Thứ Sáu, 2 tháng 3, 2018

Waching daily Mar 2 2018

what is going on guys Patrick here bring you a brand new video today we're gonna

talk about Tron big news came out for Tron and ripple we haven't talked about

ripple much on the channel but I do have some things that I kind of want to talk

to you guys about when it comes to ripples so at the end this video we're

also gonna be giving away the free Bitcoin from the previous video and I'm

gonna give you the winner 24 hours to claim the video guys so if they don't

I'm gonna pick a winner from this video so make sure to comment down below your

wallet address and something related to the video in order to have a chance to

win in case this person does not claim they bail so far a few people haven't

claimed a few people have so you know it's 5050 so you guys do a 50% chance of

getting a you know a chance to win again so make sure you leave a comment and be

subscribed to the channel let's jump right into this 2-1 news article I

wanted to show you guys today so in Australia you can now Burt the purchase

Bitcoin etherium across a thousand two hundred new stands in win for adoption

so it's crazy the u.s. is probably one of the light out of the big players you

guys probably one of the least adopted places when it comes to cryptocurrency

the hardest one to gain adoption for several reasons for several reasons I

can't really blame them because since they are such a large such a big

conscience like the face basically of a lot of things they have to be skeptical

when it comes to new technology as much as they probably want to just go forward

with onion full-on new technology all the time something that poses a risk

they don't want to be caught in you know in the mix too early so I get it I get

it they'll come around don't worry guys

they'll come around but it's pretty cool that in Australia you can buy a Bitcoin

and aetherium for fiat in exchange for fiat in more than 1200 new stance like

new stance who would have thought out of everything

would be new stance that's pretty damn cool so that's good that's the only news

article before we continue guys I wanted to say I'm gonna be in New York this

next week I actually leave today and I come back next week Friday so exactly

one week and I do want to me as much of you guys as possible so I am organizing

something make sure you join the Facebook group to stay up to date with

where we are going to host it and what time and what date and all that stuff

I'm make sure you join the Facebook group

and if you don't if you can't join the Facebook group leave a comment down

below letting me know that you would like to you know come and I will make

sure that you have all the information stuff in case you can't join the

Facebook group so I wanted to put that out there now guys let's get back let's

talk about the overall market let's go I know you guys are here for the giveaway

so I'm gonna I'm gonna get through this not too slow so bitcoins up trot it up a

lot we're gonna talk about just a little bit nano at some point to 6% so it's

still in the greed still counts as a win however everything else seems to be in

the red if you take a look at the seven weeks everything is kind of bouncing off

to the point where it's sort of even some are down 5% somewhere up 6% so I

guess depends on what coin it was a very uneven week but the last 24 hours that

we said a lot of things in the red it's another one of those Corrections not

correction just another red day you know we have green days we have red days it's

not anything to be concerned about it's not anything major no coin has taken a

huge plummet from what we had from what we can see over here no coins taken

anything outrageous so again good signs good signs for Dragon chains up 10% 11%

that's nice that's nice but overall still steady market looks

strong again I'm hoping for the bullish front to come here shortly I don't think

it's gonna take much time so I'm gonna leave a link to Finance down below you

guys can go pick up your favorite altcoins check out the last video if you

want to see black which coins I talked about but I like wahby

I like neo I like Bitcoin obviously it's not gonna go anywhere I like

nano but it is up 40% the last week maybe it might go down in the short

roots short-term but long-term you should be fine just some of the coins

that I like I like request network all these are I'm buying it so you guys can

go pick them up if you are interested before it's too late I can't stress that

enough guys I know I'm going to get messages I know I'm going to get

messages when we enter a bull run and you know everything's tripled quadrupled

in price I'm going to get messages if people say what's the next great coin

because I missed the opportunity you don't want to miss the up

Tunney now now it's a pretty good time to get in now the point I want to talk

about today just briefly I want to talk about ripple we haven't talked too much

about ripple there hasn't been much to talk about ripples been very very steady

over here plus minus ten cents from the doll from her around a dollar I guess

currently at ninety cents you know you guys know I'm not a huge fan of ripple

um simply simply put a lot of people artists like oh but money is money

I understand making money as money but there's a lot of other all coins I would

rather put my money in however the more I am looking into ripple I can't I can't

lie guys I kind of want to get a position in ripple simply because hear

me out short-term if you go follow them on Twitter they have a lot a hunt of

eight hundred and eleven thousand Twitter followers that is eight hundred

eleven thousand more Twitter followers than I have because I don't have a

Twitter I need to make one though true but they post everything that's going on

right here this is a good place especially if you have a position ripple

I would recommend if you have a position any cryptocurrency I would recommend

following them on Twitter and get get your notifications on for their posts so

you guys can see as soon as something goes live basically kind of like I tell

you guys to hit the notification button on my videos to see when videos go live

so you guys definitely don't want to miss out on information because it could

affect the price now ripple is just absolutely killing it with its

partnerships now it's not as much as other coins we see coins are like Oh

blah blah is now listed on this exchange Oh blah blah blah is dying bulla said

something about blah blah blah you know like Bill Gates said something about

Tron he didn't but I'm just saying an example right and that'll cause price

fluctuation now ripples out there making moves and partnerships so these guys are

