Thứ Tư, 28 tháng 11, 2018

Waching daily Nov 28 2018


There's always something going on at Region 10.

Check out a few of our upcoming events you might want to keep in mind.

Improving young readers' access to books and providing them opportunities to select reading

material increases their reading engagement, motivation, and reading achievement.

But access and choice require more than putting books on our shelves and turning kids loose

to choose something to read.

In this workshop on December 14, Donalyn Miller shares instructional moves, technology tools

and websites, and library and classroom rituals and routines that scaffold young readers'


Social Emotional Learning, or SEL, is an area of educational instruction and intervention

that is growing in popularity, but what is it really?

This session will offer background on SEL, the role it plays for students, and how staff

can plan for and implement SEL lessons.

You'll: * Learn about the foundational domains of SEL

* Work with a lesson framework for SEL lessons and interventions

and * Practice the development of targeted SEL lessons.

This event is free to all Region 10 schools.

January 2nd, Region 10 is offering a special session covering how to respond to multiple

hazards that can threaten survival of students and staff on school campuses, including active

shooter incidents.

"Standard Response Protocol" uses material designed and written by the I Love You Guys

Foundation, along with the Texas School Safety Center.

You'll learn about recommended practices including lockout, lockdown, evacuate, shelter, hold,

and reunify.

The target audience is members of the school safety team, including administrators, teachers,

SROs, nurses, counselors, local law enforcement assisting with school safety, and transportation directors.

Want to sign up for these or any of our many other upcoming events?

Go to and click on the "Workshop Registration" tab near the top... and remember:

we're here to help you serve students ... provide you with excellent service ... and deliver

solutions that help you, our valued clients.


For more infomation >> news@10 week of November 19, 2018 - Duration: 2:25.


AZ Artists Challenge Phoenix Discrimination Ordinance | Fox News Interview - Duration: 4:31.

In a new battle over religious freedom and LGBT rights in Arizona. Two Christian

artists say they've been ordered to create artwork for same-sex weddings and

face jail time if they publicly speak out about their decision not to do those

services. Those artists are here live to discuss the case next.

Two Christian artists in Arizona are being ordered to create artwork for

same-sex weddings and say they'll face jail time if they publicly speak about

their personal objections to lending their talents to same-sex ceremonies. The

Arizona Supreme Court has announced it will hear their case in January. The

artist joining me now. Breanna Koski and Joanna Duka, owners a Brush & Nib,

along with their lawyer from Alliance Defending Freedom, Kristen Waggoner. Thank

you all for being with us tonight. Thank you for having us. All right. Joanna and

Breanna. I don't know which one of you wants to take this, but I want to start

with asking you: have you been approached about a situation or by a couple that

you felt like you couldn't do the work for their wedding? And if not, why did you

decide to go ahead and challenge the law anyway? We decided to challenge this law

because every day that we are wanting to create art consistent with who we are is

a day that we are facing potential jail time and fines and that was a huge risk

and a risk that we could not take and we believe strongly in the right of artists

to create freely, so we knew we had to challenge this. Okay. And Kristen, you were

helping them with this. I want to read something from the attorney who's

representing Phoenix. This is at Phoenix ordinance. He says, "They want the

court system to give them a blank check to refuse service to any same-sex couple

that's requesting custom wedding products.

There's no principled way to distinguish between discrimination on the basis of

sexual orientation versus discrimination on other bases such as race or even

religion." Well, where do I start, Shannon? I think, first of all, what needs to be

pointed out is that Breanna and Joanna make their decisions on what art to

create based on what the message is, not the person and who the person is. That's

a critical distinction. And in terms of comparing this to racism or anything

else, that's a bankrupt analogy. It's designed to shut down the debate and

thankfully the Supreme Court has recognized that and rejected that

analogy in both Obergefell, the same-sex marriage decision, and in Masterpiece

Cakeshop. The case that you all had just a... that was decided just this

past summer... months ago. All right. Breanna and Joanna. Let me ask you. The judge

has said essentially there is this part of the law that says you cannot make a

statement saying that you won't serve same-sex couples. In the appellate court

ruling in Arizona, the judge said this, "[P]osting language on a website telling

potential customers that a business will discriminate based on sexual orientation

is part of the act of sexual orientation discrimination itself... this act is not

protected by the First Amendment." He went on to say, "Although Appellants are

prohibited from posting discriminatory statements about their intent to refuse

services for same-sex weddings, they may post a statement endorsing their belief

that marriage is between a man and a woman..." So you can't talk about not

serving people but he does say you can talk about your belief in traditional

marriage versus same-sex marriages. Does that solve the problem for you? No, it does not.

