Thứ Ba, 31 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 31 2017


his name is ulises and he has a mission

to go home with the woman to whom


before she married another

block the thirsty monster step

charming seductive blood and seas

treacherous and furious gods

this is the continuous journey of ulises la

epic company of the greatest mythical hero

of all times

for us it is a myth but for the

ancient times was a reality and perhaps

even the basis of one of the Gospels


this is the real story as it was

originally told sail or deezer the

fight of the gods ulises and revenge

the story of Ulysses king of Ithaca does not

it resembles the stories of other heroes


he is not a god with super powers

on the contrary it is described as

a normal man who after a war

tries to go back home with

his wife and son

everyone identifies with this

man is like all of us

I would like to spend more time with my

family I do not like my job, I do not

they treat me properly I'm tired

I want to go back home

that's the story of uriz

but the odyssey is not just a return to


is a race against time while

ulises faces the dangers

distant lands his wife penelope

she is nervous about her return and asks herself

if it has already become the city

of a sailor

meanwhile a string of

deleznable suitors call your

door so you can forget your

husband and remarried and according to

custom who takes the queen is

will wear the crown

if you do not come home on time

he will lose his family and his king

and the aristocracy of the area begins to


Ulysses will not be back home we do not know

what happened to him but will not return like this

that we must decide who will occupy

place as king

the candidate will be the one who marries

penelope because everyone was

sitting that she was already widowed the fight

Ulysses to go home time is

the central theme of the odyssey

this epic myth was the most famous work

by the Greek writer homero

and for the ancients it was more than

simple fiction and entertainment was

a guide to survive in a world


we must understand we must count

stories to give meaning to

our world

That is why the Greeks had myths

treats characters incredibly

humans going through emotions

incredibly human

the adventures of Ulysses on land

reflect the vision that the

Greeks had the unknown world

that was beyond its coasts

this myth was written at a time when

that they were beginning to expand their

empire by emma ulises represents the


Typically Greek Greece in that

era was a very poor country

it was a rocky place surrounded by the sea

so that people could only do

fortune embarking on adventures

in myth the heroic journey back to

House of Ulysses begins when she

Trojan where ten years have passed

fighting in the war

he trusted that the trip back to

his home island of Itapúa and fast and

comfortable but for him and his soldiers

would become a hellish journey into a

scale to replenish supplies

several weeks of travel

ulises escapes for very little of the death

at the hands of a devourer cycle of

men just to earn the wrath of

father of the monster

the mighty god of the sea by attacking the

son of a god makes a double mistake

the first is that he infuriates a god and the

second is that he is angry at the sea god

when you sail back home and that is

the curse that pursues Ulysses

for the rest of your trip is

poseidón one of the most gods

powerful feel a personal antipathy

by ulises now ulises has deviated

totally on his way months in a trip

which should have lasted only weeks

he does not imagine that he will become her



but ulysses is not one of those who surrender

in the face of adversity

he may have been beaten like

we would feel any of us

and even more than any of

but we always recover

always find the way and I think

that symbolizes the desire that we all have

of persevering and only

is a human being who faces all

the forecasts are facing the

gods and has to survive

simply thanks to his intelligence


desperate to get out of the seas

The hero and his

men dock on a coast in which

food abounds


ulises sends an advance of

recognition and he stays in the


the men discover a palace of

stone surrounded by wolves and lion that


there they know the beautiful sorceress


for these Greek warriors who wear

four months at sea is a vision

inspiring and also her maidens

men are invited to their home where

enjoy a sumptuous feast of

food and meat

circe is supposedly the example that

shows what happens when

men get carried away by drugs

but by sex men return to

home but meet a woman

attractive with great power that makes them

happy and gives them what they want

it then happens that they become

pigs while the ulises men

they give their appetites the sorceress

teach a hard lesson transform it

literally in pigs




but one man managed to escape the spell

de circe and back to warn ulysses

without hesitation he sets out

to confront god a is very

optimistic about what the


he is convinced that he can overcome

all the challenges that arise in and

does not seem to faint ever


according to the myth of the palace of

circe where his men have been

converted into ulized pigs

meets with a valuable ally the god

messenger among the ancient Greeks

to see more is the god that normally

from Mount Olympus to the

ground for errands is sent to

ulises with a drug called moli

we do not know what it was but it had powers

mystic hermes in surrender ulises and

this one takes to immunize against

the powers tell the historians

received more than one

this miracle drug like moli

that has even inspired phrases

to express admiration in some


with the power of the mill to protect you

ulises enters the palace of circe

circe tries to turn it into a pig but

fails so that changes tactics

attracts him to his bedroom, but

resist ulysses says not so fast

