Hello, Internation!
What's up?
I will show you in this vlog
the best-preserved moorish citadel in Spain!
That is, Alcazaba of Malaga!
It's a moorish citadel
from XI century
conquered by Ferdinand and Isabella
in the XIV century, when was the Reconquista!
This citadel has been preserved very well until our days!
If you want to find more historical data about this gorgeous citadel,
I will leave you in the description a link to wikipedia
and to the citadel website,
and there you can read and find out many interesting things!
I want to tell you just this,
entrance was 2,20 euros
and it was worth every cent
because, just take a look at what I've seen too!
How was it?
Do you like what you saw?
If yes, then leave a comment below,
Tell me what you liked, how the citadel looked like
the views
and anything else do you want!
This was Alcazaba of Malaga!
This was the vlog!
I'm Adi vlog!
Kiss-kiss and goodbye!
If you are new here
then don't forget
that before you leave
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so you can have what to see next!
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