Have you ever had difficulty to estimate
distance and elevation gain between a point A and B?
Hi, and welcome to this second training video to help you on your next trip.
Today, I want to talk to you about an application which helps me prepare most of my trips.
If you are a runner or a cyclist, you have probably already heard about it.
I want to talk about Strava.
Strava is an application that is developed by a company in San Francisco, California.
Wow! It's so much hilly over here.
Basically, it's an application that's made to record our trips
using a smart phone, some GPS models, or some watches,
like the Suunto that I introduced you on the last episode.
Then Strava encourages you to move more by offering you monthly challenges.
Like pedaling the equivalent of a half tout de France in ten days more than the event.
Or to gain in elevation the equivalent of Mount Everest in a week.
And to really encourage you to do it as much as possible, the site allows you to
compare yourself with all your friends on all kinds of points.
He does not hesitate to give you what needed to push yourself deeply by letting you see that
you're friends are faster than you and he even send you an email
as soon as someone kill one of your records.
Thanks to Strava, I always give the best by myself.
Therefore, my workouts are more beneficial on my physical form.
I did not even think to talk about this with this capsule, but I realize while
speaking that Strava is also a good tool to train before a trip.
What I wanted to talk about at the beginning is the route creation tool.
I use it often when I climb an unknown mountain and every
time when I'm going to ride in other countries.
As you can see, I'm preparing my next adventure.
From here, I can easily see all my day-to-day journeys with the distance that
I will have to go along with the elevation gain.
To look at a closer example, we will watch one of the days I have the
suffered the most in Japan.
From Toyota, to Misakubocho, in the Japanese alps.
Sun is about to set.
I will go back down soon, only 150 feet left to climb approx.
And I'm going to be almost done for where I wanted to go.
Things are going well.
Already, we can see that the distance to be traveled is 106.2 km and that the road gains in altitude 3129M.
We must see this number as an approximation, because sometimes some elements can be misleading.
As for example here, there is a tunnel, but the software believes that the road passes over the mountain,
so he calculates a big climb that does not exist in real life.
If we look below the map, we see very well all the elevations of the road.
It allows me to evaluate very well in the day when I'm going to have to work very hard
and when I will be able to rest.
We can even enlarge the map to see very precisely where we will go.
What is wonderful about all this is that once the ride is built on
the web page with the computer,
the route is in the phone
and we can look the map to know where we are with with a small point.
It's very convenient to know which street corner turn.
But beware !
The application do not warns when to turned.
So we have to stop from time to time to look at where you are on the map.
But then, why not just used Google map ?
Google Map is wonderful!
I use it several times a week while I drive and it makes a exceptional work.
I could ask Google Map to bring me in a very specific place and it could
ake me there without even having to look at it.
He would tell me vocally when to turn at every intersection.
But it's not the best tool to prepare a trip.
We will make a trip together to make for example.
Let's say I want to start in Granby, and that I want to go to Montreal ...
Through Sutton.
Oops, but I do not want to de ride twice at the same place.
So I slide my path on another road.
At this moment, if I record my track, it will never change.
It will be saved like that even if I open it in a year.
I've never cycled in those streets and I do not know if bikes are allowed.
There is an option in the top that allow you to change the path a bit
use the most popular routes for cyclists.
The community at Strava, it is a strong point.
Hundreds of thousands of peoples use the application and already over a billion
activities were recorded.
By combining all this data, Strava easily
able to recommend most popular routes.
It's even very easy to built an idea using the eat map.
It is so hot!
And this map only illustrates the activities made in the sport mode that we are.
Wich is on bike or on foot.
It is very convenient to find the most popular trail on a mountain, and even
sometimes unofficial trail that do not even show on map.
Also, if you prefer to ride few more kilometers to avoid big
hill, Strava even offers to find the road with the least elevation gain.
When finished, I save the route, and I can even keep notes.
That's it, then, you just have to leave and follow your route on your smartphone.
The application is available on Android or iOS.
I go on my profile, then on the road, and all the trips I've recorded are there.
Unfortunately, the route with the map can't be physically saved in
the phone and requires an internet connection.
But it does not matter, because if you do not have no internet connection during your travels
I have tips for that.
We will discuss about it next week.
Because yes, Strava may be an exceptional application, but it still has cons.
For example, since they changed from google maps to mapbox, it is no longer possible
to use Google Street View.
I am forced to use my route in Strava and Google Map in a second window
to view my trip and see the streets in which I will pass.
Like that when I have doubts I can make sure the road is asphalt
and that I will not find myself on a speed circuit with a tiny shoulder.
Yes, because I can even search the speed signs.
And even if Strava suggests road used by cyclists, I prefer not to take
of chance and loot at everything by myself.
Does this bridge really have bike lane.
Yes Super!
And this one?
No ... Oops ...
We will find another one.
Is this tunnel suitable for bikes?
From there ... It's up to you to judge.