before you access this you must

promise you will turn me back to my

men in humans

you must promise me that you will not do more

tricks you will not become

animals and circe access to their



and thus ulises enters the sanctuary of

the goddess of sex and do not go all out

there for us it is a

extramarital adventure

but for a mere does not suppose


this has to do with the double morality of

the Greek society in which women

they should be chaste and faithful and not seek

nor especially enjoy the

sexual relations while the

men could go out and have the

extramarital affairs that

want without anyone thinking that

was wrong and after a year

ulises decides that it is enough

had an affair but his heart

is with his wife penelope and must

back home

I believe that at the moment what is

try to tell us something about gurises that is

a man like the others should be given

hurry home, you owe it to

have lope and from there get a king and

The more time you spend with circe more

is denying what he owes but before

that can put prow towards its native island

Ithaca will have to make another detour

to visit a place that is not in the

map but below it

the underworld of the dead

this is an anguishing chapter in the

ulises trip that for some

scholars even included in the

writing one of the gospels

christians ulises the mythical hero of

the homer odyssey takes away from his

family and his kingdom almost 12 years ago

spent a decade fighting in the war

troy and a full year in the

bedroom of circe the sex goddess

now knows that the time has come for

get going and go home

firth are allowed to leave but

he gives a sinister warning to

overcome the curse of the sea god

poseidón and return home

you will need the

prophet blind craze there is only one


see if he's dead

ulises will have to make a stop

unexpected in the underworld hades

you think you're coming home but you have to

stop in an unexpected place you have to

stop in hell to ulysses

terrifies this idea

no man and valadez and has returned

but ulises has no choice the power

of poseidón on the seas is strong and

our hero does not make progress if

want to return to get his

family and his kingdom should seek

tyroses in hell


today we imagine hell as a

well of fire and sulfur

but the ancient Greeks saw it

different way

the hell of the ancient Greeks

characterized mainly by the

fog and cold

unlike later visions

like that of Christendom than in the

hell instead of eternal punishment for

the Greeks is not an unpleasant place

hot but is a zone

gray in which it is difficult to see in

the mist is mud and it is very far

ulises makes an agonizing descent to the

hades the agonizing cries of souls

seem to resonate from all



once inside he is face to face

with the prophet tirrias

and he explains to ulises and his

men who can overcome the wrath of

poseidón and return home if they follow their

ordered instructions

churches gives them very concrete advice

above all that you have to

to do is not eat the cattle of the god of


Delius no matter what you do but not

eat that cattle is a council that

will return to torment willis


when the souls of the dead begin

to approach him ulises started the flight

from hell has solved it never

back home

has done what theoretically no

living man can make him survive

a trip to latex

until then the myth but what is the

connection with reality


some scholars believe that this

chapter of the odyssey influenced one

of the most sacred texts of the


the gospel of frames is almost impossible

underestimate the importance of black to

the ancient Greek marks was a

speaker the gospel is written

in Greek

almost certainly knew the

history of the odyssey so that if there is

things in the book of frames that do not

remember the odyssey

it may not be an accident

comparison between the odyssey and

the gospel of landmarks reveals

amazing parallels

both stories revolve around the

difficulties suffered by heroes who

ulises and jesús suffer the past of

both are related to the

Ulysses carpentry was a skilled

carpenter who even builds his

own palace in ithaca jesus was son

of a carpenter and in a passage of the

gospel of frames refer to him as

The Carpenter


but the most striking connection is

the similarity between the visit of Ulysses

alaves and the last days of jesus

on earth


both stories begin with a

ulises banquet and his men lo

they celebrate in the palace of circe jesús and

his apostles at the Last Supper

then while his companions

they sleep both men feel the

torment of his imminent encounter with

death when you ulises whole by circe

what do you have to do at the same time

he despairs of reasons and he says so himself

that no mortal has gone to the if has


cheese's jesus is about to die

has a last supper with his

disciples lose hope because

knows that you must face a cross at


ulises will travel to the underworld of

dead and returning to Jesus will die in the

cross and resurrect could be these

parallels more than pure



the myth continues ulises abandons the

hades and pharmacy and tac

finally sailing home again

but in its way it lurks another obstacle

to the island of mermaids sirens are

some creatures whose song is so beautiful

that divert sailors from their course

and makes them shipwreck

Ulysses knows that the island of

sirens so that he commands his men

to cover the ears with beeswax

to prevent them from hearing the

sirens but he a man of curiosity

insatiable is the exception to his own


Ulysses orders his crew to

make the mast of the boat

this way you can listen to the

sirens and run aground on the ship.

rocky shores of the island while rba

bold unleashed me but his men

they do not hear you


I am and thus he hears the singing of the

sirens and becomes the only

man who has done it and surpassed

Record Age:

