60th NHK Cup TV Go Tournament
4th game of the quarterfinals
Hello everyone.
This is the 60th NHK Cup TV Go Tournament.
I am the moderator, Shimosaka Miori.
Today is the 4th game of the quarterfinals.
Today is the match between Yamada Kimio 9 dan and Mukai Chiaki 5 dan.
Please enjoy.
The nigiri is finished, and Yamada Kimio 9 dan will go first.
Komi is 6.5 points. Each player will have 30 seconds to make a move.
However, each player is given ten, one minute periods of thinking time.
Have a good game.
Black - 16-4 Upper right corner star point
White - 4-4 Upper left corner star point
Black - Yamada Kimio 9 dan
In the first round he defeated Honorary Kisei Kobayashi Koichi,
In the second, Lin Kanketsu 7 dan, and Yamashita Keigo Meijin in the third round,
and is now in the quarterfinals.
Black 17-16, lower right corner 3-4 point
White 4-16, lower left corner star point
White - Mukai Chiaki 5 dan
She defeated Honda Kunisa 9 dan in the first round,
in the second round, Seto Taikechi 9 dan
in the third round Mochizuki Kenichi 7 dan
and is now in the quarterfinals.
Black 15-17 Enclosure
White 17-6 Approach
Now let me introduce our commentator
Honorary Honinbo Cho Chikun 9 dan. Thank you for being here.
Glad to be here.
What will be the highlight of this match?
Well, yes. Mukai Chiaki is playing White.
That's right.
White will win by resignation after 186 moves or so.
You're already making a prediction?
Looks that way.
Okay then, well, we'll wait and see then.
In the game, black pincered white.
What do you think of the game so far?
This is a common opening recently.
She played the enclosure, but you could also approach, defend, and play somewhere here.
That way you play to develop faster.
You could enclose and play a bit slower. There are two ways to think about it.
She approached. Normally you would play like this. This would be more normal.
Because Black has this territorial framework here.
Recently, though, people approach here more often.
It's popular, isn't it?
It's popular.
You can protect or pincer. Well, there are many different choices. This is one.
She went into the 3-3 point.
You can also double approach.
This move is not seen very often.
People will double approach like this, usually.
Well, this move is slower.
This is usually how it plays out.
Like this yes?
Oh, they haven't played this out yet.
Right, just now she played the hane and he blocked.
Then like this, yes?
If White plays this then black plays this.
White is captured.
White has jumped.
Yamada Kimio looks really serious today.
He's not normally like that?
No, he isn't. He's a very nice person. He's serious today.
He might just be really into the game.
In a manner of speaking. He's playing against a strong female player.
That's right.
I've heard Mukai is an up and coming player.
She's one of the two female players to make into the "Best 8" in history.
Today she might set a new record.
Who knows what will happen?
We'll see if it becomes reality.
Black 10-16
So is Black playing to build a large framework?
Right. That's what he's doing.
What's both player's style? How do they play normally?
Well, in any case Mukai Chiaki is strong.
Yamada Kimio can use any style.
He's very flexible.
Yes. He plays a very balanced style.
He can play to build frameworks...
He can play territorially.
He is a very precise, careful player. Doesn't rush.
So his personality shows in his games?
That may be the case. I play all over the place.
White's used all of her main time.
Well she has a lot to think about.
Will his moyo strategy work or...oh she just played.
She invaded.
This is one possible move.
We can play here or descend here.
Lately few people play this. It's just not good enough.
Play this, connect, then connect all the stones.
Now the three stones are a burden.
More people descend here lately.
It looks like Black's territorial framework,
but actually you can try and capture these stones.
That would be the aggressive way to play.
This is one possible move, and this one is also possible.
This move is a compromise.
And now, Black has played here.
I feel he's up to something. Normally you play here or here.
That's because you're afraid of something happening here.
Here, how do I put it?
When White plays here, this exchange becomes bad.
Black can choose a different move.
Has he used his main time?
This move feels like he's taking it easy.
Normally you think about how to protect this area.
Chiaki might be thinking "Who does this guy think he is?"
"He isn't listening to what I'm saying."
"Who do you think I am?"
Jumping out like this is burdensome. Black protects.
If Black had played this first then you'd just extend or attach.
Because he's played this, we need to do something, but what?
This move is a possibility.
White just descended.
You can think about this.
This move feels cramped. Doesn't feel good.
If White plays this then the fight will be about whether or not this exchange was good.
It could be good. For example,
if Black plays here then this exchange isn't good.