actually partnering with a ton of big a done ton of big players they have a huge

upside potential to them long term I get the whole decentralized versus

centralized think and I agree with you guys so if you guys don't invest in

ripple for that reason similarly tau I'm not invested in ripple at the moment for

that reason cuz I think there's a lot of other potential coins which will I think

can do just as good if not significantly better than rippled like Bobby I like it

you guys have heard me say it a lot I'm very bullish on it right now but ripple

is actually gay people to use them so they're actually

further ahead in the adoption phase and a lot of other cryptocurrencies because

people are already in big companies and banks why not are already using ripple

they're testing it out and then they're implementing it in their system because

it does what they want it to do so that's one thing that I think could

definitely lead ripple to a to a bullish run in the at least in the short-term

you know few years to come not like I said when it comes to 20-30

years when I think cryptocurrency maybe even more when cryptocurrencies fully

adopted and this is what we use I don't think ripple will be there leading the

pack however in the next coming years when everything is still kind of you

know things are still kind of iffy worse is still kind of gained trying to gain

our adoption I think rebel definitely will hold its spot in the top coins

which is why I think definitely if you do some math depending on where the

market cap could be before we gain massive dr. whose mass adoption center

you know it's gonna require several several several trillion dollar market

cap for us to consider it mass adoption at least but you know there's I've seen

crazy people I've seen crazy numbers I've seen people save ripple at six

hundred coin new coin crypto coin News said that saw another video saying

cryptocurrency at $99 and now I'm not gonna say either of those but I'm not

gonna count out the possibility that mathematically it's possible now yes it

does have to go up to like a three trillion dollar market cap right I

believe we go one two three would be nine hundred and three dollars that's a

lot let's say one to say ninety dollars it's gonna be a three point five

trillion dollar coin now if we are at a where would be if we're at a forty five

trillion dollar market cap it's not impossible and do you guys think

cryptocurrency could be if we are at mass adoption forty five trillion

dollars is not a lot of money it obviously it sounds like a lot I would

love to have it in my bank account but if cryptocurrency is what we use in the

world right not just the u.s. not just France not just Australia

in the world forty five trillion dollars it's really not that much and I think

it's definitely possible for us to see it happen so ripple at $100

possibly especially the short run possibly I'm not counting it out but I

am starting to do more research because I can see that they're doing their if

they have good partnerships being built they're actually starting to get used

which is a step in the right direction for cryptocurrency short term again

short term for people to start recognizing the technology and start

using it the blockchain technology and then later on obviously like I said long

term I don't think ripple should have a spot because it's not really what we

stand for right okay now Tron up 13% almost 40% it was

up a little more before it's already had a little bit of correction we just go to

the one month is probably be able to see it spiked up a lot yesterday all the way

up here went up to can't even get my cursor in there dang record went closer

for like 6 cents yeah close like five point seven five point eight cents and

now it's back to a little bit to five point two but it did have a nice little

run and reason for that is right here Tron yeah well this isn't the making one

right Iran is now changed next you can now buy Tron on updates on the update

exchange kyoool but the main ones this one Tron

is on bit trick so you know you guys know is on - where a lot of people

picked it up now it's also on bit tricks now that's not as big of a move as if it

wasn't on either of them and they've gone on it that'd definitely be bigger

but still doesn't hurt to see another place where you guys can go ahead and

buy Tron maybe you don't have a violence account I don't know why you wouldn't

it's super easy you just click the link down below and make it account it 100%

free but honestly easier than bitches bitch works you have to go through um

verification and stuff right now so violence is honestly easier but yeah

absolutely a great news for Tron you know now it's on most of the big

exchanges maybe coral point base next start that rumor again um but yeah

there's so it's a low chance if you get to coin may so I never count anything

out I'm just saying the chances are low now one thing I forgot if I go to a

Twitter ripple again one I forgot a point now is that you can see there is

also they have a pin tweet from February 21st saying we've noticed an increase in

