Nursery Rhymes Compilation For Kids with Wrong Heads
Cristina Pardo no puede con la hipocresía de Iglesias y le mete un corte brutal - Duration: 2:22.-------------------------------------------
Tempo de Amar: Lucerne também tem filha que foi sequestrada - Duration: 5:02.-------------------------------------------
Pamela Anderson et Adil Rami : le prix astronomique de la villa qu'ils ont achetée - Duration: 6:10.-------------------------------------------
Ásia Mochilão Vlog 10 - Tailândia - Phi Phi | Tour nas Ilhas de Koh Phi Phi | Maya Bay - Duration: 11:20.-------------------------------------------
Mapa de Graduados UNER - Tutorial LSA 2 - Duration: 1:12.-------------------------------------------
Bruna Marquezine diz qual parte de seu corpo Neymar mais gosta | Noticias Nuevas - Duration: 3:18.-------------------------------------------
Hands-on review van de Sigma 16mm f/1.4 - Kamera Express - Duration: 2:30.-------------------------------------------
Fathi Ben Slama commentant le discours historique de Manuel Macron à Tunis - Duration: 5:58.-------------------------------------------
Las sorpresas que no te esperas de la final de OT 2017 - Duration: 4:33.-------------------------------------------
El nuevo novio de Julieta Nair Calvo - Duration: 1:13.-------------------------------------------
El novio de Aitana de OT defiende a Cepeda en su Instagram - Duration: 4:25.-------------------------------------------
Joyeux anniversaire à Gaston de France! - Duration: 6:57.-------------------------------------------
TJ Aparecida | Confira informações sobre o cadastro biométrico - 31 de janeiro de 2018 - Duration: 2:24.-------------------------------------------
Antigua casa de los Turpin estaba llena de heces y pestilencia - Duration: 2:19.-------------------------------------------
¿Qué le pasó? Polémica por el baile frenético de una pasista en Gualeguaychú - Duration: 1:31.-------------------------------------------
Aflevering 9 (Episode 9), De (Vlaamse) Mol, België, 2017 with English subtitles - Duration: 1:09:50.subtitles by widmbelgie
Peer, last week
We missed you - Missed you, too
You thought I was the mole? - Well, yes
That's the funniest thing ever
So weird to see you again, I forgot you're real
Four months after an adventure in South Africa, the contestants see each other again for the first time
To the mole - To the contestants
Tonight they'll watch the finale together
And discover who won the game and most importantly, who the mole is
I'm not 100% sure, but if I had to choose I'd say Eline
I think I was mole-d by Eline
I think Eline's the mole, but it could be Annelies as well
I think Davey won, but I'm not sure, you never know
I hope I don't look foolish by saying this, but I'm reasonably sure it's Eline
I think it's Annelies
I have absolutely no more doubts
The mole is Eline
The mask is off
For it's definitely certain, it's Annelies
Annelies is my mole
Friends, I assume everyone is extremely curious about how everything ended for Davey, Eline and Annelies
So I have an offer. Shall we go watch the finale together? - Yes
The helicopter is ready, but you're undoubtedly still familiar with the button
Davey, don't hit it
2.500, that's a nice amount - You'd do it, Marz?
Well, yes - No, Marz
You know how I am already, come on
Come on, Davey, do it
Bastard - Good, that's super
The lights are extinguished
Only one of the three's lights will turn back on
The winner of the game
That is crazy, crazy, crazy
Thanks Sam - Good, mate
You deserved it 100%, 1.000% - Thank you
I'm not crying
You were right on her heels - Yup
And you've unmasked her - Yup
It's time for the mole to emerge from the shadows
Are you serious?
Are you serious?
The last person I'd suspect is Eline
Man, I'm so bad, but you're so good, so good, Eline
Really, so well done, a rightful winner
You're a winner in my book
So well done, I'm so happy for you that you got so far
Eline is the mole
And Davey and Annelies realized it
But Davey was the best
And he was the winner of the game
A game whose secrets still haven't been exposed
Where and how exactly did Eline sabotage?
Where were the hidden hints?
Who got the famous red screen in episode 3?
And should've left then?
And did the contestants really know what they were getting into?
Hello and welcome to my Mole video
My name is Sam. I'm 23. I live in Hamont-Achel
More than 6.500 people applied to the new season of The Mole last summer
120 people were invited to have a conversation
And from them we selected a group of 10 contestants
I don't know if you can call yourself nice, but I think I am. I'll never...
I'll never eliminate anyone
Being good gets you nowhere
If you were eliminated first, what would you do?
