Thứ Sáu, 29 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 30 2017



Top Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin is in the news again, but not for anything good.If

you remember, during the 2016 election, federal agents discovered a trove of emails on a laptop

belonging to Abedin's husband, disgraced pervert Anthony Weiner, which many believed

to have been classified.

The folder in which they were discovered was marked "insurance," and it contained tens

of thousands of correspondence believed to be between Abedin and Clinton herself.

The discovery was so large that it caused former FBI Director James Comey to make an

announcement that his bureau was reopening the investigation into Hillary Clinton and

her mishandling of classified information, which many Hillary supporters believe cost

her the election.

However, the contents of the emails had remained unknown to the public…until now.According

to a report from the Daily Mail, Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch had sued the State Department

to release the emails under the Freedom of Information Act, and he's apparently won.

Now, over 2,800 of the emails are about to be made public later today.

From the Daily Mail:Fitton told on Friday that it's 'outrageous' that

Clinton and Abedin 'walked out of the State Department with classified documents and the

Obama FBI and DOJ didn't do a thing about it.'

'We expect that we will be told that some of these classified materials were on Weiner's

laptop, which is highly disturbing.

Let's hope it spurs a long needed Clinton special counsel or, at least, a serious criminal

investigation,' he added.

The State Department has said that its preliminary review suggested 'a significant portion

of the materials may be duplicative' of other material that has already been made


But Fitton still believes Clinton and Abedin, her longtime aide and deputy chief of staff,

committed crimes by exchanging classified material in private emails connected to Clinton's

now-infamous homebrew server.

'This is a disturbing development,' Fitton said in September after the State Department

revealed how many government emails and other documents ended up on Weiner's PC.

'Our experience with Abedin's emails suggest these Weiner laptop documents will include

classified and other sensitive materials.'

This is massive, folks.

The FBI had previously cleared Hillary of any wrongdoing in the investigation into her

mishandling of classified information.

However, with the release of these emails, there's now solid proof that the FBI's

investigation, led by disgraced agent Peter Strzok at the time, intentionally botched

to probe to let Clinton off scot-free.

We're still awaiting the Inspector General's findings from his investigation; however,

evidence continues to mount that Hillary and her criminal cabal committed egregious crimes

against our nation.

The only question now is whether or not Attorney General Jeff Sessions has the stones to go

after these traitors.

For more infomation >> BOMBSHELL NEWS About Hillary Aide HUMA ABEDIN… IT'S HAPPENING! - Duration: 3:15.


Sickening News Out Of NBC… It Couldn't Be Worse! - Duration: 3:11.

Sickening News Out Of NBC…

It Couldn't Be Worse!

NBC News has had a rough go the past few month, with some of their biggest names having to

be fired after learning of their perverted pleasures, and things just become even worse

for the media giant.NBC has been on the front lines of the #MeToo movement, parading around

just about any woman who'd ever been offended by as little as a man giving her a peck on

the cheek ate a date.

The far-left network has long supported leftist causes, and with no pressure at all it caves

to even the most ridiculous demands from rabid leftists.

Although while it claims to be a champion of progressive causes, it appears to have

numerous wolves living among its henhouse.

The latest example comes from its sister network CNBC, where one of its top directors was just

busted committing rather egregious acts against his young live-in nanny and her teen friends.According

to the New York Daily News, 44-year-old Dan Switzen apparently has a thing for watching

young girls go potty, but rather than visit one of the numerous pornographic websites

that have videos of young women (legal, of course) using the restroom, he decided he

wanted to have some real-life footage of exactly that, and now he's about to pay for his

perverted preferences.

Switzen, a married father of three, had an 18-year-old girl who lived in his home and

served as a nanny, and apparently she like to have her other teen friends over at times

so they could have girl time together.

However, what they didn't realize is that the pervert with a penchant for peeping on

peeing girls had set up a hidden camera inside of a tissue box inside of one of his bathrooms,

so he could get a bird's eye view as the girls relieved themselves on the toilet.But

one day recently, one of the girls went into the bathroom and noticed something was out

of place, and Switzen's gig was up – they immediately found the camera and went straight

to police.

