Chủ Nhật, 25 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 25 2018

what's going on guys Patrick here bringing you a brand new video today

we're gonna be talking about what's going on in the crypto space including

electro neum big news has come out for electro neom and I want to share that

with you guys today in this video as well as of course covering some of the

big news articles and again looking through the overall market so guys

before we get started if you want to see daily crypto currency market updates and

news make sure subscribe to channel if you have not done so and hit the bell

icon next to it to get notified every time we release a new video

now the two news articles that I separated for us today both kinda

tax-related but you know taxes is a big thing big thing in the cryptocurrency

space we are waiting to see how certain regulations and how texts are gonna work

is it going to be taxed as you know capital gains it's gonna be taxed as

income a lot of things still to be figured out but Georgia is apparently

the next state in line to accept crypto for taxes and licenses this is cool all

you guys remember a little bit ago we talked about another state forget what

state it was but they were accepting crypto as a form of payment for taxes so

crypto being treated as a currency which is all we technically are have been

asking for is whatever it's what cryptocurrency was meant to do

it's honestly what we've been waiting for so it's great to see that you know

more and more states in the u.s. to which you know you and you if you guys

know you guys want invest in AI cos US has not allowed us presidents and

usually US and China people residents of those two countries I'm not allowed to

invest in AI cos at least for most of the big ones so you know starting to see

the US and certain states accept cryptocurrency it's a form of taxes as

payments you know and form a currency definitely a good sign for things ahead

now this one's a little bit less good news I mean I guess it's not bad news

but basically coin base has informed 13,000 affected customers of imminent

data handover to the IRS so the IRS the Internal Revenue Service basically

collects your taxes they you know everyone does everyone wants and doesn't

want to pay them everyone wants to pay them because that means you're making

more money you're paying them a lot but you don't

want to pay them because it's like half your salary gone that's no fun for

anyone so do us space crypto currency exchange and wallet service coinbase you

know Columbia is pretty much the biggest most beginner friendly exchange out

there sent an official notice from Friday February 23rd which was two days

ago - approximately 13,000 of its customers

whose information is legally required to turn over to the US IRS the IRS has

initially asked coinbase in July 2017 to hand them over to see and those trying

to catch people who are cheating on their taxes and not declaring because

not a lot of people to claim cryptocurrency in their taxes in the

last few years so you know I guess they're trying to crank down on that if

they're gonna accept that as a currency it's got to be taxed like everything in

the world we cannot escape taxes we can hope that they get lowered but there's

no there's no way you're gonna be able to skate taxes so coin bases had to turn

over 13,000 effective customers give all the information to the IRS and those

guys will be hearing from the IRS in you know if they're if they did something

wrong they're going to be hearing from them probably within the next couple

weeks months let's see what happens but you know those were the two big articles

I want to talk tax related which to me is a good thing in the cryptocurrency

space because it means we are starting to get recognized we're starting to get

treated the way we want to you know it's not this isn't one but it's not one of

those things where old cryptocurrency shouldn't be treated as a currency oh

but we're not gonna ever get taxed because taxes is we don't want taxes but

this we want you can't pick and choose it's a whole bundle it's going to get

taxed that's just the way it is now cryptocurrency market can just hit the

refresh bright a four hundred twenty three billion dollar market cat we've

had a few days of correction you guys remember we had a nice little run and

then you know a good week of runs basically and then now we have a week of

read with very few coins in the greens such as aetherium classic V chain nano

that's right nano in the green and a few others I don't know but mostly coins are

in the red which again guys you guys have been subscribe to channel for a

while you guys know what I think of this Black Friday for crypto

currencies go to buy an ant's go pick up your favorite all coins because when we

do enter a bull run you don't want to be left behind waiting for the chasing of

the lowest price because chances are you are 99.9% going to miss the lowest price

very few people get lucky yeah it's luck get lucky enough to

purchase at the lowest price possible like the exact lowest price possible

very few people actually get lucky enough to do that but now is that time

guys to stock up on your favorite um your favorite all coins and your

favorite crypto currencies mine personally I'm going forward I'm holding

a lot of bitcoins I think big point has a lot of potential in the bull run you

know it is the biggest cryptocurrency everything's gonna be following it I

think there's a long way for Bitcoin to go still so a lot of my portfolio is

currently held in Bitcoin I know a lot of you guys also have coins such as Tron

and you know electro Neum stuff like that which we are going to talk about in

this video but I just want to say you know if you guys have been waiting to

put more money into cryptocurrency and there are alt coins that you want to buy

but you haven't really bought yex you've been waiting

I would not procrastinate too much longer don't forget though guys I'm not

a financial advisor this is not financial advice this is just me giving

you guys my biased opinion I make videos for educational and educational and

entertainment purposes only so make sure you do your own research before you put

your money in anything now that we got that out of the way though go buy your

favorite all coins it's a good time it's a good time now I watched rate guys I've

