Thứ Tư, 28 tháng 6, 2017

Waching daily Jun 28 2017

"The discreet lack of elegance of its girls", by Caetano.

"The woman who walks around the city", by Vanzolini

"The modern woman, timeless pampered woman", by Rita Lee

Many were the ones who sang

but, after all, who are the women of São Paulo?

How do they connect to the city? and How does São Paulo connect to them?

The Girls of São Paulo

And there is not a better place to find out more about this relationship

if not, on a Sunday day, on Paulista Avenue.

THE CITY - I would describe the city of São Paulo as a place of multiculture. Do you understand?

People from all over the world, but I also see a rather cold city

of people that just work a lot. Do you understand?

It is very big

We do not have any idea how big it is and the difficulty that mayors have in managing the city.

The same difficulty that often makes us run our own house

imagine running a big city..

THE WOMAN - I would say that the women from São Paulo are women who have a lot of things to do

have to work, have to get crowded buses every day

Most of them. Right? We are not talking about the bourgeoisie

Here in São Paulo, women end up being freer than women in Rio de Janeiro

Here, I have already witnessed several situations in which women took off their blouses and walked naked

For me, to go through this type of experience I had to leave Rio de Janeiro

RELATIONSHIP - My relationship with the city is of love and hate. I love Sao Paulo. I love it very much

but there's traffic, take subway crowded, they do not make up for it.

If São Paulo is a good city for women?

Dude! World is not a good place for women

LIKES -Look! What I like to do when I am here in São Paulo...

is to find a place to eat

Because here has many options

so you can go from a Japanese restaurant to a street hot dog. You find it here

IDENTIFICATION - "I was born here in the center of the city almost 60 years ago

City center, Anhagabaú

Direita Street


This quadrilateral that we are

From Avenida Paulista to...

the Municipal Market

this city center, this well-extended center of the city

The Cracolândia, the Luz, this is the place where I identify myself

I identify more with the center of the city

There is a prostitute at the corner, transvestites, homosexuals

It has straight woman, homo woman, it has a gay women, whatever

The city center is more our type. Right?

Because the city center is the street

But SP is not just the city center

Have you heard about East Zone?

And about Tiradentes City?

We went to there to have a nice chat with Loira

a bus driver of the line 312N – São Miguel – Tiradentes

The women of São Paulo are equal to us, we are the representatives

The noise of Sao Paulo, I like too much, the buzz, right?

What do I identify with the most? Traffic, I spend all my time in it

I relate well with São Paulo, in fact I relate well in all places

I like everyone. I like everything, it's difficult to find something I do not like

What I like the most is the feeling of freedom I have when I'm driving

I put people in here and it's very good for me to take care of

because it's a lot of people, I like people, I work with people, It's very good for me. "

IMPORTANT MESSAGE - Every woman can get off the point after 10pm. This is law!

From the East, we left for Galeria do Rock

and São Bento Square to talk to Issa Paz

one of the organizers of the Dominação battle

We are tracking hot stuff down around the city, to occupy mainly the city

We chose São Bento Subway Station near here because we needed a place in the center

so that all the girls from all over the city's outskirts could arrive easily

As MC, I believe that we transform the city little by little. Right?

Occupying spaces and making interventions in the street

I believe that women connect to the city in the way that the city connects to them

And São Paulo ends up putting this burden

because it is a big city, you do not trust people, you do not know people

Woman feel more insecure to walk downtown at night sometimes, doing her stuff

The city is already intimidating in many ways and we feel intimidated in many ways as well

What's up sexist, oppressor, abuser? We are watching you!

Nearby, we went to Sesc Bom Retiro

to talk with Xênia França

singer of Aláfia band

who brings in their last album "São Paulo Não é Sopa", an unsung SP

We have to be very strong. Right?

To have a lot of courage to live here

because at first, when you arrive in São Paulo, which is my case

the city is a city that is already configured and established with its standards and its values, its lifestyle

and everything has to happen for now, for now, for tomorrow

"When I arrived in São Paulo I wanted to be a model, I wanted to travel the world

I wanted to be a woman ...

a girl from São Paulo. Right?