White is heavy, naturally he'd rather play something over here.
If a fight breaks out over here then this will affect what happens.
The fight will revolve around whether or not this exchange affects the fighting over here.
He played the hane.
This hane could be dangerous.
For Black?
Black looks like he could get separated.
White has to separate Black.
Jumping here would be normal for White. If you play this you'll get pushed down. Just connecting doesn't feel right.
If he blocks like this.
He might try to capture.
Connect like this.
This way White's stone is working effectively.
From here, Black can play elsewhere.
If that stone were already here then Black would have to connect.
White comes out and starts to harass the stones here.
I don't think it will turn out that way though.
She attached here right? What an amazing move.
It's a cool move.
If it's successful that is.
If it fails, well...
For the moment it doesn't seem like it works.
I think they'll play like this.
Cut, connect, then extend here. Black can extend here.
If White connects...
If he connects then these stones are captured.
You can capture. Just taking these stones isn't interesting.
What should she do?
Black just hane'd and it's White's turn.
Playing the hane here isn't good..
Yes, but she has to keep her shape.
White 18-8 Hane
Black 18-9 Cut
White 17-10 Connect
He extended.
Black 17-7 Extend
She might be planning on cutting but,
Playing this is bad.
Cut here, then capture. This seems about right. Black can come out here. Maybe she can think about this.
This might be possible, well, this doesn't look good.
She cut in the game.
I thought she might cut. This is the shape.
He'll take this and then capture.
This is okay. It might be a little dissatisfying in a way though.
White has solid eye space. White can make eyes by capturing this stone.
Black is completely safe. That's not so great. We would've liked to attack this more.
Let's say Black plays here and White captures.
Then this exchange looks dumb.
That's what makes White dissatisfied.
In the real game he played here.
That is important. If you try this, White plays here, and now White is good.
White's become a bit more solid.
She's lost some points, but she's still in the game.
Black 3-6 Approach
Black is feeling good about now.
He wants to approach White's upper area.
This is why I said Yamada was flexible.
He really looks serious today. Don't you think so?
I think so too.
White played the knight's move.
She's trying to pull ahead. She lost points so she's trying to get them back.
Black isn't rushing, he's taking his time.
She invaded!
Extending would have been expected.
She wants to play more aggressive moves.
Right here, at this stage, we have something very important.
Wedge, then cut, extend, atari, cut, take, atari, then the ladder is good for White.
You want to play this while the ladder is good for you.
If Black gets a chance to play like this...
White gets attacked. And the ladder is no longer good for White.
That's the reason you want to play this while the ladder is good for you.
Black didn't get a chance to attack so now is the time.
Let's talk about the part where Black attaches.
If Black blocks from this direction, then Black has many cutting points and the ladder isn't an issue.
If White just extends then Black has no cutting points.
This is why the ladder is so important.
That's why this move is severe.
I see.
This might just be the winning move.
In the beginning, Black was able to take points, and probably felt he was ahead.
Because he feels this way, he may want to play defensively.
If that's the case then his moves might become...
He might play it safe?
He may feel he wants to keep playing defensively, which could be both good and bad.
White isn't feeling so relaxed.
Black is really thinking here.
He really has a tough choice.
He's thinking "Should I protect or continue to go on the offensive?"
Speaking of Mukai 5 dan, she's called one of the "Three Knights" along with Miura Kaori 2 dan, Nagashima Kozei 2 dan.
Actually, she has a new name.
Now it's Shizura. She's married.
Ahh, I see.
Chiaki is the youngest of the three.
Interestingly, Yamada Kimio was one of the "Three Brothers."
Yes. Yamada Shifuo 6 dan and Yamada Wakyo 7 dan, and then Kimio 9 dan.
Kimio was the youngest of the three?
Yes he was.
So this is the battle between the youngest?
Well, they're both strong.
Ahh, in the game, he attached on top.
I think she'll wedge here, but here, Black can think about this move.
If White does what Black wants, then this ladder will most likely work for Black.
There's a possibility that White will play here, and then the plan won't work.
I was reading out whether or not it's good to come out here.
Unexpectedly, there is a chance White can make sabaki here.
That's because Black's shape as he comes out is not very good.
If White takes then yes, the ladder is broken, but if White plays like this, then Black's stones become unmanageable.
Therefore he attached
And then, the wedge.
Black decided to play an alternate sequence.
Wow. I couldn't do this.
Connect here.
I think Black can block here.
What do you think?
Well let's play it out. Play this, then connect.
Connect again.