been actually holding onto this for some time you guys remember I've showed this

in a few videos now a little bit of technical analysis on Bitcoin and again

resistance and the support lines of the basically the descending resistance

support lines we had a channel built up here broke down below that now I'm

looking at the 200 a day support to kind of um you know hold us up and try to

turn us over into the bull run we I don't have the hundred day moving

average yeah this is a torch day moving average I don't have the 100 day moving

average out here but I'm not on the graph but I do know that that was a

resistance point for us over here which kind of was another reason that

resistance Plus this resistance kind of held us and made us turn on down

now hopefully the 200 will be the turning point where we can start moving

upwards this 200 will kind of get us to roughly $9,000 I believe that'll be

where it's at which we're not too far off right now currently sitting at nine

thousand four hundred so it's only four hundred away so you know in the world of

crypto that's like a few hours possibly it's it's not a lot but yeah so

hopefully we're gonna keep this chart open hopefully we're gonna see Bitcoin

and therefore the market recover in the next coming days I'm excited I think

it's a lot of opportunity in the market like I said I wouldn't poke rastan eight

on buying your favorite coins for too much longer now what the moment you guys

have been waiting for the moment you guys been waiting for electro diem so

thank you Joseph Kennedy for posting this in the cryptocurrency allstars

Facebook group link down below in the comments you guys can go ahead and join

free to join almost 750 members it's been growing like crazy and there's a

ton of value proof right here I've used several posts um that people have posted

in the group I've used them in videos because they're good posts they're

updating people and this is just an announcement from the founder electro

neum richard else and basically what they were saying to kind of have a quick

skim through here I'm not going to read it word for word was gonna have a skim

through they are going to be in the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona is

gonna be a conference for them there can they have their own booth it's not the

biggest booth but it is close to an entrance so there's a good place for

them to get recognized and the most important thing they are looking for out

of this whole thing is networking the most important part is probably the

networking we thought we should get a presence there as the first

cryptocurrency to be a GSM a member who knows who will meet and what deals we

can generate from here we've seen a huge interest from this sector so far so you

guys know Lesley you guys have been killing and looking for partnerships

looking for exchanges to get on looking for you know just constantly constantly

just making things happen that's one of the reasons I like electro Nia now big

news on exchanges is they're working closely with COO coin to get that live

as soon as possible hopefully this week and hit BTC just reconfirmed and that

they are cute and do to be added hopefully

again during March so within the next month

there could be two big exchanges that we see electro neum on crypto business l

experiencing issues but they are helping crypto piya try to overcome those

problems now also another thing is that for whereas it here is news awaited for

the mobile minor so for Androids will be launched this week during the Mobile

World Congress as well as the solution for iOS phones and they hope that have

that available this week as well this then means that all electro neum iOS

users will be able to install the app even though the app is in beta form it's

going to be functional you can mind electro Neum and you can keep your

earnings which probably the best part you can keep all the electro Neum that

you mind very exciting stuff going on here in so much news that came out from

this post I'm very excited to see what's gonna happen they're going to keep us

updated on new deals they just signed another two agreements one with a

company that has asked to a further 30 million users is crazy who are keen to

recommend our app and one with payment integration company to help us integrate

with mobile operators allowing their users to purchase airtime and data with

electroni huge huge huge a post again Thank You Joseph Kennedy for posting

this in the group there is so much information on here so much information

so many new things coming out so many deals being word just kind of a great

update for everyone who's in electro neum to know what's going on to keep

calm if you guys want to check out more you guys can check out electro Neum

Facebook page they post everything on there very up-to-date every time there's

news again this was definitely posted on their Facebook page

we just got Joseph to copy and paste it on to the group so that everyone in the

group could see it in case they aren't following the Facebook page for some

reason but yeah big news coming out for Alec showing it and if we take a look

it's up 5% basically today four and a half percent today let's give it a quick

refresh oh there we go five and a half percent today now there

we go so it's at 7.6 cents again the whole almost a half a billion dollar

market cap I think it still has a ways to go it's all-time high right here

was in the 22 cents so you know this was back early January when everything was

you know everything was moaning and like every other coin that we say like like

every other coin in the market except for the exception of you cashed the fan

the famous and the fantastic thousand percent in one day you cash but yeah

every other coin has been going down a decent amount and now they are starting

to try to recover and hopefully this news will again help propel atonium to

where it could go because these guys are gonna tell you these guys are killing it

