Thứ Sáu, 1 tháng 12, 2017

Waching daily Dec 1 2017

Hi, on The Woodpecker this week, I'm making srving trays for my christmas gifts.

My daughter wanted a serving tray, so it would be easier to bring stuff to her patio.

So I drew this.

It's a tray that I remembered from an old woodworking magazine.

Since I want two in walnut, I begin by surfacing a piece of walnut.

When three sides are flat, I use the corner pattern I drew, to mark what I need.

Then I cut it to size.

I stick my pattern on it and cut on the lines.

Humm, it's just when I'm done that I realize that this won't work because

I have nowhere to clamp it later on...

I re-draw a new pattern that I use to mark another board.

Here we can see the difference between my bad pattern and the good one.

But I still have to redo all the same cuts I did last time.

I make so many forty five degree cuts because

I want the curves to have as much straight grain as possible.

OK, now I have all four corners and with cuts like these, it will be easy to apply clamp pressure later.

But it's true, I have tons of waste wood with cuts like that.

This would be fine if I wanted a circle. But it's not what I want;

so I cut the sides of the tray.

Now that I have the wood for the sides, I need some more for the handles.

I rip another piece of walnut.

It's the right size, but too thick. So I rip it in half. Now I can cut two handles.

And while I'm at it I cut the sides.

I also cut both sides to the right length.

Now, I have all the pieces,

but to hold them together, I will use splines.

But cutting grooves with a thin kerf blade is too narrow,

so I switch to a normal size blade.

After I've switched the blade, I can mark where the kerf have to be cut.

Then I cut the first corner block.

Humm... marking where to cut, was a waste of my time. I managed to goof up, again.

So I re-cut another corner and now I cut all the grooves for all the splines;

but at the right place...

I also need to cut the sides.

Then, the handles.

One groove is done, but using the same setup would cut the second groove at the wrong place.

So I move the rip fence and cut the missing grooves.

This will be perfect.

I just need to cut the splines now. I rip them a bit thicker. Now I'm fine tuning the splines.

The last thing to do, is to rip them to width.

Now I can cut the inside curves.

But before, I sharpen my band saw blade.

After replacing it, I can cut the corners.

I finish the shape with the sander.

I have all four corners; now I need to take care of the handles.

I stick my pattern directly on the handle blank.

Next, I mark the centre of the corner's holes and drill them.

To cut the inside of the handle, I use the scroll saw.

The outside is cut with the band saw.

I finish the shape with sanders.

I have all the pieces, but before gluing them together, I need to round over the inside of the tray.

So with a roundover bit, I shape the handles.

The corners.

And the sides.

Now that it's done, I can cut a bunch of splines wider than the thickness of the sides.

I glue one side at a time.

Add splines and apply clamp pressure.

And to make sure the corners are aligned with each other,

I also clamp them to a piece of wood; just like that.

I leave that alone while the glue dries.

When the glue is dry, I can glue the handles.

It's as simple as spreading some glue, inserting the splines,

adding clamps and leaving that alone while the glue dries.

The next day, I remove the clamps, and, after a little inspection, I love it.

I think that I'll surface more wood to make more trays.

I manage to have all the pieces for one maple and another walnut tray;

on top of the oak-walnut glue up that is there.

This goes a lot faster now that I know what not to do.

Two are drying here.

After several hours, I have four frames for four trays.

But I need to cut the corners.

The corners are removed, but it's far from being smooth...

I fix that right away.

I also need to take care of the inside because of

the glue squeeze out and splines to remove.

I'm not done; I also need to be sure that the bottom is all level.

Round overs here and there are not perfect; I fix that with a rasp.

Now I can round over the exterior of the frames.

Then come the bottom's rabbets.

Now that all the trays have their round over and rabbet, I can make the final sanding.

I need to take care of the bottoms.

I begin by tracing one shape and roughly cut it.

Then, I cut it better with the band saw.

Since it's wider than the rabbet, I plane it to size.

When I'm done, I sand the corners.

This takes several tryouts but I manage to have a nice fit.

I decide to keep this and use it to trace the rest of the bottoms.

When the first one is done, I sand it right away.

Spread a bead of glue inside the rabbet and put the bottom in place.

Because of the handles, it's hard to clamp this; so I lay the tray upside down on a box

and add weight on it. Then, I can begin another bottom.

But for the rest of them, I rip the plywood to size beforehand;

this speeds up the process; a lot.

While the glue of the last tray dries, I can really finish the sanding of all the trays.

After a while, I'm done and I can apply the finish.

I begin by vacuuming all the dust.

Then I can spray the first coat of varnish.

I begin with the bottom.

Then the inside and outside.

I spray three coats like that, with a light sanding between each coat.

When the varnish is really dry, I stick four rubber feet under each tray.

When It's done, the trays are finished.

When I look at them, I'm really pleased.

And here's the reaction of some of my family members.

I had a blast making those serving trays. They were easy to make and they look great.

