De Akkers
EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT MAGNESIUM CHLORIDE mary forti - Duration: 11:47.Hello BELLEZURAS today we are going to talk more in depth about:
1.- What is magnesium?
2.- What is the use? 3.- How much do we need to consume?
4.- What foods contain it?
5.- What types of magnesium dietary supplements are available?
6.- Dosage or how much should we consume?
7.- How would it affect us if we did not consume it?
8.- What are your contraindications?
9.- In what diseases can we benefit or heal?
10.- What are your interactions with medications?
Let's start !!!
1.- What is magnesium?
It is a nutrient that the body needs to stay healthy ...
2.- Now what is it for? This is the essential ...
It is important for many processes that the body performs.
For example, it regulates the function of the muscles and the system
nervous, blood sugar levels,
regulates blood pressure, helps form protein,
helps to form bone mass, helps to form DNA, in addition to a long but
long, etc ...
3.- How much do we need to consume?
The amount of magnesium needed depends on age and sex.
Below are the average amounts recommended per day in milligrams ...
4.- What foods contain it?
Magnesium is found naturally in food and you can get the recommended amounts
recommended for this mineral, by consuming a variety of these
healthy and natural foods, such as the following:
the nuts, the peanuts,
pumpkin seeds, watermelon seeds,
the flax seeds, the sesame seeds,
wheat bran, whole grains,
the dried herbs, the fish,
green leafy vegetables, legumes,
bananas, avocados or avocados,
the cashew,
the dill, the quinoa,
beans, lentils and a long etc.
5.- What types of magnesium dietary supplements are available?
Magnesium is available in mineral supplements, multivitamins and other supplements
Dietary supplements.
Presentations of magnesium in dietary supplements are more easily absorbed
in the body and they are:
magnesium aspartate, magnesium citrate,
magnesium lactate, and magnesium chloride.
I do not recommend the one that is included in processed products,
neither in medicines, nor in vitamin capsules,
or in capsules that say they are only magnesium, since usually the dose in them are very
very minimal.
It is preferable that you consume it in its natural form ...
Its flavor is strong but very beneficial for your health ...
and once you get used to the flavor, you will not have any problem ...
6.- Dosage or how much should we consume?
The daily intake of magnesium depends on age, sex and some personal personal circumstances,
such as suffering from a disease, pregnancy,
or be subject to high physical exhaustion as in the case of athletes.
Do not be surprised if you need a certain amount of magnesium and your partner, friends or family,
they need double or half, For example, with stress, practice
of physical exercise, or intense work, increase the needs of the body
It has magnesium in each person.
The daily dose is between 400 mg to 800 mg.
However, there are people who need a much larger contribution,
since they can suffer from palpitations, cramps, muscle tension, etc. if they do not take enough
of this nutrient.
If on the contrary you take an excessive dose daily,
You can overwhelm the functioning of the intestine and cause a laxative effect.
It is there where you can know if you exceeded, then you should lower the dose a little
and you will keep it if you do not lax.
Some people are so enthusiastic about magnesium,
that they begin their intake of blow, thinking that "the more the better",
and forget that it is best to start with small quantities and increase the
dose slowly.
Taking too much magnesium at first, may have an unexpected laxative effect,
confusing you by believing, wrongly, that you do not tolerate it, or that it is making you
some damage
To avoid this, it is important that you start with the lowest dose, 150 to 200 mg,
twice a day, and go up to 400 mg until when
your stools are kept normal,
That means that it is the correct dose that you must maintain.
Athletes need higher amounts of magnesium,
Depending on the intensity of the activity, they must take an optimal dose of magnesium
for cramps.
7.- How would it affect us if we did not consume it?
In the short term, insufficient magnesium intake does not produce obvious symptoms.
When healthy people do not ingest enough magnesium,
The kidneys help to retain this mineral, limiting the amount that is eliminated in the urine.
However, insufficient magnesium consumption for a prolonged period,
It can cause deficiency of this nutrient.
In addition, some diseases and medications interfere with the body's ability,
to absorb the mineral, or increase the amount of this nutrient that excretes
the body, which can also cause deficiency
of this mineral.
Some deficiency symptoms are:
loss of appetite, nausea,
vomiting, fatigue,
weakening, lack of sleep,
insomnia, spasms,
cramps, muscle tremors,
low mood, lack of motivation,
irritation, bad mood and a long long etc.