The city was very hard on me

but I still couldn't understand the city and I had even a very negative view of what São Paulo was

I packed my luggage several times to leave

but she never let me go, always found a way for me to stay

I needed to have a lot of will, a lot of courage, a lot of perseverance to continue here

to continue living here during those 13 years

and because of that courage that I ended up getting involved with music

letting the music enter in my life and shape a bit what would be this: my adult-woman personality

And it's not from today that São Paulo is not a piece of cake. Right?

From the moment I arrived in São Paulo there are so many questions, so many questions

It only intensified and gave us food for thought, much stuff to think about

It ended up being our material, who gave material was the city

we did not have to do anything because the city has a lot of material to work on

Whats is about you? Women of SP

How is your relationship with the city that is not a piece of cake?

For more infomation >> As Minas de Sampa - Duration: 7:49.


La propuesta de Alonso que desató su ruptura con Lara Álvarez - Duration: 2:29.

For more infomation >> La propuesta de Alonso que desató su ruptura con Lara Álvarez - Duration: 2:29.


Aquiles descubierto por Ulises y Diómedes, de Rubens, con comentarios en latín - Duration: 7:45.

We're now going to look at the last work, also painted by Rubens

But Rubens painted this painting in the years 1618 to 1619.

I have said that it's by Rubens but in fact he didn't paint it himself

as it was painted by one of his pupils, called Van Dyck.

This often happened (as Esteban has already noted): Rubens had numerous pupils working with him

and Van Dyck may have painted the whole painting.

So what did Rubens do?

Apart from adding his name to the painting he also corrected various minor details,

a few small things

but we can't know that for certain.

Whatever the case, it corresponds to the so-called "Baroque" period

and as you can see, overall there are lot of extremely glowing colours

and it seems as if everything were in motion, it seems more like a theatrical performance

it's as if everyone were in a theatre

as that woman – as I will call her for the moment –

in the centre of the image

seems to be turning round and seizing a sword.


Is that figure a woman?

Is it a man?

Look carefully at the arms, look at the figure's arms.

It seems more like a man doesn't it,

not a woman.

And those there are woman, with standing out among them a noble, distinguished woman

distinguished woman, as she was the daughter of King Lycomedes.

They are on an island called Skyros in Greece.

And that woman is playing, as it were, with other women.

As you can see, they are surrounded by columns, so they're in a palace,

You can make out the columns, and once again a landscape,

we can see the sea,

and a balcony

"maeniana" in Latin, meaning "balcony".

Here we have two men but they don't seem to be soldiers, more like merchants

as they are offering their wares.

These merchants are Ulysses and this one here is Diomedes.

They're Greek heroes. So what are some Greek heroes doing here?

They've gone there and are looking for Achilles

as Achilles hid on that island

but Achilles was dressed as a woman.

Why was he hiding? Because his mother Thetis (as we talked about before didn't we: a wedding – Thetis)

was extremely afraid and worried

because she knew that Achilles would die in Troy

so from the start she decided to hide him on that island.

Thetis had arrived a considerable time before and had hidden Achilles on that island

and Achilles, as we said, was dressed in women's clothes.

And no one recognised him. So, what did Ulysses and Diomedes do?

Those Greek heroes had been told by Calchas that they couldn't gain a victory at Troy without Achilles.

So they decided to go in search of Achilles.

What happened? 50 00:04:48,460 --> 00:04:50,160 They arrived and they said:

"Which one's Achilles? As they all look like women."

"Which man? Or rather, which woman? Which one is Achilles?

So they said: "What are we going to do?"

They brought a basket, as you can see here,

and in that basket were a lot of things; there were, as we've said, things for women:

wool, needles, and lots of other things

but there was also a shield and there was also a sword.

They said: "Here you are, choose."

So all the women (as they did in those days) chose the female things

but Achilles heard a trumpet

and at that moment he seized the sword and said:

"Glory! Glory to me!"

and they said: "Now it's clear, that one's Achilles.

Come with us."

Achilles said. "It's true, I am Achilles, I will go to Troy."

So what did he do in the end?

He went to Troy and was killed there.

