Thứ Bảy, 1 tháng 4, 2017

Waching daily Apr 1 2017

🎼 Music 🎼

For more infomation >> 🈸 Dj Nate - Theory of Everything 3 [Full] 🈸 - Duration: 2:32.


FAMÍLIAS DE A a Z- história contada por Fafá conta - Duration: 7:22.

For more infomation >> FAMÍLIAS DE A a Z- história contada por Fafá conta - Duration: 7:22.


10 DÉCOUVERTES SUR SPLATOON 2 ! Glitches, surprises et analyse. - Duration: 10:16.

After 6 sessions of 1h, the global testfire of Splatoon 2 ended.

We had 6h to play it and we have learned a lot o things about it.

And when a lot of people plays together to a same game...

...there are tones of discoveries that are made.

In this video, I will present you 10 things that have been discovered thanks to this demo.

N°1 - The Matchmaking

In splatoon 1, we meet people from all around the world when we play online.

And because, a lot of Japonese people play splatoon,

often, we are in a full japonese lobby

and there is a lot of lag in the game, because we are far away from the other players.

And here, we could see that the european people were matched together very often,

while people in asia where also matched together.

Personnaly, I played almost only with european people

and Kirbendo, who is in Thailand, played almost only with japonese players.

Of course this matchmaking is not completely located,

Some european people have met some japonese players in the lobby

But in this demo, the game tried to match us first by our localisation

Which is a very good news against the lag

it is a good hope, that it might be the same in the complete game.

the waiting screens

In this demo, we did have minigames like in splatoon 1,

but when we were waiting for the beginning of a game,

we realised, that puching buttons during these waiting screens, was creating sounds.

and the music was remixed.

Adding voices, distorsion, speed up the rythm, ...

There was a way to be a Splatoon DJ during few minutes.

while waiting for other players, and this is a very nice discovery.

Weapons and sub weapons

with the 4 weapons we had in this demo,

we found 3 weapons that we already knew in splatoon 1.

There were modified a bit, especially the snipe and roller

But we found the weapons we all knew and we realised that the caracteristics were almost the same.

Even if we had some small difference : le splatershot is faster to pull at where you press B

but have less ink.

Also, the roller goes faster but consumes more ink

The splatecharger also pull out faster and have the same amount of shot before beeing empty.

The sub weapons stays also allmost the same,

and we discoverd the curling bombs

and we saw how to charge them, to pull them closer to us

of course, it was just simple tests, we will have more information when the game will be out.

but we can say that the weapons are very similar as what their were before.

Special weapons

All the special weapons in this testfire were different to what we knew in splatoon 1.

and it will be the same on the complete game.

Then we could try the inkjet

and we could see that it has a range of fire limited

after some distance, the ink ball vanishes and do not explode at the impact.

We also try out the Stingray, which launch a ray of ink across the map and across the walls

with no limitation of range.

but tt is not very easy to handle.

The Tanta-Missiles which cames with the splattershot is very fast to use,

You can select between 1 to 4 players

it you cannot see at least one player, you cannot fire it.

To optimised the number of players selected,

you can back up a little, even until you spawn camp to enlarge you camera angle

Is it very usefull to go back in the spawn ? I don't think so,

but keep in mind that more you are away from your oponents, more you will be able to select them.

We also try out the Splashdown, which is very powerfull.

And we notices that the splashdown could kill an inkjet, if it was close enough

even though the high is not the same.

Also, if 2 splashdown are used closed from each other,

The first to be use will kill the second one.

Colors and sensitivity

We discoverd news colors in this demo and new couples of colors.

we could lock them in the option, but it was a bit obscure...

Personnally, when I selected it, the colors were still changing between the matches.

Even if I played a lot in the Blue/Yellow couple.

The sensitibity is brand new !

On Splatoon 1 we can change the global sensitivity of our gamepad

but in splatoon 2, there is one sensitivity for the right stick and one for the gyroscope.

thus, to optimise we will have to try several parameters and find which sensitivities we prefer.