And on top of that, they will be useful.

Stay tuned for the next episode of The Woodpecker.

For more infomation >> L'gosseux d'bois Ep 155 - Des cabarets comme cadeau de Noël - Duration: 15:05.


Invatam sa numaram cu familia de purcei Peppa 🐷 Film educativ cu jucarii pentru copii - Duration: 1:27.

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Na na na na na na shopping all day long

Na na na na na na sing the happy song

Na na na na na na playing all day long

Na na na na na na playing all day long

For more infomation >> Invatam sa numaram cu familia de purcei Peppa 🐷 Film educativ cu jucarii pentru copii - Duration: 1:27.


El príncipe Guillermo sobre el compromiso de su hermano Harry - Duration: 3:22.

For more infomation >> El príncipe Guillermo sobre el compromiso de su hermano Harry - Duration: 3:22.


Com a Palavra, o Governador - 01 de dezembro de 2017 - Duration: 5:01.

For more infomation >> Com a Palavra, o Governador - 01 de dezembro de 2017 - Duration: 5:01.


5 problemas de convivencia en pareja y como solucionarlos - Duration: 7:01.

For more infomation >> 5 problemas de convivencia en pareja y como solucionarlos - Duration: 7:01.


Manifiesto de personas con discapacidad intelectual - Asociación Paz y Bien - Duration: 2:56.

For more infomation >> Manifiesto de personas con discapacidad intelectual - Asociación Paz y Bien - Duration: 2:56.




The God who opened the sea

And made us cross it with dry feet

He made the gods of Egypt ashamed

His Strong Arm set us free

His Strong Arm set us free

The God who sent the manna

Did not let anything be missing

During night and day consoled us

Your cloud never left us

Your cloud never left us

Now He demands us to to cross

To conquer the Promise Land

Let's believe and not doubt

The waters of the Jordan He will divide

The walls are gonna fall

Jericho will be

Delivered in our hands

Let's believe

Giants come to the ground

Now He demands us to to cross

To conquer the Promise Land

Let's believe and not doubt

The waters of the Jordan He will divide

The walls are gonna fall

Jericho will be

Delivered in our hands

Let's believe

Giants come to the ground

The waters of the Jordan He will divide

The walls are gonna fall

Jericho will be

Delivered in our hands

Let's believe

Giants come to the ground

Kings and principalities, listen up

Peoples and nations, pay attention

Orders of a new government

Laws written in Mount Zion

Kings and principalities, listen up

Peoples and nations, pay attention

Orders of a new government

Laws written in Mount Zion

The waters of the Jordan He will divide

The walls are gonna fall

Jericho will be

Delivered in our hands

Let's believe

Giants come to the ground

The waters of the Jordan He will divide

The walls are gonna fall

Jericho will be

Delivered in our hands, hey, hey,

Giants come to the ground

Give a victory cry!

Now then,

You and all these people,

Get ready to cross

The Jordan River into the land

I am about to give to the Israelites

As I promised Moises,

Every place where you set your foot,

I will give to you

No one will be able to stand against you

All the days of your life.

As I was with Moses,

So I will be with you;

I will never leave you,

I will never forsake you.

Have I not commanded you?

Be strong and courageous!

Do not be afraid nor be discouraged,

For the Lord, your God,

Will be with you

Wherever you go!

Hey, Hey, Hey

The waters of the Jordan

The walls are gonna fall

Delivered in our hands

Giants come to the ground

The waters of the Jordan He will divide

The walls are gonna fall

Jericho will be

Delivered in our hands

Let's believe

Giants come to the ground

The waters of the Jordan

The walls are gonna fall

Delivered in our hands

Let's believe

Giants come to the ground





How do WICS & Indicium work together for their customers? - Duration: 2:47.

We are at Verhoek Europe in Genemuiden

Logistics expert in Europe and specialized in long goods transports

...including distribution of carpets

Because of the large quantities we deliver within...

...48 hours in Germany and 24 hours in the Netherlands

Logistics is easy...

but the exception makes it interesting

It seems easier than it is...

The data is crucial

A truck reports at the dock

An employee checks whether the driver has registered

Then activates the receipt for the scanner

Then the cargo is identified with the scanner

Verhoek is a dynamic company

We prefered the WMS from WICS

The advantage is configurability

Indicium provides the equipment

Partnership with WICS and Indicium is ideal

We have the expertise and experience of mobile computing

We know what the customer wants and implement it

We call Dennis for all our issues

He reacts fast and adaquate so problems are solved quickly

When Jan calls it is indeed serious

Then we come up with a joint solution

Indicium supplies mobile computers, including Android controlled ones, and printers

Verhoek recently started working with a TC70

This is an Android hand terminal

You can use this to take photos to link to an order line

All terminals can be checked with the management control system

The positioning of the access points was a challenge

This is due to the reflection of the metal racks

WICS WMS ensures handling speed and accuracy of delivery

That everything is correctly loaded in our trucks.

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