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이계인 사기결혼, 첫 결혼 파경이유 "충격" -Tistory Korea News - Duration: 7:36.-------------------------------------------
The Greg Gutfeld Show 03/31/18 10PM | March 31, 2018 Breaking News - Duration: 33:07.-------------------------------------------
Breaking News Today⚠️World War 3 UK's BELEAGUERED FORCES CASH injection to fight Russia_latest news - Duration:
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UK's beleaguered forces RAF chief warns Air Force needs cash injection to fight
Russia the RAF is in desperate need of a major cash injection should is to go
head-to-head with Russia the head of the service has claimed Air Chief Marshal
Sir Stephen Hillier said the hard-pressed RAF is under threat having
been taken for granted for decades due to constant deployments speaking to the
Telegraph as the service prepares to mark its 100th birthday
he said the cash-strapped services at its busiest for generations and must
modernize to avoid losing its edge over other states Sir Stephen says the RAF
remains at the forefront of the defense of our nation not least in the face of
an assertive and aggressive Russian threat to us our allies in the
international rules-based system his shocking comments come as the RAF
tomorrow sees in its second century after being formed towards the end of
ww1 by the Royal Flying Corps in the Royal Naval Air Service Sir Stevens
claims mirror plans for another defense review for both the RAF and the Armed
Forces with budgets facing an eye-watering pound 20 BN shortfall over
the next ten years the remarks also echo recent criticisms the RAF must also
compete to protect communications and GPS networks
he said the ability to dominate enemies has been a baseline assumption in our
joint military endeavour over the last three decades . he added but our control
of the air is now being challenged as we have seen with the Russians in Syria and
through other state-based threats as others seek rapidly to match or even
surpass our current technological edge we must modernize our capabilities in
air space and cyber space we need look back no further than the
Falklands conflict to recall what determined air opposition can do to our
air naval and land forces when air superiority is not achieved
quick-thinking RAF typhoons have scared to intercept potentially hostile
aircraft 42 times in the past year Sir Stephen said the RAF is stretched by
constant deployment operations and Britain's Tornado Jets have been called
overseas for 28 years he warned gaps left by defense cuts must
be filled in the force needs to give greater resilience and sustainability to
a hard-pressed frontline he said we need the resources money and people to make
all this happen whilst still driving modernization and efficiency the 2015
defence review said the RAF stands to fly 138 new f-35b jets with the Navy and
scoop a new flat of protector drones and submarine hunting p8 patrol planes but
the National Audit Office deemed the plan unaffordable sparking fears
aircraft will be delayed thanks for watch please share like
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Breaking News Today⚠️World War 3 China claims South CHINA...latest news today_News In English - Duration: 3:07.breaking news today,
Welcome to USA breaking news today
Please subscribe and click notification box to get all breaking news alert breaking news today World War three
China claims, South China Sea drills are routine amid aircraft carrier mystery
China's military was carrying out routine drill training in the South, China Sea
According to China's defense ministry as tensions soar in the region and a spokesman refused to comment on the presence of China's sole
Operational aircraft carrier dot dozens of Chinese naval ships are routine training this week with an aircraft
carrier in a huge display of force off China's Hainan Island in the South, China Sea
satellite images obtained by Reuters reveal
the images
Provided by planet labs Inc show that a Chinese carrier group had moved into the central Trade waterway as part of what the Chinese Navy
Previously described as combat drills that were part of routine annual exercises
Last week the Liaoning carrier group crossed into the Taiwan Strait according to the Taiwan Defense Ministry
10-q Kyung a
Spokesman for the Chinese defense ministry said at a regular monthly news briefing that the Chinese Navy vessels were carrying out routine
Practices in line with annual plans dot mr.
