we were

talking about crypto dividends friendly Forks when these coins when these

crypto dividends for COFF in this unique way to form altcoins

if you control your private key it's good for ever you can claim these coins

forever okay so don't rush into it wait until tresor can split it for you or

your ledger nano remember you can get a treasure ledger nano a crypto agent are

you all calm below also cool t-shirts from cryptography tea and I'm gonna

mention another guy's t-shirt a little later on but yeah there's no rush

because you can wait till 2024 and they'll be better better options to gain

to get your crypto dividend and sure some of you are saying well they'll be

worth nothing by then you never know the point is that it's it doesn't expire how

about that that's what I shoulda just said it like that

alright so ss SS m59 is a guy who comments in my comment section often and

I'm gonna read you an awesome comment comment of the day baby pound that like

button okay well everyone is making good points

about the issues with scaling and daily transactional use something very

important was being overlooked that is the desires of the customer that is

currently considering getting into Bitcoin just like all innovation the

first the most important uses are dictated by the requirements of the

customer and not by the dreams of the designers the vast majority of us have

no interest in finding a new way to buy coffee the fact that be cash chain with

its 8 MB block size has at best only kilobytes of data into each block

underscores this very few have an interest in using crypto as daily

transactional cash we can do that with many different vehicles

quite easily of primary interest to noobs is the place some of their

hard-earned you into a vehicle that is somewhat

immune to the ministrations administration's of garment and that has

the potential of getting a return greater than 0.01 percent that is the

landscape in which new users consider the advantages the Patek the potential

of getting a return break again that is the landscape in which new users

consider the advantages and disadvantages of cryptocurrencies

ultimately it will be nice to be able to utilize Bitcoin it's Forks or other

Kryptos for a daily transactional cash that is not the demand of the consumer

today consequentially the scaling issues are starting to sound like angels on

pinheads it is very comforting to know that Bitcoin core has been hard at work

bringing solutions to the fore that will address the slow confirmation times and

high fees for most of us these really don't have a big impact at this time

thank you very much for that all right Bitcoin dominance is at an all-time low

yawn alright let's see here if you here's a quick from Alastair

Milne if you think the Bitcoin show is over wait until the OTC markets are back

again in the new year and that got me thinking you know these over-the-counter

people these people who buy huge amounts of Bitcoin from these OTC traders

they're on vacation now they're not in bail skiing Boulder and the guys who

sell it there they're out you know living it up in some exotic island those

people aren't buying large amounts of big crime ring they're on vacation

they're doing nothing I don't know what they're doing drinking by the pool so

let's see that might be part of what's going on here when those dudes come back

they're going to come back with a vengeance possibly it's

theory it made me think so let's see what this New Year's brings new year

brings on Monday actually no people are people off on Monday yeah I don't know

yeah yeah Tuesday whatever I don't know I don't even know the days anymore I'm

staying up all night probably am I even packed yet and I'm gonna be gone until

Passover okay so where I've lost my place here on the yes so Thank You

Alastair Melanie for making us think about that and we'll see again it's all

about long-term thinking so I know Bitcoin was down like $2,000 today yeah

man that's the things that happened that's predictable

it could be up mm tomorrow it could be 10,000 tomorrow 2020s what we're

thinking here at the very least the Bitcoin having of 2020 keep that goal in

mind have a long-term outlook don't be impulsive don't think short-term are

you're gonna get burnt you're gonna have big-time regrets if you've dumped your

Bitcoin because there is a lot of exciting stuff going on with these

crypto dividends again people keep asking me about be private which is the

fork of of Z classic and Bitcoin you get be private if you hold Z classic and

Bitcoin and it's gonna be an awesome privacy crypto dividend anyway they

don't know the fork date yet okay so you know you can ask me but I don't know

either because they don't know but follow them on Twitter at Bitcoin

private there's your answer seriously I link to it below all the

links that are mentioned here are linked up below please check out including all

the tweets that I read from a mention so check out check them out below

Beatrix has a press release out that I think is a very good sign if you are a

person who's wondering if Beatrix is going to cut is gonna is going to credit

people who keep their Z classic on big tracks with

with be private and here it is it's uh the the statement on the Ignace air drop

to NXT holders so if you have NXT there they're gonna give you Ignace now what's

that have to do would be private well I don't like you know what NXT and ignis

is a lot that's pretty minor compared to a

Bitcoin for okay I mean so if they're crediting NXT people with Ignace I just

let's say you ignant man then that's a good sign that they'll probably consider

crediting up Zee classic and Bitcoin people with their be private so hey read

into it whatever you want to read into it I link to it below alright and you

might remember the crypto dividend b-plus they were around like really

early on in this crypto dividend thing and they've been totally lacked but like

be Dimond and I mean be private could even lap them anyway the b-plus people I

mean and clearly those other ones be diamond and be private all if they get

put onto the treads or it'll be before this b-plus thing but anyway b-plus has

an update our launch date has been changed we will launch the test that on

January 7th and main net on January 14th we wish you a Happy New Year okay and I

also mention it because a lot of people think b-plus is a because it is full

name is like B cash plus is a fork of B cash but it's not it is a friendly fork

of Bitcoin encrypted dividend a bitcoin don't get confused I probably just

confused all of you check out the links below alright so yeah today was a day we

can't get these last few days were week we can weed out days baby strong hand

when it's going down two thousand dollars

I mean I don't even it's just so funny at the beginning of the year I mean

time last year is like Oh are we gonna hit a thousand on December 31st or on

New Year's and now it goes like up and down a thousand in an hour and we don't

even care I don't even care it's just what a world of difference I

mean a year just a year so what are we going to be talking about like at this

time next year like what kind of crazy crypto dividends are gonna be out there

or they're gonna be like I don't know I can't even imagine it I mean crypt of

dividends made into refrigerators I guess I don't know pal that like but if

you like atom say fees that make completely no sense but again like some

things that appear to make completely no sense now in a year maybe they will make

