Thứ Sáu, 30 tháng 11, 2018

Waching daily Nov 30 2018

Hello people!

So, today, I'm trying to speak in english

- a bit -,

to just introduce to you some things about "Lingwa de Planeta" or "Lidepla".

A global universal language which tries to include as many languages as possible

- like english, german, french, spanish, portuguese, chinese, russian, indian, arabic and persian.

So, because I'm a french guy, I'm not really able to go deeply

- to speak deeply about this language.

So, today, I'm just showing you my Twitter account to invite you

- to permit you to discover this language through some tweets, some writtings.

So, for example, here you have an example of Lidepla sentence,

you have some explanations about its grammar,

and you have a long thread to discover the basic features of this language.

So, of course, I'll give you the links I present you in this video.

So, if you are interested in this language you can visite the official website

- it's available in russian and english.

You can also join the Lidepla group "Lingwa de Planeta", the Facebook group

- to discuss, to ask questions and more.

And just to show you what I'm doing currently.

So, of course, I'm trying to learn the language itself,

but I am trying also to translate the english grammar page (.pdf) to french

using the same structure I used for Esperanto.

So I just... I have begun

- I'm not sure about the conjugation, sorry -,

So, I just started to write the french lesson taking, of course, the english version.

So, it's all for today.

I'm very sorry if my english is not really good enough

to permit you to discover this language.

So, if someone feels confident enough to speak - a bit -, about Lidepla in english,

do it at my place, instead of me.

Just do it, if you speak english fluently or natively

- it would be better, I think.

Ok, so - yes -, it's all.

If you want to just discuss in the comment part, do it simply.

See you!

For more infomation >> Lidepla (Lingwa de Planeta) - A Global Universal Language - Duration: 3:24.


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For more infomation >> Mañana día inhábil en el país por toma de protesta de AMLO - Duration: 1:18.


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