when it comes to partnerships deals you know their marketing was great their

team knows what they're doing and they you can tell that they want this to work

and they want like they want to see electron team succeed which is huge

because surprisingly enough you'd be surprised how many people are just

content with having their their share of the coins for being on the team they

don't really care too much about what happens to it I made money it's okay you

see that a lot in cryptocurrency that's why there's a lot of scams out there but

in that kind of jonathan- you know people thinking negatively of

cryptocurrency which is a secret which is a shame but without further ado guys

I just want to share with you guys electro Neum huge potential hopefully by

the end you know hopefully by the next few months we can see it reached 22

cents again I don't think it would be a problem if we enter a bull market I

think this deserves to be a billion dollar coin it has everything there to

be it it's in an industry which it you know it's a leading it's the leading

cryptocurrency in the industry on other people and we're gonna try to copy what

they're doing but they are so far leading and doing it well so if they

weren't doing it well that'd be an issue because other competitors are going to

come up and take over but they're doing it well so I still have faith in electro

Neum and I think Alec showing it has a long way to go so guys hopefully you

enjoyed this video let me know down below what you guys think of electro

Neum and the huge news that all the huge news that's been coming out with electro

Neum as well as the taxes for cryptocurrency up being able to pay your

taxes in cryptocurrency I think that's a great thing I think that's just showing

people accepting cryptocurrency as a form of currency which is what we wanted

in the first place so guys thank you so much for watching this video hopefully

you guys enjoy don't forget subscribe if you guys are

new and you have not subscribed yet thank you so much for watching I'll see

you guys later today for another I see a review



Amitabh Bachchan Crying Hard Over Sridevi death News - veteran actress Sridevi died - Duration: 3:45.

Amitabh Bachchan Crying Hard Over Sridevi death News - veteran actress Sridevi died

For more infomation >> Amitabh Bachchan Crying Hard Over Sridevi death News - veteran actress Sridevi died - Duration: 3:45.


The Journal Editorial Report 02/25/18 3PM | February 25, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 32:06.

For more infomation >> The Journal Editorial Report 02/25/18 3PM | February 25, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 32:06.


NEWS | [올림픽] 남북한, 폐회식서 공동입장하지 않은 이유는(종합) - Duration: 5:23.

For more infomation >> NEWS | [올림픽] 남북한, 폐회식서 공동입장하지 않은 이유는(종합) - Duration: 5:23.


"The Unit" Reveals Final Groups' Names And Leaders(News) - Duration: 2:33.

"The Unit" Reveals Final Groups' Names And Leaders

KBSs The Unit has announced the leaders and names for Unit B and Unit G!. Ahead of this weeks special episode, the idol rebooting program asked fans to submit ideas and vote on the final group names.

The choices for the final male group name included UNIT B, Unison, UNB, B.ONE, Uni.K, and My Turn, and the six choices for the female group name included UNIT G, Unity, U.N.G, G.ONE, Uni.on, The Shine, and UNI. Soompi. Display. News. English.

300x250. Mobile. English. 300x250. ATF. On the February 24 broadcast, the name of the male project group was announced as UNB and the female project groups as UNI.

The members also gathered to choose one leader for each group. Yang Jiwon, Yoonjo, Euijin, and Woohee appealed to their fellow members to try and earn their votes.

Members said, Woohee has low endurance, so we often saw her lying on the floor, and poked fun at her frowning.

She replied, I will exercise and look in the mirror to fix my frowning, and showed determination. In the end, Woohee was chosen as the leader of UNI.T.

Male members took Feeldogs experience as the current leader of BIGSTAR into consideration and chose him as the leader of UNB.

The final members also visited the city of Pohang to volunteer, wash dishes, and give out food to the victims of the earthquake. It was previously reported that The Unit finalists donated PyeongChang Olympics parkas to the earthquake victims.

UNB and UNI.T will hold fan meetings on March 3 at Blue Square iMarket Hall. Watch the latest episode of The Unit now!.

For more infomation >> "The Unit" Reveals Final Groups' Names And Leaders(News) - Duration: 2:33.


☀ 김우빈 신민아 결혼 및 결별의 진상☀ | News world Korea - Duration: 8:54.

