Hello ancient geeks! Welcome to my channel !! today I bring you this tutorial so
I'll explain how to make it work the nintendo ds games (NDS) in our
super nes classic mini hacked, for you to work you will have to have a hacked console
I leave you here a link to the tutorial what I have done for you to have it
list, to achieve our goal we will use an emulator called Drastic
one emulator that has developed it someone called exophase for android and
has been ported to mini supernos by madmonkey dantheman827 and kyland K
an old acquaintance on the canal for its emulative packs
if you want to put a lot of games nintendo ds I recommend you have done
the modification to the console to store the games in external usb in
the video card here I leave you a link to the tutorial that I have made for
to be able to do it the tutoring that we have today in hands
It's compatible with 341 hash and higher
if you have other versions of hashish previous can give us problems
taking into account therefore if already you have the console hacked and you use the
proper gh version follow the steps what they tell us next
the first thing that you will have to have available on your pc are the games
called also roms of nintendo ds that you want to put it we go to our super
nes minion smith and do not put roms compressed because they will not work you have
than having uncompressed files and with NDS extension by regulation the channel does not
No download links are provided neither games of bios for care either
OK said this we connect the console to
computer with the microusb cable and what we'll turn on we waited about 5 seconds and
we continue we will open hashish we we will follow mobile mod store once
here we will go to the additional tab functional and we will click on the inhabitant
drastic and we will give don load module once
finalize we will close the window and we we will go to the menu module install exama
dulles we will mark the drastic engine already the right one has to give classes of
important information to load the games will have to be put in line with
command bar well for drastik then os I explain how how to do it in detail
also comments some little details in relation to how to deal with the
emulator and the controls I have done this we will give it to ok and when
the process has already been installed drastic in our super nes nes nes
now we will proceed to add the games we want to heart and for that we'll do
click on atmore games we go to the folder where we have the rom without
compress as I commented we will select the ones that we want and
we will give ok on the screen that you will see pick some games again from
new brand in nintendo ds brand tic extras
and you give to play after aysa close done this we have
to review in each game that this check this without marking is important
because if you do not have problems but will work later we will review that the
start of the command line put us for good for drastic or failing
for nds bar arrangement if you do not put it we correct it so that it is well placed
also at the end of the line check that the name of the rom finish and
extension nds as I have already commented if not would put n of sis then it will be like this
example you will have to delete the game add it again but without compressing
now we will put the covers we will select all the games that
we just added to hatch and we'll do click with the right mouse button and
the options that we will see we will click on download beaux arts for selected game
When the process is over we will give you the that this will have downloaded us the
covers to identify games in the console menu if you do not like it
some we will click on the game and then on the google button to select
manually in those that seem best to us At this point we will be the
games that we have in hacks and in our console for this we have two options
is an internal memory of the console or on an external pendrive and is that the
we have modified in this way our console we do not have it with
external storage we will give the button to synchronize games and when
finish the process and I would be ready to play with the games within the
internal memory in the event that we are using external storage in
our console will puncture the pendrive formatted nfs in our pc we will do
click on export game and when the process we will safely extract the
pendrive of our pc done this We will disconnect in the microusb cable
the console will connect the hub then protects the pendrive and
we will connect the jag tg to a feeder of current after we turn on the
console if everything arrived well good start the console we will have
available our new games of nintendo ds in the menu once loaded
the games you have to take into account something about the good the subject of how
control the games and how it does a series of things with the flyer is what
more complicated and intricate this platform but with risk explained already you will see that no
it does not have as much crumb as we remember nintendo ds had two screens the
main and the other that was tactile to high school
and we also had a pencil for interact with our tactile mind
to simulate this behavior is very recommendable to use with our super
nation is mini a controller that has a stick analog and extra buttons as per
example a wii classic or in your defect any command of those who
I recommended in the video that I leave here up on the exercise card if not
you have a command like that you can play the options that I will now explain
from the menu itself of the emulator itself there is another detail in the games that
needed in the use of microphone the console will work for us to have a
account for being because if someone does not load or just stay at some time and
has this feature it is possible that it's good that it works for us in future
possibly emulator versions correct this problem everything that you
I will comment now it is explained in the comments that he had written in the
emulator like you explained before but better explained it in our language if
we will not have better with analog left the command we can move the
nintendo ds simulated ds you will see that moves around the screen and if
we want you to press on the screen we will give the button
zl with the zr button that will put us in full screen the main screen
in the game if we want to change the
position of the screens of the nintendo ds
if we have connected another command in the secondary port of the console if you
dais a b button we can change the layout of the screens as you see
if we click on the select button we will exchange the position of
screens if we hit the start button we will zoom in on the main screen
and you will tell me and what happens if I do not just have a control of nexus super nes mini
well we also have a solution for all this all these options that do not
I'm saying do them with the command in the graph such we can change them from
the emulator menu for it we keep pressing the reset two or three
seconds and the separate menu will appear we have more things to try as per
example the issue of executing with high resolution 3d games but not
I recommend too much to try it because aggression performance suffers
enough to get out of the game from the drastic menu you will go aqsiq the game
and now you can enter the menu of the emulator and I explained to you before we pressed
the button resides the console 34 seconds let him go and I will leave nothing
get vaccinated see you in the next video I hope you find it interesting
see you later alligator!
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