Chủ Nhật, 25 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 25 2018

Man will not live on bread alone by Michelle SM

Emotional events can ruin our inner peace. Do not turn them into habits

Emotions of worries like, money, fame, acceptance, lack of love etc

Disagreements exist when things just do not work out

Worry, causes stress to the nervous system and other damage to health

Stop and ask yourself: Is this, more important than my inner peace?

Guide your gaze to the sky, not on the problem! Dare to trust God!

Look for the positives of things and allow your confidence to flourish day by day

Do not shut down! Share with others ...

Focus your energy on being diligent toward your goals

Do not dream. Immerse yourself in the things that you like and dare to achieve them

Even if your life goes up and down ... Keep calm, as a habit be positive

Learn to smile even when life seems to give you lemons

Love, live, share and above all, receive happiness when it knocks on your door.

Dare to change =) please share this video with others

Presented by Man will not live on bread alone. Soon on sale on iTunes, Amazon and more ...

For more infomation >> No solo de Pan vivira el Hombre--Man will not live on bread alone -by Michelle SM - Duration: 1:22.


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For more infomation >> ¡Mano de Quintana y otro penal para Chivas! - Duration: 1:00.


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For more infomation >> Claudia Leitte cobre corpo de glitter em novo clipe: 'Alegre e quente'. || TQBomg - Duration: 4:50.


Las 8 coincidencias mas extrañas de la Historia - Duration: 8:58.

For more infomation >> Las 8 coincidencias mas extrañas de la Historia - Duration: 8:58.


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For more infomation >> C'è Posta Per Te: Totti e Giorgia emozionano, Maria De Filippi si commuove | Nam Phong Daily - Duration: 5:47.


Patrícia faz as sobrancelhas de Kaysar; brother grita: "Socorro, dói muito" - Duration: 1:58.

For more infomation >> Patrícia faz as sobrancelhas de Kaysar; brother grita: "Socorro, dói muito" - Duration: 1:58.


Así es Nicolás de Dinamarca, el príncipe que ha desfilado para Burberry - Duration: 4:53.

For more infomation >> Así es Nicolás de Dinamarca, el príncipe que ha desfilado para Burberry - Duration: 4:53.


Day of the Innocents (Splatoon Comic Dub Spanish) / Comic Dub Splatoon # 1 - Duration: 2:05.

and then before starting with this comic dub made by your youtuber creator

CristopheradonisYT I want to say that it is first time I upload this kind of

videos and I may upload more, I will not leave the gameplays either

Well, I'll go up gameplays when I really feel like it, because right now it's calling me a lot

the attention what is dubbing, so I'm going to upload more dubs, so I hope you enjoy them

We're going for the Comic !!!

AHHH !! Happy April Fools Day!!!

It will be!! the Perfect Joke !!!

Hey, Marie

MMM What is this?

It's a letter from Marie

Hello Callie Something Urgent arose

I have returned to Calamary Condy

I will not be back for a while

I told our manager so that the Squid Sisters would be temporarily dissolved for the time being

I'm sorry I can not tell you in person

I was in a hurry



You lowered the Guard !!

Oh, God ... Come on, Callie ... You know it's April Fool's Day!




Yes, yes, I'm an idiot, I'm sorry. But you were trying to joke me too.


I'll give you french fries later. ¿OKAY?


and GOOD this has been the small dub comic, animated. Thanks to some colleagues from a group of splatoon

So I hope you liked it, please comment, share

And they will be seeing in the little screen. Who made the voices of who. (Of each character)

So See you next time ...

Greetings to all and chauuuuu!

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