As you can see, there is movement, lots of colours, an enormous variety of colours,

a magnificent landscape with a blue and white sky, also clouds…

This is typical Rubens, marvellous,

And to conclude, I always like to repeat a phrase said by a wise man

and Cicero was a wise man, very learned.

We are in the Museo del Prado, and in his discourse "In defense of the Poet Arquias"

Cicero included a phrase that I like very much

and which I think is very appropriate to the occasion,

he said, if I remember correctly:

"All the arts that concern the world of the Humanities have a common link

and are connected by a certain relationship."

Painting, Latin, Greek, philosophy, literature…

Let all of them join forces and let's fight together and restore the world of the Humanities!

Long live the Renaissance and long live the Humanities.

Thank you very much.

For more infomation >> Aquiles descubierto por Ulises y Diómedes, de Rubens, con comentarios en latín - Duration: 7:45.


Herbert Léonard dans le coma : sa femme Cléo donne de ses nouvelles - Duration: 2:07.

For more infomation >> Herbert Léonard dans le coma : sa femme Cléo donne de ses nouvelles - Duration: 2:07.


Tour de France 2017: Andre Cardoso suspended for DOPING days before race - Duration: 3:36.

Tour de France 2017: Andre Cardoso suspended for DOPING days before race

Cardoso, who has just one professional win to his name and would have been riding in his eight grand tour before he failed a test for the banned blood-booster erythropoietin (EPO).

The 32-year-old had been included in Trek-Segafredos team for the Tour de France that starts on Saturday in Dusseldorf, Germany. To our cycling family, we have some disappointing news to share, a team statement yesterday said.

It is with deep disappointment that we have just learned that our rider, Andre Cardoso, has tested positive for a prohibited substance.   In accordance with our zero tolerance policy, he has been suspended immediately.

We hold our riders and staff to the highest ethical standards and will act and communicate accordingly as more details become available. Cardoso has two top-20 finishes in the Vuelta a Espana and Giro dItalia and was expected to be one of the key climbers in the Trek-Segafredo team.

And this was set to be the Portuguese riders Tour de France debut, which he described as an honour before a negative test on June 18.

I believe in clean sport and have always conducted myself as a clean athlete, but I realise that this news puts a dark cloud on not just myself but also on our sport and my team, team-mates and staff, Cardoso said.

Before anything else, those people are my friends and colleagues for whom I have unlimited respect, and under no circumstances would I ever do something that could put them, their families or their reputations in jeopardy.

I am fully aware that I will be presumed to be guilty, but its important to me to say that I am devastated by this news and I wanted to state that I have never taken any illegal substances.

Ive seen first-hand through my career the awful effects that performance enhancing drugs have had on our sport, and I would never want to be a part of that.

Ive always tried to be a constructive influence in the peloton and on young, aspiring cyclists. It is my great hope that the B sample will come back as negative and clear me of any wrongdoing.

Until then, I hope that those who know me, trust me when I say that Im innocent, and that my colleagues and cycling fans everywhere dont judge me too quickly during this difficult time. Cardoso will be replaced by Spanish rider Haimar Zubeldia, a five-time top-10 finisher in the Tour de France.

For more infomation >> Tour de France 2017: Andre Cardoso suspended for DOPING days before race - Duration: 3:36.


Coletânea de práticas 2016 - Musical inclusivo - Fortaleza - Duration: 4:43.

The dance, music, everything together

is exciting for those who are outside:

parents, mothers and even the children themselves.

Evaluating the characters, thinking of a musical,

we thought about what would be the best theme.

When we chose the Lion King,

I could already glimpse all those children acting,

I even imagined characters for them,

so I was thinking along with the musical

and creating choreography

and doing body language work until we got to the

actual rehearsals.

In Simba's story, he finds himself all alone,

he gets left out of his pride of lions

and he has to grow up alone, helpless among other animals,

some of them stronger or maybe taller than him…

He really needs the group's help to get back to his family,

and he needs to be embraced by the group so he can overcome

the barriers in his jungle habitat.

To work with diversity we created a link with the story.

We made a parallel with the issue of inclusion

in the sense that we are all different,

but at the same time we are all equal.

