Thứ Tư, 28 tháng 11, 2018

Waching daily Nov 28 2018

Between the Earth and the heart of our galaxy is an old star at the weak

glow. Similar to so many others, she owns however, a peculiarity. Astronomers

have detected a strange object orbiting around her. Cosmic dust or technology

extraterrestrial, the most sensible as the most unlikely have been

put forward to try to discover the nature of this mysterious object.

On October 21, 2015, my YouTube channel was starting to make yourself known through the video


16/09/2017) ". For the revisional, she appears in the tab at the top right

of this video. I'm giving you a summary of this strange phenomenon

and invite you to stay until the end of this video to let you know about recent

events concerning this intriguing phenomenon who seems ... no I do not tell you more

for the time being !

When watching a distant star produces inexplicable data, scientists

wonder about the possibility of influence of an extraterrestrial civilization on radiation

of the star It's called KIC 8462852 and is already doing

fantasize astronomy enthusiasts. Under this barbaric name hides a star whose

observation leaves the scientific community without answer.

"We had never seen anything like it," says a university astronomer

from Yale, New Scientist. "It was very strange. At first, we suspect

an error in the data collection or a defect of our telescope, but we

checked: everything went smoothly. "

An artificial megastructure in orbit? The reason for this astonishment: KIC 8 462 852,

located 1,480 light-years from Earth, does not shine as it should. At intervals

irregular, its flicker is reduced brutally, as if something

passed in front of the star and blocked his rays. Something like a megastructure

of artificial origin that would turn around from KIC 8462852.

The star was discovered thanks to the program Planet Hunters, launched by the university

of Yale in 2010, which exploits the data of the Kepler Space Telescope developed by

NASA to detect exoplanets in observing the stars of the universe. Habitually,

the periodic decline of the radiation of a star allows to conclude the existence

of a planet orbiting it. But in the case of KIC 8462852, these modifications

flickering are totally irregular. Something blocks the light of KIC 8462852.

Something unique, since among the 150,000 stars observed, she is the only one

to have this behavior. The star dreamed of by alien hunters

"This discovery left us totally perplexed. For each hypothesis raised,

there was always a counter-argument, "continues Tabetha Boyajian. The astronomer has therefore published

an article on possible explanations from this strange behavior and contacted

Jason Wright, a researcher at the university from Penn State Research Specialist

of extraterrestrial civilizations, to have his opinion.

Wright's reaction was immediate: this star looks in all respects to the type

of stars that he has been searching for years. Faced with inexplicable data,

the influence of possible aliens must always to be the last hypothesis considered.

But in this case, what we observe looks like you would expect

of an extraterrestrial civilization. " A hypothesis far from being verified

Boyajian and Wright, however, remain cautious and the existence of extraterrestrial life

around KIC 8462852 is a long way from being verified. "We have to stay perfectly

skeptical, "said Jason Wright. it's a hypothesis ".

What could be the function of a such megastructure if it was built

by extraterrestrials? Maybe a huge solar panel system intended for

to supply the so-called civilization with energy, imagine Jason Wright. Which would mean

it 1,480 years ago, when Clovis reigned over the

Kingdom of the Franks, aliens were building gigantic satellites capable of collecting

the luminous energy of their sun. Or would they be today?

KIC 8462852: THE MYSTERY FINALLY RESOLVED? KIC 8462852 has fascinated astronomers since

several years now because of its strange and mysterious obscurations.

After a long-term study and many simulations, researchers think

have found an explanation for the phenomenon. It has no direct or indirect link with

the possible presence of extraterrestrials. This star is in the constellation

Swan, about a thousand light-years away of our own system.

In 2015, observing it, researchers have found important and inexplicable

fluctuations in brightness. KIC 8462852, the star of all fantasies

To begin with, they believed that the phenomenon was caused by the passage of a planet

in its orbit. However, by examining readings made by our instruments during

in recent years they have discovered that these obscurations were not

periodicals. Worse, they were way too important for

to be caused by a simple planet. Soon, some astronomers started

to evoke the possible presence of a sphere of Dyson in its orbit.

Evoked for the first time by Freeman Dyson in the early 60s, this

famous sphere actually makes reference an artificial structure capable of pumping

the energy of a star. For him, he This was indeed the only way for a

technologically advanced civilization of find enough energy to power

its industry and cope with its growth demographic.