Severe and severe magnesium insufficiency can cause:
numbness, tingling,
delirium, personality changes,
anomalies in the heart rhythm, and in the most severe case you can get up to
the coma.
It is more likely that these groups of people do not consume enough magnesium:
For example, people with gastrointestinal diseases,
such as Crohn's disease or celiac disease,
people with type 2 diabetes, people with long-term alcoholism,
and the elderly or elderly people.
8.- What are your contraindications?
I must clarify that the side effects are different in some people,
or that perhaps not all perceive them; The truth is that this is normal as with any
another mineral or nutrient.
The bodies are different and although this product helps health,
It can also cause discomfort or contraindications.
That is, take care of your consumption, which is not excessive.
In kidney failure:
For example, Excessive consumption of magnesium can cause
kidney stones, therefore with kidney failure,
It is good to drink a lot of water a day and if magnesium chloride is consumed yet
Many people consume magnesium chloride because they have constipation problems,
But excessive consumption of it, can cause diarrhea and stomach discomfort, as I said.
That is why if you are going to add Magnesium Chloride to your daily diet,
you should anticipate your dose so that it does not cause diarrhea, if so, you will only lower it a little
9.- In what diseases can we benefit or heal?
For example in the ...
High blood pressure and heart disease:
Magnesium supplements lower blood pressure, but only a little.
Some studies indicate that people who consume more magnesium in their diet,
they have a lower risk of heart disease and stroke.
In the...
Type 2 diabetes:
People with the highest amount of magnesium in their diet,
They usually have a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
Magnesium helps the body process sugar
and also helps reduce the risk of insulin resistance,
a disorder that leads to diabetes.
Magnesium is important to keep bones healthy.
People with higher intakes of magnesium have a higher bone density,
which is important to reduce the risk of bone fractures and osteoporosis.
It is likely that a higher intake of magnesium foods or dietary supplements,
help older people improve their bone mineral density.
People who suffer from migraines sometimes have low levels of magnesium in their blood
and in other tissues.
Studies indicate that magnesium supplements can reduce the frequency of migraines.
10.- What are your interactions with medications?
For example, Some of the medicines used to treat
osteoporosis, they do not absorb well when taken, without
spend enough time (before or after) of the intake of dietary supplements
or medications with high amounts of magnesium.
Antibiotics may not be absorbed if taken without enough time
(before or after), of the ingestion of a dietary supplement
with magnesium.
Diuretics can increase or decrease the loss of magnesium through urine,
according to the type of diuretic.
Medications prescribed to relieve symptoms of acid reflux or to treat the ulcer
peptic, can cause low levels of magnesium in
the blood when taken for a prolonged period.
Very high doses of zinc supplements may interfere with the body's ability
to absorb and regulate magnesium.
Talk to your doctor, about dietary supplements and prescription drugs and not
Prescriptions you take.
He will tell you if these magnesium dietary supplements could interact with your
11.- How to prepare it?
Boil 1 liter of water.
You enter the contents of a 33 gram sachet of Magnesium Chloride when it is cold, which is obtained
in pharmacies, in a bottle or glass container, (no
of plastic) EYE.
Add the boiled water at room temperature to dissolve it, then mix, cover and store
in the fridge, take it cold because this way you will better support your
flavor, which is quite strong.
You can also add 400 mg of magnesium citrate powder, in a glass of water,
or directly in your bottle with water and drink from it throughout the day.
In this way, in its natural form, magnesium is slowly absorbed by the body and
effective way.
Bellezura, let me down in the comments if you have consumed this wonderful product
and so that you consume it ?, what health problem do you present?
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Marquez - Mixed Emotions (Mixeo de Emociones) l Lyric Video - Duration: 3:03.-------------------------------------------
Los 7 Secretos de los famosos para conseguir la eterna juventud - Duration: 7:15.-------------------------------------------
SOS Cornemuse S02 E05 PHANTOM RAPPEL (or the beginners' bum notes) (Eng. Sub) - Duration: 1:40.Finished joking!
In this video we'll stay on the A part.
But it might make you sweat! :-)
score available on website
This is how it begins.
To which phantom rappels are added.
These are small rappels,
shorts Gs coming in every now and then.
Your playing needs to be very neat and clean
unless they soon become beginners' bum notes!!! ;-)
Bye for now! See you soon!
Translation by Jean Laflute
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