sense innovation is running wild in the in the

cryptocurrency space just like Hulkamania was running wild thirty years

ago in nineteen eighty eight count that like button all Kogan all right

anyway what the other I hear some other craziness you know there's that segue to

X crypto dividend then there's another one called two x that I was talking

about that it's like two M also their Twitter is Bitcoin to em they keep on

giving updates either also why you so many people want to jump on well i'd I

know why because of the futures market the the segment to X futures market that

was like mildly kept alive these other coins want to jump onto that bandwagon

and just use that horrible 2 X name that's got so many bad feelings

surrounding it banham just there's a bad vibes around the end but yet people

these guys want to jump on it anyway that other 2x crypto dividend is alive I

linked to their latest below and that dude said he wants to pay people to

market it he needs a english-speaking marketer seriously there's opportunity

for you guys check out that dudes link below contact him he's he's talking if

he contacts me I know that he's in Japan I think all right

there's a photo of the day or a picture of the day on Twitter this is by strong

hand Meyer you got a good name mr. Meyer strong hand Meyer

anyway it's Abbi cash is an empty truck claiming to be faster than Bitcoin photo

picture that he drew it's funny it's interesting be rhodium they've got they

have made their site easier you can look up if your if your Bitcoin address has

been registered there yet they're trying to make this easy they're

trying to reach out and the and I talked a little bit again it's an airdrop

crypto dividend so this this might be done by the middle you might have your

be rhodium by the middle of January just put pressure on exchanges to Selby

rhodium so you can send your be rhodium to the exchange immediately to sell it

or you could create your own be rhodium address and store it whatever you want

to do I don't care but the be rhodium guys are they're trying their best and

they have english-speaking representatives now or are native or

guys who speak English a little bit better than the original guys so that's

good that I mean because let's face it cryptocurrency land is dominated by

English speakers whether you want to admit it or not at least the media side

the social media side is and again I know I was in Korea I saw a different

side of it but the business language of this world is English and you know when

I you know when I'm in Portugal I go to a Bitcoin event the entire things in

English okay that's happening I mean even when I was

in Korea the the Bitcoin event with the expats from all over the world was in

English awesome okay there's also a link to a strong

hand t-shirt by crypto Verge it's a cool shirt he's gonna send it to

me I guess I'll be wearing it in the springtime Dora you know when I come

back for Passover holiday of the matzah and leaving Egypt I'll be wearing this

guy's shirt he but anyway you can see that tweet he he mentioned me in it he I

guess I inspired the shirt it's a strong hands

shirt and the in any way you can buy it at the link below I you know hook him up

people are already asking about it it's a cool shirt the strong hand

t-shirt all right turn and have a strong hand to chew out the crypto noise

there's been a lot of it I can't believe people religion Lee thinkin about a

ripple what was it what's it called flipping I mean guys if you're concerned

about ripple I'm you know I don't want to say tort or to Meester he has an

interesting statistic for the first time ever the micro-cap cryptocurrencies non

top ten breached the 15% of the overall market cap so that means these third

tier second tier four fifth tier crypto currencies they even gaining a lot in

terms people have a bi and speculating getting into these wild things he and he

ass is this adjunct rally heck yes a junk rally that stuff is jump down there

man you don't know when it's gonna go bust you I mean people even know what

the heck they're getting into a lot of is fueled by people in Korea who want to

buy things for cheap okay you know again learn how to speak Korean go over there

get on their social media pump up your coin you're gonna make a lot of money

you're gonna do well I mean it's not it's insanity what's going on over there

and what's going on over in this on this entire planet when it comes to

cryptocurrency which is just it in the long run it's off as elf flow back in

the Bitcoin and in the long run it's getting people acquainted with crypto

currencies there's always going to be guys um just that want to gamble that

they want to make them want to flip and I back in 2016 I I made video at least

one video that said you know in 2018 I predict wo influx of young dies who will

just be super into altcoin trading well um well I was sort of right but it