we see this will be represented both

Amphora after amphora is intended

express how is the ideal man who

do whatever it takes to learn

something new

the encounter of ulises with the mermaids

is one of the best known stories

of mythology but new evidence

suggest that the singing of the sirens

could be more than a simple

legend of the Ligali archipelago or

Italian traditionally has been

indicated as the scenario for this

history of centuries even called him

continue to use the mermaid islands in

2004 a team of German scientists

it was proposed to investigate its connection with

the odyssey and made a discovery


the German team discovered that

a natural formation of rocks that

was a kind of megaphone

natural any sound source

issued from there would be voted on

rocks and would simplify towards open sea

but even with this megaphone

incorporated it is impossible to hear voices

sea, then it could

to have produced such a loud noise

mouth added 11 centuries ago were

common throughout the Mediterranean

including the league archipelago and

the German team proved that the

sound of his screams could have been

clearly offshore could be this

the cry that attracted the sailors

towards his pink tomb


ulysian sea has survived its

encounter with death but in the

Next wave awaits a challenge

more lethal if it fits to get home to

Ithaca will have to choose between two

threats and locks

some researchers believe that these

dangers were real and that

they could be there


Ulysses intelligence has helped him

to survive a series of obstacles

lethal at sea

but he is not the only one who uses his


hundreds of miles away in

his Ithaca kingdom his wife maintains

his suitors at bay with a cunning

she has plotted herself

promised to marry one of them

and when I finished knitting a cloak

funeral for the father of Ulysses but

every night undoes what he has woven

for 10 with this stratagem has

gained time for years as well as

Ulysses is characterized by his ingenuity

intelligence and ability to knit

plots and plans

penelope also proves to be able

to weave their plots and plans

penelope does everything possible to

remain faithful but do not know what has

been her husband

really have no idea if you ulises

he is still alive he does not know if he will return

with her or have decided to go elsewhere

it is a terrible state of uncertainty

Meanwhile a terrible and new group

of obstacles interposes between ulises and

your home is forced to choose between

two deadly lights

the first runs between wandering rocks

floating stones that destroy


the second by a narrow channel

flanked to the side by a monster

male sea-goat called

style and on the other by a huge swirl

called caribdis styl is a scary

sea ​​monster with many heads and

many arms is a terrifying creature

and you know with certainty that he will take

some of his men and will eat it if

you navigate along style that is what

it will happen


6 on the corner is caritatis

a gigantic swirl that turns on

himself swallows everything he finds

to his step and vomit again in the


if you ulises if you had approached him

would have risked wrecking and being

dragged to the bottom of the depths

ulises is literally between

the sword and the wall with the water

collar orders his men to avoid

wandering rocks and prefer to sail towards

the other danger the strait distills the



there ulises faces two options

terrible the death of some or the

death of all is calculating and is given

you lose all your boat

would be much worse than losing some

of his men

so you decide to sail closer to


here we find a lesson and

is that even the most kind and

humanitarian sometimes has to sacrifice

some of his men to fulfill his

when they enter the strait

the sky gets darker suddenly

multitude of tsunamis out of nowhere

ulises pilots the frame away from


when passing by the gigantic

swirl swallows the ocean by dragging

everything within reach

suddenly from the other side of the

ship attack is china

rips six men off the deck

of the boat and swallowed whole


Ulysses describes this as the worst

moment of your travels your men go

towards the mouth of a horrible creature and

shout your name gurises help help us

but he can not and not just that

but you know that these men

have died because of the decision they

he has taken



for centuries the scholars of the

odyssey debated on inspiration

of homero to create his monstrous stiga

but then in the middle of the 19th century the

sea ​​dragged to the shores of all

the planet the corpses of huge

beasts with tentacles

this was the answer calamares

giants overnight

fiction became reality the

giant squid is a creature of the

size of a school bus

imagine how great they had to

look like sailors sailing

on a boat is about 30 meters