That'd be really hard, it'd be awful
Fuck, no, this can't be real
This sucks
I can put it into perspective, that's what you always have to do
Everything okay? - Yes
Life is no pony camp
I've never come across anything in my life that made me say I can't do that
That's a shame
I can be a dramatic woman, yeah
It's something really big
It's on my side, it's on my side
The goal is to actively participate and get as far as possible
I can handle it, I can handle anything
We have to slow down
I'm having a hard time
We have to keep going until the bus gets here - Man, I'd prefer you shut up
I'm not a couch potato, not at all
I have to be doing something, I can't sit still
I have to use the bathroom, but it's alright
I went earlier, but I couldn't go then
I thought: Maybe they're coming now - Poor thing
Shall I go? Maybe it'll take some of the pressure off
I have to pee again
Oh man, I need to pee, pee, pee
I have to pee
Yup, Davey's going to pee
He's peeing himself away, that guy - It isn't normal
What do you think is your worst trait?
That I get angry quickly
It was unlocked the whole time, and you didn't see?
Are you guys okay, or what? Please
It was unlocked, and you guys were looking at it for an hour
Do you know your husband's phone number?
No - Come on
Davey, man, I'm going to take my shorts off
You have to put it down, this will drive me crazy - Sorry
I'm sensitive, too. I cry way too quickly
About what? - About everything
Can people tell if you're lying? - I don't know
I think she's lying, but I'm not 100% sure
Friends, we finally know who the mole is
Eline worked against you for three weeks with a lot of success
Was it fun, Eline? - Yup, really fun
It was fun, yes - So adamant
Shall we see what all you got up to?
Wednesday, November 9th, 7:37 PM
In other words, that means that in about 8 hours...
Someone's coming to pick me up
I'm extremely nervous
What always helps with stress and problems, with any possible pain in life? That would be...
The adventure begins in four hours
Four hours, four hours
I'm super excited, I'm scared, I'm stressed
But we're going to get the job done
For the first challenge, everyone will be picked up at their house in a nice car
And they'll stop at the airplane, and then the first challenge begins
If one person does push, there'll only be ten spots
It's a sure fact that I'm pushing
I have to go with them
For the first challenge on the tarmac, as the mole the goal was not to let 5.000 euro be added to the pot
So my plan was for me to push it
But then it was important to convince the person who came and sat next to me in the car to push too
What's your name? - Davey
Davey, I'm Eline
Because if I were the only one to push and board the plane, then it'd be super obvious, and I couldn't risk that
What will you do? - I'm pushing it
Yeah? - I'm sure of it
You aren't? - I don't know
What will you do if the person you try to convince says
I'm not going to push it, that makes no sense
The fact that you can't trust anyone in the game
You're with 11 people you don't know and have never seen
You don't know what they'll do, I just want to secure my spot
I came here to...
Not to win per se, but just to have the experience
By pushing, there's a smaller chance of missing out on it
I'm going for the experience, staying here, she has a point
Staying here...
That'd suck even more
Hello - Hello, hi everyone
Did you push it? - Of course I did
Choose well
From the beginning, I wanted to make it especially clear to the group that I'm not the strongest or the smartest
Eline, you have to know this
Which two tools were pictured on the flag of the former Soviet Union?
Hammer and anvil
It was reasonably successful. After two days they called me the slow one
Which naturally gave me a free pass to not do so well
At trivia questions or physical challenges
Which province are the East Cantons in?
East Cantons?
She played dumb, even though she isn't at all
Which is well done, you can't say anything else other than well done
In which province?
I'm not the best at trivia, but I do know that the East Cantons aren't in West Flanders
West Flanders
Everyone knows they're in East Flanders - (Note: People know it's in Luik)
I don't suspect Eline at all
Not at all, not at all
I'm ruling Eline out, because she's way too emotional
She's an emotional person, who talks a lot
Eline, she blabbers about everything
Right now she doesn't seem very suspicious to me
Since the group labeled me as slow and didn't see me as the mole
I could play that up at challenges
For example, at the air pillow it didn't stick out that I didn't solve the puzzle
Quart-L, quail - Wait a bit
I'll triple the amount to 1.500 euro
Same system, but one of you two will sit on the pillow
And you four will guess how much time they get for their challenge
In the triple-or-nothing challenge the goal was that we went for nothing of course
Robin, he's getting clay and has to sculpt an animal
I received a little gift, sculpting clay
The plan is for me to make a penguin as fast and as good as possible
So I'm practicing a bit
Can you see that?