fraudulent accounts claiming to be ripples so even they are having the

issue of you know people faking their account

and then trying to do giveaway you can see they even mentioned claiming to be

ripple or members of the ripple team offering giveaways guys I do giveaways

because I'm showing you my face right if if someone just came up and said hey

this is Patrick I want your crypto currency in exchange

for a giveaway that's not a good idea you should never if it's a giveaway I'm

giving away I'm not asking you to do anything other than you know comment

down below and send me your Bitcoin wallet address that's about it I don't

want any of your crypto currency in exchange for the giveaway now if we look

at the chart which we've been doing technical analysis on we still are

holding a little bit above here again this is not enough for us to say

anything but I said the markets are looking strong and I'm definitely

looking for a breakout we've seen a lot of different technical analysis going on

a lot of people are looking at the reverse head-and-shoulders which if you

guys know what that is it is a good thing to look at - I'm keeping it simple

here but if we do complete the reverse head-and-shoulders guys we might be in

for a treat when it comes to crypto currency and that's why I'm saying I

don't want you to waste your time and you know wait wait wait and then

bitcoins at 20,000 then you tell me you missed the opportunity and bitcoins too

expensive now you know you don't want that to happen so if you want to pick up

some Bitcoin pick up some Bitcoin gonna pick up some aetherium pick up some

aetherium if you want to pick up some Wahby or request Network go ahead and

pick those up I'm not a financial adviser though guys it's not financial

advice I know I'm saying you should pick them up I'm saying if you do your

research and you like the crypto currencies now might be a pretty good

time in some of the lowest prices we see in the next few months and I'll say you

have to not financial advisor not advising you to I am advising myself if

I were in your shoes I would do that that's all I'm saying

but that's not advice not financial advice no no no now the moment you guys

have all been waiting for it let's go let's talk about the cryptocurrency

winner let's see who won the D giveaway from last video basically we had 119

unique comments absolute killers this is a hundred percent random guys so let's

see who wins winner TRX has been bifur

investment in crypto I hope to god you are right I hope to god I am right to

trust me um I hope to god I am right - if I'm right with every prediction then

we will all be rich I'll be very rich and you guys will all be very rich -

because I don't I'm not wrong but yeah I hope John is definitely a riskier play I

know a lot of people get mad at me when I say traumas are riskier play it is

compared to Bitcoin Tron is a riskier play compared to nerium Tron is riskier

compared to Neil Tron is riskier right compared to maybe let's see compared to

let's take a look I'm fullest there we go

how do I do what I'm trying to do here we go compared to life Tromso less risky

plenty compared to life now watch life moon just like be the next Bitcoin and

I'm the dumb dumb who talks shit about it oh well but yes so um nan dia Nandina

nan nan Dina I don't know how to pronounce your name

I apologize for butchering it already several times in my attempts but leave a

comment down below again letting me know that you're here to claim it otherwise

guys if you guys want to enter a chance to win if they do not claim their

cryptocurrency then leave a comment as well and you guys I'll show it in the

next video if they don't claim it the next a tomorrow's video tomorrow's

market recap video I will be pinky another winner so guys thank you so much

for watching leave a thumbs up if you guys did enjoy the video let me know

your thoughts down below on the whole on the whole market on the whole thing for

a ripple that I was talking about Antron where do you guys see I know LAN

you guys like Tron I know um now when it comes to XRP when it comes to Ripple a

lot of people have mixed feelings a lot of people are split either you like it

or you don't like it so I want to know all you guys comments down below leave

me your best argument convince me of your side but yeah guys thank you so

much for watching I'll see you guys later today for another video



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Cosmic Girls Discusses Their Unique Talents And Quirks(News) - Duration: 2:48.

Cosmic Girls Discusses Their Unique Talents And Quirks

Cosmic Girls is back with their fourth mini album!. At a showcase held at the Yes24 Live Hall on February 27, they shared the members talents and quirks that are fitting for their new concept of a magic school.

Soompi. Display. News. English. 300x250. Mobile. English. 300x250. ATF. Seola began, I want to recommend Bonas talents. I use the same room as Bona and she has the skill of using her toes without her knowledge.

When I wake up in the morning, I say hello to her feet and her toes start to move. Bona doesnt know it though.. Bona replied, I guess I dream with my feet.

Eunseo discussed the habits of a fellow member and said, My roommate Yeonjung doesnt come out of her bed on her days off. I never saw her coming out of her room, but she said she ate meals.

Once, I thought that maybe her legs were hurting and massaged them..

Exy praised Cheng Xiao and explained, Cheng Xiao has the best flexibility skills out of all of the members. This skill is really special. MC Park Seul Gi added, Its true that Cheng Xiaos flexibility helped to promote the group..

Exy also spoke about her music skills and revealed, On this album, I participated in writing the rap in all of the songs, so my dream of including my own songs became a reality.

She continued, Oddly enough, I write lyrics well on the kitchen table in our dorm.

I think I write lyrics well when my emotions come alive by moonlight at dawn, and added that it each members unique way of speaking and acting contributed to her lyrical writing.

When the MC asked her how they helped, Exy answered, When Cheng Xiao speaks, its really cute. I thought about how to capture that in the lyrics..

Dream Your Dream was released on February 27 at 6 p.m. KST. Check out the MV for their title track Dream Come True here!.

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