happened in 2017 and it was like a tsunami something I could not even

imagine or predict I I didn't know we'd go this crazy this early I thought you

had 2018 it'll be pretty crazy but it's gone way beyond my wildest

predictions for 2018 already in 2017 so I mean like in 2018

maybe I'll just be like walking on the street and every single person will be

talking about cryptocurrency how they're flipping it and we'll see I'm sure in

2018 I'll hear about it more just walking around as I again I said when I

was at BWI Airport I heard you know a guy started talking to me about it and

then I heard two guys talking about it so yeah it's starting you're starting to

hear it on the street but probably 28 maybe I should make that a prediction

I'm not even doing a prediction show this year this is my prediction show

lots of people will be talking about it on the streets in 2018 there you go

Adam bison everybody wants me to make a numerical prediction

it'll be worth more in 2020 that's all I say that's what I've always said that's

all you have to care about but I don't want to make predictions for 2018

because the people are gonna sell in 2018 they're gonna feel bad they sold in

2018 when it's 2020 can't believe it's 2018 uh man all right it's not yet but

you know that we're on the verge of this pound that like button all right yeah

Bitcoin this is where the big boys play exactly man exactly if you can't handle

the heat get out get out of the kitchen baby and what I've been meaning to say

is we need a site that puts like a marketing PR site that puts pressure on

all the big players out there to make splitting and set and selling and just

getting a hold of your crypto dividends safe and just make the entire process

easy people will pay people you know let's say you have a hundred Bitcoin and

then you would get your a hundred B gold and it's worth one it's worth one

Bitcoin people would be very much willing to give a percentage of that of

that one Bitcoin in value to some trusted third party that can make this

easy that can split it safely that can get it back to you and just make it go

by like like so there's your entrepreneurial tip of

the day somebody figure that out for God's sakes I'm partying questions about

business because every creep ability the good it's out there people like how do I

split it rather than this all I'm getting scammed by this person was UART

because if you do if you see signal Twitter it says hey give me your private

key you are being scammed you never give up your private key all right final

thoughts this is a Vinny lingham quote I got and it just shows he is he's a smart

guy you know say what you will you can't tune out smart guys like this because

they they say some things you don't like here's his quote remember that in the

world of investing diversification is inversely proportional to conviction and

that's thought-provoking really thought-provoking because I talk about

conviction all the time how the Bitcoin people have all the conviction and how

stefan molyneux said conviction wins that's what wins in the end of the day

the people with the most conviction win so Vinny says you know the less

conviction you have the more diversified you you are in terms of investment and

that is true if you're not convinced that bitcoin is gonna be the real deal

you probably own a lot of other cryptocurrencies Bitcoin people who lean

toward Bitcoin maximalism they probably had the least diversified portfolios of

any type of maximalist out there like a big a be cash maximalist they probably

have quite a few other cryptocurrencies in fact the king of the trolls I mean

there are all sorts of rumors about thee other cryptocurrencies she's heavily

invested in and he probably stole on some big coin and stuff and that's I

mean he's the biggest be cash maximalist isn't he he's the biggest bit so there's

a special kind of conviction when it comes to Bitcoin people the and again

hey if you want to diversify that that's your thing you I agree with any I agree

with Vinnie wholeheartedly that that in the world of investing

diversification is inversely proportional to conviction hey but also

conviction wins when people are darn convicted have a lot of conviction Pam a

flag button also what I'm saying pay attention the smart people again I'm

getting I'm getting these comments Rhett Rhett the guy behind uh be private in Z

classic they're like red is such a big cast show dude I don't care what his

opinions are about being cap I mean if we're talking about big cash versus

Bitcoin then yeah if I'm getting in the discussion about that then yeah okay

Rhett is a big hash guy but this discussion of the of this completely

innovative crypto dividend that is going to a freakin rock the the way that

people that establish altcoins operate I mean we're about to see something really