is based styling on sightings

of giant squids and what about their

neighbor the swirling need the modern

oceanographers have discovered an area

of giant swirls coinciding with

the description in the Strait of

messina between italy and sicily to the north

we have the sea tirreno to the south the sea

Ionic waters of the land and the

Ionic are very different

consequently the water flowing through

this strait is tremendously

revolt and huge swirls occur

and dangerous tides

we can not imagine the power of those

current in antiquity mostly

for the sailors who had to

to cross giant squids

treacherous swirls two threats of

the real life they faced

the old sailors could be

that inspired this chapter says it

the ulises myth has just seen six of

his men destroyed by style

when your boat is safely accessed

the request for rest of his

crew that is in the state of


despite the prophet's warning

that he feels that we approach the

cattle of the sun god agrees to dock in

the island where these cattle are kept

Ulysses sees the cattle and tells his men

we will spend the night on the island but under

no concept like ice that livestock

do not eat it but the provisions

are scarce and men are hungry for

so they disobey ulises and

sacrifice the winner will be the last

eat in your life

ios the god of the sun is furious and

zeus the king of the gods comes in

search for justice

hinohara a god in antiquity was

one of the worst things you could

do the gods had no

I hesitate to use his powers to punish

to mortals who did not like them

zeus agrees to punish intruders

sends a perfect storm that

destroy the ulises ship


all men seem


except one

ulises is forgiven because he was the only

I did not eat of nadro but here it is

the good news ends

now there are no men either the ship or the

less idea of ​​where it is


after three years in the sea ulises ha

lost to all men and villages

is alone isolated not even

find closer to home


has been dragged by the tide into the country

insular of other sectors beautiful the

calf nymph

in Greek mythology the nymphs were

young girls with magic powers

the fantasy of any man lived

in forests and jungles as their own

name indicates to nymphs oo

nymphs according to the current term

lived a very happy life in this

you feel the enormous relief

to remain alive and over has reached

A beautiful new island while your

woman penelope remains chaste and faithful

at home gray hope another adventure

extramarital this time will end

staying seven years

today to Seoul and 6 is licensed to

to sleep with whoever you want because in

medical report does not seem to have any

type of negative connotation in the

Ulysses flirting

even seem to make it a

man much more powerful because it is

capable of conquering all these


calypso promises ulises immortality

if you stay with her forever but

he refuses

knowing that he should return with his wife

and her queen

in a sense it is an election

stupid to choose mortality and be a

man instead of being a demigod


but for ulises there is no doubt that

reject calypso must abandon

calypso to fulfill his destiny as

man but there are no ships that

take back home so ulises

must get down to work and build

his own bow for the ancient Greeks

the carpentry was considered a

gift and an intellectual triumph often

we say that Ulysses made a boat but

it's not a boat that has more ciu has a team

still has watered was a metaphor of

his wisdom his ability as

carpenter is a part of his


once the boat finishes ulises

returns to the sea takes almost twenty years

out of home

now finally has in view the end

of its way and could not be the best


on the domestic front his loyal wife

penelope exhausted all pretexts

to reject the men who have

persecuted year after year the

pretenders are beginning to lose

patience of suitors tell you

that he will not go home that he does not

never return that your boat has been

destroyed and must choose one of

they as successor of Ulysses will achieve

to return to Ithaca before it is

too late of


like many elements of the odyssey of

Homer the island of Ulysses has a

clear connection with reality

for centuries scholars have

debated on which Greek island he had

the writer when he wrote his

epic story

traditionally believed to be

a Greek island called today did here

but the description of america

does not match the island

etymologically equal

Let's see what Homero says and

taca is the westernmost island

deep into the sea and low

well this is not so and fac and it is not

the westernmost is not the mass of

entry into the sea when

researchers compared old maps

with current satellite images one

island called cefalonia nearby and zaki

caught your attention

seemed to coincide at all with the

america description of Ithaca less in

