Chủ Nhật, 25 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 25 2018

BREAKING: Trump Just Made a HUGE Arrest!

Our nation has been thrown into a tail-spin of distraction and confusion for months now,

and it leaves many missing important actions that wouldn't have taken place if Trump

had lost the election.

The Russian collusion witch hunt, the Paul Manafort indictment, and mean words from Trump

all serve one purpose.

To keep us distracted from things that are moving forward the very way we asked that

they be.

Hillary Clinton works hard between the Obama deep state and the liberal media to keep as

much distraction going as possible to maintain focus from being placed on her, but newer

developments are making that hard for her to keep up with.

President Trump never seems to lose his focus, and due to his amazing ability to stay the

course during all manner of storms, he has succeeded in something that no one else would

have even bothered with.

A key person with highly important intel about the 2012 Benghazi attack is now in custody,

and it surely won't end well for the likes of Hillary and her minions.

Hillary Clinton has been connected to a plethora of suspicious deaths that seemed to stem from

what people were planning to expose that would have surely ruined Clinton months ago.

Dead men tell no tales however and Hilary is quite fond of that principle.

Now, one of the very people that were a key player in Hillary's biggest crime is now

in the hands of our government and the intent is to glean from him all we can to bury Clinton

under a heap of charges.

According to CBS News :

U.S. officials say special operations forces have captured a key militant in the 2012 Benghazi

attack on a U.S. consulate that left four Americans dead, CBS News national security

correspondent David Martin confirms.

A U.S. official identified the suspect as Mustafa al-Imam, Martin reports.

The commandos captured the man in Libya just before midnight local time on Sunday and are

transporting him back to the U.S., officials told The Associated Press.

The suspect is in the custody of the Department of Justice and is expected to arrive within

the next two days on a military plane, according to one of the officials.

The officials said the mission was approved by President Donald Trump and done in coordination

with Libya's internationally recognized government.

The officials, who weren't authorized to speak publicly to the matter and demanded

anonymity, would not say where exactly he was captured.

The Sept. 2012 assault killed Ambassador Chris Stevens, U.S. State Department computer expert

Sean Smith and CIA contractors Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods.

Had it not been for Trump in office, the victims of Benghazi would have had no chance justice

since Hillary would have swept the attack under the rug to protect herself and cover

her actions that led to this punishing attack.

"Stevens and Smith died in the burning diplomatic outpost despite efforts to rescue them.

Woods and Doherty died nearly eight hours later in a mortar attack on a nearby CIA complex,"

CBS added.

This is another step toward the damning answers that Hillary has been trying to hide from

as another of the terroristic killers was caught on the president's watch who has

made this investigation a priority.

"Earlier this month, another man accused in the attack, Abu Khattala, went on trial

in federal court in Washington.

Khattala has pleaded not guilty to the 18 charges against him, including the murder

of an internationally protected person, providing material support to terrorists and destroying

U.S. property while causing death, CBS News explained.

"The attack was the fodder of multiple congressional investigations to determine what went wrong

and whether the Obama administration misled the public on the details of the bloody assault."

Ahmed Abu Khattala "Initial accounts provided by administration

officials, notably former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice, said the

attack had grown out of a protest against an anti-Muslim internet film.

Later, the administration said it was a planned terrorist attack."

"A two-year investigation by a House Benghazi committee focused heavily on Clinton's role

and whether security at the compounds and the response to the attack was sufficient.

It was the Benghazi probe that revealed Clinton used a private email server for government

work, prompting an FBI investigation that proved to be an albatross in her presidential


For the silent majority, there's no denying the part that Hillary played in Benghazi.

Now, we can continue to pray that one of

the terrorists involved in the killing of our men may just be the only one who can provide

the necessary answers to finally end Hillary's reign of terror.

The American people are sick of

the suspicious so-called suicides, financial scams, and blatant anti-American drivel that

daily falls from Hillary's slack-jawed mouth.

It still matters Hillary, even at this point, it still matters.


sure to follow Veteran AF on

Facebook for the latest Bald Eagle-approved news!

H/T [ CBS News]

For more infomation >> BREAKING NEWS! It's JUST Happened…ARRESTED With BAIL SET AT $6 BILLION!!! - Duration: 20:52.


NEWS | "수년째 인터넷요금 꼬박꼬박 낸 당신은 호갱입니다" - Duration: 7:24.

For more infomation >> NEWS | "수년째 인터넷요금 꼬박꼬박 낸 당신은 호갱입니다" - Duration: 7:24.


Mumbai dog waits at Kanjurmarg Station every night | news 24h - Duration: 4:09.

Is she waiting for her owner? Heartbroken dog with four puppies stares longingly at same commuter train every night at Indian station

Heartbreaking footage shows a stray dog gaze longingly at a train every night as if waiting for a familiar face to emerge.

At 11pm the female dog stands on Platform 1 at Kanjurmarg Station in Mumbai, India, and stares at a train bound for Kalyan.

She peers into the same women-only carriage every time then, when no one gets off, chases the train as it pulls away, the Mumbai Mirror reported.

The confusing ritual, captured on CCTV as far back as January 2, has sparked the theory that she is looking for a previous owner who abandoned her at the station.

Local resident Sameer Thorat filmed the little dogs heartbreaking behaviour last week and posted it to social media, where it went viral. The female dog has become such a familiar sight at the station that locals began feeding her and her four puppies.

Some commuters believe her former owner was a lady who could no longer look after her, while others suspect the dog is waiting for a traveller who used to feed her.

Heartbreaking footage shows a stray dog gaze longingly at a train every night as if waiting for a familiar face to emerge.