special here something totally new if it's successful at least and so don't

tune the guy out and don't tune out this this interesting crypto dividend that

you're gonna get if you're holding Bitcoin I mean pay attention and just

just because the guy has something to do with be cash just don't turn it out the

guy went to MIT again is it he's a smart guy let's see how it works

listening to smart people you gotta take in some of their information even though

they might say who's Vinnie again he says things I disagree with all the time

especially lately but you got you got to give a person credit when they deserve

some credit and you got it you got to look trying to learn just try to learn

from these smart people um because it because if they're not evil and these

dudes are not evil you can learn a lot from smart people and I don't even bring

up the word evil when talking about those guys is two totally ludicrous two

anyway pound that like button I'm Anna meister

the bitcoinmeister the disrupt meister remember to subscribe this channel like

this video share this video do check out the notes

action below I'll see your New Year's Eve hopefully I'll join you in the chat

right now bye

For more infomation >> The 1 Bitcoin Show- Ripple, Crypto-dividend news, minor altcoins pump, OTC markets - Duration: 29:06.


Bangla Tv News 31 December 2017 Bangladesh Latest News Today Bangla News - Duration: 13:04.


For more infomation >> Bangla Tv News 31 December 2017 Bangladesh Latest News Today Bangla News - Duration: 13:04.


억세게 운 좋은 남자, '칩사마' 신정환! [Korea News] - Duration: 10:09.

For more infomation >> 억세게 운 좋은 남자, '칩사마' 신정환! [Korea News] - Duration: 10:09.


BTS & SHINee's Jonghyun listed on Billboard's 'World Albums' chart - AMAZING NEWS - Duration: 2:10.

With 2017 soon coming to an end, Billboard revealed the World Albums chart for the week of January 3, 2018.

BTS took the top spot with their 5th EP Love Yourself: Her.

The late SHINee member Jonghyun also appeared on the chart as his Jonghyun The Collection Story Op.

2 ranked fifth place.

Fans all around the world began listening to Jonghyuns songs once again in loving memory of the idol star as his songs climbed on music charts.

Two other BTS albums were also on the chart.

You Never Walk Alone took charge of 8th place while WINGS soared to 12th place.

For more infomation >> BTS & SHINee's Jonghyun listed on Billboard's 'World Albums' chart - AMAZING NEWS - Duration: 2:10.


Uomini e Donne news, Sara in lacrime: la confessione su Nicola - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne news, Sara in lacrime: la confessione su Nicola - Duration: 3:36.


NHL NEWS - Despite loss, Canada has fun in snow, still controls its own destiny in Group A - Duration: 5:51.

Despite loss, Canada has fun in snow, still controls its own destiny in Group A

With Canada being perhaps the main driving force for the popularity of the World Junior Hockey Championship, its a no-brainer for the Canadians to be selected to play in the first ever outdoor game in the history of the tournament.

While it wouldve been even more fitting for the all-time winningest team in the events history to have emerged triumphant in a signature moment, that outcome wasnt in the cards for the red and white.

That means being a part of something special is among the positives Canadian players and coaches can take from the teams 4-3 shootout loss to rival United States at snowy New Era Field in a Group A preliminary-round contest.

I felt like a kid again, said Boris Katchouk, whose late second-period goal momentarily blunted U.S.

momentum and gave Canada a 3-1 lead.

It was a great experience overall.

… Every Canadian was probably watching on their television.

… They helped us score those goals..

Canada had leads of 2-0 and 3-1 after each period as the snow kept picking up while slowing the pace due to the need for stoppages to shovel the white stuff off the ice.

The Canadians chipped pucks into the USA zone and scored each of their goals through traffic – including power-play strikes from Cale Makar and Dillon Dube.

They also prevented the U.S.

from getting any offensive flow, despite the Americans holding a 24-14 edge in shots through two periods, and also kept them from getting to danger spots for quality chances.

A shaky third period, however, negated a whole lot of good by the Canadians.

While the weather forced both teams into keep-it-simple mode when they had the puck, the curse of the ill-timed, bad penalty contributed to Canadas doom in this one.

