(I) Given the above, it would be interesting make a general reflection of everything, that
allow us to have a more complete vision of the situation, and a better scope of the
motivations, and possibilities.
We have a heavy political structure, unusable,
old in the forms, at the service of a system sick. So old that part of parliamentarism
of the knights, and their interests, veiled by the accountants of the kingdom. There they were
the king, the knights, and those who stole or thrived to look like them, knowing
that there were two ways of being in the world, the one above and the one below.
Two ways to face problems. The one of those who have the decision and
the means to solve them and that of those that are subject to the decision of the
first. Two types of problems. Those who disappear before taking shape and those that
give rise to endless disquisitions, or none, and they are eternal in society.
Your own and those of others. Those that matter and those that do not.
Politics (right and left) is that they allow to do the true powers
to make us think that we govern our lives, but it is they who determine,
those who mark the true guidelines. Political power what it does is fold
to the demands of money and reticence of certain pressure groups (including
the street like another one), in addition to its own group interest, so that it is practically
unused to transform deeply this society.
While there are issues that you prefer to keep with a deficient performance, in some
cases because of the expense issue, and in others by pure strategy.
Since in a problematic society the people are basically delivered in
solve their avatars, take their lives forward, and out of breath, therefore, to think
where the vital knot really is, where is the funnel of all this, and deception.
However, all this sum of imperfections
could be admissible, even when the actions, despite the injustices and
deficiencies, give the appearance of carrying an impulse meant to pull everyone towards
above, but we have already seen that it is not like that. And it is not, even though, at first glance,
our world is presented as the most evolved of the worlds known by Man.
(II) Certainly, if it were not for the reality what's under what we see we might think
than our world, even if it is ravines, walk towards a better place, "that
we give more paternity permits "," that legislation against hate ", and a whole series
of elements of social perfection, included the knowledge of our own nature
human and the overcoming of its limitations. People even have fun, go to fairs,
baby and dance. And there are contests on TV. Part of that mirage is that it truly
15% of the people are richer. Reality is that the remaining 85% is getting poorer,
and that many who were not, begin to be. The two elements together is called bipolarization
social, descohesion. It is true that the world is being perfected,
but only for that 15%, for the other his life is so lacking in progress that except for
some miscellaneous questions would not know very well if you are not in the 50s, the
same as in the 90s, they seemed to be in the 70s. How many of the medical advances
futures will be available to you if the current are already monetarized and are economized,
and, consequently, are they limited? That is the paradox of this progress, that while
some seem to have taken possession of the century XXI, others seem to go the way
back, towards the nineteenth. And that all improvement is really only
an illusion derived from the technique, which gives a point of modernity, which does not correspond
with social reality, at least with the of that 85%.
The practical concretion is that our wonderful Today's world is the same as yesterday's, because
we had it yesterday, but we have already bounced somewhere, and we're seeing it along the way
back. Meta-knowledge has left in evidence our social irrelevance and we
leads to the forms of the past. Who does have that relevance, will have the opportunity, and
will continue to be used by Capital, participating in all the welfare that Capital is capable of
provide or generate.
The practical concretion is, also, that we remain the same or worse in the fundamental, and
that we will continue, for generations, for dissolution of the social glue of the middle class, which
will make society irretrievably separate in its extremes, divide again, in what is
it constitutes as the main evolutionary movement of our culture form, involutive, in this case.
(III) The confrontation of the right-left models,
or perspectives regarding the course of life and society, it's fine for a curve
ascending, but not for a descending curve. It's about differentiating the fundamental movement
or primary of secondary movements:
those on the right and those on the left.
In front of the primary there is no right and left, there is need, historical perspective,
compared to the primary, being descending, there is only
the obligation to turn it around and understand that any feeling of well-being, it is a mirage
that we are creating with our own sensation of well-being, that of 15%.
Like a Matrix that is disfigured if we scrub the eyes.
The upward curve allows oscillations,
Sawtooth. The descending, no, because It is descending. because it has a certain
trajectory, an inertia.
Social inertia is one, and some people do it
palms with hands with measures that already they see from a distance that they are not ambitious,
that do not aspire to anything: work for more than 50 years, or less than 30, etc., removing from here
and putting there from there. They come from the meetings giving blows in
the chest because they have taken the 0.5 instead of the 0.4 on a minimum part of the budgets
When the rest is fixed by default. Politics right-left is that, take out a small
differential over a game, forgetting that There is a higher reality that is not countable.
Forgetting that big policies they go before the numbers.
If political power is conformed or given for satisfied putting plasters ... well, but
Do not be fooled, they're band-aids.
(IV) Each politician, then, has to decide
what kind of politician do you want to be, if a politician of primary movements (who does something truly
notable for the evolution of this country, world) or of secondary movements.