Now, he's been arrested for peeping on the unsuspecting teens.

"He intentionally installed a video recording device in a tissue box located in his family's

bathroom to surreptitiously view a person dressing or undressing…at a place and time

when (the victim) had a reasonable expectation of privacy without (her) knowledge or consent,"

the complaint filed in Pleasantview Village Court reads.

Naturally, his lawyer came to his defense and claimed he's "a very decent family


I don't want to litigate these allegations in the press," Jeffery Chartier said.

"We will defend him accordingly."

Only, good family men don't try to catch a glimpse of innocent young girls as they're

using the restroom.

That's just troubling beyond belief.

When asked for comment, Switzen refused, only stating "No comment at all.

Thanks, bye," before hanging up.

A spokesman for CNBC has yet to comment on the troubling incident, and as of this writing,

Switzen still remains employed by the network.

For more infomation >> Sickening News Out Of NBC… It Couldn't Be Worse! - Duration: 3:11.


CNN Breaking News DEC 29,17 | How cold is it - It's so cold that sharks are freezing 12/29/2017 - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> CNN Breaking News DEC 29,17 | How cold is it - It's so cold that sharks are freezing 12/29/2017 - Duration: 1:07.


MAJOR NEWS Out Of The White House – Three Traitors Heading To Prison! - Duration: 3:51.

MAJOR NEWS Out Of The White House – Three Traitors Heading To Prison!

Over the past few weeks, multiple members of White House Special Counsel Robert Mueller's

investigation into President Donald Trump's supposed collusion with Russia, in last year's

election have been exposed as top Democrat operatives with a clear anti-Trump bias.

Now, it's been confirmed that this was all part of Barack Obama's plan to remove Trump

from power, as the former president has been engaging in a massive coup against Trump over

the past few months.

"The FBI blocked all information on its website about a top counter-terrorism official,

who was kicked off of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's Russia investigation for sending

politically-biased text messages to an FBI lawyer," reports the Daily Caller began.

"It was revealed on Saturday that Strzok was removed from Mueller's team in August,

after the Department of Justice's inspector general discovered, that he exchanged anti-Trump

and pro-Hillary Clinton text messages with his mistress, an FBI lawyer named Lisa Page

who also worked on the Mueller team."

Via Daily Caller:

The revelation of Strzok's biased texts is significant because of his central role

in both the Russia investigation and the Clinton email probe.

As the FBI's Number 2 counter-terrorism official, Strzok helped start both of the


He also conducted interviews with former national security adviser Michael Flynn in the Russia

investigation, and with Clinton and several of her top aides in the email inquiry.

Now Mueller and his team of swine are in serious trouble, as Fox News is now exposing that,

the FBI is facing contempt charges from Congress for conspiring to keep evidence proving that

Stzok was a crooked anti-Trump official, that had been placed onto Mueller's team to ensnare

Trump at all costs, proving that President Trump never stood a chance at a fair investigation.

"House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes, R-California, had demanded the text

messages between FBI counterintelligence agent Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, an FBI lawyer

with whom Strzok was romantically involved," reports Fox News.

"House investigators have long regarded him as a key figure in the chain of events

when the bureau, in 2016, received the infamous anti-Trump 'dossier', and launched a counterintelligence

investigation into Russian meddling in the election, that ultimately came to encompass

FISA surveillance of a Trump campaign associate."

"Today [Robert Mueller] leads the most corrupt, criminal and treasonous Coup D'état in

American history," warns The Gateway Pundit.

"Today the FBI that Mueller ran is in shambles.

No one with an ounce of common sense believes that the FBI exhibits integrity and this is

in large part because of the actions of Robert Mueller and his close allies who recently

led the FBI."

"President Donald Trump ripped the 'double standard' in how 2016 Democratic presidential

nominee Hillary Clinton was treated and how Michael Flynn, his former national security

adviser, was treated," reports

"So General Flynn lies to the FBI and his life is destroyed, while Crooked Hillary Clinton,

on that now famous FBI holiday 'interrogation' with no swearing in and no recording, lies

many times … and nothing happens to her?