Quoc young said that the Chinese
Military was not targeting any country when he was questioned about the satellite images of the ships in the South China Sea
He said its aim is to test the training capabilities of the People's Liberation Army and enhance their training capabilities it
is also aimed at improving combat abilities of the whole military as
To the specific movements of the aircraft carrier the Liaoning
The navy will release information in due course
Mr.. Quoc jung later confirmed that the Liaoning aircraft carrier had crossed through the Taiwan Strait
But he said this was also part of regular and normal routine training activities and these practices would continue
He refused to elaborate further when questioned dot the concerns come after a mainstream Chinese State newspaper warned of a direct military
clash over Taiwan last week
China claims self ruled Taiwan as its own and considers it a wayward province
Global Times said in an editorial
The mainland must also prepare itself for a direct military clash in the Taiwan Straits
This newspaper has suggested that the mainland can send military planes and warships across the Taiwan Straits middle line
This can be implemented gradually depending on the cross straits situation
The island is a potential military flashpoint, and one of China's most sensitive issues
Taiwan sent ships in an aircraft last week to shadow a Chinese aircraft carrier group through the Taiwan Strait on Wednesday its defense
ministry said
hostility between China and Taiwan has risen since the election of President sighing when in
2016 a member of the islands pro-independence Democratic Progressive Party
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김태호 프로필 나이 생일 누구? (무한도전 MBC PD) | KRVBA News - Duration: 1:16.-------------------------------------------
Breaking News Today⚠️World War 3 Turkey prepares to INVADE IRAQ to clear Kurdish 'terrorists - Duration: 3:20.Breaking News Today⚠️World War 3 Turkey prepares to INVADE IRAQ to clear Kurdish 'terrorists
News Brief March 30, 2018 - Duration: 10:24.The United States kicked out 60 Russian diplomats and closed a Russian Consulate.
Russian officials were saying that they were going to respond with a reciprocal move.
And that is exactly what they have done.
A U.S. Consulate closed - 60 Americans sent home.
And this is the latest move in a diplomatic fight that started when a former Russian double
agent was poisoned on British soil.
And there might be more drama coming.
Here's State Department spokesperson Heather Nauert talking to reporters yesterday.
Or you reserve the right...
We reserve the right to respond.
To respond to their response?
All right.
I want to bring in NPR's Tamara Keith here.
She covers the White House and hosts NPR's Politics Podcast.
Hi, Tam.
So the U.S. threatening to respond to Russia's response.
What now?
Where does this end?
So the United States, according to both Heather Nauert and also a statement from press secretary
Sarah Sanders, feels that Russia's move was not warranted.
The idea being that the United States was justified in their response, and it wasn't
just the United States - that it was the U.S. and 28 other countries responding to this
chemical attack on U.K. soil on this former Russian spy and his daughter and that Russia's
response to the response, they say, is unjustified.
Now, what the U.S. and these other countries might do - that is not clear.
And the president of United States has often said - and his aides have often said - that
he doesn't like to foreshadow.
He doesn't like to signal to others, to us and to other countries what he's going to
Has he been really involved in this?
Well, that's a...
...Really good question, and it's not clear.
What White House aides will say is that he was briefed all along, that he was involved
in the decision to expel the Russian diplomats/spies, depending on who you're asking.
However, the president himself has not tweeted about this.
He has not spoken publicly about it.
He gave a big, wide-ranging speech in Ohio yesterday, and the word Russia did not come
With these actions, though - even if he's not speaking - does it signal a tougher approach
to Russia than we saw from him when he first came into office?
There have been many actions that have been tougher, including arming - or providing arms
- to Ukraine late last year, a round of sanctions a couple of weeks ago that were sort of pushed
by Congress.
And then the White House and Treasury Department responded to that push from Congress and put
in some sanctions related to Russian election interference in the 2016 election - and now
this move in conjunction with a bunch of U.S. allies.
It is a tough approach and a stronger approach than early on.
And before I let you go, some other Russia news we should probably talk about - Jeff
Sessions, the attorney general - there's a development involving him and the Russia investigation,
That is correct.
So several Republican members of Congress had said that they wanted a second special
counsel to investigate misconduct that they saw by the FBI and Justice Department.
Sessions is saying that is not necessary at this point, that he has put a U.S. attorney
in Utah, John Huber, in charge of looking into these things.
And for now, those members of Congress are OK with that.
So one special counsel for now.
For now, but he is not ruling out the possibility of another one.
But there is a U.S. attorney now looking into these claims and concerns brought up by Republicans
in Congress.
NPR's Tamara Keith.
Tam, thanks as always.
You're welcome as always.
So today, we may learn some new details in the shooting death of Stephon Clark, the 22-year-old
unarmed black man who was killed by police on March 18 in Sacramento, Calif.