Black's framework is very big, but then White's stones here are really erasing Black's influence.
This feels somehow painful.
In the game, he extended.
So White will follow along...
Then play like this...
Then you have two weak groups and you think about which one you want to try and capture.
Doesn't look like you can capture either.
Well, at least you can start by thinking about how you might try to capture them.
Black 11-16 Extend
The invasion was a good idea.
It was a good move?
Yes it was.
Let's fight.
I'm looking forward to seeing how this turns out.
The next move, the jump, you don't have to think about so much.
White's really calm.
Expanding here is big.
Black is thinking "Even if I lose a bit here, expanding here is everything."
Well his thinking is wrong.
Is that a fact?
Can White do something?
White can protect the corner by jumping.
By protecting the corner she's planning to counterattack.
Black has two cutting points.
Black on the bottom, yes?
Which cutting point should you use?
For the moment, the ladder isn't good.
Right. Black approaches, a move not unlike when he expanded on the left.
It's a good move.
Black feels that he's in the lead.
Black is confident?
Yes he is. But he's totally mistaken.
Black's approach is an extremely big move.
This move is big?
Yes, very.
The game is totally different if White plays here.
By expanding here, this black group is strong.
If White had played here, White would play like this and harass this group.
Now that this is strong, this move has little effect.
Now White is the one who is weak.
If White had played this then this sequence at the bottom might not have happened.
But because White played this, even though Black lost out on the bottom,
this move makes up for it.
If White plays this and then the bottom plays out like the game,
Then I'd think "What a fool."
Black is looking at the whole board.
Playing here makes up for my loss at the bottom.
She has no choice.
It's a bit painful to play.
She'll come under. This move is absolutely necessary.
If Black gets to block here, then White looks like he's about to die.
She definitely has to play here.
Expanding here is also very big.
Because this is strong, expanding here makes this area here territory.
She played this in the game.
White 2-6 Come underneath
He played there.
Can Black attack White?
He has to.
He can't back off.
He's worried about which cutting point White will use.
What if White takes...
Playing elsewhere is a possibility.
You can play this...
What about other moves?
Pushing up here.
Then basically saying "Come at me!" here.
This move looks very strong.
It does, doesn't it?
Very cool.
But it may not end well.
There are two moves here.
She needs to think long and hard about it.
For example if Black played here then it's simple, take here.
That's why it's difficult to decide whether to play here or here.
That's why just playing elsewhere is an option.
When you don't know what to play, just play elsewhere.
That happens, yes.
Depending on the situation,
If Black gets this, these stones dying may be no big deal.
If Black captures them with a move like this, then that's big.
Like this, White's loss may not be big.
There is aji over here. Many different possible moves.
You might want to sacrifice this.
You could play this after throwing the group away.
This would start a big fight.
These are all possibilities.
She played the kosumi in the actual game.
Black also played the kosumi.
The kosumi looks weak.
In actuality it's strong.
This might be correct.
This might be the correct move, but it feels awkward.
It's hard to explain.
It's a matter of feeling?
Don't you think so?
Don't you think this feels awkward to play?
That's the way this move feels.
This is just awkward.
For example if Black escapes you wouldn't play like this.
Yes, but, this move doesn't have a followup.
It makes the group heavy.
After this move, you can't sacrifice this group.
With this, you can.
In fact, I feel I want to sacrifice it.
That way I can aim for moves here.
These feel like sacrifice stones.
Even if Black tries to capture like this, there is a possibility White can still live.
High level strategy.
Well, I thought it would be good to talk about some high level strategy.
This doesn't feel right.
They're playing a fast game. Not a lot of time to think.
There are times where you play where you really don't want to.
White 16-13 Push
Black 17-14 Pull Back
Back in the day, when I was younger, there was a classmate above me watching a game.
He'd just slam down a stone wherever he wanted to play.
He'd tell me to "Go back to the countryside!" for playing bad moves.
She extended.
It may be better if she hadn't.
She did it because she played the kosumi. That meant she couldn't sacrifice this group.
There's no way around it.
Black 13-10 Knight's Move
Is White's group not alive?
It won't die.
It won't die, but it's painful to just live.
It might get more complicated, but dying is definitely bad.
Dying is bad, but living small is also bad.
In the game, she pushed up.
She probably shouldn't have played it.
Not with the kosumi...
Actually, in may in fact be correct.
Now is a very important point in the game.
Black 10-14 Hanging Connection
She might jump.
Why is it big to keep pressing forward?
Pushing here means that you're aiming to play on one of these spots.