Everyone can do such a dance,

they can participate

and that's what we wanted to prove to them.

They had to watch the movie first

to understand the story

so we talked about the characters

and what they thought of them.

We brought miniature animals

for them to do storytelling,

recreating that story.

I brought the lyrics

and together we studied them,

we also filmed, recorded and photographed the students

singing this song, feeling and understanding it,

and then we moved on to the physical part.

And some students had a hard time

learning the moves.

I think dance and music give us

the opportunity to play,

because there are some children who would not

let themselves be touched at all,

and when we approached,

to do together, to make the move together,

they would allow themselves, you know?

I think that was really cool.

Guilherme was deeply involved in this experience,

his mother said that he always sang the

musical's song, "circle of life",

and talked a lot about the characters.

This year he had

great improvements not only

in his more elaborate writing

because he loves to draw and write

but also in his self-esteem.

He was having learning problems here.

But with the play, I started to

participate more with him, because the play

ended up attracting me more to school

and I came with him, I saw the choreography,

I saw some rehearsals.

The first presentation was beautiful

and helped a lot with everything,

in his learning, concentration, attention, everything.

During college, I only had 1 optional subject

of special education.

Almost 25 years later I arrived at a school

where I had to work with many children

with disabilities and it was a struggle.

How many students went through my class

and sat in the bleachers?

But I think I learned to change

and since Open Doors showed me this now,

I can no longer make the same mistakes.

For more infomation >> Coletânea de práticas 2016 - Musical inclusivo - Fortaleza - Duration: 4:43.


O que gera o sentimento de inadequação - Duration: 6:26.

For more infomation >> O que gera o sentimento de inadequação - Duration: 6:26.



For more infomation >> VANAF WELKE LEEFTIJD MAG MIJN KIND MEE OP DE MOTOR? - Duration: 0:57.


3 Secondes D' Espérance de Vie ! [Project Zomboid] - Duration: 10:50.

U know what ?

I'm gonna take the ranger

because we don't think enough about the rangers

what would do a ranger during the apocalypse ?

oh , the more you add

skills , the more defects you must take


ok then i don't care i go without any skill

i am just a ranger .

oh , i still need to select a defect

a 4 points defect is hard actually

we can find it easily

all the defects

were made to force you making choices and every defects are annoiying

i chose something that represent me , unlucky

let's go , let's play now

the unlucky ranger

you're gonna make one step in the map and get caught in a bear trap instantly

shut up .

i'm coming

"roger, la frite " is coming

get out eating something ....

eating fries ??? ( the english version is roger the fries)

Look at my face !

this swag

my fucking butt face

i walked around the whole map





i've found a parking

roger , i believe in you roger

you're fucking ugly roger

i must find a church ?

go fuck your mom

i got him

hit him come on

that's my roger , are you hurt roger ?

answer me pls mister

roger is okay

could come bacck on the parking pls

this game is not made for meeeee

have u got somthing for me

they're hitting the windows

this isn't a good idea


there's a zombie upstairs

i've found some ammo for a rifle

yes yes perfect can we leave now ?

there's a zombie with us

i've found a walkie talkie

i need a weapon


i go upstairs

dude run upstairs

get out zombie

you're not my friend

stay away from me

you wanna fight roger la frite ?

stop it mister pls

Ahhhh a zombire i thought it was you

they are too much

they've opened the door

i used a glitch he's walking for nothing

i'm dead dude


i got him

where are you ?

on the parking

i must run they've destroyed the door

they're all upstairs

come , come come with me

a magazine

- 20 point of the boring stat


I just red the magazine and it killed me

if knowledge is a weapon

you did hurt yourself too much

ah yes you're dead ?

oh , i'm in a pizzeria

oh you'll be able to eat pizzas to death .


zombies like pizza too

everyone near the table pls

you'll get your pizza

lemme get out ! i close the door

the outplay i got them :D

hey !

dude !

look i'm bleeding


your house is not safe at all

it's your fault

wtf no !

btw you're so ugly

i didn't choose my parents i didn't choose my family ....

i did read the first aid book but ...

test on me please

oh don't move !