Woah - Oh man
The goal was to be able to sculpt a penguin quickly
How are you doing that? - Just a body and head and legs
And doing so would convince the rest to hit it quickly and be faster than Hans
Shouldn't we stop?
Sometimes it was a lot tougher to play dumb
Especially when it'd directly affect me, like in the electric challenge
I knew the correct answers, but the goal of course was to push the others in the wrong direction
It was pure self-sacrifice
Brom, maybe brombak - No, that isn't right
Scooter, I'd rather go for scoot
For that challenge I chose to suggest words that sounded logical but weren't correct
Okay, so be it
Beforehand they said a little shock would happen after an incorrect answer
Little shock... I think my tolerance for pain is lower than everyone else's, because that was a shock
Ready? - Three, two, one
You know the electric fence for horses?
Yeah, 10 times worse than that, minimum
I was quite happy that we gave five incorrect answers
Therefore we couldn't go to the library five times to help Hans and Davey
Eline, I can't... I'm on the highway. Listen to this
So I thought: It's over, there's no way they'll succeed
But suddenly they arrived on the third floor
How they succeeded, I don't have the slightest idea, but the challenge was successful
But I can live with 1.500 euro out of 3.000
Sometimes you get a little lucky
Ladies and gentlemen, soon we'll stop at the Castle of Good Hope
There's also 1.500 euro to earn here for three sleuths
At the challenge in the castle when we had to find John Pearson's boat
If we had gotten there any sooner, we would've gotten on the bus
Maybe it's in a separate room?
I immediately went to the door with the name
Then I just stood by the door for a while
When I felt like I wasted enough time, I decided to call the others over
Pearson, wait - Where, where?
John Pearson was... I don't know, prisoner
I just hoped that we wouldn't be able to find it among all the letters
But at some point Davey said the Swallow of London
So I just claimed the answer
Maybe it's the Swallow of London
When we left I tried to go left to take a detour to the bus
No, right, right
But who was running behind me of course? Davey
He knew we came from the right and called us back to try to get to the bus on time
We saw the bus drive away right in front of our noses
Painful, huh?
Eline manipulated the group masterfully by pretending to be less smart than she actually is
And by doing so she stayed under the radar of most of the contestants
And in this game, if you're on the wrong track, then you'll inevitably get a red screen sooner or later
I selected Marzena as my main suspect
It's my gut feeling
Marz is really talented
At the very first elimination, almost everyone was still in the dark
Almost everyone
Since Davey saw a clue at the beginning of the game
What most caught my attention is who I sat with in the car, with Eline
What will you do? - I'm pushing it
It was really strange that someone who was that certain wasn't one of the first five on the plane
So that means Eline's at the top of my list right now
Bouba as one, Sam as two. Bouba is still really young, but I think he can do it
When Annelies is doing a challenge, sometimes it seems like she's faking her interest in it
Annelies began to look in the right direction in episode 2
I've sat in the car with Eline a few times with the music turned up. I know she can sing
I saw her lip trembling
I thought: Is it maybe because she's nervous, since she has to sing off-key, even though she never does
Entering the museum, Robin was the only visible one on camera
Guys, get down
But now we're lying on the floor
Robin is definitely my main suspect
I gambled on one person, on Eline
I took a risk
At the third elimination, I just put everything on Eline
Then you focus in. Like they say, you can't see the forest for the trees
Then you just see a tree and you watch it and how it grows and what it does
What was Eline wearing? Where did she sit yesterday? What did she drink?
In what room, what number did she sleep? Where is she now? Who is she next to?
What stood out was that the tough guy from the group with his tattoos was a little scared of a little bird
Davey, where are you? - I left, because an ostrich was over there
My main suspect is, without a single doubt, Davey van Rode
As soon as I became certain, I modified my strategy
Because I thought: How can I make sure she sabotages as little as possible?
Instead of just explaining why he wants to go and discussing it, he just leaves
It was a game in a game I was constantly thinking about
I think it stood out how often I was with Eline during challenges
And that I often lost money. Okay, that was also my own fault, but...