For more infomation >> ☀ 김우빈 신민아 결혼 및 결별의 진상☀ | News world Korea - Duration: 8:54.


☀ 하일성 음주운전 방조? 및 사건들☀ | News world Korea - Duration: 6:51.

For more infomation >> ☀ 하일성 음주운전 방조? 및 사건들☀ | News world Korea - Duration: 6:51.


Feinstein fails to earn endorsement of California Dems|tick tock news|latest news|news - Duration: 1:49.

Sen. Diane Feinstein failed to earn the endorsement of the California Democratic Party at its

convention this weekend, a rebuke to a fixture of the state's politics for decades.

Feinstein, elected to the Senate in 1992, was beaten by challenger State Sen. Kevin

de Leon 54% to 37% in convention balloting results released Sunday, according the California

Democratic Party.

Neither candidate met the threshold of 60% required for the party's endorsement.

The result reflects the progressive tilt of party activists more than a threat to Feinstein

as she seeks a fifth term.

A poll released this month by the non-partisan Public Policy Institute of California showed

Feinstein led de Leon, 46% to 17%.

The poll also found that 52% of likely voters had a favorable opinion of Feinstein.

Meanwhile a majority had never heard of de Leon or didn't know enough about him to have

an opinion.

With no prominent Republicans in the race, according to the poll, 65% of likely Republican

voters remained undecided.

Feinstein, 84, is the ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

She entered politics in 1969 as a San Francisco County supervisor.

She became San Francisco mayor in 1978 following the assassination of Mayor George Moscone

and supervisor Harvey Milk.

For more infomation >> Feinstein fails to earn endorsement of California Dems|tick tock news|latest news|news - Duration: 1:49.


NEWS | 100m 11초대 .. 하루 10끼 먹는 100kg 거구들 '봅슬레이 기적' - Duration: 9:46.

For more infomation >> NEWS | 100m 11초대 .. 하루 10끼 먹는 100kg 거구들 '봅슬레이 기적' - Duration: 9:46.


Molti giovani alla conquista di Tina Cipollari, news - Duration: 4:04.

For more infomation >> Molti giovani alla conquista di Tina Cipollari, news - Duration: 4:04.


UP10TION Teases Potential Comeback With Mysterious Image(News) - Duration: 1:03.

UP10TION Teases Potential Comeback With Mysterious Image

UP10TION has released a mysterious new teaser image!.

On February 24, the group posted a cryptic image with the phrase INVITATION X-CODE on Twitter.  The image contains a grid of letters, with some of them appearing to spell out the word ten in several different languages. Soompi. Display. News. English.

300x250. Mobile. English. 300x250. ATF. Fans are currently speculating that the teaser may be hinting at a potential comeback. Can you decipher UP10TIONs code? Leave your ideas and theories in the comments below!.

For more infomation >> UP10TION Teases Potential Comeback With Mysterious Image(News) - Duration: 1:03.


송하늘 연극배우 누구? | News KR - Duration: 4:17.

For more infomation >> 송하늘 연극배우 누구? | News KR - Duration: 4:17.


NEWS | [With 평창]결국 한마디도 안한 '논란 당사자' 박지우, 26일 또 떠난다 - Duration: 4:02.

For more infomation >> NEWS | [With 평창]결국 한마디도 안한 '논란 당사자' 박지우, 26일 또 떠난다 - Duration: 4:02.


Michelle Obama's 'deeply personal' memoir will arrive in November|tick tock news|latest news| - Duration: 1:33.

Her husband has already published two best-selling memoirs.

Now it's Michelle Obama's turn to share her life story.

The former first lady announced Sunday that she's publishing Becoming Michelle Obama,

a book about "how a girl from the South Side found her voice," on Nov. 13.

Former President Barack Obama penned Dreams From My Father and The Audacity of Hope in

1995 and 2006.

Michelle Obama wrote American Grown, about the White House garden, in 2012.

She tweeted, "Writing BECOMING has been a deeply personal experience (and) I hope my

journey inspires readers to find the courage to become whoever they aspire to be.

I can't wait to share my story."

According to a news release from Penguin Random House, which is publishing Obama's memoir,

Becoming Michelle Obama will use "unerring honesty and lively wit" and cover "both public

and private, telling her full story as she has lived it — in her own words and on her

own terms.

... Becoming is the deeply personal reckoning of a woman of soul and substance who has steadily

defied expectations — and whose story inspires us to do the same."

Her book deal was announced last February.

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