KIC 8462852 was at the heart of a real scientific debate.

Other theories have been formulated thereafter. NASA has thus crossed the

Kepler data with those of Spitzer in order to study the area and the agency has

then detected the presence of comets in the region. She therefore assumed that these obscurations

were caused by their passage between the star and our instruments. This theory

did not, however, unanimously again and a University researcher

of Louisiana has come to the conclusion that simple comets could not provoke

such variations in brightness. Not unless you are part of a swarm

composed of at least 648 000 comets endowed with a diameter of two hundred kilometers

each. A gigantic planet at the origin of

obscurations? To make matters worse, two researchers

discovered that KIC 8462852 had lost about 1% of its total brightness during the three

first years of his observation before to experience a further decline of 2% in

the next six months. In another study, researchers working

for the University of Illinois have finished to come to the conclusion that these variations

could be caused by transitions of phase and therefore by powerful eruptions

solar current on the surface of the star. Fernando Ballesteros, a researcher at the University

of Valencia, also gathered a team in order to study KIC 8462852. Unconvinced

by the extraterrestrial track, the scientists have worked on several astronomical models

different in order to try to find a logical and natural explanation to all these

strange phenomena. They ended up developing a simulation

can explain these variations in brightness. This theory is quite different from others.

It assumes that all these transits are produced by a gigantic planet

surrounded by several similar rings to those of Saturn and by asteroids

Trojan type. The KIC drop 8462852 would blow caused by a secondary eclipse

corresponding to the passage of this famous planet behind his star.

The most interesting remains to come, because this hypothesis would be verifiable. In

performing extensive simulations from of this model, astronomers charged with

the study determined that a new transit should take place during

the first months of the year 2021. It does not remains so only a few years to wait

to know if this theory is the right one. The new Tess Space Telescope is loaded

of the mission. For more info on Tess, check out this video!

What do you prefer to think as conclusion ?

I like to believe that you are not selfish, I like to believe that we do not

are not alone in the universe. No doubt would you think of our recent

interstellar visitor ... Oumuamua (this is his Hawaiian name, since

spotted it on the observatory of this American archipelago, this word means "The

Messenger ".) Is an asteroid that does not come not from the solar system but from other regions

heavenly very far away. We just saw it because

that Oumuamua does not turn around the sun, like everyone, from here.

This object from elsewhere fascinates astronomers, who since his discovery, look at all

under his skirts. First, because of its shape: it's

a kind of long cigar, but we do not arrive not yet to know exactly its dimensions.

We just know that it's ten times more long than wide.

But was he 400 meters long by 40 meters wide or 4 kilometers long

over 400 meters wide? Impossible to say, because it runs at 90,000km per hour, it would take

a hellish radar to measure such excess of speed.

In any case, such elongated shapes are rare, among the asteroids that we observe.

Another singularity: it leaves no trail of steam or dust, while

will come close to the sun. Scholars are sure, it will come a lot

others. Could this asteroid be the first

of a wave having the same celestial origin. But joke truce, this object is

for many, a mothership, like those that have been detected in the rings

of Saturn for a decade. Basically, the dimensions of this

thing being what they are (object a lot longer than the diameter of its cylinder

or its height), combined with the absence of dust on its trajectory, these two findings

are not already banal! So not trivial that there is no

way to explain it, but quite unusual to make it fit a space rock

lambda. And unfortunately, we are not really going

get new data on this rock space so I guess we're going

speculate about it. The problem is that no show

thermal was detected. But that does not mean that it's the hull

death of an extraterrestrial spacecraft, millions of years old and

I maintain that if you had sentient beings intelligent computer masters,

maybe they would hibernate for millions of years the journey

would lead them anywhere. Oumuamua goes to the constellation Pegasus.

His orbital path suggests he entered in our solar system since the direction

of the Lyra constellation, looping around from the sun, and will never come back.

According to theories, when Oumuamua passes near a planet, its trajectory

is modified. When he passes near a planet,

its speed is changed: the speed increases. The cause of the change of trajectory

is the gravitational interaction. The planet or star that he crosses, exercises

a force on him. This force changes the trajectory and speed

of the trajectory. So, if it's a ship, Oumuamua

so has knowledge of our system since use it to go from his point, A, to

its point B. NASA completely denies the facts and says

that the ship does not undergo the gravitational force of our star.