Also because I was with her and sometimes couldn't stop her
By adapting his strategy, Davey was increasingly suspected by his fellow contestants
My number one mole is Davey. I'm 90% sure now
Last time I said: I voted way too much for Eline
And this time I deliberately spread more between Davey and Eline
In terms of eliminations, I was between Davey and Eline
I know Hans said he answered 18 questions all with one person in mind
When I opened the diary, it was dedicated to Davey
So yeah, then I could go for Eline completely
Everyone else knows too, so I'm scared that it'll come down to one question, and I'll have to leave later
I knew Davey knew, and we already knew that about each other
Without it being said
I thought: She has to know, or else she wouldn't be here still, and so easily
At 59 it isn't always easy to participate in challenges
You can't hide the fact the challenges sometimes didn't go well
But the game, the main game, she played perfectly
So you can only tip your hat to her
In the end it revolves around unmasking the saboteur
And I succeeded in doing that
But I am quite confident
Davey is a justified winner, seriously
Friends, the main question is answered
But there's still one mystery
Marz, a mystery that led to a premature departure
Who actually got the red screen in episode 3?
I assume you're extremely curious - I'm very curious who it was
Hi everyone, this is no ordinary elimination
Whoever's eliminated tonight gets the unique chance to save themselves
I honestly hope it might've been Davey
He can at least pay me back with a trip to South Africa
It's time make the contestant known
The contestant
Can now stand up
No, I don't mind, but you should've used it better
I used it as well as possible, but she did too well. Never a suspect
And you were eliminated the next episode anyway
Immediately out. People skills: Zero. I'm a true loser
A true loser. Even after that I never suspected Eline
Bertrand, you acted excellently that evening
I thought it was cool that Marz took it so well
It made it more bearable for me - Since it wasn't easy?
It was really... I held back a little, but I'd do it again
Shall we see how you experienced that evening?
The red screen
I was so confident this time
I really thought I was on the right track
But when you see the red screen for your name...
And you have to maintain a poker face and act as if nothing's wrong
Wow, emotions are raging inside you
Alarms are going off everywhere
Since you know the unique adventure just...
Is probably over
Bertrand, which colour screen did you get earlier? - Green
Then you cling onto the only straw you can grab, of course, since...
We all applied to win, we all applied to get to the end
Then you do what's necessary
You seem more nervous than usual
I was nervous when we were eating, that's true
Yeah, I know - I was really nervous
But after that, it was a relief. Afterwards it was a relief
The more you try not to struggle and prove it isn't you, the more they suspect you
So that's why I decided to play it super-low profile
Suppose we were voting now, who would you vote for? - I'd vote for Annelies
If you're last, take responsibility
Don't make someone else pay the price
And you can go home with a clear conscience - That's true
When Hans said that the one with the red screen should just come forward
It was really difficult, and I had second thoughts
But at the end of the day you put the game first
Let's see
That means we have a majority
But it's even worse news for one of you
Who has to leave right now, even though they aren't the one who knew the least about the mole
I have to admit I felt really bad
I think it's normal to chose to save yourself
But Marz...
I hope you'll forgive me some, and we can stay friends
No one feeling responsible?
They're also relieved they can advance
And knows a bit more - A lot more
A lot more
A lot more, an enormous amount - What an actor, man
You got two red screens, that's nice
That's never happened
Bertrand, well played
But it didn't help you out much
Not very much, no. A little, but not enough
I'm a deserving loser I think
More sabotages
If a challenge succeeded, I did relatively well reacting
I think that's because I can fake enthusiasm really easily
The challenge is successful
That's correct
You just act happy, laugh, and everyone thinks she's happy, too
Except for the diving bell, that was the only moment that was super hard for me to be relieved and happy
I'm not really scared, but claustrophobia... I don't know how it'll go
It depends on how big it is, since I'm not scared of lifts
Yeah, claustrophobia. I have a hard time in small spaces
And in the smallest space you can imagine, that's where my biggest sabotage had to take place
Tomorrow is one of the most important sabotages: the diving bell
Technically it isn't the same as what we practiced
Two weeks before departure
Have you dived before? - Never, no
Nervous? - Yes, really nervous
Like breathing, it's just breathing
When it was my turn to dive in the air bubble the goal was to use 20 seconds to study my flag
That I had already memorized of course
And then use the remaining time to sabotage
The plan was that as soon as I left the air bubble, a diver would pick me up and give me an oxygen mask
We would swim 20 meters away to the rucksacks and switch two of the flags
Then swim back to the air bubble as fast as possible
And then surface above the air bubble
One minute, yes
That went smoothly
Then one of the others would've retrieved the wrong bag and then no money would've been added to the pot
Then someone will lose their bag and their clothing for the rest of the trip
What would've been my greatest moment on the trip became the biggest disappointment
Annelies went into the air bubble right before me and had a panic attack
And that in combination with my claustrophobia wasn't ideal
I mustered all my courage and tried regardless
But I left the air bubble too early and on the wrong side due to panicking
I looked around, but there was no diver
Then I surfaced way too quickly, and the rest all saw me, so the sabotage failed
Really sorry - No problem
I don't feel good
You went in, and you know your flag - Sorry, seriously
It's no big deal
I wanted to separate myself like a little kid so no one spoke to me
Luckily, my fellow contestants sabotaged a lot, too
For example at the maze, everyone ran in like a headless chicken
A T, I found a T, I found a T, Davey found a T
In the maze with the ostriches I thought Eline played really well
Don't think for too long, just put something down
By standing there and pressuring the ones up top...