you can heal me ? YOU CAN HEAL ME ?

i'm currently putting a finger in your butt to see if you're hurt

so am i sick ?

critical injuries

so what can i do

i did pass through a window and got bitten

it will be hard but we'll do everythng that is in our power

exchanging ? why ?

i don't undersatnd what i 'm doing

what ?

wow there are so much

could you take the glass off ?

i don't think i can

i survived for one day and 4 hours

and i killed 12 zombies


Here is Roger la frite 's end ....

dead by a heart attack

dead because of a piece of glass


Let''s create a new character

first name , Billy

name , the thug

and it will be a lady , a lady named billy


i'm looking for a name

you know what

i'll make the character exactly like i am

so .... i am a hypocondriac

i am a coward

there are not enough defects for you ...

i have agoraphobia

tell me when you're ready

and unlucky , clearly

i am a cook

no no let's do a rp character

we must find a profession which correspond to us

lol does fitness professor fits me ? NOPE !

you don't have to choose a work

we must find a work that fits us

but what if without employ fits me really good ?

i want a house i'm tired hungry and thirsty

when are we arrived ?

i need to pee..........

we already went there 2 minuts ago

but i didn't want 2 minutes ago !


look at the situation !

you shouldn't have chose fat ....

imagine the obesity one...........

wait me guys...

this game was prject zomboid

a wonderful game

even if we 're too bad to play at it

For more infomation >> 3 Secondes D' Espérance de Vie ! [Project Zomboid] - Duration: 10:50.


Banquete de Tereo, de Rubens, con comentarios en latín - Duration: 5:32.

This painting is The Banquet of Tereus; a banquet, a dinner given by Tereus,

and in my opinion this is a story that is difficult to understand and difficult for me to explain,

as there are a lot of characters in this story and it's possibly not very well known.

Rubens took the plot from Ovid's Metamorphoses

and if I'm not mistaken it's in Book VI that Ovid recounts what happened to Tereus.

They are in a palace in Thrace. Thrace is a very harsh, wild region,

and the king is Tereus, son of the god Mars, which means that he was cruel.

King Tereus was married to Procne,

Procne and Tereus had a son called Itys.

This is Itys, well, his head, but we'll talk about that later.

And that's Philomela, Procne's sister.

Tereus burned with love for Philomela, and what did he do?

He raped her, dishonoured her, assaulted her,

After which he cut out her tongue.

As Ovid described it: "The tongue crawled along the ground like a serpent"

She can no longer speak so cannot tell anyone what happened.

Tereus is now satisfied,

but Philomela and Procne finally meet up

and talk, well, not exactly talk as she can't any more, but they decide to revenge this terrible affront.


Firstly they captured the son Itys.

Then they killed him, murdered him.

Then they cut him up,

He is Procne's son so she murders her own son,

then she cooks her son's limbs and serves them up to Tereus for dinner.

Tereus eats his dinner – it's an extremely good meal – and at the end he asks his wife where Itys is:



Where are you?

And she, smiling, says, "He's inside you".

He doesn't understand her. "What?" – "He's inside you".

He's puzzled.

Philomela comes into the room and shows him his son's head,

Tereus is still baffled… He's astonished but then becomes extremely angry.

So what does he do?

He tries to kill Philomela and Procne.

They rapidly run away and ask the gods to please help them.

And as always or often happens, the gods listen to humans and help them.


The gods transform them into birds.

Tereus is transformed into an upupa, or hoopoe.

If you can see, it has a crest like Tereus's crown,

and a long beak like the sword on the throne on which Tereus is seated.

Procne becomes a nightingale, although some authors say an hirundo,

Hirundo is Latin for swallow.

It has a red spot on its neck, like Itys's blood.

Philomela is transformed into a luscinia, meaning a nightingale.

So she can now sing, speak, which previously she couldn't.

This is an extremely cruel painting which our students at school always like a lot.

Before Ovid the Greek author Sophocles wrote a tragedy called Tereus's Banquet,

but sadly it's lost.

For more infomation >> Banquete de Tereo, de Rubens, con comentarios en latín - Duration: 5:32.