one thing what Homer describes are

four islands

he says there should be four islands

we have a problem because in

reality there are only three where the

fourth island

it has always been said that he to Ithaca of

homero la itaca de uriz was towards the

west then we solve the problem if

we divide half of Walloon because

the western cephalonia peninsula

3,000 years ago could have been a

independent island it is possible that this

only island in the past was

in 2006 a team of scientists

proposed solving the mystery using

state-of-the-art equipment from which

used in oil prospecting and

gas drilled a hole of 120 meters

in the valley between the

east and west zones of cefalonia si

once this island was divided

had to be here we drill until

that we ran out of sound barriers

and that was 16 meters below the level of

sea ​​and in no time we find ourselves

with a bed of solid rock that

chances are that that happens

The simplest explanation is that in

some time the sea through or that

valley and still today they are

indications of it

these results suggest that the valley

in the past it was underwater and

turns cephalone into main

candidate to be the Homeric Italy

island that Ulysses finally saw in the


twenty years after sailing

to fight in the Ulysses Trojan War

he never gave up

spent years trying to go home and

i would get it in a way

or other

against all odds ulises ha

finally come home


it is the moment with which he has dreamed

during the last two decades but

no welcome parade awaits


on the contrary, the

preparations to distribute their

that i could

unless I can do a miracle more

ulises will lose all that

So much has struggled to get home is

the approach to an end

dramatic but there really was

back case of ulises and if so

when analyzing tracks buried in

the odyssey modern astronomers have

the exact date on which the

homero had in mind


the return of Ulysses to Ithaca was a

trip that lasted 20 years sent more

from 600 men to the grave and 14

bottom of the sea

finally after all that

the euro was at home but it's too much

late to save his wife and his rhythm

when you return to your island home

the kingdom of Ithaca is in the state of

absolute chaos


everything has gone very wrong his wife and his house

are being harassed by the

suitors 108 suitors

ulises realizes that he can not

enter his palace and complain

his previous life

these suitors take a long time

telling his queen and his kingdom

if they discover that Ulysses has returned without

doubt they will try to eliminate it before

can reclaim his throne

one last time ulysses must overcome the

ingenuity determination and planning

to their enemies to survive when

Ulysses comes to Ithaca, he does not do so with a

great entourage does not arrive like the great king

that turns back in fact disguises of

old beggar and it probably does

in part because he is not sure what

Welcome is very difficult for me

meanwhile, penelope the sufferer

wife of ulises finally gives in to the

pressure from the suitors and calls

a skill contest with bow

to choose his new wife who

be able to think the arc of ulises and

pass an arrow through 12 axes

he will win in marriage


is the decisive day on the internet


just before the start

competition homero writes that the sun

is expurgated from the sky for centuries

has analyzed this verse

it is a poetic figure for

accumulate suspense or describe an episode



even the ancient Greeks thought

that this could mean that ulises

returned home on 10 a total eclipse

recently scientists have

examined the odyssey for evidence

astronomical data that may reveal

exact date to which homero was referring


studied each

reference of the odyssey that might

refer to events

astronomical and then

they tried to match those combinations

of events with the dates of

eclipse and discovered that all of them

coincided with an eclipse that had

place on April 16 of the year 178


so it's possible that was the day

in which Ulysses returned home with

penelope in the myth the two decades of

harassment to penelope are about to

settle at a crucial time

the suitors one after another

demonstrate their impotence to tighten the

ulises bow are all about

surrender when a

beggar beggar the beggar takes a step

to the front and demands an opportunity

according to the rules must be granted

Answer is indignant and dumb

but the beggar tense the bow without

hesitation and laughter cease immediately


it points

and the arrow flies between the 12


the competition is over but the

pretenders do not intend to surrender without

to struggle


the last battle of ulises ends with

the suitors massacred and January the



has regained his throne

now he must recover his wife

the king of cunning must overcome

a final test once you have