She was in a really good spot to let everything go wrong
I really want to give them my egg
Me too, they need it, but I'm standing here waiting - I've done nothing for 15 minutes
Why is that? They said they need it, but now we're standing and waiting
She knew it'd all go wrong since we don't communicate
Because we were doing so many things again
She just had to stress it, and she would do just enough
An O is a vowel, too
Throw it away, we have to throw them away - Yeah?
Time's up, guys, sucks
You said that you've played Scrabble five times a day for ten days
I did - And now...
And now? What now? - You put your first word down
And he can add two letters to triple his score
That was our best option, we never scored that much again
Since the group failed so badly in some challenges, sometimes I felt like there was another mole in the game
Because the challenges just kept failing
In the caravan challenge, a lot went wrong there, too
Robin can sleep anywhere
Put him on a chair, 10 seconds and he's asleep, sitting straight up
I'm awake, Annelies
Annelies, I'm awake
Sam was sleeping in the car
So I put him in the bed after that
I'll never be able to do this - Then we need to change, nothing else we can do
Then Annelies had to sleep at the end, but Robin and Sam drove like maniacs
Don't drive like this, not wildly, you have to drive super calmly
The challenge didn't go well, but Davey did sleep
So no one else could sleep no matter what
And then I made a little noise by accident
Just a little
So rugby
Then I'm one of the runners
And I make sure that the most athletic gets the films
Today I need the contestant who knows the most about film music
I think you're the best at it
Davey was the fastest and most athletic in the group
So it seemed ideal to me for him to have the least athletic job
Okay, if you guys chose me, I'm honoured
Davey? - Yes
I knew the film soundtracks, too
I assumed that Robin would be really good with them
Superman, what's the melody from Superman?
That's why I preferred to have him with me, to make sure he couldn't direct the challenge
Who is that? - That's Superman
Davey, man, I'm going to take my shorts off
I knew all 10 films - You knew all of them
You should've done it - Why didn't you say you know a lot about films?
They're films from 1957 - Around your time
Yeah, that's why
Again she pushed you in the direction she wanted you to go
That's for sure
The mole in the dark
Welcome to De Pappenheimers (TV show)
In tube 3 there's a corrupt police officer - Corrupt police officer... Actually
The coolest moment for me was the challenge in the dark room where I could touch everyone
I was taken out of my room by two bodyguards, so the others couldn't come out of their rooms
I felt special. I was directed to the place where everything would happen
Then I got... I was eating
I thought: Oh man, how special am I actually?
The others are eating in their rooms right now - How sad
And later they'll come in here one by one and sit here
We'll chain them up
And you'll come out of the tube
I wanted to make sure I took all the money away in this challenge no matter what
It was a matter of pride
But I also wanted to make sure to put the other contestants on the wrong trail if I could
All the luggage was collected at the entrance to the dark room
I took a little perfume out of everyone's bag
And then I put it on a napkin so I could use it in the room
I'm going to lock you up in this room for three minutes
Together with the mole
Then the time has come, and you see them sitting there like this
Like a lot of suffering, because they're stressed out. They're thinking: What's happening here?
And you're just standing there, and they're so nervous
You just walk around, touching and pestering them
I thought it was really fun
Hi Annelies
Everything okay?
It's nice you get to walk around here, isn't it?
I felt the mole around me, and I tried to smell them, too
During everyone's turn I tried to spread the scent of another contestant in the dark room
To put them on the wrong track
And cut
Okay, super, now it's my turn
Oof - It's too small for my fat head
Oh well, it's not that important
We already look ridiculous anyway
It sounds like the way you walk
It's even calming me down
Or maybe not
It was more fun to do to the people sitting here
Yes, look, you've done excellent work as the mole. There's nothing left. A good day at the office
Yeah, that's true
Can you turn the lights back on?
Oh man, did I look like that?
It's warm, this challenge
You start sweating immediately - Yeah, you do
I'm going to clean myself up, I'll be right back
Nothing left? - Nope
My heart rate went... It was really stressful
Then I'm afraid the challenge earns nothing today, nothing else you can do
Eleven unknown Flemish people
They were picked up at home in the middle of the night and brought to the airplane for an unforgettable trip
Four months have passed since then
But the adventure still resonates with them
He broke the bread and gave it to his apostles
What's he trying to say?