At 11pm the female dog stands on Platform 1 at Kanjurmarg Station in Mumbai, India, and stares at a train bound for Kalyan.

She peers into the same women-only carriage every time then, when no one gets off, chases the train as it pulls away. Mr Thorat told the Mumbai Mirror: I spotted the dog while returning from work.

The way it waits for the late-night trains and tries to peek inside the ladies coach, it seems it is searching for a particular person who either fed it regularly or left it behind.   .

Sourav Verma, who has been feeding the dog, said: We have become friends. It even takes me to its pups. I am looking for people who would adopt them after following proper procedure.

The confusing ritual, captured on CCTV as far back as January 2, has sparked the theory that she is looking for a previous owner who abandoned her at the station.

Some commuters believe her former owner was a lady who could no longer look after her, while others suspect the dog is waiting for a traveller who used to feed her.

For more infomation >> Mumbai dog waits at Kanjurmarg Station every night | news 24h - Duration: 4:09.


[2018 평창올림픽] 평창동계올림픽 폐막식 일정 | News KR - Duration: 2:53.

For more infomation >> [2018 평창올림픽] 평창동계올림픽 폐막식 일정 | News KR - Duration: 2:53.


평창]2018년 평창 올림픽 주변 지역 정보 꿀팁 | News KR - Duration: 10:28.

For more infomation >> 평창]2018년 평창 올림픽 주변 지역 정보 꿀팁 | News KR - Duration: 10:28.


평창올림픽 폐막식 가수 | News KR - Duration: 2:47.

For more infomation >> 평창올림픽 폐막식 가수 | News KR - Duration: 2:47.


NEWS | '엑소 팬' 메드베데바, 함께 사진찍었다 "꿈이 이뤄졌어요" - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> NEWS | '엑소 팬' 메드베데바, 함께 사진찍었다 "꿈이 이뤄졌어요" - Duration: 2:19.


Film Actor Accused Of Sexual Harassment And Physical Assault(News) - Duration: 6:30.

Film Actor Accused Of Sexual Harassment And Physical Assault

With more people participating in the "Me Too" movement and come forward about sexual harassment in the Korean entertainment industry, another actor has been accused of sexual harassment.

On February 25, an anonymous person uploaded a post detailing their experience with the accused on an online community about plays and musicals. Soompi. Display. News. English. 300x250. Mobile. English. 300x250. ATF.

It was written, A, who used to be in Yeonheedan [one of Koreas top theater companies] but now is doing well in movies, how are you? Do you remember the time when we performed together seven to eight years ago? You probably forgot about it.

 You went into a major agency and are doing well in movies, so the time with me would be nothing but trivial memories for you.

When we would stretch before our plays, we had to listen to your obscene jokes and about the time you spent rolling around with prostitutes. There was even an actress who had just become of legal age stretching there as well.

Right in front of her, you said, Youre at the perfect age to sell yourself. Do you remember that?.

When the staff members and actors told you to apologize, you said no and threw tantrums for a few days. You said you didnt understand why you had to apologize. Its not like you were a little kid.

On top of that, did you have to swear and beat up the staff until they were bruised just because the broken equipment wasnt working? You must have felt offended by the people who teamed up to tell you to apologize for your sexual remarks.

Even if you had been the producer, that wouldnt be how you should act. Do you remember how the [original] crew ran away because of your tantrums and a new crew had to come? You harassed and beat up your fellow actors, and didnt even self-reflect.

Later on, you did apologize evasively, but was that even an apology?. You must have thought the incident must have passed by because the play was over, but I still have the scars from back then.

The colleagues I met later on had become a mess as well. My colleagues from back then and I all quit acting.

For the past seven to eight years, I didnt even watch TV, movies, or plays, just in case it would make me want to be part of plays again.

I just lived quietly, breathing, just in case I might think of the scars from back then.

A long time has passed, and I thought of plays again. I finally managed to calm down, and watching plays from time to time is my one and only joy.

However, one day, I saw your face on a Naver advertisement and bus stop advertisement board. I saw your round, smiling face, and my nightmares from back then returned.

You probably forgot that incident, didnt you? People praised you for being a good supporting actor in the movies.

I want to forget about you, but I keep thinking of you. Youre praised for playing a good villain, but all you did was reflect your true personality.

Maybe your acting has become better because I heard that you were even acting as nice characters now. Recently, during the Lee Yoon Taek case, you said you were chased out of the theater and couldnt be in plays because of him.

However, [that case] was after the time we acted together, after you left the theater company, and you acted in several plays after that [case] as well. Its not that you couldnt be in plays because of Lee Yoon Taek.

Did you like Yeonheedan that much? Was it some place that still accepted you despite your obscene jokes, sexual harassment, and beatings? Is that why you came to someone elses troupe and naturally dirtied it? A, during the Lunar New Year holiday, the alarm on my phone kept sending me messages about an event that was going on, where I could watch the movie that you appear in for free.

I felt dirty during the entire holiday. There are many talks of the Me Too movement lately. I thought I was really going to puke after hearing your interview about Lee Yoon Taek.

You have no right to say that. You hurt others and stepped on their dreams while you smile, pretend youre innocent, and act nice just because you fulfilled yours. At this rate, youre going to be punished..

Recently, due to the confessions of the Me Too movement, Jo Min Ki and Jo Jae Hyun have stepped down from their dramas—with the latter confessing the sexual harassment allegations were true—, and Oh Dal Soos upcoming drama in March is in question as well.

The aforementioned Lee Yoon Taek, the artistic director of Yeonheedan, was also accused of sexual harassment and assault, as well as rape and forcing his victim to receive an abortion.

The director recently admitted to all but the rape and forced abortion in a press conference.

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