Thứ Bảy, 1 tháng 4, 2017

Waching daily Apr 1 2017

Last few years, transgenics

have been in everybody's lips

However, there is a significant misinformation about them

Genetic breeding is one of the human process we have been developing

since we started to practice agriculture and animal husbandry

through the selection of the best specimens

Genetic engineering

is only a logical and required step

in order to develop better organisms

in a more efficient way than the traditional

Some of this transgenics

are already improving our lives

and our home planet

One example could be the Bt-Corn,

a transgenic corn crop

whose main characteristic is being bug plague resistant

So, we reduce the use of insecticides

and the environmental impact is lower

And they have nothing bad?

No, there is no one relevant research

that has managed to find one single negative effect

GMOs are beneficial

taste the same

are safe

and they help protect the environment

Against the misinformation,

inform yourself

Join FEBiotec

For more infomation >> Los transgénicos están en boca de todos - Duration: 2:04.


homenaje a los trabajadores de las estaciones de esqui - Duration: 1:42.

For more infomation >> homenaje a los trabajadores de las estaciones de esqui - Duration: 1:42.


Vlog PVT Taiwan - Accident de Scooter à Taiwan / Scooter Accident in Taiwan / 台灣機車車禍 - Duration: 7:53.

So today like the video's title says

I'm gonna talk about my scooter accident

Wow it's super hot below

It's a crazy thing

We have toilet paper to wipe ourselves

but beware the pieces of tape

I still have some real injuries

not that big, but they still piss me off

especially because the doctor said « don't take shower »

« there are bacterias in the water »

So during the first days you don't wash yourself

But afterward you can't help

You break it up


So today again, I'm gonna talk about my scooter's accident

and about the dangers on the road in Taiwan

So how this accident happened ?

Actually I went straight when the traffic light turned green on a crossroad

And a car cut me off, didn't give me the way

So that I had to dodge off the car to avoid impact

I drifted on the left and made a happy roll,

with the wounds, scratches, the ambulance and so on

I really want to salute the professionalism of the paramedic teams here in Taiwan

including one of them that spoke english well

so that it allowed me to communicate with them

and the hospitals here are very professional, very clean

Somewhat a good experience in a bad one

The ambulance came quickly,

I was passing out and they took care of me

I was blocked under the scooter that bounced off the car

And a scooter like that weights about 130 kilos,

thus for a weakling like me, I failed to lift it up myself

I spent couple hours in hospital,

the time for them to clean my wounds etc..

Hsin Yu was also ok, with few body injuries

Well they had to cut up my pant but I earnt a short, so it was not a bad deal

later we went to the police station,

we saw the pictures but I won'T publish them

because my goal is not to fall into sensationalism

Anyway it was not a tragic accident

It''s true that I was a bit shocked

because it was my very first accident

and it happened abroad in Taiwan with my girlfriend behind me,

then in regard to her parents, it's a bit embarrassing

but it couldn't really prevent it in the end

According the policemen, the liability was 70/30 for the car's driver

in the end I got 17000 NT$ repair costs for the scooter

and 3000 NT$ for the hospital costs

but I made the right choice to take a full insurance

before the accident so that I'll be completely refund

Could I have prosecuted the car's driver ?

May be yes, but I don't want to make the things more complicated,

I am a foreigner here and I got my fees paid back so I'am okay

Above all, what I wanted to share in this video

is my feeling about the traffic conditions here in Taiwan

At first I was very enthusiast about driving my own scooter here

Today, I'm a bit more over it,

and for some routes, I avoid riding it

So what makes the road unsafe here in Taiwan ?

There are several reasons

To start, I would say that cities are quite old

and they haven't been designed for such a heavy traffic

Taiwan is a country that has been developed very strongly and very fast

over the last 50 years and it might be true that roads haven't been on their top of the list priorities

They are narrow and everybody shares them,

Indeed, there are not always sidewalks on the streets

So who shares these roads ?

Merely the pedestrians, the bicycles, the scooters, the cars, the little trucks and the wild dogs who wander here and there

In Taiwan there are 15 millions scooters for a 23 million population

it's huge, they are everywhere

Then there is the driver's behaviour,

Here the traffic rules is not really followed,

especially true given that there traffic check appear quite lax

Thus we commonly see scooters waving in an out everywhere

overtaking on the left, on the right, stopping anywhere

for cars, it's about the same, they park on left or right side of the road, double-park, and it's complicated to predict

And there are also the big german cars, BMW, Benz,

that seems to feel almighty, like if they were the kings, and that do whatever they want

Not all of them of course but some of them really do so

Is it easier to drive in smaller towns than in bigger cities ?

Not really, because in big cities, usually more modern with more public investment,

we can find wide sidewalks along boulevards and avenues

In smaller cities, less for sure but on the other hand, there is also less traffic, obviously

Finally all in all, it's not that easy to determine wether it's easier to drive in either of them

In the countryside, what sucks are the trucks that go full speed right beside you,

yeah, that sucks,

To sum it up, there is a bit of a wild jungle aspect on the road here in Taiwan,

it's paradoxical in a country where rules are strictly followed in the metro,

daily in the waiting queues where everybody respect each other compared to the way it works on the road

Well it's important to appreciate that there are some good drivers here also, respectful toward the others,

but there are still numerous drivers that don't give a damn

I'm simply sharing my feelings,

I don't want to offend anyone,

anyway Taiwanese are generous people, really friendly, great people !

However, here it is, that's one of the downside here, and that's what I think of it

And the Time Magazine in one of it's issues published a couple years ago,

still ranked Taiwan as the 4th most dangerous country for driving 2 wheels vehicles,

right after Thailand, India and China

In conclusion this accident leads to little down phase

but you forget it quickly because there are so many beautiful and positive things here

that you easily get over it

I just hope this video will be useful or interesting for tourists, travellers

or any foreigners coming here who want to drive here,

I think you really have to be careful,

following rules is one thing,

but think safety is more important, it must be your first concern

For example, when the traffic light is green, you still check seriously both sides before crossing

it's not uncommon to see people running a red light

like those jerks who go fullspeed through crossroads while honking to say

« hey I'm here »,

they have a specific name in chinese by the way, but I can't remember it

Enjoy you journey, drive safe and see you next time,

bye !

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