There's more colour, but I don't like it as much
Where are the ones with the hexagons?
This is the same size I think
In my whole entire life I've never done anything as crazy as The Mole
Seriously I haven't
I was Miss Moto, and I had to do challenges there, but it's absolutely incomparable
I think about it every day
Day and night even
The last rites
Two nights ago I dreamt there was a challenge that had to do with religious images falling out of the sky
And dodging them. It was awful, but it was a fun challenge
Every morning I wake up to Shosholoza
And I go to sleep to it every night, and that is no lie
We have an opening here - Glue them securely
I miss it so much, just yeah...
You want to be back, you think about it. You don't talk about it much, it already happened
Then when you watch it, you just want to go back and experience it again
The first two weeks after the trip I was really sad
My life seemed really miserable. I got up, went to work, came home, ate, went to sleep
The trip was one surprise after another, an adventure in an adventure
But now it's okay, I think it's nice I can look back
It's just a shame it's over, and it'll never come back
The Mole was something temporary
But the friendships are for life, I'm sure about that
Quote of the year again
Everyone around me is reacting positively
Now and again they laugh about something you did wrong, but yeah
I'm not really going to worry about it
That you don't know the Pythagorean theorem as a carpenter...
Roofers and people like that... You don't need the Pythagorean theorem for interiors
Why should I... When would you need to know that?
I think mostly for roofs - For roofs
I get messages
About what? Tell us
Friendly messages
Come on, tell us
Give an example - They think I'm cool
At some point, it reached the point where suddenly...
Class began and suddenly 40 students sat in on my lecture hoping that I'd say something about The Mole
I have Snapchat
And some things appeared there...
That their fathers wouldn't approve of - Did you send something back?
I just have to cut pieces out? - Yes
The trip did a lot for me on a personal level and how I feel about people
I discussed this with Bertrand
In real life, if we saw each other, me with my appearance, him with his, our paths never would've crossed
Hello, Inspector Michiels from police zone South
I'm supposed to do your questioning at 11:30
She's very friendly
To be honest...
She's not good with comments, etc, but...
Before she would immediately defend herself, but now...
She puts it more into perspective, she's more relaxed as a person
If you say so - Yeah, I think you've changed a lot
I'm super proud of her
She put in an unbelievably excellent performance, absolutely
I mean it
Even more sabotages
It's already moving - Don't do anything, I'll get sick
I had to manipulate people, that was my task as mole
And someone who trusted me 100% was Jolien
Want to go with me? I can talk you into it - Yes, I want to go with you
I was actually happy you looked at me immediately. I was like yay, Jolien
I think that whoever the others picked genuinely thought: They aren't my mole. Jess thought: Davey isn't my mole
Or else you wouldn't do that
Or you could be confirming your choice - Ah yeah
We had a pact
Us two definitely aren't it, we trust each other 100%
I actually said: You can trust me 100%
Without even batting an eye: You can trust me
Then we'll search together for whoever it is
Guess not
It's two-sided, because it makes you feel good you can do it, but it's painful since you really like the person
So you don't want to mislead them, but that's your job
She did exceptionally well, I never, ever suspected her
Had I survived all the eliminations and got to the finale, I would've said: I didn't win. You're the mole?
I never would've expected it
For the museum challenge, Bertrand was my plaything
At the beginning of the evening, the group atmosphere was super good
I could tell that Bertrand could down a few drinks
I thought: I'm going to play on this
Friends, tonight you're breaking in
I want to go with Bertrand - Bertrand and Eline?
I'll go with Sam
What was also convenient was that Davey and Sam were quite drunk
Therefore the group's trust in them was a slightly lower, and they went for 500 euro
We're drunk - Are you being serious?
We're drunk, sorry
That turned out well, because then the tipsy Casanova and I could go for 1.000 euro
She told me: I really want to do this, because I'm a police officer
Breaking in, we have to do it
When we had stolen the skull, that's when I struck. I stood up just a bit too early
Then the alarms went off, of course
That was you
She said: You did it. She stood up, but I was still crawling
Everything happened so fast, and your mind is hazy from all of the alcohol
You do believe it, I believed Eline immediately
I thought she was such a pure woman, a real woman
And yeah, look. She had me wrapped around her finger
Tell them - Eline finished, but I stood up right before the corner
So well done, so, so well done
For this challenge, I was in the perfect position not to earn the big amounts of money
That egg, we're going for 500? - 500 for the egg
No matter what no egg, no pillow
The blue vase near the door is now red and black
Don't pick that either
Fruit and the big, female statue is okay
Fruit and woman with spear - Good luck
I still think it's weird that I...