Without it, your eye space is in danger.
Like this, you don't really have eyespace.
Pushing up, then the hanging connection, then jumping...
She might be able to attack Black.
This might actually turn into an attack on Black, rather than the other way around.
In the game she played on the left.
That's a wonderful move.
That might be good.
What about the attachment?
Normally, you hane.
Pulling back is also an option.
You can push through as well.
Three choices, 1, 2, 3.
This is unthinkable.
You'll get destroyed.
Save these stones...
Now Black gets captured.
Now it's a ladder.
He can pull back, push through, but he'll probably pull back.
Pulling back isn't very satisfying.
This attachment is a good move.
This is better than just jumping.
Why can't he hane?
It's not bad.
Black will extend.
White will take sente.
The problem becomes how to best make use of this cutting point.
What about the ladder?
The ladder is probably okay.
Shall we play it out?
Connect here.
The ladder may be good, but, if Black plays the knight's move,
This may turn out to be pretty hard for White.
You'd leave this area alone and play over here.
You could jump too.
Then aim for the cutting point.
If you can break through then this framework disappears.
In the game, he played elsewhere.
He's not just going to take it.
Well, he's seen the light.
These stones are in danger.
You want to take away the eye space and then attack.
This is a wonderful move.
It may be difficult to find a move on this side.
This side is not settled. If you have this move in place, that's fine.
Even if you play this, White might get to play here.
Then the territory is gone.
He played elsewhere because he didn't see any prospects for territory here.
So, let's attack.
A strong move.
Will he keep attacking?
Or will he try to surround this group?
Surround it is.
You can't play elsewhere here.
Both of them need to pay attention to this area.
How would you go about escaping?
Hard to say.
Normally you'd play like this.
If Black cuts here then your shape is bad.
Your eyespace just keeps on getting attacked.
You have half an eye here, but you lack eyes elsewhere.
Now there's a possibility one of your groups is going to be surrounded.
It might be better to live as quickly as possible, rather than run.
If you're just trying to live, play this.
In the game, she played the kosumi.
This is the correct shape.
It's fine, but it feels slow.
He might come here next.
If you play here, Black might still play like this.
Here, you can make one eye.
This is alive for the most part.
With that said, Black played on the bottom.
He's trying to attack this group.
It's severe.
Going after the bottom.
Mukai is not going to just die here. It'll be okay.
She'll find some brilliant way out of this mess.
Just jump.
Just come out this way.
Sometimes you just need to escape.
Depending on the situation you want to separate Black.
Aim for the weak points?
This move is a plus.
If Black plays here then he's a lot stronger.
For the moment, just play here and wait for your chance later.
She might attach...ahh, she jumped.
Attach where?
If Black extends then you can capture this stone.
Play this...then this.
Black is captured.
If you save the stone, then you get to move out faster over here.
I thought that maybe that would happen, but she jumped.
So now we've got to make a decision.
Should we try and capture?
Should we just try and surround and then win on territory?
That's what he's considering now.
If he wanted to capture, how would he try and do it?
If he wanted to capture, he might want to play here.
White isn't alive here.
You can't live.
So you have to run out, and then Black separates and surrounds both groups.
If you're looking to compromise, then this move or this move.
This cut is still here.
If White tries to connect this way then this cut is here.
He's thinking about what he should do here.
He might be trying to capture.
If he tries to capture White, then we play this.
If things go wrong, then it may be a capturing race between these two groups.
This, then this, then this....
Play this, then extend, then this.
This might turn into a capturing race. Maybe.
This is just one way this could all play out.
Black could be the one getting captured.
She attached.
Yes, she did.
Black 15-14 Pull Back
Was the attachment good or bad?
It may just be bad.
It's difficult being attacked while you're in byo-yomi.
Yes, it is.
If Black makes a mistake it's not so costly.
If White makes a mistake, she dies.
She has one period left.
Yes, just one.
Black has 4.
Black has the lead on that front.
Hmm, about the attachment. If White doesn't play here, she gets separated.
Atari, connect...
This is miai. You're cut.
Even if you play here, you can't go in, you'll get captured.
That's why you have to play like I just showed.
Like this, then jump.
The wedge may be effective.
Without this exchange, you can push through and connect.
With this exchange, then you can't. It's not helpful.
Without it, you could take.
That's why the exchange could be bad.
If you don't play the correct way, then you're in danger.
This move may not in fact work now.
Without this...
This move would work.
You could hope to come out here.
Now how do you escape with this exchange in place?
She blocked.