Maxime Comtois undisciplined boarding infraction opened the door for the comeback.

Scott Perunovichs power-play goal, the Americans second of the game, with 13 minutes, 51 seconds left trimmed Canadas advantage to 3-2.

The lead was gone 34 seconds later as Sabres prospect Casey Mittelstadt earned his third assist, setting up Brady Tkachuks slam-dunk goal on the doorstep of goaltender Carter Hart.

We had control of the game.

We let them back taking a bad penalty, lamented Canada coach Dominique Ducharme.

We just let off the gas a little bit there, Katchouk said.

We sat back a little bit when we shouldnt have been.

… They had a great game coming back.

We shouldnt have let them but sometimes the bounces in the game dont go your way..

Canada still had a great chance to end its three-game losing streak to the Americans, but Robert Thomas fired a shot off the post after receiving a cross-ice feed from Jordan Kyrou with roughly 2 minutes left in the 3-on-3 overtime.

Sam Steel of Canada led off the five-round shootout, beating U.S.

goaltender Jake Oettinger but hitting nothing but post as the puck stayed out.

Thats the closest the Canadians came to scoring on their four shootout attempts.

While the loss is disappointing, in the whole grand scheme of things it means nothing to Canada.

With the United States dropping a 3-2 loss in stunning fashion Thursday to Slovakia, the Canadians still control their own fate.

Canada can finish first in Group A with a win Saturday night over Denmark.

Thats the thing that mattered most to the Canadians following Fridays loss in a winter wonderland.

This is round robin, were in a good spot, said Canadian captain Dube.

Its just one game of the preliminary round.

We can build off this.

… Itll make us stronger for when it really counts..

For more infomation >> NHL NEWS - Despite loss, Canada has fun in snow, still controls its own destiny in Group A - Duration: 5:51.


News 8 Sports Round Up-December 30, 2017 - Duration: 3:03.

For more infomation >> News 8 Sports Round Up-December 30, 2017 - Duration: 3:03.


A-listers trade sunny St Barts for snowy Aspen | news 24h - Duration: 9:05.

How the A-list herd have snubbed hurricane-hit St Barts in favour of snowy Aspen: Bella , Leo, Paris and Mariah are among stars to shun their usual winter retreat... leaving Macca almost alone in the Caribbean island

Hollywood A-listers and celebrities are avoiding the popular holiday destination of St Barts after Hurricane Irma battered the Caribbean island earlier this year.

The destination has been a holiday hot-spot for celebrities during the festive period for a number of years, but it appears the rich and famous are venturing further afield too see in the New Year.

The island, which enjoys temperatures of nearly 30 degrees Celsius at this time of year, has welcomed famous faces including Leonardo DiCaprio, Rihanna, Heidi Klum, Lindsay Lohan and Paris Hilton in the past.

  Catch Me If You Can! Leonardo DiCaprio went incognito in Balaclava and sunglasses before he hit the slopes in Aspen during festive break on Friday (left).

He was also spotted on a night out (right).

Keep off that chill! Dressed for the chilly conditions, The Wolf Of Wall Street hunk was prepared for his session on the slopes in his ski gear.

DiCaprio was pictured in St Barts for the festive period last year although he is currently in Aspen.

Other celebrities known to have visited the island include Paul McCartney, George Lucas, Tobey Maguire, Ellen DeGeneres, Prince, Kendall Jenner, Harry Styles, Marc Jacobs, Robin Thicke and Justin Bieber.

But the devastation of the hurricane which swept through the island in September has seen celebrities opt for other holiday locations to see in the New Year.

This year, Hollywood actors Leonardo Di Caprio and Tobey Maguire swapped the tropical climate of St Barts for the snowy slopes in Aspen, Colorado.

Di Caprio was almost unrecognisable when he donned a black balaclava and huge sunglasses to conceal his face on his skiing trip, as he took to the slopes in the same resort as Tobey Maguire.

And the former Spiderman actor was spotted in Aspen on a skiing trip, although it is not known whether the pair are holidaying together.

Paris Hilton was also spotted on the slopes of Aspen with her boyfriend Chris Zylka earlier this week, as was Bella Hadid, who has previously visited St Barts.

  Dressed to impress! Tobey Maguire who starred alongside his long-term pal in the 2013 movie, burst onto the slopes in bright blue gear.

Paris Hilton and her boyfriend Chris Zylka are spotted holding hands and getting ready to hit the slopes in Aspen, Colorado.