Yeah, Clark's family is going to give a press conference later this morning.
This comes a day after his funeral and a day after protests continued in Sacramento.
Reverend Al Sharpton gave a eulogy yesterday, and he responded to White House press secretary
Sarah Sanders who, earlier this week, called the shooting a, quote, "local matter."
No, this is not a local matter.
They've been killing young black men all over the country.
So where is all of this going to lead?
All right.
We want to bring in Nick Miller with Capital Public Radio in Sacramento.
He's been covering this story.
Hi, Nick.
You covered the funeral for Stephon Clark yesterday.
Can you take us there?
What did it feel like?
The family - they'd opened it to the public, and it was packed.
It drew a very large capacity crowd - hundreds of people.
And dozens weren't able to even get into the church.
The services were, of course, emotional, but they were also unscripted and passionate.
Clark's brother Ste'vonte, who - he's grieved very publicly, interrupted speakers on a few
occasions and continued a theme he's touched on since his brother's death of how he wants
to establish community services and building monuments in his brother's name throughout
We're going to do coliseums for Stephon.
We're going to do libraries.
We're going to do resources centers.
We're going to - Stephon is going to live for generations to generations to generations
to generations.
And Reverend Al Sharpton, as you mentioned, gave Clark's eulogy.
And his message really focused on bringing the issue of police shootings of black men
to Washington, and specifically to President Trump's doorstep.
He criticized the president for being mute on police shootings.
And Sharpton hinted that he might be flying families of the victims of police shootings
to D.C. in the coming weeks for an event.
Well, so Sharpton's vow to keep this movement going strong - does that reflect an expectation
that these protests in Sacramento are still going to be going strong?
I think so.
So last night was the third-straight evening of protests downtown after - and this after
a week and a half of near continuous demonstrations.
There was a lot of discussion over whether the activists would again be able to block
thousands of fans from entering the evening's Sacramento Kings game because this has happened
twice in the past week already.
But there was a lot of police - a very heightened security presence near the arena.
And that allowed the game to go forward without any issues, though attendance, I'm told, was
There was a protest.
And it did cause problems though, especially for rush-hour traffic.
But organizers - and even Ste'vonte Clark - they were there at the demonstration.
They pleaded with the protesters to not block the Kings game.
And interestingly, the Kings had announced the day before a sort of special partnership
with the local Black Lives Matter chapter to help the Clark family.
And they're reportedly putting $60,000 towards this partnership.
And what happens now?
Are we going to be learning more about his death?
The big news for Friday is a press conference with the family this morning.
Attorneys for the families say they will be sharing results of their independent autopsy,
which was performed by medical examiner Bennet Omalu.
And he's the doctor known for first discovering CTE in football players.
He has...
Oh, yeah.
...A reputation - a certain credibility.
The results of this independent autopsy could spark even more demonstrations.
The family's also expected to file a federal lawsuit.
Meanwhile, the Sacramento County coroner report isn't yet written, and there are more demonstrations
pinned to the weekend.
All right.
Capital Public Radio's Nick Miller, thanks a lot.
Thank you.
OK, we want to turn now to reports about a big legal battle that could be brewing between
the federal government and states over climate change.
It could really impact anyone in the market for a new car in the coming years.
The Environmental Protection Agency is expected to decide this weekend whether it's going
to move forward with a plan to scrap the current target standards on auto emissions.
Now, the Obama administration put those standards in place.
The state of California has a special waiver to impose its own fuel economy rules.
And California says it's ready to go to court to keep them.
So what's at stake for the auto industry and for efforts to cut back on pollution?
Well, let's ask Evan Halper of the LA Times who's been reporting this story.
Good morning, Evan.
Good morning.
So let's start with the current fuel-economy standards that are in place right now.
What are they, and why are they so important to California?
This program is a big deal in the fight against climate change and smog.
It may be the single biggest action taken on the planet to reduce greenhouse gases.
The national program was championed in its current incarnation by California, which has
ambitious goals for fighting climate change and chronic smog.
But meeting those goals takes a lot of aggressive action.
And the rule mandates that manufacturers reach an average of 55 miles per gallon for their
cars and SUVs by 2025.
And automakers - and particularly American automakers - complain the technology may be
there, but the consumer interest isn't.