Blocking is painful.
Without this stone, then there's a cut here.
By exchanging this for this
You take a loss on this side.
Even if this lives, you've taken a loss on the left side.
You might lose on territory.
It's not just a matter of saving the stones.
You try to avoid this move if at all possible.
You want to try and jump out, then aim for this cutting point.
She doesn't have a lot of time, so she just played it.
This is a bit painful.
It's Black's turn.
Is he still intent on capturing?
If he wants to make his shape thick, then play this.
White cannot make two eyes here.
You might be able to capture White with a move in here.
Other moves could be moves like this. Even if White lives, you can separate here.
This move tries to directly capture White.
It depends on whether or not you think this move or this move is more solid.
In the game he played here.
He blocked White's path here.
There is a small chance White can live.
If White plays here, then Black plays here.
That's really terrible. She's in byo-yomi.
She connected. She might die now.
Because you can wedge here and then make an eye, Black has to protect.
You can play this and live.
If Black tries to capture,
This connects.
You have to stop White from playing that move.
Play here.
White's alive.
There's not that much time. She connected.
Does he go for the kill?
He might play over here.
He'll let this stone go.
Now his cutting point is covered.
Now he'll definitely play this.
He'll make himself safe first.
If White lives with a move over here, he'll take this point over here.
We'll see what he'll do next.
He still is thinking about jumping perhaps.
Tough decision.
If he plays straight away then this cut...
Going straight for the kill is not very elegant.
He wants to play elegantly first...
It'd be better to start over here first.
He doesn't have time to relax.
This move right here is bad.
One more move lives.
Doing that with two moves isn't good.
It gives Black a second move elsewhere.
This was a huge loss.
Just trying to capture feels like it's not enough.
Play something over here.
Relax a bit.
He went for it.
Well White might block, so this is possible.
If he's not able to capture the whole group after playing here, then this is bad.
I feel around here is better.
Well he's serious about capturing White.
Hopefully White can survive somehow.
I wonder if extending the other way works.
Doesn't work, does it?
Playing like this you can make an eye.
What happens next?
If you want to capture, then you play this.
Then atari, connect...
Connect here works. The atari is sente....
Connect there and then hane.
If he cuts, descend, block, then play here.
This is a capturing race. White wins.
2 against 3.
This won't actually happen though.
Man this is painful.
White could come out here. In any case, Black feels horrible.
It's all still unsettled.
White looks to be struggling, but actually Black could fall apart if he makes a mistake.
He can't let his guard down. The situation is scary.
This is a straightforward way to play. No tricks. That should be fine.
Now finally, this cut.
What will happen next?
Black's shape is all clumped together. Very scary.
I don't think this will actually happen but....
This group might die.
Very dangerous.
In the game she cut.,
Just like this.
Black 9 - 15
Before trying to capture this group, Black could have played something over here.
Now the balance of power is totally different.
This isn't exactly a fair fight.
Now Black has his work cut out for him.
He might collapse, but like a man.
Pushing into the center should be fine to play now.
It doesn't feel right to take away your own liberties. Do it anyway.
If you don't do it soon enough then the loss you took won't be made back up.
White isn't just trying to survive anymore.
White wants to capture Black.
She should just extend, and quick.
Do it while the getting is good?
He may run away later.
Would it work now?
It should still work.
After extending three or four times, then it should really do a lot of damage.
It may not feel right to take away your own liberties, but now is not the time to think about that.
He'll cut. I don't think he's the kind of person to back off.
It's dangerous.
This game could get complicated.
Black 12-11 Cut
Mukai Chiaki is really strong.
It hasn't been an easy game for her, but she keeps fighting.
She looks like she's going to die, but she strikes back at Black.
White 11-11 Cut
There are various ways to play now.
She might start with the atari then hane.
Atari here.
This should be an interesting fight.
Now hane here.
You can capture three stones, but now this group lives.
If you cut, then Black cannot connect.
You have no choice but this.
Then cut here.
He has to capture now.
Now Black might die.
He might play this and protect his group.
She extended. This is also an option.
He pushed.
Just hane here. It's an important move.
If you extend, when Black captures, it becomes a ladder.
Wait, the ladder doesn't work?
It does.
If these stones are already in place, then you can escape.
That would work if this side is thicker.
If you hane, Black may capture.
An exchange.
Black would take a loss, but not that big.
She atari'd. I see.
That's a sharp move.
Connect, then hane.
You can't play here, White captures.
Black has to play here.
Is this what she's aiming for?
This might be really something.