Sometimes I was really trusted and was followed
By people who knew I was the mole
What Davey saw in me at that moment, I still don't understand
He pointed at something, and I said: I don't think so
"Okay, sounds good"
The vase, what do you think? - It was behind me, Davey
What would've been there instead? - Something else, I don't know
"That's different? If you think so, we'll pick it"
Eline, say something, I'll just go along with it
The white statue
That's wrong
Oh, it's wrong? How weird that it's wrong
You never know to what extent and how much she'll sabotage
You always know that she'll get some things right
So it's...
How do you put it? You're spinning around the whole time
At a certain point you have to stop spinning and just choose
And yeah, choosing is losing. And I lost that time
The challenge with the secret rooms wasn't easy
My goal was to make sure everyone got the free questions and that no money was earned
I knew Davey told the truth, so in an ideal situation we would agree that he lied
I think he's lying - I think Davey can lie super well
Annelies and Robin immediately agreed that he lied
So I thought: Okay, easy, I'll just say he's lying, too
What do you think? - I think he's lying, too
I told the complete truth
Then you earn 2 free questions for tonight, congrats
Thanks, guys
The bad news is that no money is added to the pot
I killed eight flies
I knew Annelies told the truth
To keep money out of the pot, the majority of the group had to say she lied
Robin? - I think she's lying
Actually I decided to say she's lying, too
Then she'd get the free questions and there'd be no money in the pot
But I deliberately didn't do that
I gambled that Davey wouldn't follow me
Given that I was his main suspect
And I'd leave the final decision up to him
I think she's telling the truth
I really should've gone along with Eline
I second guessed myself a lot, but yeah...
She played it well once again
I think you're lying, Annelies
I told the complete truth
Ah man, I was seriously having second thoughts
And then you're played like a fool again, and you beat yourself up about it again
I knew Robin told the truth but acted as if he lied
But that failed miserably
What colour was the candle?
But it was too late
Unfortunately for me, I told the truth
Today there was 4.000 euro up for grabs, and 3.000 of it is already gone
So it was a successful day for the mole - Definitely
It couldn't go more wrong - Shall we go lie?
Let's go - Sounds good
How old were they? - They were babies and toddlers
Babies? - They were all sitting up
They weren't babies - They were all sitting up?
The question is whether or not we should portray you as a really bad liar
If you do it effectively...
You'll be taking away the only talent I have
So we're agreed that I'll choose to lie, but I'll lie badly
There were babies everywhere, a group of 10, or toddlers. They could all walk
Right before the finale, my strategy was to lie badly on purpose
So my fellow contestants would say: She can't lie at all
It's not logical for the mole to be a bad liar
Davey, what do you think? - Lying
Annelies? - I do, too
That means that's the group's decision
I lied
If it was on purpose, she acted well. If you can act like you're obviously lying, then respect
Hidden hints
To unmask the mole, most viewers keep a close eye on the contestants' behavior
Who does their best?
And who lets things, consciously or not, fail?
But there's also people who analyse the show image by image on the search for hidden messages and hints
And for these puzzlers, there were a few hints referring to the mole
It was rightly noted that at the beginning of the fifth season, the mole was in the fifth car
Additionally, Eline was the first contestant to say the word mole
I want to remind you that there is a mole here
In a few challenges, you could unmask the mole by doing the exact same things as the contestants
Today I'm looking for two contestants who want to play Scrabble with me
In the maze with the ostriches, the contestants had to play Scrabble
Do "zon," you can't do anything else
During the challenge, you repeatedly saw an overview of the Scrabble board
If you work with the letters in the left column, you can only form one of the 11 contestants' names
The name of the mole: Eline
In order to form the other contestants' names, you're always lacking at least one letter
During the rugby challenge, the contestants had to recognize film soundtracks
Did anyone recognize the music?
As a viewer you could also find a reference to the mole here by paying attention to the film music yourself
All the music you heard in this montage came from the 10 films the contestants had to guess
Or almost all of it
Since there were four exceptions
"The ball wasn't dropped in a money zone, but Braveheart's soundtrack..."