The politicians of primary movements distinguish them clearly, especially in the US, because they are
those who tried to break what was installed in society.
Create a country project, break a mode of pernicious life, facing all that power that
he opposes (at the risk of his life, even). Let's talk of the Kenedy, let's talk about Obama, with his Obama-care
or his attempt to regulate weapons. Here, It is harder to find one of those.
About this. The question of weapons, and racial discrimination there (outside
of all logic), protected precisely by the powers that be, serves as an example
of how something against nature coexists with a country, which is because someone determines that
change (sometimes protected by a social half)
And it's something you think about: "How it is possible that this coexists with the people
and that people live with this and do not rise up in that kind of protest that does not accept
other answer than the solution? "That is, the corresponding legislative changes.
The answer is, that, for the same reason has coexisted with all kinds of outrages throughout
of history, because there has not been an option.
For the same reason that we live with what our, with no option, unless the option
we invent it, and we make it unique.
Here in Europe we have it easier, here
we do not have to face this nonsense atavistic. Here we just have to realize
that, among the other powers, the old Europe has only one possibility of leadership,
which derives from its social height (the one has always had), or the path that leads to it.
Way, that can not be another than to make society complicit in the
commercial and financial relationship, and this one of that. Raise our social height,
is to bring the others to a situation of comparative underdevelopment, and establish about
this the foundation of all rivalry. It may seem strange what I say, but it is not
Let's think that the United States promoted globalization, and that now promotes the opposite policy
because it has not been everything profitable that I imagined That is, the powers do that
who believe that they will come well. We we can not compete (or want) in armament,
neither in population, nor in prices, nor are we going to win the fight by adapting
our system to those degraded lifestyles (which base success on degradation).
It can only be good for us to make a qualitative leap as a society.
And then, the others who follow us, if they want.
That is, maintain and incorporate elements of social hygiene (that's the social investment
and the truth principles) aimed at explore socially what the Capital itself
is already promoting within some of its cutting-edge companies to optimize
its development and differentiate itself from the others: its social climate.
The social climate, the environment, is not only important for the brainiac, for the developer, it is important
for the whole of society. Zero social resistance.
The only thing that can also absorb, deflate,
all the stress of geopolitics, once suppressed internal tensions:
constitute us in an immense backwater.
The question is to know which message is the one
you have to elevate and with what degree of integrity not to be smoke politicians, gray men.
If I say 5, someone will say 4, and someone will say 6. Yes I say let's remove the tax fraud,
Does anyone imagine that another can say something different?
That's the difference between talking about things important that they serve, and nonsense that
they only serve as political food. That is the difference between the possibility of reaching
serious agreements, because each other is taken seriously in their pretensions, not to reach them
because they are built on a spectrum too broad and fickle.
Built on categorical claims which then are not so.
Neither the solution can be that of Capital, nor can it be the majority of a parliament
interested, nor the arithmetic mean of a selfish society, or the problematic of the strongest.
It will have to be the one that derives from the social purpose.
That is, from a principle of truth.
Citizens will have to distinguish between some social formulas and others, between
politicians and others (if there are any): between who present small insignificant changes
that try to please an audience or another, and those who show those five measures
that attack root problems. And choose. Especially when the repercussions of our
decisions are transcendental and at the same time transcend other areas, to another importance
of things.
And that's what I'm going for now.
(V) I started this work by comparing our social system with the Roman, and I want to finish it
same, calling attention to some issues of History and how to develop
the facts in it. For starters, there is not only one of the Empires
from the past that has not fallen, Egypt, Greece, Rome, the Carolingian Empire, the Byzantine.
What shows the mismatch between the social system and society, which
leads, after splendor, to exhaustion and to subsistence.
There are many elements that help to understand the development of this process, for example in Rome:
Civil wars, barbarian invasions, crushing defeats, constant siege on the borders,
overcharge of its administration, payment of mercenaries, economic ruin, social deprivation, hunger,
even the advance of Christianity, The Plague of Cipriano, population decline with resources, and increase
of taxes: deterioration of the middle class Roman (that already sounds to us). Until you reach
siege in Rome V century, where 90% of its population perished.
All of it it comes down to the following: not money.
Gold and silver does not circulate, it hides.
The process is always the same. A curve-negative sign, that is, of negative slope,
until a moment arrives that becomes irrepressible: negative but of high value.
In the Roman case it took us to a period of subsistence, a desert between the III-XIV centuries,
where there were empires of feudal court like the Carolingian.
After which a new resurgence begins, that is, a positive indictment curve that is then made
unstoppable Positive but of high value.
We reached the fifteenth century, with the Renaissance, characterized by knowledge.