Rigged system, or just a double standard?" Trump tweeted.

This all shows just how out of control the FBI has become since it became Obama's secret


It's time for Trump to step in and do something about this before Obama and his minions succeed

in getting him removed from the White House for good.

what do you think about this?

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For more infomation >> MAJOR NEWS Out Of The White House – Three Traitors Heading To Prison! - Duration: 3:51.


샵 이지혜 결혼 회계사 남편 청담동며느리되나 [Korea News] - Duration: 4:17.

For more infomation >> 샵 이지혜 결혼 회계사 남편 청담동며느리되나 [Korea News] - Duration: 4:17.


IM BACK/ UPDATES AND NEWS - Duration: 4:34.

Welcome back to my channel

Ello people! and welcome back to the misery of this channel

Yes! wow! i am back

and this is definitely not the fifififiifth time im trying to make this one video (its not it was the 7th)

this video is true to its name (not rlly)

its gonna be updates and news (not rlly)

first of all, before these "updates and news" i want to apologize

for not posting a video in a year (smh)

and I ended it on a ...really bad note *dies*

Where I just posted video of me drawing

a really bad sketch (why am i still here)

and second of all

I've actually just been trying to improve myself on youtube videos and everything

So, talking about that lets get into the updates

#1 i got a new setting, this is gonna be where imma be making my videos right now (i dont even know what im saying)

#2 I've got a camera (congrats no one cares) that im using right now

which is why the audio might sound like ass

But you know what? Im trying to learn how to make the audio less ass because thats the point

Right? (Sure)

#3 if you dont understand what im saying (lmfao)

There's a subtitle, where you click on the video and there's going to be a subtitle waiting for you (Hi my name is subtitle nice to meet you)

So you dont have to be like "what the fuck this bitch saying?" (im a child friendly person not)

Okay? (no) good (not good)

Also, Christmas was like 3, 4, 5- Hold on lemme check

CHRISTMAS was 4 days ago (now 5) so merry late Christmas (or happy late holidays)

And the new year is in 3 days (now 2) so im trying to start the new year wonderfully (im failing so far)

and i hope you do to

Okay so thats the updates....

oh wait nope, nope that wasn't it

I also gonna quit (good English), just for now,

on gaming videos because

I dont have much of a reaction and cause when I play games, I love playing games dont get me wrong

But I dont really have much of a reaction (already mentioned it why) when im actually playing games

Like i do, but its not the reaction that'll make you go like-(whatthefuck)


(kill me please)

So, its not something that's gonna make you laugh your ass off (noshit)

I just spit everywhere ew (yeah ew)

So im going to be doing videos like, reacting to videos, reacting to...things

till then, imma be making videos like this, TILL I figure out a new thing to make videos about on this channel


Whats new

My channels layout, everything changed (like months ago) everything is ArisonPlays

why, Because "STM_GAMER_19" i dont really (you dont what?!)

I actually always liked the name "Arison" or the username "Arison"

yeah so Im like, "you know what? I like Arison!"

and if you were wondering what "STM" standed for on my old youtube channel (damn) which is this one

STM meant "Sky (i used to like the name sky) the minecraft" and then "GAMER" and then "19", 19 years old

and when I first made this username, I thought that when I'm 19, Imma make like an "anniversary" video on how im still alive till 19 years old


Thats not gonna happen cause I've changed the layout of my channel

and I've changed it to ArisonPlays because I like Arison and I like to Play

Yeah (stop)

so i've changed it to ArisonPlays (3x), I drew my beautiful profile pic and i put it onto... the profile pic place

AND (so much "and's" god help me) I did my own banner (still proud)

And I'm just gonna say Im a big fan of my banner, and I love it, because I've always had troubles with making a ye



I feel like I've forgotten everything I've just said

and im like, "wait did i say that?", "did i mention that?", "oh wait this is off topic"

So yeah

Thats it

I'll see ya in my next video! ADIOS!