An asteroid that defies the laws of physics known! A revolution in the field

to come up ? If she admits it, that would say

that its trajectory is calculated since this last pass over a period of time,

where no voluminous celestial body, like a planet in our system, do not bar its

road ... If we consider that this is a coincidence,

how to explain that Umuamua is lucky since at least hundreds of millions

years, not to have crashed ?

November 20th of last year, according to the Nasa, the object was traveling at a speed of

38.3 kilometers per second and was about 200 million

km from the Earth. Oumuamua is in the orbit of Mars

about November 1, 2018 and crossed Jupiter in

May 2018 before continuing its journey beyond of Saturn in January 2019.

NASA says it travels today 25.5 kilometers per second, in other words,

it slowed down ... It will come out of our solar system for

take the direction of the constellation of Pegasus.

Observations with large telescopes terrestrials will continue until

the asteroid becomes almost undetectable, after mid-December.

Are we a spectator of a civilization in full recolonisation?

Welcome to the last part of this video with two exclusive information!

Obviously I'll let you do the link between all these phenomena.

On November 25, 2018, NASA announced that star visible from the southern hemisphere

seems to flicker in a very strange way. Like Tabby's star, these

hollows of brightness could be explained by the presence of a cloud of material ...

Or by something more exotic. As an extraterrestrial megastructure?

The star reminds us of a famous object since 2013: the star of Tabby, whose

significant and irregular drops in brightness did not stop intriguing astronomers.

Another star that intrigues What about today? astronomer

Roberto Saito and his University team Federal Republic of Santa Catarina (Brazil),

were leaning as early as 2010 on eruptive explosions hundreds of millions of stars, monitored

as part of the Variables Vista survey in the Via Lactea (VVV). But in 2012, he noticed

suddenly something strange that had nothing to do with an explosion: a star

mysteriously obscured for several days. The idea of ​​an extraterrestrial megastructure

so came back to the table. The details of the study published at the beginning of the month are

published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.

It must be admitted that the data intrigues. In the summer of 2012, the brightness of this

star (VVV-WIT-07), older than the Sun and found in the bulge of

our Galaxy, has faded slightly for 11 days and then drop during

48 days later. It was otherwise not 20% of the brightness that was here

obscured (like Tabby's star) but almost 80%! Something was blocking

a lot of the light of this star. But what was it?

Several possible explanations For Eric Mamajek, astrophysicist of the University

from Rochester (United States), this thing should "To make more than one million kilometers

wide and be very dense to be able to block as much stellar light,

reads in Scientific American. He could again here is an aggregate of matter

passing between the Earth and the star. Sadly, the star being located towards the center

of our galaxy, the dust makes the observations complicated tracking. He could also

to be a so-called "variable" star, a type of object whose brightness varies

noticeable during certain periods. In this case, these dimples could

to explain in a natural way, simply by internal phenomena (nothing suspicious,

so). Still, for now, researchers

still fail to understand the true nature of this darkening.

However, they plan to continue observations with infrared instruments

(which penetrate the dust better). In a few weeks so we may have

the last word of the story! The star of Tabby is in the constellation

of the Swan and VVV-WIT-07 in the constellation of the big dog ... Oumuamua goes to

Pegasse and Observatory astronomers Keck in Hawaii have detected water on

the planet HR 8799 c being part of a planetary system located at only 179

light years from Earth. The young planet gas is seven times more massive than Jupiter

and was observed for the first time in 2008.

It is extremely difficult to collect detailed information on exoplanets.

The light of his star actually submerges that of the exoplanet, which makes difficult

their visualization by telescopes. However, a team using technologies of

tip at the Keck Observatory did a leap forward in the observation of exoplanets

and detected water in the atmosphere of a planet at 179 light-years

of the Earth, tells the site Business Insider. The solar system in question includes a

star, called HR 8799, and the exoplanets HR 8799 b, c, d and e. The system is

at 179 light-years from the constellation of Pegasus. The star itself is a star

of the main sequence, 30 million years.