There we would have Copernicus, and the recovery, for example, of the books of ancient Greece,
surpassing, precisely, the feudalism, and its religious aspects also. Then there would be the sixteenth century,
the development of trade, science, more knowledge. We would already be in this phase where Keppler is,
or in the seventeenth century Descartes, which subsequently gives rise, as we see, to another curve negative sign:
the meta-knowledge, already in the twentieth century, specifically, as I said, in the 90s.
We see that feudalization, which is this period, derives from the degradation of romanization,
that is, the current social system.
That degradation is based in the impossibility of giving the level of well-being
social situation that up to now was taking place, and hence the inflection point.
In the current system, degradation is also based on the impossibility of giving this level of
welfare, but it does not derive from the degradation of the system, but of its perfection, that of knowledge
meta-knowledge that is accompanying us throughout the 21st century.
In more detail, we see that in a case there is no money in circulation for fear of exposing it,
or where to apply it, and in the other because it is not necessary
expose it for labor costs, which is the that really circulates and impacts on society, while
that for other purposes it moves virtually or between corporations.
That is, in one because there is no activity and in the other because, to a large extent, the activity
it does not require the use of money. The stage fails of application in both cases.
From here, starting from the figures are similar, we could play similarities
and the differences. In one case we already knew the degree of degradation
necessary to give rise to another system (to feudalism) in the other, we do not know how much road of perfection
of the meta-knowledge system is precise to fall to another system, except that the system
be the perfection of bipolarization to the one that has given place. Another way to say it is
Another way of saying it is that in the Roman Empire the cause gives rise to another system (feudalism) because the cause
is the fading of something (romanization) whereas here the cause is the improvement
of something that can not be faded, only sophisticated, leading to gradual regression,
as we postulate.
That then may or may not develop depending on the resistance that you find in step.
Feudalization has economic consequences,
of social order, and in relationships of production. Superstructures fall
and major forms of relationship are made emerging that until then were in
background or that they even formed by the need to give an answer.
For example, the scary money (gold and silver) hid and barter was initiated as a form of commerce.
There is also the appearance of the settlers characteristic of fiefdoms.
Metacognition as a turning point or breakage also represents the transit
between two systems, the guided integrator through knowledge (let's not forget that
the Renaissance put man at the center of things) to this other blaster, in
that man loses his role again, ceases to be at the center of things.
He was in the center because he was the bearer of knowledge.
Not now, because only men are in charge of knowledge, not man in general.
In one case it expands and universalizes, and in the other it is contracted and sectorized.
Actually, saved this, the meta-knowledge it is more knowledge, that structures development,
we just mark the point from which it occurs, because that knowledge allows,
to different production relations, nefarious, and socially disintegrating.
(VI) We have talked about the causes that motivated the fall of the Roman Empire, and we've talked
of two phases in that process, of two slopes, but we have not talked about what happened
one phase to another, of the detonator. The trigger, to say the last considerations
in this respect it was a persistent and prolonged drought, and falling temperatures, caused
more than likely by a sudden proliferation of volcanic eruptions: covering the
atmosphere of particles, rays do not enter of sun ..., which ruined the reserves
of grain, caused bad harvests, hunger, and the decay of the domestic economy,
and all the exterior susceptible to be invaded and plundered.
And everything else, because it was also the cause of the different invasions, first the
from the north, because of the cold, and later East, as a consequence of the change of
the weather conditions in the East. I mean, we have a scenario, we just need
an accidental fact for the disaster. That is why I introduced climate change as an additional issue.
It can be this or a solar storm, or overpopulation, or the irruption of the third world.
In our case, for the explained, without that
additional and traumatic element already points to these new production relationships and, therefore, to
widespread poverty. But, there is always something that produces an avalanche effect
or exponential growth, which catalyzes a behavior, a way of working as
the one that has, precisely the transistor in one of its form of work.
That's when we realize that everything what we thought controlled was not so much.
And that, in fact, it is not. Now, that we depend of things about which we do not have the domain ...
meta-supply / virtual channels ..., less than ever.
It's time to think about this. This work has started from other budgets, but let's think
than the creation of a parallel system (almost autonomous) that supplies us with the main thing
it can only be the path to a society better but also the guarantee that, in
any accidental facts, our system be preserved In the main functions,
and in the recovery of the system. That is, it is not only a political issue,
or of social justice, is a matter of survival
Everything said, thinking of us servants, because the gentlemen, who will not be 15%,
maybe 1%, whatever it is, they're always going to find a horse to ride on.
That is, they will have the resources Guaranteed
We have on one side what systems do in a natural way, and on the other the possibility
to move forward, to take it to another side, of taking as a society the best we have
to force his movement. Actually it is more than that. We not only have
the possibility but the obligation to do something (different, good, better) that takes us out
of the cycle. The obligation to realize that while
we remain the same, the cycle It will remain the same.
We do not do it, nothing, we'll have another opportunity. It will be in a thousand years, and
We will not be us, of course. Just left Imagine calling this Empire when it falls?
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