When someone in my country told me "you're spoiling the accordion"
I responded: "When I'll see you going out, in the morning,
riding your donkey to go to work, only then I'll tell that you're right".
I grew up listening to reggae music because my brother had a Bob Marley's cassette
and as I grow older...
even now, when I hear that music I feel it,
a traditional music that had an electric evolution, but it's the people's music.
I wanted to play everything with this instrument, so I started to play with loops, effects...
I always mixed them with the real sound of the accordion, this is important to me.
Tradition, in the more classical of its meanings, doesn't exist, that's what I think of this matter.
"Being an ongoing and never stopping thing,
in 50 years what you are doing now will be 'tradition'!
So... Why should we stop? "
A few years ago I would have told you that you have to experiment,
you have to keep on moving...
Today I say that the word 'experimental' is overly misused.
In my opinion, the real experimentation has been conceived by the Castagnari,
creating a 3 lines chromatic instrument that allows us to play everything!
The accordion had a beautiful development in these years,
thanks mostly to the listening attention that the Castagnari have toward musicians,
the player is not the one who adapts himself to the instrument,
but it is the instrument that has been adapted to the needs of the player,
because instruments are played by musicians at the end!
There is a root connection with this instrument for me,
and I also think it is an instrument with a very strong soul.
Let's say, today everyone might instill a bit of their own soul in it,
each one of us can express their personal sound with this instrument,
it is still an unexplored world.
English version: Albert Sardei
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