Some players think that the sensitivity of the game and of the controls were slow down a bit

is it a small bug or a choice from Nintendo ? We don't know.

The lag

About the lag, things have changed.

Personnaly, I had tones of lag by wifi

by where I pluged by Wii U with an ethernet connexion

the lag disapered and I could play without any problem.

I realised that while I was lagging, I had trouble to kill players

even if it is something I can do in splatoon 1 with lag...

It seems, Nintendo changed the way data are treated in Splatoon 2

and now, when you are lagging, you are penalized compare to the other players.

A Sploosh-O-Matic

This info became very famous,

Some players with Sploosh-O-Matic were seen in the splatoon 2 demo

even though we couldn't select this weapon to play with.

Actually, the explaination is very simple,

In Splatoon 1 and 2, each weapon own a number.

and Sploosh-O-Matic is number ZERO

then, when the game has a little problem and cannot detect a weapon

the ZERO number is allocate to the player and we see him with a Sploosh-O-Matic

It was already like that in Splatoon 1, but here it can be very strange, because the Sploosh-O-Matic was not in the demo

When someone disconect before the beginning of the game,

it was then a 4 vs 3

and at the end, the server couldn't determined the name, the score, or the weapon of the player

then it was called "????????", with zero points and with the ZERO weapon, which is the Sploosh-O-Matic.

The only thing that we know from that is that the Sploosh-O-Matic is in the game.

even though, Nintendo said in an interview that all the primary weapons of splatoon 1 will be in splatoon 2

so it is not a big surprise.

but we can see that is design did not change

we also saw a tweet by Nintendo with other weapons that will be in the game

and their design were also the same, contrary to the splattershot, the roller and splatcharger which have been changed.

Definition of the game

While Splatoon 1 is in 1080p, it seems that the testfire of splatoon 2 was in 720p.

the quality of the definition were decrease.

In interviews, Nintendo said their main focus was to maintain the 60fps, before trying to keep the HD definition

This do not means that the complete game will be in 720p

but for now the demo was in 720p on bigscreen, and 530p on tablet mode.

We hope they will reach the 1080p until the game came out.

The enemy ink

We realised, that when you were walking or swimming, when you touch the enemy ink

we could see splat of ink on the screen, as in splatoon 1, but quicker.

Sometimes, we thought someone was shooting at us, but it was just that our foot were touching small dot of ink.

Is it a choice from Nintendo or a minor bug that will be fixed ?

Was it just a design effect or the enemy ink was actually more deadly for our inkling ?

Hard to tell, but there were a notable difference between splatoon 1 and 2.

Glitches and bugs

It is amazing to seen how fast a glitch were found in the demo of splatoon 2.

Indeed, on Barnacle Sports Club a japonese player found a glitch that can teleport you very high on the map

thanks to a the splat dualies, by rolling on the right spot on the map

The Max succed to reproduce this glitch

by rolling right here, this glitch teleport you above, sometimes in space, and even sometimes on the climbing wall.

It is not the only bug that has been noticed

we saw small bug here and there in the game, about texture or ink

Here for exemple, if you ink this bloc, it will overflow on the wall on the left

which is not physicaly consistent.

Voilà, it was 10 things we discovered thanks to this global testfire

There is still a lot of things to discoverd, it was just a demo.

we will have to analyse all the ancient weapons to see if they changed or if they are the same

there will be new special weapons, and maybe new sub weapons

And because the Dualies are actually a new class of weapons,

we will have some others with different characteristics.

we still don't know the date of release of the game, but we hope it is very soon

We may have some new infos soon, subscribe to this chanel know everything.Count on me !

I hope you liked this video. Tell me in the comment your friend code, so I can pick up randomly one of you

and add him to my friend list.

You can leave a like and share this video if you enjoyed it.

See you soon in a next video. Allez, salut !

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