With gas prices low and - car companies say people are interested in owning SUVs and trucks,
and they want to keep selling more of them.
OK, so that's the argument that the EPA is making in all this, though - is to help the
manufacturers who say this is just not something that's realistic at this point for them if
they want to keep selling the cars they're selling.
Well, what what happens now?
I mean, if that's the position of the Trump administration, and California's threatening
legal action, what happens next?
And could California's move lead to other states challenging the EPA?
Yes, absolutely.
So the car manufactures are happy that EPA's heeding their request.
But they're getting very uncomfortable with the way this is all playing out.
They were hoping that some kind of deal can be brokered between the EPA and California,
and that's not looking likely.
And so 13 other states follow California's rules, and all of them are getting ready to
And the EPA is taking an increasingly threatening tone, so it looks like we have a big battle
A big battle about climate change and about these fuel economy standards in the auto industry
- big stakes.
LA Times reporter Evan Halper joining us this morning.
Evan, thanks a lot.
Thank you.
Banglavision TV Live News Bangla, 01 March 2018,(Bangla Sangbad Online)Bangladesh News,Bd Live News - Duration: 8:07.Banglavision TV Live News Bangla, 01 March 2018,(Bangla Sangbad Online)Bangladesh News,Bd Live News
Banglavision TV Live News Bangla, 01 March 2018,(Bangla Sangbad Online)Bangladesh News,Bd Live News
Banglavision TV Live News Bangla, 01 March 2018,(Bangla Sangbad Online)Bangladesh News,Bd Live News
2-Tistory News - Duration: 7:27.-------------------------------------------
Breaking News Today⚠️World War 3 Russia's deadly secret weapons and Putin has combat ROBOTS - Duration:
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Russia's deadly secret weapons revealed and Putin has combat robots Vladimir
Putin may have already announced a hypersonic nuclear missile that is
undetectable to Western radar but he has kept a number of other high-tech weapons
a secret including an unstoppable air-to-surface rocket and new combat
robots just before tensions with Moscow ratcheted around the globe following the
spy poisoning saga the Russian president unveiled a string of new weaponry it
included a new supersonic weapon that cannot be tracked by anti-missile
systems but he has a number of other surprises up his sleeve
according to pro-moscow website russia insider it claims russia's military are
already equipped with k age 32 air-to-surface missiles dot the rockets
enter the stratosphere after being launched before diving back down to
earth with such speed and dexterity they cannot be defended against it is claimed
those missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads could be potentially
deadly to any surface target military chiefs say they have a range of around
1,000 kilometers and can hit speeds of 5,400 kilometers per hour making them
more advanced than anything in the u.s. arsenal alongside the missiles the
Kremlin also claims to have developed combat robots that can mount attacks on
land dot the contraptions are said to have been designed to take on armored
enemy weaponry and can operate alongside drones a four-legged machine dubbed the
Lynx will carry a machine gun and anti-tank guided missiles and is capable
of travel across any terrain Moscow also has a number of bombs invisible to radar
the drills or gliding bombs were unveiled in the brutal Syrian conflict
and can soar through the skies for 30 km mr. Putin unveiled a series of new
weapons in early March ahead of his election victory the despot bragged of
underwater drones that can carry nuclear warheads are also being tested by the
secretive nation the president said once operational they could be used to strike
against aircraft and launch attacks on enemy Shores
and the Russian leader said military chiefs had an operational ballistic
missile with a limitless range he claimed the missile could not be
stopped by an US shield as a video simulation played on a big screen mr.
Putin said a nuclear attack on any of Moscow's allies would be regarded as an
attack on Russia itself and draw an immediate response it was unclear if he
had a particular Russian ally such as Syria in mind but his comments looked
like a warning to Washington not to use tactical battlefield nuclear weapons his
remarks were greeted with skepticism in the US where officials cast doubt on
whether Russia has added any new capabilities to its nuclear arsenal
beyond those already known to its military and intelligence agencies the
Pentagon which recently announced a nuclear policy revamp based partly on
the bellicose posture from Moscow said it was not surprised by mr. Putin's
presentation Pentagon spokeswoman Dana White said we've been watching Russia
for a long time we're not surprised weapons that are discussed have been in
development a very long time thanks for watch please share like comment this
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