Thứ Năm, 1 tháng 11, 2018

Waching daily Nov 1 2018

Happy Halloween! Hey guys welcome back to paranormal pursuit we have an exciting episode

coming for you right now we went to a previous location that we've

investigated called the Judson house we were contacted by our local TV news

station because they wanted to experience what paranormal investigators

experienced so we took him along on this investigation some exciting things

happened with we got some EVPs and we got some interesting k2 communication

between spirits so it was it was pretty neat so I hope you guys enjoy Judson

House and Waterford was built in 1810 and expanded in 1820 it's a museum of

things past it may be haunted the grounds were once the site of

several forts including fort LaBeouf's many died there some say their spirits

are still hanging around especially in the room they now call as a ghost hunter

with the Pennsylvania Society of Paranormal Research spent many hours of

the Johnson house with ghost hunting equipment a digital recorder caused this

and the Fort Greene right after bill said take it off

the room seems to be active with paranormal activity boy talk about scary

were heading to the basement of the Judson house or a lot of ghost hunters

say this place is hot with activity and so if this was a fort for people and

maybe died or or had traumatic experiences it can hold that energy

which can help fuel the activity that we're looking for registers voice sounds

another paranormal activity all of a sudden full light not

surprising to a ghost hunter as for Heidi but it's not scary it's not scary

it's not demonic it actually feels comforting sometimes cuz you feel like

you're not alone comforting or creepy in this of the Johnson house and you be the

judge in Waterford David Belle mondo jet 24 Action News well thanks for watching

this episode we have more to come or it's creepy places scary places haunted

places that will be gone too very soon and if you like this video make sure you

hit the like button subscribe to our channel to show your support and once

again it's only scary if you let it

researching the paranormal is more than a hobby to us hundreds of investigations

some of the most haunted locations documenting our findings never know what

we'll find but we know what we're looking for I

felt like myself and my wife Kate on our pursuit of the truth our caramel

For more infomation >> Overnight at The Haunted Judson House with JET-24 News - Duration: 3:32.


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