Thứ Tư, 28 tháng 11, 2018

Waching daily Nov 28 2018

How are you guys and girls?

Welcome to the math channel with

juan and I have in my hands a

second degree equation with parentheses

and fractions and I'm gonna solve it now.

Same way. So let's go. Come on, guys. Let's go.

Recess is over. Recess is over.

Let's all go here.

this is the equation x + 3 that multiplies

a x minus 3 and minus 4 and all this is

divided by two and minus x minus two

match of three and this equals x

minus 2 mother of mine what a crazy equation

square plus 1 divided into 3

Here's our equation and let's go for it.

She guys the first thing to do.

there are things in numerators that are

may not simplify but develop and

this for example and this for example

we need good it would be good to know

how to handle and remarkable identities by

please we need this come to these

videos and you will see what is this of the

remarkable identities and then comes back here

again, the fact is that by using

remarkable identities I can rewrite

this and this as follows

this would be x square minus 9 and here

minus 4 and this divided between 2 - kim 3

x 2 x minus all and this is equal to

I develop this also by applying this

identity knowledge of identities

notable x square minus 4 x + 4 and here

plus one plus one plus one well and here at 6.

x 6 next step we simplify it here

that it is possible because here it is possible

simplify sth. x square minus 9 413

Well, minus 13.

It's divided by 2 minus here at 3 x.

2 the same here you can also

simplify some things x square

minus 4 x + 5 and this divided by 6

very boys and girls

it bothers us very much they bother us but

a lot of the denominators we are going to

remove these denominators and how do I

this good because first of all I have

than look at what's the common minimum


the least common multiple because it's going to be

six if you don't know how to calculate the minimum

common multiple please if it's al

video this kayak and the fact is that the

minimum common multiple of these numbers

is 6 the minimum common multiple of 2 of 3

and 6

It's just 6 and what I'm going to do is.

to be multiplied by 6 by all that

there is here the century multiplied by everything

that there is here comes to multiply everything

by 6

well multiplying everything by 6 me

I'm going to have the following multiplying

all for 6

I'm going to get the following look

6 here x square minus 13 match of 2

- 6 x good I'm going to put here a

parenthesis 6 x

x2 match of 3

I'm going to put a parenthesis here and this is

equal to 6 x x square minus 4 x + 5 and

this divided by 6 and multiplied

each of each of these terms

by 6 and what I get by doing

this because seeing that I get with myself

that 6 between 2 then 6 between 2 stress then

here I no longer have denominator I have 3 that

multiplies x square minus 13 and


He simplified this and look what's going on.

we also have the denominator 6 divided

between 32 so I've got 2 for x minus two.

fantastic and 6 and 6 is simplified and

would have x square minus 4 x + 5

phenomenal good because this 3 for

multiply this parenthesis this 2 is going to

multiply this parenthesis I will try to

Simplify what you can. Let's see if

We can simplify something. I've got the

3x square minus 3 by 3 93 by 13 and

minus minus 2 x plus 4 and this has to be

be equal to x square minus 4 x + 5

very good very good wang

Come on, let's try to write this one.

equation in its general form a

equation written in its general form is

the one that looks like this a x

square more than x plus c equal to 0 and

then we'll apply the formula for

these good second-degree equations

the first thing we write this down

in this way rewriting

rewriting I'm going to get for example

Let me think I'm gonna have 12 x something here.

squared because this is going to happen for

the other side

I'm going to have here 1 + 2 x + 2 x because

This goes there and I have 4 x minus 2 x

and now I have a swarm of numbers

I got this right here, right there, right here.

a 5 you can look would have minus 39 less

1 would be less than 40

- 40 and this equals 0

And what do I do now, guys? What do I do now?

I see 2 is 12 and 40 I'm going to

don't even think about operating this.

like this one, we're gonna simplify first.

I'm going to divide everything between 2 and dividing

all between 2 good this that here it is not

I need it so I erase it then ro

This is what's in here. I'm going to move on.

here to see that this dries out a little bit.

Here's what happened to me here I'm going to put this here

little wall and what's here

dividing everything between two / everything between

two would have x square

plus x minus 20 equal to 0

I've split all fingers now, yeah, guys.

now I'm going to apply the formula I'm going to

apply the formula and for this equation

for this performance is zeta in its form

general the formula is the following x

just like the formula that gave us solutions

xx equals less of more of less of b

square minus 4 is split and 2a

fantastic the formula the formula of the

second-degree equations in our

case is worth 1

is also worth one and the rest "c" is equal to

minus 20 is equal to minus 20 comes led

to this expression each of these

terms so I'll have x equals

so less of less of more of less of less of root of

square minus 4a

2nd match

here is less beautiful, less less

because I'll have I wasn't square because

1 squared minus 4 a voucher 1 made voucher

minus 20 guys and here this one is worth 11.

for this will be the same then this will be


I'm erasing this because I don't need it and I don't need it.

The only thing that's gonna happen is I get dirty.

I don't want to get my hand dirty any more good

for this will be equal to this will be equal to

I have here a -1 plus minus root one to the

square is 1 and now less for less

more and

4 x 4 x 4 x 2 8 as it will be this 80 this

It's too big I don't need it and here's a

All the same this is

still wet what horror equal to less

1 more less root of 81 and here party of

two matches of 24

and that's it

and good news what a wonder

I have minus one plus minus 81 is because

root of 81 is 9 divided by two

friends and this is the same this is the same and

I'm done with this. It's the same on one side.

one solution on the other hand another is a

solution when I have here the east sign

more is to say in minus one plus nine

and this is going to be equal to eight.

game of 28 game of two and this is going to

to be equal to four good because I have a 4

around here this is already a solution that

Well what luck what a wonder we haven't

had any problems and now we're going with

the minus sign the other solution is

the one that has this minus sign here because

minus one minus nine here we have a 2

and this would be equal to minus 10 games and

This would finally be minus 5 guys.

our solutions our solutions

bravo bravo the problem is over


the equation of the second degree with

parentheses and denominators or fractions

more exercises of this style here by

please here we go we go we go goodbye goodbye

Bye-bye. Bye-bye.

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