Thứ Ba, 31 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Nov 1 2017

GUEST: - And I have lived my life I feel like in such a way that I...

My strongest desires were for positive healthy relationships

You know, abundance and those kinds of things have come easier to me since I understood that but...

But, relationships....

So, I've had situations in my life...

And tragedy


Things that I can't tell you, I feel like I helped to create

If I do have to take all that responsibility...

My question is: how do I stay in love with who I am?

ABRAHAM: - Because your inner being has stayed in love with who you are

And your quest is to seek harmony with your inner being

In fact, every time you judge yourself or condemn yourself or feel bad

That's your indication that you're off the mark if how source feels about you

And don't you think source ought to know?

GUEST: - I do get that. I think.

But it has to do more with...

Is there a line?

Because I've been in touch with a therapist...

ABRAHAM: - Nope! Nope!

[Some laughs at the audience]

[The laughter grows louder]

GUEST: - Can I give you an example?

mmm I don't where to begin, but...

ABRAHAM: - We do!

[Some laughs at the audience]

Relationships are significant because you're interacting with others all the time

And how you feel has a lot to do with how you perceive others

And there's an inordinate amount of care from you and almost everybody

About how others see you

So, there has been for all of your life a tremendous amount of futile attempt

At contouring your life to please others

Which has messed up your own sensitivity to your own guidance system

Almost everybody we would be same pretty much the same thing too

So, as you've been following us here

And we're going to get right to what you're talking about it

Just relax and trust it this is all going to smooth right out for you

As we've been talking here today about this path of least resistance

What most people do

Without even knowing they're doing it

Is that you try to make a path of lesser resistance for that one and that one and that one and that one

And in the process of it, two things happen

One is: you distract them from their own guidance

And two is: you distract yourself from your own guidance

And 3 out of 2 and 4 out of 2 and 5 out of 2 and 6 out of 2

Is it backfires one hundred percent of the time anyway

You just kind of got to let people figure stuff out

and not try so hard to be the factor that makes it better for all of them

And once you decide that that's how it's going to be

And you begin translating that into behavior

Things just get better and better

You can be so good to some that you disable them completely

You can be so good to some that they become almost demanding of more from you

It's like you start a trend where they get used to their sustenance coming from you

And then if you have the nerve to stop it in some way

Then they become sometimes outraged

Because it's like you've cut them off from the good that they deserve

And that they have demanded through you

Well, it's time for you to allow them to discover

That like you and like everyone

They have a stream of care and attention and resources that is going directly to them from source

And you're going to let them discover that for themselves

And you stop holding yourself responsible for things that you can't control

That were never any of your business to begin with

You'll feel way better

Once you start recognizing that

GUEST: - My husband committed suicide

ABRAHAM: - Good for him.

[Some laughs at the audience]

Because every death is suicide. Every death is.

Every death is. some are just more deliberate about the way they go about it.

But every death is a response to that vibration between who they really are

So let's talk about that!

If everything that we say is as it is, and it is.

It all is as we say it is. It is.

It all is as we say it is.

It is.

So, as he's living his life he's putting all of this into his vortex

And, without meaning to, like so many holding himself apart from his own vortex

When you've created a masterful vortex

And you hold yourself so definitively apart from it

It is very hard to take!

So one of two things happen

Either you find a way to find alignment while you're still in your physical body

Or you find a way to find alignment when you're not in your physical body

But in any case, you find a way to find alignment

And everything that we were saying to you

In that sort of hypothetical sense, is our message to you

That you could not have stood on your head in enough different ways

To have made any difference whatsoever

It is not about you. It is not about you.

It is not about you. It is not about you.

It is not about you. It is not about you.


GUEST: - I didn't help created that!

ABRAHAM: - So, did every other person on the planet.

If the cat and stop peeing on the couch...

[The audience laughs]

GUEST: - What it created is my family fell completely apart

I have two daughters that are... In a religion

That if you're not in that religion, they have a hard time understanding you

ABRAHAM: - Almost every religions like that.

GUEST: - Yeah! ABRAHAM: - In other word...

Let's just start there: almost everyone has a hard time understanding almost everyone

And the reason for that is

You did not say: "I'll go into this time-space reality and I'll understand everyone"

That would make you crazy!

That's what Facebook is doing to you!

[The audience laughs]

You're so involved in everybody else's lives

You're completely unfocused about your own

GUEST: - Do I just let go though of my grandchildren?

I have eight grandchildren and two daughters

And I can't seem to get to a place where I can accept I don't get to see them

ABRAHAM: - Here's the thing:

Don't get to the place where you accept

That's like we don't want you or anyone

To ever get to the place where you accept that something that you want can't be

But something that will soothe you today, this minute


Is if you can accept that you have a vibrational relationship with them

That you can focus upon and get a feeling for all day every day

And don't let the absence of the manifestation

Just because the manifestation isn't the way you want at this red hot minute

Doesn't mean that what you want does not exist

You got to focus unconditionally for a while

And it's our promise to you: when you focus unconditionally for a while

So that your tuned-in tapped in turned on, feeling better

The Universe will orchestrate a way for you to rendezvous with the things that you want

It must be! It is Law!