  The 36-year-old socialite and reality star Paris Hilton enjoyed another day in Aspen with her man Chris Zilka during a ski trip ahead of New Years celebrations.

Mariah Carey with her boyfriend Bryan Tanaka in Aspen on Thursday.

Mariah Carey also put on a sweet display with boyfriend Bryan Tanaka while out on the town in Aspen on Thursday night.

The singer and the 34-year-old dancer couldnt help but show off their love as they walked hand-in-hand in the cold Colorado city.

  She had spent the early part of this year in St Barts.

Paris Hiltons sparring partner Lindsay Lohan also appears to have no plans to revisit the island this year, as the Mean Girls star is on holiday in Thailand.

She posted a picture of her injured leg which she says was bitten by a snake.

Meanwhile pop sensation Rihanna was back in Barbados after her 21-year-old cousin Tavon Kaiseen Alleyn was shot dead on Tuesday.

Eden Rock Hotel on St Barthelemy - a hotspot for celebrities including Tom Hanks, Jessica Alba and Jennifer Lopez - was pictured today in ruins after it was struck by Hurricane Irma.

And the next day the We Found Love singer was toasting the 21-year-old with what appeared to be a tequila shot in a private home in Barbados as she held her niece Majesty on her hip.

However not all celebrities are ditching the island this year, as Russian oligarch Roman Abramovich is expected to moor his £1. 5 billion superyacht The Eclipse on the island for his annual party.

  Bella Hadid kicks off a chilly weekend with her girls in Aspen for the upcoming New Year.

Bella Hadid was pictured on the beaches of St Barts earlier this year but has traded the sunny weather for the ski slopes.

Pop sensation Rihanna was back in Barbados after her 21-year-old cousin Tavon Kaiseen Alleyn was shot dead on Tuesday.

Rihanna kissing St Barts goodbye back in 2015, although the Barbados singer is not expected to be on St Barts this New Year.

McCartney looked extremely merry as he made an upbeat appearance on Friday with his wife Nancy Shevell while on their sun-soaked holiday.

Youthful: Rupert Murdochs famed ex-wife Wendi Deng (L), looked thoroughly relaxed as she shared a playful beach snap with close friend Xin Li (R) via her Instagram on Thursday.

The Chelsea football club owner had hosted a New Years Eve party on the island for a number of years, and back in 2011 is believed to have spent more than £5million on the event which saw the pop band Black Eyed Peas scheduled to perform.

His party last year saw the Killers and Paul McCartney in attendance, and the former Beatles star could well attend again as he has been spotted on the island with his family.

McCartney looked extremely merry as he made an upbeat appearance on Friday with his wife Nancy Shevell while on their sun-soaked holiday.

The 75-year-old took to the picturesque beach as he reveled on the sandy shores, while his 58-year-old partner Nancy Shevell, showcased her youthful display in a figure hugging swimsuit with floral embellishments.

And Rupert Murdochs famed ex-wife Wendi Deng looked thoroughly relaxed as she posted a picture with her friend Xin Li on the beach in St Barts.

Clad in a skimpy red bikini, the 49-year-old flaunted her sensational physique on the beach jaunt in St Barts.

For more infomation >> A-listers trade sunny St Barts for snowy Aspen | news 24h - Duration: 9:05.


Uomini e Donne gossip: Andrea Cerioli vittima di stalking sui social| STARS NEWS - Duration: 3:39.

For more infomation >> Uomini e Donne gossip: Andrea Cerioli vittima di stalking sui social| STARS NEWS - Duration: 3:39.


FACEBOOK உபயோகிப்பவர்கள் அனைவரும் பார்க்க வேண்டிய வீடியோ | Tamil Cinema News Latest Seithigal - Duration: 1:52.

For more infomation >> FACEBOOK உபயோகிப்பவர்கள் அனைவரும் பார்க்க வேண்டிய வீடியோ | Tamil Cinema News Latest Seithigal - Duration: 1:52.


☀ 모델계의 블루칩 한현민 나이 아버지☀ | News world Korea - Duration: 4:21.

For more infomation >> ☀ 모델계의 블루칩 한현민 나이 아버지☀ | News world Korea - Duration: 4:21.


NHL NEWS - Bill Daly talks about future Olympic participation with members of IIHF - Duration: 5:13.

Bill Daly talks about future Olympic participation with members of IIHF


—NHL deputy commissioner Bill Daly met informally on Friday with members of the International Ice Hockey Federation, speaking briefly about future participation of NHLers in the Winter Olympics.