and penelope enjoy a very moment

intimate sit opposite each other

lit only by fire

penelope puts a final test

after a long conversation he tells his

servants I want you to be foreign

be comfortable so pull out the bed

my quarters put her in the yard and

this stranger sleeps my own bed

At that time, you are aware of

that his wife is putting a

last test and tell him penelope

I built our bed around

this tree rooted in the ground

our bed can not move and like

she has never let anyone in

your bedroom is clear that only

ulises would know that the bed could not be

to improve the long journey of ulises its

odyssey has come to an end but its

legend opening

among the ancient Greek warriors was

usual to wear as decoration in the

armor unisys figure for them

he was a symbol of someone who

he had always endured the pain

the name ulises in Greek

means man of pain

he suffers like all of us but such

instead unlike us ulises

always withstand and that ability to

to suffer a blow and recover is the one

makes him a character with whom

we have identified ourselves for many






Kwaku Boateng #93 DE Edmonton Eskimos 28Oct2017 - Duration: 1:21.

For more infomation >> Kwaku Boateng #93 DE Edmonton Eskimos 28Oct2017 - Duration: 1:21.


Batoré reclama que atores de "Velho Chico" desprezaram morte de Montagner - Duration: 3:37.

For more infomation >> Batoré reclama que atores de "Velho Chico" desprezaram morte de Montagner - Duration: 3:37.


Interview de Seth Tuttle - Duration: 4:51.

For more infomation >> Interview de Seth Tuttle - Duration: 4:51.


Outlander Season 3 Episode 7: Review "Crème de Menthe" - Duration: 3:33.

hey what's up guys I'm Melissa Elise and you're watching Melissa Elise TV in

today's review of Outlander Season three Episode seven creme de menthe we're

going to take a look at some of the comparisons in the contrast between

Jamie and Clara's old life and their new one

let's start with the comparisons Jaime and Clara's life before was filled with

so much danger and excitement and even a bit of deception as they tried to

prevent the Battle of Culloden from happening and this episode is not

sparing on any of that the danger is definitely there the excitement is there

and even a bit of the deception as they lied to Ian about where little Ian is

another comparison is drawn between Clare's abilities as a healer she goes

right back into trying to save a life and then treating a patient and then

finally I really feel like they still fight the same way I love that Jamie

points out that her looks are still unmistakable there's another comparison

drawn between Clare's adjustment to the times the first time she came through

the stones and this time in the past she never really fit that mold of what women

are supposed to be like 200 years ago and even this time we see that she still

has trouble adjusting to the male perception of women 200 years in the

past but that's definitely part of what we love about Clare so she's not gonna

stand for anything that she could potentially change before we get to the

contrast I want to take a moment to point out the moment where Jamie tells

Clare and he's so grateful she's returned he talks about his life

existing in shadows and that with her return it was like the Sun came out

there are a lot more things that are gonna need to come into the light before

this season is over and they're not all gonna be pretty even though this episode

was very reminiscent of their old life there's some pretty distinct contrast

there's a difference in the danger instead of knowing the face of your

enemy like Jack Randall this time the enemy is far more hidden which makes the

danger more ominous there's a difference in the lies as well Clare is on the

opposite side of the lies this time not only is she being kept in the dark but

she doesn't understand why Jamie is lying to Ian Claire also tries to build

a new more stable happy life with Jamie but with the loss of the print shop it

looks like they're gonna be returning to lolly Brooke but they're gonna be very

different people this time one more comparison I'm curious to see

how they contrast is between Jamie in the past when we first meet him and he's

technically in hiding and on the run for a crime he didn't commit and this time

where he's gonna have to run for a crime he did commit seems like he's gonna have

to go pretty far to clear his name this time all right y'all I want to know what

you're excited to see in Episode eight comment below and forgive me a thumbs up

if you liked this episode don't forget to subscribe you can also find me on

Facebook I have Melissa Elise McAllister and on snapchat Instagram and Twitter at

melissa elise TV thanks for watching I'll see you guys next time

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