But that isn't what you've been doing

You've been focusing upon the reality

That's tearing you up keeping you from being in vibrational alignment with your vortex

With what you want

And so what you're getting is what you're a vibrational match to

Its ok!

But it doesn't have to feel so bad. You see?

GUEST: - I get that!

ABRAHAM: - How else are you going to sort it out?

You're going to say: "All right well you, guys, belong to religion..."

"That believes the way that I don't!"

"So, something's got to change either you got to join me or I got to join you!"

And all of you stand there and say to each other: "na na na na na na"

"We're not going! We're not coming."

And so, then you say: "Okay. Then that's got to be the end of it."

"Because if we can't make peace in this."

When we say: no, it's not the end of it! It's the beginning of it!

Because in all of that discord you're launching rockets of desire

You're remembering who you are.

Do you know that as you came into this physical experience as these clusters

that not only are you eternally tied to these children and grandchildren

But all who have come before are also tied

And they are all non physically focused and looking here too

In other words, to be in a place where you have cut yourself off

From the attitude of love

And you're using some bogus thing as your justification for it

You don't want to perpetuate that and then

You don't want to stand in resistance to them

You don't want to wave the red blanket in front of the Raging Bull

And cause them more discord from who they are

If you love your children. And we know you do.

And you love your grandchildren (we really know you do)

But if you love your children (and we know you do)

And you love your grandchildren (and we know you do)

And you love your children (and we know you do)

If you love anyone (and we know you do) then your dominant intention is to help them

As best you can find alignment with who they are

And opposing them and making them wrong and staking your claim

And join them where they're wrong is not the way to go about it

You just got to remember who you all are as Source

And you got to remember how you felt when they were little

And how you felt when they got married

And how you felt... And how you felt... And how you felt...

This is the best opportunity that we have ever seen

Not because it's big and not because it's tragic

And not because it's a big burden

This is the perfect opportunity to discover not just the relief of unconditional love

But the power of it.

When you blame yourself

You're walking around with this advertisement that says:

"I'm to blame! I'm to blame!"

And weaker people who haven't learned about focus

And they don't really care that much about how they feel

Pick up on your vibe and blame you

So you keep getting blamed for stuff that you have nothing to do with

Not because they're looking for a way to blame you

But because you have been carrying that around

Someone who feels guilty will attract someone who has a propensity to blame

This Law of Attraction thing

So, what we want to help you to do is to acknowledge that you've been doing just fine

And that the Source within you adores you

And that this person who made his transition into non-physical holds no blame whatsoever upon you

Or upon himself

Because now he's in a place where he understands what's really going on

So as you relax little by little and get feeling better

And letting yourself like yourself more in the natural way that you will

What happens is...

We may be channeling Taylor Swift

[The audience laughs]

♫Haters gotta hate, hate, hate, hat,e hate♫

♫Haters gotta hate, hate, hate, hat,e hate♫

♫And you just got to shake it off, shake it off♫

[The audience laughs and applauds]

Because you cannot please them

You can't understand

The only thing that you can do is to come in alignment with your Source

And when you do

The return to that steady consistent love

See the thing about relatives is that you got to catch them on a good day

[The audience laughs]

The thing about Source is it's always a good day

But you got to be in the vicinity of the good day that Source is always flowing to you

So as you find these thoughts that are easier for you to hook up with Source

So that you become addicted to that connection

What will happen is you'll find yourself unwilling

And eventually not even capable of focusing upon those thoughts

That have been putting the resistance on your trail

And this is going to be hard for you to hear but it's the reality that we want you to know

It's not the decision of your children that is keeping you from your grandchildren

Is the resistance that you've put on your own trail

In response to what you think they mean or what you think they're saying to you

Feels like it's a reality that they are creating

Because these are demands that they're making

These are edicts that they are putting out there

But that's never what is really happening

Your response to them is just causing you to pile more and more and more stuff on your trail

On your path of least resistance

That's preventing you from what you want

But as you get your attention off of that and on other things

That will begin to dissipate more and more

And then it will one day just feel logical to them

These children are not going to be that old before they begin a requesting time with you

And in their alignment, their connection to Source

Their power of influence will be much greater

And that rendezvous is a sure thing it's a done deal

It has happened many many times in the vortex

And it will bring itself all the way to fruition

You've just got to stop being sad in the meantime

We really want to make that statement to

Anyone who wants anything that hasn't yet manifested

You got to stop being bent out of shape over the fact that the manifestation hasn't happened

Because you're being uncomfortable about the fact that the manifestation hasn't happened

Is what's causing you to put all the stuff on the trail

And preventing it from happening sooner

It's not possible for you to not get what you want

We just don't think you should have to croak in order to get your resistance to go away

That is extreme, but it works!

But we don't think you should have to do that in order for your resistance to be away, you see?

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