Can Black play here?
This also would be something.
She hane'd.
This game has gotten intense.
You really have to watch how you play now.
Kimio is a real man's man.
He didn't want to prepare himself beforehand, just go in and do it, like a real man.
He went right in.
This game is going to be exciting.
White should extend and win.
Maybe she thought if Black played there it would be bad for her.
This should still make for a good fight.
It's gotten interesting.
Yamada Kimio is really amazing.
If he had just made some preparation moves....
What a man.
He's truly a man among men.
She might keima at this point.
This here is doing its job.
Black can't come out.
This is double atari.
She played this in the real game.
That's truly an awesome move. Impressive.
What do you mean?
In this case Black can hane.
White plays this next, then what happens?
This might just be a wonderful move.
Black can't play here?
White cuts him off.
Pushing through and cutting may work.
No way. This is getting even more interesting.
Black is in real deep trouble.
What does the actual game look like now?
Black is still thinking.
He's on his last period of main time.
What an awesome move.
I thought she'd play the knight's move.
If this does the job, then great.
I do worry about one thing though.
If this somehow turns into a capturing race, then I think Black would lose it.
He has to run away.
White can block him off here.
He cannot cut here.
Because you have this.
Double atari.
You have to atari this way then.
Now cover here.
Maybe White can escape. That'd be something!
Black played here.
Who knows what'll happen next?
He's thinking, "What have I gotten myself into?"
Black is definitely in danger.
He could be totally in for it.
He does have one saving grace.
White hasn't actually played here and made this exchange.
If this exchange is in place, White would win the capturing race.
However, this exchange has not been made.
Then Black may not be at a loss for liberties here.
If this exchange is in here, Black's dead.
Since there is no exchange, he may be able to find a way to save himself.
Really interesting.
I don't know what Black is going to do.
He cut.
Now it's going to be a long, drawn out battle.
We don't know who's going to lose out.
What happens next?
Atari, then I think he'll play here.
If he captures, then White captures.
Atari here.
If White connects, play here, then here, then this is seki (mutual life).
That's why you can't connect here. You play this.
Like this?
He might come out.
Coming out might make the situation chaotic.
He has no other choice.
If he plays this then he loses.
He can't stop White from getting out.
So this is a move he could play.
Now, extend.
He has to.
Black can't win the capturing race.
Now's his chance.
This is the best way to start. What a good fight.
Connecting is bad.
Come out?
Black will play this next.
Now White will come out probably.
That should affect the capturing race.
Black has to play this then.
Hmm, what now?
This is difficult.
It's still a good fight.
There, huh?
Is she aiming to make a ko?
Yes, but this move doesn't look good.
Black takes. He could do this but, he takes.
You can't run away.
This is painful.
This ko is painful for White.
Yamada Kimio really found a good move.
Good for him.
White had another move.
Do this first.
Black then takes?
Sure, he has to.
Extending is good too.
Then like before.
This may be the end for Black. He might lose the capturing race.
He might extend though. Who knows how the fight will go.
You don't get the feeling you have to atari first.
Oh well, this is a beautiful move.
This is painful.
Not so good.
Black 8-9 Extend
Hmm, ko threats?
White 11-11 Take the Ko
This really isn't a ko because White can't connect.
If she connects then she's captured.
Well, this is seki, which is terrible.
You can't just connect the ko to be successful.
That's the problem.
Ahh he played there.
That's the vital point.
Will she protect?
Getting closed in will hurt.
If Black takes the Ko she might get sealed in.
There it is.
She can get out.
Now is it a real ko?
She doesn't have any ko threats.
This area is so big.
White could live from this.
Just living is...well...maybe she'll play...
She connected.
She doesn't have a lot of time to think. Oh well.
Connecting is painful.
The situation isn't resolved yet.
Now he'll cut into the side group.
That is pretty big.
There's no helping it. Just take.
White seems pretty confident.
Will she be okay?
Black connects the ko here.
Let's look at what happens around here.
Protect here.
If he connects here you take and connect.
If he ataris you create a ko here.
If he doesn't want to do any of that you can go here.
This is hard.
Connect here.
You can't cut, but you can take here.
You can't block.
Now you can cut. These stones are in atari.
Like this, Black is dead.
White can get out, but with this move.
Black didn't connect.
He didn't because White can get out, so he played over here.
Yamada Kimio is really playing well.
It would have been better to atari, then hane, then exchange groups.
Now is not the time to be drinking tea.
Cho Chikun, you're getting excited.
I'm pumped.
