You spend a lot of money buying products of skin care that promise to leave
your skin rejuvenated, while removing all imperfections?
It has been disappointed to find that the effects They were not that amazing?
We tried using products advertised by famous to achieve a novel skin?
And found that the effects of these products They were not that good?
Maybe it's time you replace these expensive products by natural remedies,
to provide you with a clearer skin It's healthy.
Do some tests with these Korean recipes and very easy to do and revel in
the results!
Seaweed mask The seaweed sheets used to manufacture
sushi and temakis are basis of this mask.
You can buy them in special stores or the internet.
Just put the leaves in warm water and apply to your skin.
Let stand for 15 minutes.
Massage with hot towel The heat promotes better circulation because
dilates the pores, allowing the skin to breathe.
So hot towel massage helps rejuvenate the skin by activating the circulation
and preparing to step nutrition.
Dip a clean towel in hot water and immediately put it on his face.
With a hot towel on the skin, make moves Circular slowly over your face for
about 15 minutes.
At the end of the massage use an oil to nourish the area.
Hydration homemade
As discussed above, the heat helps to dilating the pore ready for another phase
treatment of skin.
To better moisturize your skin, try use a homemade fire hydrant after hot bath
or after the massage with hot towel spoken previously.
Citric treatment Citric acid is excellent for cleaning
your pores of dirt and grease.
It also helps to remove dead cells of the skin.
To take advantage of these properties, just apply the juice of half lemon into the skin with
a cotton swab.
Try to do this treatment at night because lemon can stain your skin if exposed
the sun.
Soy milk The estheticians use in Korea
soy milk as a natural nutrition for the skin.
See how easy it is: Simply wet a gauze in soy milk and apply
the skin.
Let stand for 15 minutes and wash your face normally.
Apply this soy milk mask up twice a week and observe the results.
Treatment with sea salt Sea salt helps to eliminate skin of blackheads,
restores damaged skin and combat inflammation.
With so many benefits, it is no wonder that is as used in oriental cosmetics.
Use sea salt is easy.
Mix sea salt 1 tablespoon of a glass of warm water.
Then apply on face with a wad cotton.
Be careful not to apply cuts and scratches on the skin.
Wash your face with water after application.
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