One song came from the film Brooklyn's Finest with Ethan Hawke as a corrupt police officer
And there were three other songs from films with corrupt police officers as the main character
A clear reference to the mole's profession
During the season, Eline was shown on screen with a clock more than once
The day an episode aired, it was consistently announced in a tweet
"Conversation with #demol, tonight"
And each time, the time the tweet was posted was the exact same time as the time on the clock
A literal conversation with the mole
"Don't forget your conversation with the mole"
"Yes, it's time once again to watch #demol!"
"The faster you scan the QR code, the more money you earn"
Even though Eline didn't manage to scan the QR code, many sleuths did
They were taken straight to a page with the code 60008
The code for Eline's combination lock
But you can also determine that the code is the serial number for a very specific lego box
In which a thief sets off an alarm during a museum break-in
Eline made sure that exact same scenario happened during the museum challenge in Cape Town
The code is clearly visible on all the police vehicles
Another reference to Eline's profession
But there was also something else going on on the page
Since in the background, some points were slightly brighter than all the others
These points form the lion constellation
Which refers to the animal puzzle in episode 2
"Leeuw" (lion)? - Lion
Of course that's it
In the puzzle, a lot of people found contestants' names
But the most fanatic sleuths could, with help from the QR code and number combination, eliminate all doubts
If you put the QR code on the puzzle, and shift it 6 boxes left and 8 boxes up, then it's written in black and whtie
"Eline is de mol" (Eline is the mole)
Crack, that was your ankle
Just now in the dark room my knee cracked while I was with Robin. My knee always does that
You hear it
So I hope over the next few days he doesn't make the connection that I'm the mole if he hears it again
I have to be careful about that
But also as a viewer in the next episode you can clearly hear Eline's knee cracking twice
Each contestant had to turn in their 20 favourite songs before the beginning of the trip
And just like last year, the mole left behind explicit hints in the playlist
For each episode Eline chose a song that referred to one of the challenges
The destination
I already put the destination in the GPS, good luck
Friends, one final formality left
And that's the cheque for the winner
Thank you
I think everyone at the table agrees that you're a very deserving winner
It's a lot of money, it could've been more
Thanks, Eline
But it's still a lot of money - Yup
Any idea what you'll do with it?
I thought about going to Carré (night club) and acting important
No, no
I think I'll set a large part of it aside
Maybe for a business I don't know, but probably for a house
But most of all I'd like to do something fun with everyone this summer
I hope everyone can and wants to come
But I also think, Annelies...
Is an extremely deserving finalist
Which is why I have something special with me
So that you can go to South Africa with Jo
All three of us were so overwhelmed by the school
You said you were going to start a project next year
With the school for a good cause, which is why I gave something for that, too
Man, man, man
My glasses
New pair
"Annelies, mum..."
We were able to participate in this fantastic adventure together for three weeks
For being an extremely deserving finalist, I want to give you an extra celebration
In the finale, we had an unforgettable experience at the school
Which is why I already gave with great pleasure
Using the other cheque, I hope that you and your fantastic husband can travel to Krombaai together
To hand over the proceeds to a good cause in person
You deserve it - Thank you
I wish we could all do it - I'm coming with you
Robin, when you were getting the mole diary you said that you'd give the 500 euro to the winner
Are you going to deposit it or give me the cash?
It's out there, they know
Now hearing them say: You did well, or I didn't expect it, or I did expect it, but still well done
That's... That's a relief
Respect, really. You had me completely wrapped around your finger
Everyone was like: You can't trust anyone
I thought: Well, I can trust Eline, no problem
Yeah, then it turns out to be Eline
Regardless of the fact that we both knew you had a certain role
I'm so happy I got to know you
Hats off, respect, you did great
When I was eliminated, I told Gilles I hope Davey wins
And he did, so well done
I'll never forget it in my life, never
And they can't take it away from me
I thought it was really enriching
On the other hand, I saw how intense I was at times
So I told my wife that I...
I'll try to tone it down some
Despite the false start, it was a fantastic, wonderful experience with really cool people
If you ask me to do it all over again tomorrow
Fuck my suitcase, fuck everything, I'll be there
The story has been concluded, and that's kinda painful
I'm going to start crying again
Super, honestly
Come on, stop crying - No, I'm not going to
I think I'll use my joker tomorrow
Father and son
People search for the Big Five on safari
The lion, elephant, buffalo, leopard...
And I forget the fifth
Lion, rhinoceros, leopard, buffalo...
Come on, Gilles. Why can't you do this, man?
Wait, sorry
Sorry, but a pig's coming
What a body
You notice who's a class act here
Do you have something like this for Sam's mouth?
Tonight the adventure ends for one of you
Eline = the mole
That's a wrap
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