Receitinha de Iverno: Creme de Mandioquinha com Bacon - Duration: 6:22.

For more infomation >> Receitinha de Iverno: Creme de Mandioquinha com Bacon - Duration: 6:22.


Las tres Gracias, de Rubens, con comentarios en latín - Duration: 6:19.

Hello, thank you everyone and thank you in particular to everyone at the Museo del Prado.

My name is Esteban Bérchez and this is Jorge Tárrega.

We are Latin teachers in senior schools in Valencia

and Jorge also gives Latin classes at the University of Valencia.

We are fellow members of the Collegium Latinitatis,

which is an association that encourages the use of Latin… everywhere.

Firstly we will be talking about and describing three or four paintings by Rubens;

mythological paintings.

But I think we should first say something about Rubens.

Peter Paul Rubens was born in Germany in the late 16th century

but he principally lived in Antverpia, or Antwerp,

where he died in 1640.

He served as an ambassador,

for which reason he made numerous trips throughout Europe.

He went, for example, to Venice, where he encountered the work of Titian,

who became his artistic example.

He went to Madrid, where he met the painter Velázquez, with whom he conversed in Spanish,

Fortune certainly smiled on him:

he was handsome, rich, intelligent and learned.

He was capable of doing numerous things at the same time. For example,

one day a friend came into Rubens' studio and saw the following scene:

While Rubens was painting he was also listening to someone reading Tacitus aloud,

he was dictating a letter to his secretary and chatting pleasantly with a few friends.

And now, if you agree,

we will move on to the first painting, entitled The Three Graces.

They were the daughters of Jupiter and Eurynome.

Jupiter, as you know, had numerus amorous affairs,

not just with goddesses but also with mortals

and he had a lot of children all over the word.

The Three Graces were, as I say, daughters of Jupiter;

They symbolise beauty, friendship and joy

and also love. For this reason they normally accompany Venus, goddess of love.

They are almost always nude, as in true friendship,

in true love, nothing should be concealed.

There are three of them and they touch each other, as in true friendship

in close friendship and in true love one sometimes has to give

and sometimes receive, and sometimes one gives and receives.

If you look at the goddesses' feet, one is on the ground

and the other is about to dance.

The verb saltare is a "false friend":

it doesn't mean "to jump", it means "to dance",

as these goddesses danced with the Muses, for example, and with the Hours.

That goddess with the blonde hair is Helena Fourment,

Rubens' second wife and his model,

not just in this painting but in many others.

Some people consider that this goddess is Rubens' first wife, Isabella Brant.

What else can I say?

They were called Aglaia, Euphrosyne and Thalia

and as I said,

they spread joy and love among mortals and the Olympian gods.

When he saw this painting King Charles III

was totally aghast and wanted to destroy it

as he considered it immodest.

Fortunately he didn't do so and we can now look at and contemplate these Graces.

For more infomation >> Las tres Gracias, de Rubens, con comentarios en latín - Duration: 6:19.


El juicio de Paris, de Rubens, con comentarios en latín - Duration: 9:40.

Hello everyone. My name's Jorge Tárrega,

I teach Latin in Valencia

I'm now going to explain a few things to you about a painting by Rubens

The Judgment of Paris, an extremely well-known painting.

Rubens painted it between 1638 and 1639.

He didn't work alone in a studio

but rather had a lot of pupils with whom he worked

and he painted paintings and also spoke in Latin.

By this date he was dying as he had dropsy,

a disease we now refer to as "gout".

He finally died in 1640.

What can we see in the painting?

It's divided into two parts

As you can see, in this scene there are three women, or rather goddesses

and in this part, on the left, there are two men

but the seated one is a man, it's Paris, also known as "Alexander".

The man standing is not just a man but a god, he's the god Mercury.

A god who, as you can see, wears a hat that actually has two wings.

So Mercury flew and came down from the heavens.

Why? We'll find out later.

He's also showing these goddesses an apple that we'll be talking about later.

Mercury was the messenger of the gods.

He also wore (look on the left) -

he also wore on his feet what are termed "talares",

which are winged sandals that he could also fly with.

