Thứ Tư, 28 tháng 11, 2018

Waching daily Nov 28 2018

El secreto de Puente Viejo Avance 1963: Con la estrategia de María y el encuentro de Isaac y Elsa

Mientras María decide "jugar" con Fernando y reconoce que sus hijos están vivos, Antolina queda libre de culpa e Isaac organiza un encuentro con Elsa.

Además, Eustaquio y Severo vuelven a verse las caras. El jueves, en "El secreto de Puente Viejo".

Este jueves 29 de noviembre, Antena 3 estrena el penúltimo capítulo de la semana de "El secreto de Puente Viejo",

su ficción estrella para las tardes que camina con paso firme hacia las 2.000 entregas.

Mientras en el capítulo del miércoles, Antolina manipula a Isaac y Fernando estalla contra Raimundo,

el jueves, Fernando se planta delante de Raimundo devolviendo la amenaza con creces:

él ha hecho mucho por esta familia, y si estalla, las consecuencias serán muy malas para ellos, no para él.

María cree que la estrategia que tienen que seguir con Fernando ahora es la de darle confianza,

y por eso empieza a "jugar" a decir la verdad reconociendo que sus hijos están vivos.

Entretanto, los análisis no han revelado restos de veneno en la sangre de Elsa, de manera que Antolina queda libre de culpa y sugiere que la joven haya fingido todo.

A la vista de los resultados, Isaac pide a su amigo Matías que organice un encuentro con Elsa: necesita hablar con ella.

Y así, Isaac espeta a Elsa lo que Antolina cree y que él no se atreve a descartar: que Elsa fingió su malestar.

Mientras, Marcela ha ido a ver a Antolina solo para despistarla mientras los otros dos estén juntos… pero Antolina se entera de la estratagema: están juntos, ¿verdad?

Por otro lado, Molero no quiere pelear sino entrevistarse con Severo, y a pesar de que todos temen que sea una trampa, éste no piensa esconderse.

Cuando por fin se encuentran, todo parece indicar que van a resolver sus diferencias pero no de forma pacífica.

For more infomation >> El secreto de Puente Viejo Avance 1963: Con la estrategia de María y el encuentro de Isaac y Elsa - Duration: 3:16.


LES ENQUÊTES DE MIRETTE - Miss Liberty perd la tête - Duration: 11:01.

For more infomation >> LES ENQUÊTES DE MIRETTE - Miss Liberty perd la tête - Duration: 11:01.


2a_ Sessió_ ''L'amor romantic''_Parlem de gèneres, sexes i altres invents humans... - Duration: 1:43.

For more infomation >> 2a_ Sessió_ ''L'amor romantic''_Parlem de gèneres, sexes i altres invents humans... - Duration: 1:43.


DIY rivets studs on shoes customization - Duration: 6:20.

For more infomation >> DIY rivets studs on shoes customization - Duration: 6:20.


Bibi Chad De Pidi Di Dor | Punjabi Wedding Songs | Fauladi Indians | Punjab 5 - Duration: 4:11.

Bibi chad de peedi di dor

Sada naiyo jor

Joraa'n wale leh ni challe... Bibi

Bibi chad de pidi da paawa

Sada naiyo dawa

Dawe wale leh ni challe... Bibi

Bibi chad de pidi di suppi

Sadi naiyo puggi

Pugga'n wale leh ni challe... Bibi

Bibi chad de pidi di baahi

Gayi tu vyaahi

Veyaun wale leh ni challe... Bibi

For more infomation >> Bibi Chad De Pidi Di Dor | Punjabi Wedding Songs | Fauladi Indians | Punjab 5 - Duration: 4:11.


Al bajar la marea, y anuncio de nueva sede. [EngSub] - Duration: 5:17.

They tell that, one day...

...under twilight's dim sun...

...a young man was walking...

...alone with his thoughts... the shore of a sleeping sea.

Then, not much far away...

...he saw a kneeling figure...

...who, moved by curiosity...

...he decided to meet.

Close to the figure...

...he saw it was an old man, taking starfishes from the sand...

...and throwing them back as far as he could to the sea.

The young man realized the seashore was full of starfishes.

The tide sure had receded...

...leaving them stranded on the sand so they dried and perished.

...deprived of the water which gave them their precious life.

They were hundreds of them...

...and perhaps thousands.

The old man didn't rest.

Worked as hard as...

...his fatigued bones and let.

Seeing that...

...the young man reacted asking the old...

...driven then more by bewildernment than by curiosity.

"What're you doing?"

"Don't you realize you're wasting your time?"

"There have to be hundreds, perhaps thousands".

"You can't save them all".

"Not even many of them".

"You won't make a difference".

Said the young man.

The old man, then...

...taking another starfish on his hand...


"For this one, I will have made a difference".

And threw it to the sea...

...kneeling again so he could take more.


...we cannot save them all.

Not even many.

But if we're to help just a few…

...we'd have make a difference for them.

And that, my friends...

...till make all of this worth the effort.

Recent attacks against the community... and other media...

...have created something of a climate of discouragement.

Don't let it get on you.

It will always be worth the effort.

They won't be able to take us down, no matter how hard they try. attacking MGTOW...

...or whatever we name it in the future, should we have to... like slashing the wind with a sword.

Difunding is frustrating most of the time...

...but very important nonetheless.

And don't forget that, out of these channels... the real world...

...there are men who need your help.

Do what you can.

Be it through associations...

...taking care of where you get into...

...who's in...

...and what real work they do...

...or individually.

Recon your surroundings.

Don't fly over it.

That man in need of your help...

...can be closer than you think.


...we want to announce the opening of a new Meeting Hall.

...which, should the attacks become more harsh...

…may very well be that...

...we have to move to permanently.

Next year, quite possibly...

...this will be the 'lobby' where meetings are announced...

...while being held on the new Hall.

We hope to meet you all there.

Come again... by the end of the year, the last meeting of 2018 will...

...after some time...

...another MGTOW from the past.

Until then...

...think free... free...

...and care yourselves.

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