Thứ Tư, 28 tháng 11, 2018

Waching daily Nov 28 2018

Ufone Surprised me.

ufone becomes the fastest growing network at the end of 2018.

Jazz Bootcamp is a good initiative. The technology geeks will sit together and they discuss different ideas.

For more infomation >> Latest Technology News| Telecom Updates | 29 November - Duration: 9:33.


Leaked Emails Show Fox News Feeding Scripts To Trump Officials - Duration: 3:35.

It's no secret that Fox News is in bed with the Trump administration and in fact actually

parts of Fox News are quite literally in bed with the Trump family, but a lot of us didn't

quite realize how deep the connection between Fox News and the Trump administration went

until some leaked emails obtained by the Sierra Club via a Freedom of Information Act request

were released this week and that was leaked.

Emails showed that producers at Fox News, specifically for Fox & Friends, we're actually

working with Trump administration officials and their spokespeople to edit scripts, edit

questions, and basically make sure that any segment these people appeared on was 100 percent

administration friendly.

And they even let the officials direct where the conversation was going to go.

Specifically, the emails obtained by the Sierra Club relate to Scott Pruitt, the former administrator

of the EPA, and they show that the, uh, spokespeople for the EPA, the director's not Pruitt, but

the other directors who were working for him would go back and forth with Fox News producers,

edit scripts, change up questions, get them approved by the officials in the Trump administration

to make sure that these people were walking into friendly territory and that they were

able to say whatever the hell they wanted to say regardless of whether or not it was


For example, Pruitt's people once pitched an idea and then had Pruitt on to talk about

the fact that their EPA is doing so much more for the forgotten communities, uh, that the

Obama administration completely ignored.

First and foremost.

There's no truth to that whatsoever.

But that's what Scott Pruitt and his EPA wanted to push out.

And Fox & Friends was more than happy to oblige.

And then one time Pruitt was actually blind sided by a guest host on Fox & Friends who

did not stick to the Trump administration approved script and started asking Pruitt

about his scandals.

Here's the thing, it's not uncommon to do pre interviews with guests that that's a given

that happens all the time.

But to let a guest come in and edit your script, to let a presidential administration changed

the questions, change the script, put it to their liking.

That is absolutely unheard of.

Fox News, I mean, they're not journalistic in any way whatsoever, but they are very clearly

committing journalistic malpractice here by allowing the administration and their officials

to dictate the terms of interviews.

And this shows you that anytime you see a Fox, uh, uh, excuse me, a White House representative,

a White House official, go on Fox News.

Do not trust a word that they say they knew in advance what they were going to be asked.

They likely approve the script for the interview themselves and they knew exactly where they

wanted to take the conversation.

Fox News has 100 percent become state run media.

And in exchange, they get boosted ratings for having a no, nothing president tweet them

out every day and tell the world how great Fox News truly is.

It is a truly great relationship between those two, but unfortunately, that really great

relationship is actually horrible for everybody else in this country.

If you're not working in the White House or working for Fox News.

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