Thứ Hai, 30 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 30 2017

- Hi welcome again to UndergrowTv, this time we've got a special plant to take a look.

- Let's see a follower's exemplar... He has it on his

- terrace. Let's take a deep look to that... We've brought

- one for that reason... To look at the details of this plant.

- We'll describe it while showing you this garden. Let's watch this.

- Let's talk about automatic plants. It receives its name because of the easy and automatic process

- very reliable if you've aquired feminized seeds. You'll have no problem if you feed it well, nodrish roots,

- growing it in a good pot, and as much hours of light, better. We've visited a follower with a really interesting

- variety. It's a Northern Light Automatic by White Label bank owned by Sensi Seeds to the

- genetic line they're working... Seeds with really good prize so you just know...

- Fruits look excellent... He's a follower with a few details to be careful with so...

- Let's comment his errors to avoid the same problems to others. A 90% indica plant, always with rudelaris,

- it's a compact Northern Lights Automatic plant by Sensi Seeds... High quality seed with medium production.

- We don't like to make false promises... This one has a good production... Medium production.

- Not bad but if you plant other strains like critical you'll get more weight. But here we're looking for this fruity

- flavours typical in Northern Lights... It's very faithful to the original Northern Lights.

- This version comes with this rudelaris genetic making it automatic avoiding problems for light contamination.

- It can be growed in places where a normal plant couldn't. No problem with street lights during night for example

- so you can plant it on a window, on your balcony... We must name a few details about automatics...

- The first is for novices... It will be really easy to grow so we recommend it. No problem doing it outdoor, but you

- also grow it indoor. Its photoperiod doesn't change between growth and bloom like in regular plants,

- in this case we'll try to keep as much hours as we can... Between 18 and 20 hours. Several growers don't even

- let them rest but i think it's recommendable. Between 18 and 20 hours is optimus. If you can grow them indoor,

- adjust your luminic pattern to those details. If you're going to grow them outdoor, a good place will be

- under a street light for example... A problem if you've got a normal plant, it can cause stress

- or giving you regrowth problems... Automatic will absorv all this light... Awesome. Another detail about

- automatics is that growth periods are really short, keeping growth during bloom so the plant keep growing

- until it starts to mature. It will always follow growing up and creating those fruits while it stretches brotes.

- There are a few really useful tricks to get closer interknots like using Bud Ignitor to accelerate bloom,

- really useful in feminized conventional plants but in automatics too. It makes it produce more compact flowers

- because this Northern Lights is really compact by definition. Pot must be as big as possible. I recommended

- this gardener to get bigger Pro Pots by Garden High Pro... It permits transpiration, really useful for automatics.

- We've already shown it to you a few times in our channel... I arrived late because he asked me about

- transfering it or not... Another theme to debate... When i arrived it was the pot so nothing to do because it's in

- bloom so... Automatics must not be tranfered during all process because it measures it pot at the beginning

- of the process knowing its final size. Really important to use definitive pot from the beginning because

- if not you'll get a medium pot because you can't transfer it. This plant development is not bad

- as we can see... Compact fruits with hard buds but it could be closer. Growth was slowed down

- by little plagues like white fly special at the bottom... Not a mega destroyer parasite

- but it rests strenght and vitality and it reflects on results. Avoiding plagues and with a bigger pot, its development

- could have been better. I've brought the smallest exemplar of the garden. Nice formation because this

- didn't get all necessary light hours...

- Receiving like 8 or 10 hours of light all days... Even more hours depending of the clouds...

- The final result is really nice fruits... It's in the middle of bloom... It will be nice buds at the end as we like

- so you should only follow with this feeding line... I recommend to use Bud Ignitor to get closer interknots...

- All of it is production and it's interesting. This plant could be ready in only 45-50 days in bloom

- with only 2 weeks of growth, depending on the strain.

- The early hairs mark the beginning of bloom... It will follow growing and it

- can follow growing up with a bigger pot. To clear about feeding... All our nutrition is with Advance Nutrients,

- check the link at the video's comments. And take a look to the tables in

- If you use a specific table for automatics or a normal table, be careful with details like photoperiods, growth

- times or bloom times... The effect of this genetic is relaxing and during a long time.

- Novice growers should dose it because an entire joint of this variety could be overwhelming.

- This strain by Sensi Seeds line White Label, is a really powerful, penetrant plant

- that will give you full of glassy resin buds. We want to dedicate this video to Christian21. We were looking for a

- place to do this... Thank you for comment our videos and supporting us. Please subscribe, not only check

- our videos because at the end, you support us with your subscriptions and your likes. We want to dedicate

- this video to Honduras public too... They're going to work really well with automatics. Well partners... I must

- say goodbye... I'm going to smoke a joint out of camera now... Sorry if you can't smell...

- This is feminized indoor Northern Lights... Not automatic but it's what we've harvest... We will have automatic soon

- too but drying it and all the proces... I've got it ready here so... Good smoking.

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At the begining they were only three the musketeers pals

but the young D'Artagnan wanna get in

honour is their motor but there's a secret

they gain a bunch of money that way, and they live in Paris

In the story there's no ending putting them out of the frame

being the protagonists, they know, makes them invulnerable

Dumas wants them in the second part

Nobody could defeat them, not even that Richelieu

D'Artagnan D'Artagnan, gather your friends together

D'Artagnan D'Artagnan, Mazarino orders

D'Artagnan D'Artagnan, let see their loyalty after 20 years

D'Artagnan D'Artagnan, gather your friends together

D'Artagnan D'Artagnan, from enemy sides

D'Artagnan D'Artagnan, we're gonna fight after a long time

One for all and all for one forever

keeping the deal was the most prudent

you can never foresee who will be the stronger

if you don't wanna fall, don't tear your net

In the story there's no ending putting them out of the frame

being the protagonists, they know, makes them invulnerable

Dumas wanna draw them as exceptionals

Nobody could defeat them, not even a hundred of men

D'Artagnan D'Artagnan, gather your friends together

D'Artagnan D'Artagnan, from enemy sides

D'Artagnan D'Artagnan, if each dog has his own bone they will stay in peace

D'Artagnan D'Artagnan, gather your friends together

D'Artagnan D'Artagnan, from enemy sides

D'Artagnan D'Artagnan, we're gonna fight after a long time

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