Hi, you're finally here – Yes, finally we're here
Good day – Good day – Were you sitting here waiting? – Yes, I was waiting, you are impossible to reach
Should we sit here? - We will sit here
We met someone on the way here who asked what we used our year off for, after IKMY
And we have never worked as hard as we did after we stopped IKMY, though we thought
Now we can breathe, but there was very little breathing
It's a lot of work to come up with a concept that didn't really exist before, and it's fun
But it's very time consuming, very surprising, I think people wouldn't watch if they knew how much time it took to create it
They would be disappointed – Yes they would be
Because it can seem that everything the brothers touch turns to gold. And according to their humour colleagues, the key to success is very hard work
They work all the time. They have a crazy working capacity – They good at hard work
They are good manufacturer who put extra detail into making a big production and then it becomes good
I think it's 70% hard work and the rest is talent
But how do you manage to have a life next to such a tight process?
The classical answer is patient family – Yes, because I was thinking myself that
I have been together with my loved one since I've been 15 years old. It wouldn't have worked if he wouldn't have been there the whole way – We work a lot optional
Because we think it's fun and our family obviously thinks that it's worth the keep up
And they contribute a lot to the fact that it's working
The boys met their partners when they were very young and already managed to have 3 children each
It's couples therapy to be away so much from each other, it's the best you can do
Once I was in Hong-Kong, I skyped with them and said Hi hi and stayed to put the children to bed
Because my wife was sick, so I said, take the Ipad to the bathroom
And I was like: Come on now, you have to stop and brush your teeth, it's really weird to sit in Hong Kong
And grouch with your children at home – I have even read somewhere that for a while, your son
Called you uncle Vegard, so that is true? – That's where the alarm should go off
Both for me and my son. There's something we have to explain to you
I think it's very easy for them to see the advantage in it, they have parents who work a lot
But they get a lot back in other ways because sometimes we work very little
And they get 10 000 kroner pocket money a week, right? – Yes, right, you have to have some advantages
Yes, you can do something, I think they will feel like they have a nice childhood, but I can be wrong
It will be shown – In 25 years in one or another speech – Yes – You were never there
But when you went to the US
I think you were very good at holding the pressure of expectation, how was it for you?
We had already won in our heads, we knew that we'd go home to Norway and continue doing what we do
We didn't have any dreams about moving to LA. We are family fathers
And if this turns out to be working, our new show, then we did the right thing
But if it flops, maybe we take care of it, who knows
But it feels like the right decision nevertheless
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