Thứ Tư, 28 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 28 2018

dana loesch I want you to know that we will support your two children in the

way that we will not that you will not I want you to know that we will support

your two children in the way that we will not you will not

so CNN what's your excuse for that most trusted name in news no facts first no

not really wasn't scripted gee did you see the notations there Emma Gonzales

for Loesch that looks like it might have been scripted are you gonna attack her

now like you did the kid who said it was scripted no cuz she's she's towing the

company line for you it's been obvious to anyone with half a brain that what

you guys have been doing is feeding those kids you've been feeding them

information feeding them their speeches feeding them the words you want to hear

that you want the world to hear and it's disgusting it's shameful

there are no words to describe the depth of shame you should feel for using those

kids like that I could accept that you want to come out and you want to say

we'll take all your guns if we get a chance but you're too cowardly to do

that because you know where that would lead instead you use those kids those

kids have been through that trauma and you feed them words and speeches and how

they should talk what they should say what they should do to feed your agenda

you disgust me everybody like you disgusts me and I

can't wait until that's exposed and that goes out across the world and your

network crumbles like the piece of shit that it is thanks for watching don't be

like CNN love one another hit the like hit the share hit the subscribe until

next time stay armed stay vigilant stay safe

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