The new observations concern the exoplanet HR 8799 c, observed for the first time

in 2008. This is a young gas planet giant, seven times larger than Jupiter,

who revolves around his star every 200 years old. These new observations by imagery

direct confirm the presence of water in the atmosphere and confirm the lack of methane

of its surface. According to the lead author of the study, Ji Wang,

former postdoctoral researcher at Caltech and now assistant professor at the Ohio State

University, the HR 8799 system is the first multi-planets system photographed directly.

"Using the Keck telescope, we are now able to learn more

about the physics and dynamics of such giant planets, which do not look like

to the planets of our solar system ", concludes

the Pr.Wang.

To you

to judge !

For more infomation >> UNE MÉGASTRUCTURE EXTRATERRESTRE AUTOUR DE VVV WIT 07 - Duration: 20:46.


Os melhores BLOGS DE MARKETING DIGITAL do mundo que você precisa conhecer! - Duration: 6:25.

For more infomation >> Os melhores BLOGS DE MARKETING DIGITAL do mundo que você precisa conhecer! - Duration: 6:25.


Thanksgiving in Brazil 2018 - Duration: 6:10.

An amazing American meal. We're having Thanksgiving tonight. I gotta show you.

I have mashed potatoes, green beans, turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce,

mac and cheese, all smothered with gravy.

This is a legit Thanksgiving meal and it is awesome. Super stoked.

We are an American family of seven living working and loving Brazil.

Welcome to the adventures of Our Brazilian Life.

That's what Thanksgiving is to me as being with friends and you know we talk

about but we're thankful for what we're grateful for our blessings and when it

comes to blessings you know it's nothing material we're all very blessed in

material ways and our health I think the biggest thing is that we live in this

marvelous country and many of us have ties to spouses like Nelson many of us

here have Brazilian spouses and that we've been so warmly received and

welcomed in this this country and this culture but that's one of the things I

feel most blessed about.

Okay what are you grateful for? We've been in Brazil for just over a year now

and I am grateful for this experience that we've had in Brazil. We've had a lot

of good things happen to us and this is a wonderful, beautiful, cultural, historic

country and I'm grateful for the whole time that we've been here in Brazil. Yes

it's been amazing so it's been a year this time last year we had just arrived.

We'd been here for a month and we were still kind of in shock a little bit.

We didn't have a car. We didn't have an oven. We didn't have a business and we

were just figuring out how to survive and now a year later I really

feel settled in. I feel at ease. I feel comfortable, confident, growing in the

language and making friends. We've got our business and that's doing really

well. We've had time to go on adventures and see some of Bahia and some of Brazil.

For me, I'm grateful for the things I didn't have before we came which was the

ocean. It's so beautiful and vast and inspiring and inspiring. It's so beautiful to go

play in the waves and that's amazing. I'm grateful for adventure. I'm grateful that

we did this and that we came this far and that we are achieving our goals. We

opened our business and we're having fun. I'm grateful for Brazilians. They're

great! They've welcomed us very well but most importantly I'm grateful for my

family. They've been so resilient. The kids are just as adventurous as we are

and they've adapted very well. They're curious and they're learning and

growing so much in Brazil and that's been so exciting to see to watch them

learn Portuguese and speak fluently with their friends is beautiful so we

love Brazil we're grateful to be here. We're grateful to be spending our

second Thanksgiving here in Bahia with some amazing friends and we're very

lucky. We've had a great year. Yes.

Happy Thanksgiving. Maisa, what are you grateful for?

I'm gateful for the world and I'm grateful to have a family.

Oh. That's wonderful. Alice, what are you grateful for?

Christmas. You're grateful for Christmas! And Santa Claus. Very cool.

I'm grateful for Big Jump. I'm grateful for Brazil. I'm grateful for my family.

I'm grateful for the world and I'm grateful for our family and I'm grateful for this food.

I'm grateful for my friend and I'm grateful for everyone at Big Jump and I'm grateful for mom and dad.

And they are the boss. And grandma and grandpa's the boss and I love them.

They are super beautiful. Bye bye.

Oh man the turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, cranberry sauce was so good. A true American

meal. A fantastic Thanksgiving. I can't wait to have some of that pumpkin pie.

I really miss pumpkin pie. Oh yeah. Well let's go. We better get going.

For more infomation >> Thanksgiving in Brazil 2018 - Duration: 6:10.


Review Okean De Goa (Обзор отеля) - Duration: 7:03.

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