First of all, let me say we serve all people, so I want to say that to begin

with. But that does not solve the problem. We are grateful that the Court

recognized that Phoenix was wrong to pass a law saying that we cannot express

our beliefs about marriage but they need to do more and were anxious for the

Arizona Court to rule and stand up for the rights of artists to speak and

create freely through their work. And Kristen, obviously you argued this case

at the Supreme Court, the cake baker's case, and Justice Kagan asked questions

about where do you draw the line: hairstylist, florists, cake bakers. Where

do you say that somebody has an artistic talent that they can't be forced to

serve someone? Well, if the First Amendment protects anything, it has to

protect the author's pen and the painters brush and that's exactly what's

at issue here with Breanna and Joanna. Phoenix's position is so extreme, Shannon,

that they're saying you can force someone to write a message that violates

their convictions. That's the heart of the First Amendment that they're

violating. Okay. Kristen, Breanna and Joanna, we're gonna keep up on your case.

January 22nd is the date. Keep us up to date. We know that the world will be

watching and, potentially, we'll see you at the Supreme Court as well. Thank you all.

Thank you.

For more infomation >> AZ Artists Challenge Phoenix Discrimination Ordinance | Fox News Interview - Duration: 4:31.


GZSZ-Star Jan Hartmann: Wundervolle Baby-News!! - Duration: 2:23.

For more infomation >> GZSZ-Star Jan Hartmann: Wundervolle Baby-News!! - Duration: 2:23.


'Fuller House' star visits News 6 - Duration: 5:19.

For more infomation >> 'Fuller House' star visits News 6 - Duration: 5:19.


Defence Team News: 28 November 2018 - Duration: 2:26.

In this episode, we've got some news

about the latest in Defence innovation.

... we highlight the Halifax International Security Forum...

... and we talk about

an important day coming up on December 3rd.

Be sure to tune into the Battle of the Innovators

on November 30th to find out

which innovations and project teams

will win the first-ever Defence Team Innovation Challenge!

With a budget of up to 1 million dollars

being awarded to the most impactful

and Defence-modernizing innovations,

watch as 10 teams pitch their ideas to a panel of judges.

For more information on the event and how to watch,

check out the related links.

The 10th annual edition

of the Halifax International Security Forum

recently took place from November 16th to 18th.

The Forum brought together Defence Ministers,

representatives from academia and industry,

and other defence and security experts

from over 70 countries.

The Forum is widely acknowledged

by the international community

as an essential annual meeting place,

as it provides a venue for frank and honest discussions

about the increasingly complex defence

and security challenges facing our world.

During this year's Forum,

the Deputy Minister and Chief of the Defence Staff

introduced the inaugural class

of the Halifax Peace with Women Fellowship.

The class includes Capt Navy Jill Marrack,

representing the CAF.

These female military leaders are accomplished

and diverse women from NATO and its partner countries.

They work together to form

an international network of support for one another

as they move forward in their careers.

Before we go, December 3rd will mark

the International Day of Persons with Disabilities,

under the theme "Empowering persons with disabilities

and ensuring inclusiveness and equality."

Defence Team members are encouraged to attend

local events commemorating the day.

Members in the National Capital Region

are invited to attend the national event

hosted by Defence Champion, Assistant Deputy Minister,

Information Management, Len Bastien, on December 3rd

in the Concourse of the Pearkes Building.

For more information, visit the related links.

That's it for us.

Thank you so much for watching. See you next time...

... for Defence Team News!

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