The NHL is skipping the Games this February in Pyeongchang, South Korea, but the door is open for the league to return for 2022 in Beijing.

"It's very premature for me to go there," Daly said.

"Each Olympics is different.

There's a different value proposition.

These particular Olympics that are coming up, ultimately the negatives outweighed the positives for our owners.

"I don't know what Beijing will hold.

The logistical issues that we have with South Korea will be the same with China, but maybe there are some other opportunities in China that aren't in South Korea.

We will see.".

There have been rumblings that some NHLers would boycott the all-star game at the end of January in Tampa as a means to protest the league's decision on Olympic participation.

"Certainly there was a sense we might see something like that, and I know there are some disappointed players who won't get a chance to participate in the Olympics, but from what I've seen they've turned the page, they've put that behind us," Daly said.

"It will be a regular all-star game.

We're looking forward to Tampa.".

There are rules — including suspensions — if players skip the game for any other reason than a legitimate injury.

"There are standard rules that apply.

They apply every year.".

ATTENDANCE RECORD: The snow, cold and traffic issues on the Canadian side of the border didn't stop the game from setting an attendance record, at least as far as the world junior championship is concerned.

In all, 44,592 took in the outdoor game, more than doubling the previous high for the tournament.

That was 20,380 set on Jan.

5, 2009, in a game between Canada and Sweden in Ottawa.

NEXT TIME: Organizers of Friday's outdoor game acknowledge that more might have been done to create a better experience for locals to take in an ice rink at the home of the Buffalo Bills.

As it was, the Canada-U.S.

game was the highlight.

The only other event available was pleasure skating.

"The outdoor construction began an hour after the Buffalo Bills finished their game on the 17th.

The platforms and trucks came in immediately, and the workers have been working 24/7 ever since," Mike Bertsch, assistant executive director of USA Hockey told

"We went through all the options and couldn't create the time to do anything more.

"The time we have the ice is limited, so we couldn't bring in other entities.

Because this is an Olympic year, for instance, we considered a sledge hockey game and a women's game.

We've had lots of inquiries about youth games.

Next time we do this, I'd love to have more days of ice time to incorporate more things like that.".

For more infomation >> NHL NEWS - Bill Daly talks about future Olympic participation with members of IIHF - Duration: 5:13.


Madison Beer wows in denim shorts for date with Zack Bia | news 24h - Duration: 7:23.

Madison Beer puts on a very leggy display in tiny denim shorts and knee high boots as she enjoys romantic dinner date with new beau Zack Bia

She rose to fame after Justin Bieber tweeted a link of her singing to his 25 million followers.

And Madison Beer looked like a superstar in the making on Friday night as she stepped out with her new boyfriend, Zack Bia in West Hollywood.

Clad in a pair of tiny denim hot-pants, the 18-year-old singer oozed confidence as she headed for dinner with her beau in tow.

Dinner date: Madison Beer looked like a superstar in the making on Friday night as she stepped out with her new boyfriend, Zack Bia in West Hollywood.

Madison, who had a short-lived romance with Brooklyn Beckham in the summer, looked close to her new flame as the pair strolled along.

Rocking a black baker boy cap and a slogan t-shirt, the Say It To My Face hitmaker looked effortlessly cool as she headed into the swanky upmarket restaurant, Delilah.

She shrugged a furry blue coat over her arms and accentuated her lithe limbs with a pair of suede knee high boots.

The YouTube sensation styled her glossy raven tresses in soft curls and sported fluttery eyelashes, bronzed cheeks and a pouty pink lip.

Leggy: Clad in a pair of tiny denim hot-pants, the 18-year-old singer oozed confidence as she headed for dinner with her beau in toe.

Newfound love: Madison, who had a short-lived romance with Brooklyn Beckham in the summer, looked close to her new flame.

The couple have been inseparable since going public with their romance earlier this month, enjoying several dates around West Hollywood.

They were seen packing on the PDA while visiting a tattoo parlour on Santa Monica Boulevard on December 7, and were spotted on a shopping trip a week later.

Its not known how long theyve been unofficially dating, but Zack posted a loved-up snap of the pair on his Instagram on November 24.

Cute: The couple have been inseparable since going public with their romance earlier this month, enjoying several dates around West Hollywood.

Madison seemed to have moved on from her summer romance with Brooklyn - who were reported to have been seeing each other after they were spotted kissing during a shopping trip to Barneys in Beverly Hills in July.