So Mercury, wearing a very distinguished cloak, comes down from the heavens.

Why has he come down? Because there had been a wedding on Olympus.

At the wedding were numerous gods and goddesses.

The wedding was that of Thetis and Peleus

who would later be the parents of Achilles.

As is often the case at weddings, there were many guests

But not everyone was invited…

And those who weren't invited took it very badly and got angry.

Eris, called "Discordia" in Latin, became extremely angry

because they hadn't invited her to the wedding, so she turned up unexpectedly,

she appeared on the scene and hurled an apple on which was inscribed "for the most beautiful".

"For the most beautiful", which by the way is in the dative case.

Which goddess was the most beautiful?

As many goddesses were extremely beautiful:

Venus was beautiful, so was Juno, so was Minerva.

All the goddesses, and particularly these ones, competed for the apple and insisted on having it

as they said that they were the most beautiful.

What did they do? They said:

"Ah, Jupiter is the father of all the gods.

Let Jupiter decide!"

Jupiter made his decision on Olympus. But he said:

"I find myself in a predicament, this is a serious problem."

He looked about, turned around and in the countryside he saw a poor man,

namely Paris, who was a shepherd at that time,

and he said: "Mercury, come here please.

Please go and give the apple to that shepherd."

Soon after the messenger flew down

and the three goddesses went down with him.

What did they do? Mercury said:

"Hello, look here, we are Mercury and the goddesses.

I'm Mercury, the messenger of the gods, and you have to make a decision.

This apple, you have to give it, you have to offer it to the most beautiful goddess."

So look, look at Paris, he's having a hard time, he's worried.

He's in a predicament like Jupiter.

"What am I going to do?"

As the goddess – The light – look, typical Rubens…

There's a lot of light here, it's an extremely brilliant, dazzling image, whereas here there's darkness.

We have the two men, we have the goddesses, there's a lot of colour,

here we have white, here red, here purple,

here a degree of darkness.

Apart from the two scenes there's also a landscape, which is a habitual element in Rubens.

There are also sheep, there are tall trees.

Rubens depicted it all in minute detail, he painted it meticulously and in great detail.

Look here, I'll be talking about the weapons later: the weapons are glittering, shiny, really gleaming.

Look at the dog's eyes, the sheep's eyes, they are gleaming, shining.

What did the goddesses do? The goddesses offered Paris gifts, as the poet Ovid recounted,

they offered him gifts.

What gifts? On the left you can see Minerva, the goddess of wisdom,

the goddess of erudition and also the goddess of War,

which is why we see weapons. As you can see there is a shield or buckler, a helmet,

while here we see an owl, symbol of wisdom.

This is Minerva, and Minerva offered him – what did she offer him?

Courage, audacity in all wars.

Minerva said: "If you choose me, you will have supreme courage in all combats".

Paris liked this; but here on the right we have Juno.

Juno was "the wife"… queen of all the heavens, the wife of Jupiter.

And, as you can see, on her head she wears a diadem. She is shown adorned with a diadem.

Also here on the right (maybe you can't see it very well)

there is a peacock with its wings decorated with numerous eyes.

They also have multi-coloured mantles, also gleaming.

Look at the cloak, the mantle of that goddess.

Juno offered him power as she was queen of the heavens

so she said: "You will have power, you will have the kingdom, you will have riches, opulence;

you will have everything if you choose me!"

Finally Venus, Aphrodite in Geek, the one Cupid is embracing,

the boy embracing his mother.

There is also a putto above, who appears and shows us the end of the entire myth.

That putto is placing a crown on Venus.

Why? Because Paris was a man, and men love women.

She said: "If you choose me, I will give you the love of the most beautiful woman in the whole world."

Paris said: "Who? Which woman? Who is that woman?"

And she said "Helen".

So here we have the start of the Trojan War, as Helen was Menelaus' wife.

That wife had a husband… but even so Venus showed him and offered him to Helen.

Finally Paris said: "Yes, you will win", and he decided that.

As I say: it was the start of the war because from that moment on not only Juno

but Minerva as well never ceased to hate Paris,

always reproaching him for having chosen Venus,

and Venus always favoured Paris.

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