Omnibus salūtem! / Hello, everyone!
ego sum Lūcius, agnōmine / I'm Luke, a.k.a.
dē syllabīs loquāmur / let's talk about syllables
exemplum / example
prīmus versus / the first line
cōnstat ex hīs syllabīs / has these syllables
syllaba brevis / a short syllable
est quae in vōcālem brevem / is one which ends in a short vowel
dēsinit / thus
quae dēsinit in vōcālem longam / a syllable that ends in a long vowel
aut in diphthongum / or a diphthong
aut in cōnsonantem / or a consonant
syllaba longa est / is a long syllable
syllabae brevēs / short syllables
syllabae longae / long syllables
rhythmum habēmus nātūrālem! / we have a natural rhythm!
sīc est! / like that!
cōnsonantes / these consonants
quae initium syllabae facere solent, ut / which usually make the beginning of a syllable, like
interdum dīviduntur / sometime are divided like this
cōnsonāns ultima / the final consonant
cum vōcālī prīmā (vel 'h-') / with an initial vowel (or 'h-')
vocābulī sequentis ita conjungitur / combines with the following vowel
ut initium syllabae faciat / in order to make the beginning of the syllable like this
vōcālis ultima / a final vowel
item / likewise
ante vōcālem prīmam (vel 'h-') / in front of an initial vowel (or 'h-')
vocābulī sequentis ēlīditur / of the following word is elided
nōn dīcimus / we don't say
minimē! / not at all!
hic rhythmus nātūrālis est / this is the natural rhythm
nōn dīcimus / we don't say
nōn dīcimus / we don't say
sīc semper dīcimus / we always pronounce it like that
in "est" et "es" / in "est" and "es"
ēlīditur 'e' / the 'e' is elided
sed hic rhythmus / but this rhythm
nōn sōlum in versibus / not only in poetry
sed etiam in prōsā audītur / but is also found in prose
exemplī grātiā / for example
et / and
id est / that is
quandōcumque nōs loquimur / whenever we speak
dēbēmus ēlīsiōnibus dīcere / we have to pronounce the elisions
et rhythmicē loquī / and speak rhythmically
syllabās longās brevēsque / always observing
semper observantēs / the long and short syllables
grātiās / thank you
ego sum Lūcius / I'm Luke
Cūrā ut valeās! / Take care!
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