Thứ Năm, 29 tháng 11, 2018

Waching daily Nov 29 2018

We'll be spending Christmas in California, this year

and we thought it's a good idea

to replace the classic christmas tree with a palm tree

What do you think about that?

Just kidding!! what is Christmas without a Christmas tree?

and how to trim the Christmas tree without you guys?

So the plan for today is to trim the tree, inside.

But before that we are going to see Santa Claus

Skydiving on a beach, or at least that's what i heard.

and it sounds super cool!

After that we have to do some Christmas shopping

once we're done with that, we can start to trim the tree!!

Also, this year we're having two very special guests, but you'll meet them later

We're home and we're ready to trim the tree

and it's time to introduce you to our little elves!

Baby Julian is little Elf number 1

and little Elf no.2 is... tell us your name

Lucas. He's Santa's little helper

and we're going to trim the tree together this year with him and Julian

You can also hear Julian in the background.

ok! Let's get started! Hi five!

How is it to trim the Christmat tree wearing shorts?

Weird! It is really hot outside

and we also turned on the chimney

to get into the Holiday Spirit

And I feel like the shorts and the warm weather don't match very well with all the Christmas scenery

baby is drooling on me haha

can you bring me a napkin, please?

baby is drooling over the Christmas Tree haha

Do you like the Christmas tree baby?

What do you want to do?

No! don't hit the TV

Do you want to trim that Christmas tree ?

Hope your parents won't see this part

Have you started to trim the tree yet?

We trimmed the tree on November 17th

So that we would enjoy it for a longer time

But anyway, I look forward to see your Christmas trees

So you can send me photos with your Christmas trees on Instagram

I am curious to see how your Christmas tree will look

And also I'm curios to know if you like our tree

made by us and our little helpers

although one of the elves is over there and he lost his interest in this activity

I can't reach to the top

I'm gonna fall

Ok, wanna let me do this?

You're not very good at this, haha

Aaaand done!

Our california Christmas tree is ready!

I'm curious if you like it

so I'm waiting for your comments down below

Tell me if you like it or not!

I am supper happy with the result

Cosmin, are you satisfied with our tree?


The tree is ready, but we still have to decorate some parts of the house

but the hard part is done and

we are ready for Christmas

I wish you good luck with all the Christmas decorations

and Merry Christmas

But for sure we'll be doing more Christmas vlogs soon

Until next time, see you on social media

You can find all the links below


For more infomation >> We decorated the CHRISTMAS TREE, with our nephews 🎄 - Duration: 6:12.


LOS BESOS DEL LOBO FEROZ - Cuentos de 0 a 3 años - CUENTACUENTOS Beatriz Montero - Duration: 3:36.


In the morning, the big bad wolf wakes up in his cave.


He yawns:


And immediately protest:


I do not want to get up.

I like staying in the bed.

The big bad wolf does not like to get up.

The big bad wolf is going to wash,

but the river water is

uh, it's cold.

How cold is this water.

This is impossible.




This water is impossible.

It's frozen.

The big bad wolf does not like to wash ...

The big bad wolf lights a large bonfire to dry up,

but the smoke hits him in the face.






I do not like this at all.

My eyes sting.




How the smoke stings in the eyes.

I can not even open them.

Oh, I do not like it.

The big bad wolf does not like to light fires ...

The big bad wolf goes hunting in the forest.

He is very happy, whistling like a bird.

Lala lalala lalala

I'm going to hunt, I'm going to hunt.

I'll eat it, I'll eat it.

Lala lalala lalala

I'm going to hunt, I'm going to hunt.

I'll eat it, I'll eat it.

There are kids. how rich

picking chestnuts.







The big bad wolf is going to give a luxury banquet.

But chestnuts prick!








The big bad wolf escapes!

to him, to him.




Oh, poor thing, your whole body is bruised ...




Do you give him a kiss to comfort him?

Do you want him to kiss you?













The kisses of the ferocious wolf of Jean Leroy

and Laurent Simon

Editorial Edelvives

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See you later.

For more infomation >> LOS BESOS DEL LOBO FEROZ - Cuentos de 0 a 3 años - CUENTACUENTOS Beatriz Montero - Duration: 3:36.


Deslaves amenazan el sur de California | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 1:56.

For more infomation >> Deslaves amenazan el sur de California | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 1:56.


Actores Del UCM Que Revelaron Demasiado De Avengers 4 - Duration: 4:43.

For more infomation >> Actores Del UCM Que Revelaron Demasiado De Avengers 4 - Duration: 4:43.


Cobertura especial de toma de posesión en México | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> Cobertura especial de toma de posesión en México | Noticias Telemundo - Duration: 0:31.


'Honestidad' Makoke y Laura Matamoros se enzarzan y abren el cajón de trapos sucios - Duration: 5:38.

For more infomation >> 'Honestidad' Makoke y Laura Matamoros se enzarzan y abren el cajón de trapos sucios - Duration: 5:38.


Julio César Rodríguez se refiere al fin de Primer Plano: "No nos han dicho cuándo volvemos" - Duration: 6:41.

For more infomation >> Julio César Rodríguez se refiere al fin de Primer Plano: "No nos han dicho cuándo volvemos" - Duration: 6:41.


NOTICIAS DE HOY - Diego Ramos se le plantó a Sol Pérez: "Hay que ponerle un freno" - Duration: 4:32.

For more infomation >> NOTICIAS DE HOY - Diego Ramos se le plantó a Sol Pérez: "Hay que ponerle un freno" - Duration: 4:32.


El Rey se harta de Iglesias y Garzón y sale al rescate de Juan Carlos y Sofía - Duration: 2:57.

For more infomation >> El Rey se harta de Iglesias y Garzón y sale al rescate de Juan Carlos y Sofía - Duration: 2:57.


Marido de Marina Ruy Barbosa planeja ter três filhos - Duration: 2:43.

Nesta quinta-feira (29), Marina Ruy Barbosa e Xandinho Negrão participaram do quadro do Vídeo Show, da TV Globo, Desafio de Casais, apresentado pelo youtuber Matheus Mazzafera

Marina contou o que mais gosta no amado: "Eu gosto muito do olhar dele e a boca

" A atriz revelou quem falou 'eu te amo' primeiro: "Foi tudo rápido, ele me pediu em namoro em uma semana que a gente estava junto, ele falou eu te amo com duas semanas e me pediu em casamento com seis meses"

E quando o assunto foi quem é o mais fogoso, a atriz disparou: "Eu sou mais criativa

" Para finalizar, Xandinho afirmou que pretende ter três filhos com a atriz global

Previsão Vale lembrar que, os dois pombinhos estão casados desde outubro de 2017 e segundo uma previsão feita pelo vidente e astrólogo João Bidu, Marina irá engravidar no próximo ano de 2019

  De acordo com a  previsão feita para a revista Guia Astral, Marina Ruy Barbosa terá um próximo ano ainda mais cheio de alegria e amor, especialmente quando se trata de seu casamento com Xandinho Negrão

Segundo ele, emoções, alegrias e até novidades envolvendo crianças podem estar presentes na vida do casal, no ano que se aproxima

Ainda conforme foi dito por João Bidu, os primeiros e os últimos meses do próximo ano devem ser os melhores, para a relação de Marina e Xandinho

Vale lembrar que, atualmente, a atriz é a protagonista de O Sétimo Guardião, atual novela das 21h da Globo

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