2010 we do the peace sign

(just go die)

For more infomation >> IM BACK/ UPDATES AND NEWS - Duration: 4:34.


The five most famous Korean artists have d.i.e.d of suicide - AMAZING NEWS - Duration: 13:08.

The five most famous Korean artists have died of suicide

The five most famous Korean artists have died of suicide.

Behind the aura and money, the stars of the Korean entertainment industry often under great pressure.

And unfortunately many of them have chosen to kill themselves.

In just two decades, the showbiz has risen to become one of the most developed entertainment industries in the world.

Every year, many new artists are introduced to satisfy the increasingly diverse and difficult tastes of both domestic and foreign audiences.

As a consequence, the pressure placed on the performers was increased by the fear of being eliminated.

In addition, Korean people attach great importance to honor and prestige.

Any small mistake will also bring a heavy blow to the stars that have always been the focus of attention.

Just keep a perfect image in front of millions of viewers, just to ensure the smooth running of the work but also maintain a stable personal life.

do not blame the crowds.

South Korea is now suffering from depression - the leading cause of suicide.

According to WHO, South Koreas suicide rate is the second highest in the world and is an extremely serious problem in this developed country.

If only in the showbiz world, the ratio is certainly much higher.

The evidence is that the number of artists who have chosen death to finish all is fairly high with increasing frequency.

And below are the less fortunate artists:.

Choi Jin Sil.

Year of birth: 1968; Year of Loss: 2008.

Choi Jin Sil is a slim, beloved and laughable girl.

Historically, there has been no suicide in the showbiz in Korea but it is as shocking as the death of Choi Jin Sil.

She has been named National Actress for her career: 18 films, 20 TV series, appeared in 140 commercials and brought in a series of prestigious awards.

Graduating from art school, Choi Jin-sil owns everything that every woman wants: beauty, education, career, money, fame and especially her two children.

Unfortunately, the failed marriage with her husband, baseball player Jo Sung-min, has brought her many unspoken anguish.

Evidence for the bride of her husband Choi Jin Sil.

As a result, Choi Jin Sil committed suicide on October 2, 2008, when she was only 39 years old.

Coincidentally, her husband then did the same behavior in 2013.

Almost 10 years have passed since that fateful day, but the sadness called Choi Jin Sil is always brought out as demonstration hero.

The most soulful of the pressures that stars have to endure behind the halo.

Park Yong Ha.

Year of birth: 1977; Year of Loss: 2010.

Park Yong Has smile can make the heart of any girl melt.

Having participated in the successful drama series Winter Sonata, Park Yong Ha is considered one of the hottest stars of the Hallyu wave with a huge fan base throughout Asia.

The handsome face plus the smiling smile of the actor always makes the other people always feel sympathy.

Perhaps it is because of Park Yong Has news of his death by hanging himself with a telephone cable, leaving his father with a terminal cancer on June 30, Who knows he is also shocked and shocked.

So Ji Sub at Park Yong Has funeral.

According to the police, the cause of Park Yong Has death was due to depression.

Debt, work pressure, lack of sleep over the years plus the fact that he had cancer had pushed him to the brink of despair.

Lastly, in the morning before he died, he used alcohol - something that police said had little effect.

Jung Da Bin.

Year of birth: 1980; Year of Loss: 2007.

Jung Da Bin is quite familiar to Vietnamese audiences.

In Vietnam, Jung Da Bin (real name: Jung Hye Sun) is known through many films such as 19-year-old Sibling, Love Games, Summer Storm.

Although he does not own a pretty face.

Beautiful but she attracted the audience by the natural and humorous acting.

In the morning of February 10, 2007, Jung Da Bins boyfriend found out that she used a suicidal suicide towel, just after dinner to eat and chat happily.

Her friends claim that the cause for distraction is the pressure from work.

The message that Jung Da Bin posted on his personal blog earlier in the day with the title The End further reinforces this statement.

In 2011, Jung Da Bins parents married her to the soul of a dead man in 2002.

The purpose was to comfort their lives in the afterlife.

Chae Dong Ha.

Year of birth: 1981; Year of Loss: 2011.

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