White 5-11
Black's not paying attention to anything over here.
This may not be enough.
He just played here.
This is all natural.
I wonder if he'll play this next.
This still exists.
What about here?
This is double atari.
That's why he played these moves.
That's the reason he may just connect.
If he does, it might be the wrong move.
He connected.
Don't make a mistake!
He may still not be out of the woods yet.
White doesn't have to play over here. She could take this.
But taking this might mean that all of this gets captured.
She'll lose on points.
This is the part that will decide the game.
Will he be okay from here on out?
There it is.
White 5-17
What the...huh?
Did he play on the wrong spot? That can't be.
He's supposed to play on the third line.
I think he just played on the wrong spot. Maybe he's losing his nerve.
She'll cut.
Can he somehow find a way out?
Where is Black supposed to play now?
What do you mean?
It'll be fine.
If he were to play here, you cut, atari, then play here.
You can just connect here. There's nothing.
You have to add one more move here.
You can connect here.
I thought it was alive.
Atari...no just connect.
I thought White can get out this way.
If he cuts, he gets captured.
When he plays here, just connect.
I just got a bit upset, that's all.
"What is Yamada Kimio doing?" However, it's fine.
If you atari here you don't have a lot of liberties.
If you atari, then I don't know how the capturing race will turn out.
Directly connecting is fine.
He really had me going there.
He needs to play. Time is running out.
No worries.
The countdown was all the way to 9.
Can White hane?
Hane there...he can come out like this.
If he connects, White plays here, now you have a capturing race.
She had no choice. She jumped.
The jump is pretty good.
Hmm, but the capturing race might be good if she hane's.
Who knows at this point?
Anyone's game.
What will happen next?
Black 2-15 Block
Will she hane then take? Wait, you can take as well.
Mukai Chiaki is strong.
Yamada Kimio is the one who's shaken.
He thought she wasn't strong, but now he's shaken.
Still not connected?
Still no idea who's winning.
Black might have to atari.
He can't waste time thinking about his stone's shape.
I almost had a heart attack when the record keeper said "8."
At 8?
Well with so little time I might put a stone on the wrong spot.
Well I might not make the move in time.
White 4-12 Capture
Can he atari?
If Black can atari and it works, Black should win. If not....
When you say atari, where do you mean?
Black dies this way.
I was thinking about this.
White connects here and Black plays here.
What if White plays here. Black dies.
He takes, White takes, and then Black only has three spaces here.
If I were playing, I'd lose.
He avoided it.
At that moment I realized to do the hanging connection, not the atari.
White 2-10 Block
He read that out well.
Black 4-11 Capture.
She probably has to connect. If she does, it feels like she lives. Not a lot of Ko threats...
Ah, there.
What a tough spot.
What will he do? He captured.
He took.
Speaking of Ko threats, she'll take here, then, he'll atari here.
Take this, then this, this might work.
White just took the ko.
Atari there is a ko threat.
The ko threat has to threaten to let Black live.
If White takes, then White can take here, but, Black can make eyes.
This is an eye, one false eye, and over here is one eye.
He attached.
Is that okay?
Just now Black attached.
This gets captured. Can he do that?
He cuts here...
Does he win the capturing race?
Between this White group and this Black group?
He does win. He plays here.
So therefore, White runs away.
Since he played here, White might be able to connect.
Now she might have a lot of ko threats in this area.
Without this, Black comes out.
The game goes on.
This is getting exciting.
Yes it is.
The commentator shouldn't be having so much fun.
The viewers should be the ones having fun.
Let's have fun together.
White 15-16 Kosumitsuke
The countdown was all the way down to 8 again?
Wow, it's kind of sad. I'm impressed by every move.
I must admit, Yamada Kimio is strong.
Wonderful move.
Atari and connect.
Connect, and now there is this cut.
Now White's sealed in.
I didn't see this move.
Even if you play this....you can do this.
There's a cut.
Push, cut, then you can make an eye over here.
I really should be able to see moves like this.
White took the ko.
So this was a ko threat.
She has plenty of ko threats here.
Maybe 7 or 8 more.
Black 11-7 Push
I see.
She needs to do this.
What do you mean?
If she plays here, then Black will come here.
This way Black has a cutting point. The other way he's strong.
Black 4-11 Taking the Ko
Should White continue playing on the bottom?
That's not the problem.
Let's say White plays a ko threat that threatens to make her group live.
Then that means this group over here gets captured.
Ko threats like this are great.
It might result in capturing Black.
In the future she may even be able to get threats in this area like the hane.