If anyone from Strava is listening, Please, I am convinced that you have chosen
Mapbox for a good reason.
But let us choose the map we wants to use.
If Suunto is able to do it on his site, I'm sure you can
to do it too.
Another cons with Strava is that when creates long routes, the software crash.
Then you have to restart all over again.
So when it happens to me, rather than set a departure and arrival point I will place
points about every 50km and usually it calculates quite well.
The last negative point of Strava, is that they dont care at all about community comments.
They only do as they want.
For example, let's say I'm going to run to outside.
When I finished, Strava cheer me because I just had my best time on my first kilometer.
That's good, but I'm not able to know what was my previous record.
It would be nice to have a board that displays my best times for each of the distances,
as it is possible to do with the segments.
At Strava a segment is a route between a point A and B that everyone can challenge on.
Anyone can create one.
I can say that from home up to a friend of mine, well it's a segment
and everyone can challenge on to be the faster.
If we look at an example, that's the list of my best times on a segment.
But it's not possible to do it for 1km, no matter, where it was run.
And yet, if Strava is able to tell me that I just beat my 3rd, 2nd or my best
time, on my first KM,
It means that information is available somewhere…
Obviously, I'm not the only one who wants this function.
I leave a comment there about 2 years ago in this page on the official Strava forum.
Today it's been six years since peoples ask for this feature on the same page of the forum every week.
And Strava has still not done anything, nor even answered.
And this is only one example among many others.
In short, the team of this wonderful application should be more attentive to their users.
Good! Enough of whimpering for today, I had a little boogey on her heart and she came out.
I think it's all over for today.
I wanted to introduce you to one of my tools the most useful to prepare my trips
on foot, in the mountains or by bike.
I hope it will help you in your next trip, or that will even encourage you
to leave for an adventure.
For me, it is an indispensable tool.
It is thanks to this application that I am able to know that I am always
on the right track.
My watch is my best tool to point a destination, retrace my steps and know my altitude.
But when I have to follow a route, Strava is my favorite tool.
If you have not seen the last episode or I'm talking about my watch, you can
see it by clicking on the link right there at the top.
I hope you liked the video, if yes you can give me a thumbs up.
If you have questions or comments, you can write me in the box just below the video.
Don't be shy, that's made just for this.
Finally, do not forget to subscribe, right there.
And see you next week to talk about traveling without an internet connection
on your phone.
See you soon!
For more infomation >> How to prepare the route of your next adventure? - Duration: 11:07.-------------------------------------------
Mi rutina de maquillaje para correr mandados | Subtitulos en Ingles | English subtitles - Duration: 5:46.![](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/S1L0QrwymJY/hqdefault.jpg)
🤩50% d'ECONOMIES de CARBURANT A VIE❗️😵LE TUTO ULTIME 😱❗️❗️ - Duration: 6:19.![](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/TrZOZCHuY0Y/hqdefault.jpg)
Hi everybody!
this video is of extreme importance
exclusive worldwide
I'm going to show you an awesome thing that will allow you
to save 50% fuel
for life!
it's right now on Garage, Bangers,
and Rock'n Roll
the thing I'm going to show you is something very simple
and very effective
something that the greatest economists
the world's biggest car manufacturers
have not even imagined
something that is going to have an impact
on global fuel economy
imagine a bit, it's the Revolution
in the oil industry
what I'm going to show you now is going to cause an oil shock
but upside down
as you all know
when driving with our 4 wheels touching the ground
tires in contact with the ground
experience frictional forces
and dissipate energy in the form of heat
the wider your tires are
the bigger is the contact area
on the ground and so
the bigger is the energy dissipation
and this loss of energy,
this inefficiency
by friction force, by friction on the ground
well, you pay for it
with your fuel !
so together we will see how to be
more effective at that level
to lose less energy
and therefore save fuel
and for that I need an expert
I call Francis
the King of Gliding
Hi! How farts?
Hi me it's Francis, King of the vice
I am a surfer
youtuber, mecamateur
not like your sister
Oh, I broke you!
so here I show you something: this is wax (fart in French)
but you've never seen such a thing yet !
I broke you again
then the wax is put under the surfboards
it allows you to surf
on the wave, you see
but here I am a little bit far from my sea then
I'll show you on skis, it's the same
so skiing you do not glide on that,
you glide on this side actually
so you take the wax
and then you put it
and you spread it like that
and there the movement
with wax it's Northeast
to the South West
and you fart and you fart
and you fart
so now look good
I will show you the ultimate trick
I'll show you how you're going to wax
your car
so to wax your car
I would like to show you on the yellow
but there I can not because I broke it
so I show you once how to do
on the spare wheel but after you get off
I'm off
so the method is simple huh?
you take your wax in your right hand
and you take the tire in your left hand
and on the tread of the tire
you're farting, you're farting
you fart
but then I went too fast for you, I make it in slow motion
You fart,
you fart
you fart
and all the strength of the movement, it must come
elbow and shoulder
and you fart and you fart
and you fart
here you go: do like that on the 4 tires, you're the king of the road
I'll let you go
I have two, three competitions to finish, Bye!
