Thứ Ba, 27 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 27 2018

I'm Mario Rascón, I work at MásMóvil and I'm the manager of the project development

and management team.

What was the situation before Bonita implementation?

Our situation at MásMóvil before the Bonita implementation was certainly chaotic. We had differences,

different processes to do the same things, we had different

systems performing the same tasks, some processes were even slowing down

our time to market. In the telecoms market, a swift

time to market is very important. So, we needed to find a


What were the consequences of Bonita implementation?

The benefits that Bonita brings to our projects are process unification,

ease of defining processes and implementing those

processes and, once they've been implemented, modifying and improving

or daily maintenance of those processes is also benefited, without a doubt.

Why did you involve a Bonitasoft partner?

The decision to work with a partner on this project and, more

specifically, for the implementation of Bonitasoft, was motivated by the agility

and speed it gave us. We didn't have any prior experience with

Bonita, and hardly any with BPM, which is why we opted for a partner, to reduce the

lead times.

What are the benefits broughts by Bonita?

The benefits we've noticed since Bonita was implemented

are the time to market, which I mentioned before, the speed of

implementation and developments, and the speed of responding to

our business needs.

What are your future projects with Bonitasoft tools?

We currently have plans to extend use of the Bonita platform

to new business processes beyond the current scope

(customer care processes, self-service

processes). We're even considering the possibility of extending it to

provide support and define more focused business processes, daily

operating processes within each of the business units.

For more infomation >> Interview of Mario Rascón - MásMóvil, a Bonitasoft customer - Duration: 2:42.


Ferme de Schoeneck 2 - Duration: 6:11.

For more infomation >> Ferme de Schoeneck 2 - Duration: 6:11.


Jardin de los Ninos - Duration: 2:08.

I'm Adrian. I'm Adrianna and we're the Pedrozas. That was good.

I had a bad childhood. I was living on the streets and I was going nowhere here

and there. My family rejected me and I was in and out of jail and I met her and

she made me happy. I made her happy

and we had a baby.

Then we had got in a little apartment here and there and we didn't make ends

meet so we end up being homeless. At first we didn't know nothing around here

we didn't know where to go. Nobody helped us, so we came to the

Community of Hope and then that's when they introduced us to Jardin.

What we do is we not only care for the kids during the day so that parents can look for a

job get an education but we also educate the parents because our ultimate goal is

to give them the tools that they need to break the cycle of homelessness.

When we were sleeping in the van and everything the kids were crying they were cranky

she seemed sad, depressed but Jardin took all that away from her.

I failed for myself in life, but not for my children. Now I'm going to teach my children not

to fail in life like I did. Teach them right. For me as a parent to be there

for them and say, like would like my parents and they weren't there for me. Teach them better.

Well yeah when you have kids you can't, like you put everything on the side.

Her life was on pause. Now that we have Jardin she can do whatever she wants.

Yeah, I can go to school.

The support of entities like Whataburger is huge to us.

It means everything. We can't do it without our friends and sponsors. how do

Jardin support says so much. We love them. Like, they're not our friends they're like our family.

They are our family to us.

For more infomation >> Jardin de los Ninos - Duration: 2:08.


Cómo mejorar tu salud respiratoria preparando una saludable miel de ajo - Duration: 8:23.

For more infomation >> Cómo mejorar tu salud respiratoria preparando una saludable miel de ajo - Duration: 8:23.


Laura, invidente de nacimiento, supera las audiciones de 'La Voz Kids' - Duration: 3:18.

For more infomation >> Laura, invidente de nacimiento, supera las audiciones de 'La Voz Kids' - Duration: 3:18.


7 moyens de prévenir et même guérir les maladies cardiaques avec la nutrition | Santé 24.7 - Duration: 8:02.

For more infomation >> 7 moyens de prévenir et même guérir les maladies cardiaques avec la nutrition | Santé 24.7 - Duration: 8:02.


Turbo Maca Peruvian Aumenta a Potência de Sua Ereção - Maca Peruana Benefícios - Duration: 6:03.

For more infomation >> Turbo Maca Peruvian Aumenta a Potência de Sua Ereção - Maca Peruana Benefícios - Duration: 6:03.


Essai Suzuki Ignis (2017) : comme un rayon de soleil en ville - Duration: 5:23.

For more infomation >> Essai Suzuki Ignis (2017) : comme un rayon de soleil en ville - Duration: 5:23.


Interview with Julia Lucendo Fernández - SESCAM a Bonitasoft customer - Duration: 4:16.

My name is Julia Lucendo Fernández

and I work in the IT Department at La Mancha Centro General Hospital

I'm the head of the department and

in the information technology area of Castilla-La Mancha Health Service,

I also have the role of project manager.

The projects I'm running include the colon cancer screening project.

What was the situation before Bonita implementation?

Before the implementation of Bonita,

we had several systems that we were entering information into

but extracting that data was very complicated.

We needed to coordinate all that information,

ensure that the colon cancer screening process

was followed by the appropriate stages

and see the situation process those stages

of every patient eligible for screening.

To orchestrate all that,

we realised that a process management tool could help us.

What consequences did the Bonita implementation have?

The benefit that Bonita brings to our projects

is to coordinate the whole colon cancer screening process,

without the users having to switch to a different application.

The users are still using the application

they usually work with

and Bonita is behind the scenes

the users hardly know it exists.

We're gathering all the information

from both the primary care staff

and the specialised staff

involved the colon cancer screening process.

It informs us of the stage each patient is at

and then alerts us

about which patients haven't been seen

or aren't moving onto the stages they should be.

Why did you bring in a Bonitasoft partner?

We're working with a partner

because we think they have more experience

of this type of project

and because, at the end of the day

we're an IT department

and we can't ever know

all the tools on the market

thoroughly enough to do certain projects.

What benefits did Bonita bring ?

The main benefit

is being able to have the patient information at any time.

Another important benefit is the alerts

which ensure that we don't miss any patients

who have a positive FOBT result

and need to have a colonoscopy

enabling us to follow it up,

ensuring we have the information

and can collaborate to improve the situation of those patients.

What value do you think Bonitasoft tools will bring in the future ?

We're planning to take it to Human Resources,

especially for forms that are currently completed on paper,

which require various signatures

we'd like all that sort of paperwork

to be generated electronically.

It can often take a long time to get each signature,

so all those types of requests could be accepted

by each person at any time,

without the need for paper.

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