You want to find ko threats that threaten to live and push this way.
Black played the hane.
White 4-12 Taking the Ko
The confusing part is here. Atari, connect...
Black might be able to live.
That's the problem.
Well Black living here is something I don't want to think about.
You don't want to think about a move like this.
In the game, he blocked.
Will the cut work?
Will she cut and then play something over here?
She might just go for it, but it may not turn out to be a good thing.
I expected her to extend.
Black 4-11 Taking the ko
She has a lot of ko threats.
Always playing at the last second. Can't be good for your health.
Just play the move as quickly as possible may be best.
Black 14-17 Connect
She'll take the ko.
Black's run out of ko threats.
He'll have to find a move to live.
There are still plenty of ko threats here.
This probably lives.
Am I wrong?
There's a lot to worry about.
If this doesn't live then Black loses.
Playing this move is scary.
I don't think he'll play it.
Yamada Kimio is a man's man after all.
He played it.
Be a man Yamada Kimio!
Yamada Kimio is a manly man. I never thought he'd play there.
Yamada Kimio, if you retire, I'll change my opinion entirely.
Is it alive?
It's probably alive, but Yamada Kimio isn't confident about that.
"How could I do something so stupid?" is what he's thinking.
She'll cut.
I bet he's thinking 'What's going on here?"
"Did I make a mistake somewhere?"
He didn't play the atari here. He could be in trouble for that.
Let's say Black loses the ko.
White can hane here.
If I make two eyes...
If you make two eyes I'll be happy. I'll just capture these stones.
If this move is already here, then White runs out of liberties and can't play here.
Let's say he plays here.
Black will take these three stones.
You might think taking three stones is a good thing, but after connecting here, Black is dead.
This is dangerous.
She took the ko.
"Why me? What's going on?" He's panicking.
He's fine, he'll get his eyes.
When white hanes here, he can still atari.
Even if White takes these stones, you capture, and Black has eyes.
You can think of these stones as a gift for getting these stones in return.
White is pretty big though with all this.
She played the hane.
If he had just played that move earlier nothing would have happened.
Yamada Kimio is fantastic.
He might be panicking and might play this.
Probably here.
Black might not die playing this.
"Why me?"
Well, not playing the atari is cool. We don't normally want to play it.
She'll extend next.
White doesn't really have eyes here.
That is big.
Will she capture? This cut is also big.
Without taking these stones, we don't feel secure about this group.
She'll play this probably.
Black just has this area here.
White's area is over here.
Well there's this here. It might be hard for her.
Another awesome move.
She's aiming to capture.
Black looks like it is dying.
Black 7-6 Knight's move
White 11-4
He'll probably capture the two stones on the left.
He's not going to play a move that lets Black escape into the center.
He captured.
A man's man.
He could probably have escaped with his center group by jumping.
He's saying "Try and capture me."
Maybe Black is already dead.
Maybe he's already dead and he just said "Ah well, let's play this."
White is trying to capture, correct?
She has to.
Good move.
Wonderful move.
What's the meaning behind the move?
She's playing on the vital point to take away eye space.
Now Black looks really dead.
Jumping looks great.
Good move.
Playing for safety.
He might sacrifice depending on what happens next.
I worry about this move.
Atari here.
Now to try and capture.
There's a lot to worry about.
Can you really capture this?
I would lose right away.
I was thinking about if this sequence captures.
This doesn't work. Atari here.
Even the atari here...
This is horrible. Black is totally destroyed.
He didn't go for it.
He's letting half of his group go.
Amazing move.
He'll be fine if this works.
Taking here is big.
She might do this. It's simple.
She decided against it.
There's the vital point.
If you descend, then the cut.
Now we have to think about whether or not we can capture White.
Just like before.
You can be safe by playing here.
If you make preparations beforehand, this will work.
Next, extend.
Atari, connect, come out.
If you prepare for this it'll work.
He might not feel like playing preparation moves.
She connected here instead of descending.
These are sacrifice stones.
Wait a second.
I thought this was double atari, but actually it's self atari.
My apologies to you and the viewers.
I thought he had to play over here.
That should protect.
After 187 moves, Yamada Kimio 9 dan wins by resignation.
Black won by resignation. What was the most important part of this match?
Black should have played preparation moves before trying to capture White.
He didn't, but it turned out okay.
I thought White might win but...
This cut right here where I thought they would exchange territory...
It ended well for Yamada Kimio.
Cho Chikun Honorary Honinbo, thank you so much for the entertaining commentary.
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