Thứ Năm, 1 tháng 11, 2018

Waching daily Nov 1 2018

The Greatest Treasure

By Amit Garg

One day,

Peter found a treasure map.


I'm going to find this treasure

and have some adventure!"

he exclaimed.

Peter set off.

He walked a long way

and finally reached a forest.

There he met Lion.

"You are strong and courageous,"

said Peter to Lion.

"Will you come with me

on a treasure hunt?"

Lion agreed

Lion agreed

and joined Peter.

The forest was dense

and dark.

Peter was afraid,

but with Lion by his side,

he made it through.

When the two

finally reached the mountain,

they met Eagle.

"You have excellent vision

and can alert us to dangers,"

said Peter to Eagle.

"Will you come with us?

We're looking for a treasure!"

Eagle agreed

and joined

Peter and Lion.

The mountains were tall

and craggy.

Lion slipped,

but Peter was swift enough to give him a hand

and pull him up.


with his sharp vision,

watched every step they took.

Soon, they reached the valley

below where they met Sheep.

"Will you join us in our search

for a treasure?"

Peter asked Sheep.

"And keep us warm when

it's cold?"

Sheep agreed

and joined Peter,

Lion and Eagle.

A cold wind

swept across the

endless meadow.

They all huddled

against Sheep,

who kept them

warm and cozy.

The four finally reached

the desert,

where they met Camel.

"You are called the ship

of the desert,"

said Peter to Camel.

"Will you help us get across

and join the

treasure hunt too?"

Camel agreed.

Peter, Lion and Sheep

mounted the camel

and set off happily

across the vast desert,

with Eagle enjoying

the spectacle from above.

Camel began galloping

and everybody cheered

with excitement.

Crossing the desert

on Camel's back

was thrilling!

The five


reached the ocean,

where they met Turtle.

"Can you help us

cross the ocean?"

Peter asked Turtle.

"We are on a treasure hunt."

Turtle agreed

and joined Peter, Lion,

Eagle, Sheep and Camel.

The rough waves

almost drowned

the party,

but Turtle skillfully

transported them across.

They met Owl

on the other side.

Owl spoke from his

ancient wisdom:


you have found the treasure."

"Where is it?"

they all exclaimed in surprise.


you have passed

the forest,

climbed the mountains,

dared the valley,

braved the desert,

and crossed

the ocean.

You would never have done it

without one another."

They all looked at each other

and realized that

Owl was right –

they had found



they had found

the greatest treasure ever!

For more infomation >> The Greatest Treasure : Learn Dutch with subtitles - Story for Children & Adults "" - Duration: 6:03.


Síndico pode mudar administradora de condomínio? - E agora, Raquel? - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Síndico pode mudar administradora de condomínio? - E agora, Raquel? - Duration: 1:13.


A Professora de Música - Série - Episódio 05 - Duration: 3:15.


Written and directed by Edson Bastos and Henrique Filho

Don't give up, Aída. If you give up,

nobody will ever think that making art is possible here at Ipiaú.

You're my... our last hope.

You and the boys.

Meu Bem, that's impossible. How are we going to make a recital without sound?

My Goodness, commerce doesn't want to support,

neither does the City Hall.

It's better to cancel before the audience came.

I am going to give the news to the kids, OK?

C'mon everybody! One, two, three and...

Stop. Stop! You know how to play better. Again.

One, two, three and...

My ears!! It's broken. Again. One, two, there and...

And... nothing. Kids I need to talk to you. Let's go inside everybody.

It would be great, Tia Aída, but it's not possible right now.

We're practicing to look our best tonight and make you proud.

That's beautiful. What's that? Hold on. Let's go inside now everybody.


I need to speak something very serious with you.

Mom is so happy that there will be a recital.

I know, I get it.

So, as I was saying...

What's that, Jéssica Kellen?! That's so rude!

I am only warming my voice up to do my best for the concert.

It's a serious stuff.

Tia Aída, I need to thank you. This recital represents to me my whole life.

If it wasn't for the recital I think I wouldn't be alive. Thank you!

What I need to speak with you it's an important thing. Please, pay attention.

I was so sad that my dog died last week.

Thank Good there's the recital to make me happier!

I can imagine. That's what I need...

Good help me if this recital had been canceled.

If that would have happened I think I wouldn't be strong enough to handle so much suffering.

Hold on! Enough!

I need to talk to you! It's serious. A serious subject. The truth is that...

- Where's Nuno? - He's gone.

Gone?! Why?!

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