She then appeared to confirm her relationship with Brooklyn, admitting they hang out almost every day.

The Unbreakable songstress - who is based in Los Angeles - has revealed she couldnt continue their romance after Brooklyn relocated to New York City, where hes studying photography.

Speaking to PEOPLE magazine, Madison confessed: I cant do long distance.

Former flames: She was linked to Brooklyn Beckham over the summer, but the pair broke things off to avoid a long-distance romance - pictured in June.

But she also conceded that their jam-packed schedules made life difficult for the duo.

Before Brooklyn, she dated musician Jack Gilinksy, but they split amid a leaked audio tape which recorded him repeatedly called her a f***ing sl*t.

In the audio clip, which was obtained and posted online by website Pop Crave in July, Jack, 21, appeared to go on a profanity-laced rant against Madison, who eventually threatens to call the police on him because he is annoying her.

The audio begins with Jack allegedly saying: Solely to p*ss you off, solely.

Im not going to touch you, Im not going to move. .

Inseparable: Its not known how long theyve been unofficially dating, but Zack posted a loved-up snap of the pair on his Instagram on November 24.

  New man: They were seen packing on the PDA while visiting a tattoo parlour on Santa Monica Boulevard on December 7, and were spotted on a shopping trip a week later.

Shocking: Before Brooklyn, she dated former Vine star Jack Gilinksy (pictured in April), but they split amid a leaked audio tape which recorded him repeatedly called her a f***ing sl*t.

Solely to p*ss you off, Im going to stand right here and talk, and then later Im going to tell you, because youre a f**king sl*t, youre a f**king sl*t, and I dont give two f**ks either, he adds.

Youre not my boyfriend anymore, its fine, Madison can allegedly be heard saying.

The argument seems to have started because of a comment Madison made about Jacks music.

 Jack later explained the clip was from last year, during a time when he was in a very dark place and clearly had no control over my emotions.

After he apologised, Beer issued a statement saying she stuck through the relationship as she was blinded by love with Gilinsky, and trying to fix his flaws.

Ordeal: In the audio clip, Jack, 21, appeared to go on a profanity-laced rant against Madison, who eventually threatens to call the police on him because he is annoying her.

For more infomation >> Madison Beer wows in denim shorts for date with Zack Bia | news 24h - Duration: 7:23.


Watters' World 12/30/17 11PM | December 30, 2017 Breaking News - Duration: 41:01.

For more infomation >> Watters' World 12/30/17 11PM | December 30, 2017 Breaking News - Duration: 41:01.


Q2 News 5:30 p.m. Top Stories with Dustin Klemann, Saturday 12-30-17 - Duration: 10:32.

For more infomation >> Q2 News 5:30 p.m. Top Stories with Dustin Klemann, Saturday 12-30-17 - Duration: 10:32.


Tennis news: Roger Federer revelation, Maria Sharapova rant, Kei Nishikori injury - Duration: 3:09.

Tennis news: Roger Federer revelation, Maria Sharapova rant, Kei Nishikori injury

Roger Federer said his career changed forever when he had knee surgery earlier this year. Federer tore a meniscus during a mundane activity at home and was forced to have an arthroscopic procedure to repair it.

He later took six months off to fully recover and also allow his troublesome back to heal, and has admitted that his return was fraught with uncertainty.

"I knew my knee would never be the same, and I wasnt sure if I was ever going to come back from that," Federer said.

"Entering the Australian Open, I knew that even if I lost in the first round, and left healthy, that was a win for me. "Right when it became most important I played my best tennis.  "I was just confident again.

I think I was able to ride the wave. ****.

Maria Sharapova has hit out at the ITF for failing to inform players of their decisions. The ITF are the gate-keepers of the sport and provide the rules and regulations for the ATP and WTA Tour.

But Sharapova claims the players are neither been involved in the decisions or told of the results. "Tenniss importance keeps getting bigger, and rightly so," Sharapova told German newspaper Bild.

"But unfortunately, players are not involved in the conversations regarding changes. "I learned about news for 2018 through the internet. "It cant be correct." ****.

Kei Nishikori will face a race against time to make the Australian Open next month after pulling out of the Brisbane International.

Nishikori reached the final of the tournament last year but struggled with a wrist injury that forced him out of the US Open.

And he could miss his second Grand Slam in a row after withdrawing from the popular warm-up tournament. I am so disappointed to miss Brisbane this year.

For years its been my first tournament of the season and I always feel so at home there, Nishikori said.

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