OK! thank you Francis, the King of the vice
so we'll check that
I'll go for a ride with the Twingo
without waxing the tires, then I wax the tires
and we look together at the difference
and the savings achieved
Well, here's the test: it will be in two parts
1st try: now on the road:
I will drive at 80 km / h (it will be 70 in fact)
and I expected you to listen
to the engine speed
unfortunately on the Twingo right now I have a problem:
there is a wheel bearing in the front that makes an impossible sound
so we do not hear the engine
Well, I will ask you to trust me
the second test is the same
on the same road, I'm going to roll
at the same engine speed and we'll see if
I go faster or slower
once the wheels are waxed
So 1st test: the wheels are normal
no fart.
70km / h ...
I am in 4th gear
so listen to the engine
what it gives
unfortunately again, we do not hear
very well the engine because of the wheel bearing
now I'm going to wax the 4 wheels
I just finished waxing my 4 tires
now we will see what it looks like on the road
ok then there with the 4 wax tires,
I do not even tell you,
I have to be careful not to press the accelerator too hard
because it pushes!
it pushes!
it's like Vega Missyl, incredible!
Ooh !!
and there more than 90km / h!
I'm doing exactly
the same way
I am in 4th gear
and I do exactly the same way
on the accelerator! unbelievable!
it's just….
change! But! unbelievable!
what an acceleration!
So here it is! the same road! more than 90km / h
I do exactly the same way
the foot barely touches the accelerator
I'm in 4th gear, it's just amazing!
I feel like flying! the dragon is flying !!
ouh ouh ouh!
There you go! if that's not impressive!
so the proof is made, the waxing of the tires
reduces friction
and therefore reduce fuel consumption
I've been doing this for a few years now
and I admit that it works very well
I am saving more than 50%
in fuel
that's what happening on Garage, Bangers and Rock'n Roll
great tips, exclusivity
another worldwide exclusivity, it concerns
spare wheels
I do not know if you know it but you have to
regularly drain your spare wheel
because with condensation
water tends to accumulate in it.
I made a video on purpose for you
I put it in link here at the top right and bottom in the description
In the description
I also put you a link to this fart (wax)
so that you too
you can wax your tires
and save money
gigantic !!!
Well, that's all for today
See you next time on Garage, Bangers and
April Fool!!
One last thing:
for work I'm waxing the soles of my shoes
like that I'm the most efficient
in my open space
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en la dieta de metabolismo acelerado hay tres fases distintas que recorre
en una semana, fase uno que es de dos días y aquí es donde comenzamos a relajar el estrés
esto se trata de dejar ir el estrés y suavemente persuadir a su metabolismo
que ya no está en una emergencia situación de almacenamiento no hay aceites cuando
cocina, pero puede sustituir vegetal o caldo de pollo o usar aminos de coco para
un delicioso salteado, en esta fase comerás proteínas como pollo y huevo
los blancos y los alimentos ricos en carbohidratos como arroz integral, quinoa y avena junto con
frutas altas en azúcares naturales como mangos y piña
ya que estos alimentos te dan mucha energía, un día de cardio vigoroso, es el
ejercicio perfecto para la fase uno. Fase dos de la dieta de metabolismo rápido dura dos
días también, pero está diseñado para desbloquear la grasa almacenada se trata de estimular
el efecto de liberación del cuerpo si comenzó su dieta en un lunes estará en
Fase dos miércoles y jueves ahora comerá mucha proteína magra como
pollo cordero y carne junto con ricos vegetales verdes como la col rizada
espárragos y col rizada, pero recuerde que no hay aceites o granos y el único
las frutas permitidas son limones y limas esto es el momento de hacer al menos un día de
foco de entrenamiento de fuerza en pesas pesadas con bajas repeticiones que tomarán en serio
aumentar el desarrollo de tu músculo depurador de grasa ya que no solo estás quemando
tu comida como combustible pero también estás comenzando a quemar tu grasa como combustible ahora
vamos a hablar de la fase 3 de La dieta metabolismo, que desata la quema de grasa
emocionante fase poderosa dura tres días enteros y es donde comenzamos a
acelerar el metabolismo al aumentar la tasa de quema en esta fase
va a traer de vuelta las grasas saludables que será cocinar con aceites saludables como el aceite de oliva
aceite de sésamo de coco de semilla de uva y comer cosas como aguacates hummus nueces crudas y
semillas, siempre me gusta cocinar en este espacio y lo mejor de todo es donde
realmente empiezas a ver cambios en tu cuerpo lo que significa un vientre más plano y planchado
y mejora de la celulitis, no olvide que debe hacer una actividad para reducir el estrés como el yoga
meditación o , incluso un masaje relajante.
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