Thứ Năm, 1 tháng 11, 2018

Waching daily Nov 1 2018

"I say what I have to say, with no literature",

Clarice Lispector wrote in "The Relationship of the thing",

a beautiful and weird short story that investigates

he infernal, calm soul of an alarm clock.

That's the best definition I know for the act of writing,

or at least the most accurate one, as it highlights something that I believe to be essential:

in order to create literature, it's mandatory not to create literature.

Books say "no" to literature.

Some, others, most of them say "yes",

they follow the rule of the market, or the Holy Spirit, or the government,

or the placid idea of a generation,

or the even more placid idea of a tradition.

I prefer those books that say "no".

Sometimes, I even prefer those books that do not know what they are saying.

It would be very difficult for me to seek real affinities

with a style or a tendency, especially because I would rather not have a style

and not follow to any tendencies. I wouldn't know how to be consequent.

I wouldn't know how to subject myself to a common cause or prescription.

And it wouldn't be necessary, for sure.

I like to read.

It may sound weird,

but I'm not sure anymore that writers like reading.

I'm not sure if it was Sting or Bono who said that,

when listening to a really good song, he felt envy for not having writing it.

I'm not sure if it was Roberto Juarroz or Marcelo Pellegrini who wrote

this poem that shows to which extent Sting's or Bono's envy is absurd:

"To read what I want to read I would have to write it

But I don't know how to write it No one knows how to write it".

We write in order to read what we want to read.

You write when you don't want to read others.

But most of the time, we want to read others,

and that's why I can't understand Sting's (or Bono's) envy:

often, almost every time, we want to read what others wrote,

and you only write when others didn't write the book you wanted to read.

That's why we write ourselves – and we never get it as we wanted.

We say "no" to literature so that literature itself says "no".

We write so that the book is always a space we didn't expect;

an exit, but not the exit we waited for.

Clarice Lispector comes to a halt in the middle of a text;

she takes a deep breath and says:

"I'm writing too easily, it's flowing too much.

One has to be suspicious of that."

That's how we are in Chile:

we are suspicious of the flow, of easy words,

and that's why we stutter so much.

That's not a criticism: that's a description.

We are also suspicious of the written word.

We stutter also while writing.

There's a clear divorce between the spoken and the written language:

there are too much word and sentences that

we say to each other, but that we never write.

Gabriela Mistral, Nicanor Parra, Enrique Lihn or Gonzalo Millán fought against it;

they dared, each one in their own way,

to write, to seek for a Chilean language.

Violeta Parra dared to discover and create it and,

even more, to sing it.

The great secret subject of Chilean literature

is the abysm between what is said and what is written.

What Neruda created was actually

an elegant stutter, a literary phrasing

that favors subterfuges and eternal digression.

The anti-poetry saved us from instantaneous rhetoric.

The path that starts with Parra continues in Lihn and Juan Luis Martínez,

but those are only a few names in an endless list.

Chilean poets have forgotten Neruda long ago,

but the novelists didn't.

We Chilean novelists write to the inside,

as if our novels were actually a long echo from a repressed poem.

Maybe we should find that poem that has never been written,

but that is present in Chilean novels.

We should write this poem and something else;

something that denies it.

For more infomation >> Alejandro Zambra - A grande lição de Clarice Lispector - Duration: 5:08.


Chelly y Kenny están listos para la final de Exatlón | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 5:13.

For more infomation >> Chelly y Kenny están listos para la final de Exatlón | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 5:13.


Forbidden island, cyclone alert, and fishing net on the propeller - Sailing MotionMe Ep.13 - Duration: 15:59.

Where have we stopped last week?

Ahh! We were free diving in Ilha Grande

The place we anchored was called Saco da Marinheiro

Which is located in the Sitio Forte Bay

We woke up early that day, wanting to row...

So we went for a little ride around our anchorage.

We were in ten meters (32 ft) of water

but we had a clear view of the bottom

We rowed to the Tapera's beach

Our happiness is over!

It's raining again... It isn't only in Paraty that rains a lot...

We looked for shelter in Leo's Boat

So Michel, How is it to use this kitchen?

It's amazing

I can even turn arround

Just like ours right?

She is a Delta 36

10 feet longer than ours

look a this...

SV Galapagos is amazing

and we were so welcomed

She is beautiful!

Now we can movo to our Delta 36

Now she is convinced

This beautiful day and we have to leave...

Now we are starting our way back to Paraty

We are heading to Paraty but not going straight there

We wanna enjoy the way there

We have enough fuel

But to make sure, we are going to stop in angra

and get a bit more

After that we are planning to stop a the Dentists island ou Tarituba, maybe both...

we would love to stay here and not going back to paraty

Unfortunately, we have to get back as we have a lot of things to get done.

If we could, we would stay here

Let's Go?


For more infomation >> Forbidden island, cyclone alert, and fishing net on the propeller - Sailing MotionMe Ep.13 - Duration: 15:59.


Michoacán celebra por todo lo alto el Día de los Muertos | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 3:10.

For more infomation >> Michoacán celebra por todo lo alto el Día de los Muertos | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 3:10.


El peor regalo de cumpleaños de Juan Carlos para Reina Sofía es la humillación y el adulterio - Duration: 11:59.

For more infomation >> El peor regalo de cumpleaños de Juan Carlos para Reina Sofía es la humillación y el adulterio - Duration: 11:59.


El método japonés para eliminar el dolor de espalda - Duration: 4:27.

For more infomation >> El método japonés para eliminar el dolor de espalda - Duration: 4:27.


¡Se realizó el desfile anual de Halloween en NYC! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 2:48.

For more infomation >> ¡Se realizó el desfile anual de Halloween en NYC! | Un Nuevo Día | Telemundo - Duration: 2:48.


Les 12 coups de midi : Mélanie Laurent sur l'étoile mystérieuse ? - Duration: 1:26.

For more infomation >> Les 12 coups de midi : Mélanie Laurent sur l'étoile mystérieuse ? - Duration: 1:26.


5 Hojas de Aguacate en agua hacen MILAGROS 🍃 Ha sido la salvación de muchas personas - Duration: 6:25.

For more infomation >> 5 Hojas de Aguacate en agua hacen MILAGROS 🍃 Ha sido la salvación de muchas personas - Duration: 6:25.


"Purge" de Halloween: les images des débordements de la nuit - Duration: 2:54.

HALLOWEEN - Les effectifs avait été renforcé, mais cette nuit de Halloween promettait d'être éprouvante pour les forces de l'ordre

Sept personnes ont été interpellées dans la soirée de mercredi à Lyon après des scènes de violence urbaine dans le centre ville survenues après qu'un appel à "la purge" a été lancé sur les réseaux sociaux

Dans l'Essonne, c'est une jeune fille qui a été interpellée. Au total, une centaine d'interpellés, annoncé dans la matinée le ministre de l'intérieur, comme vous pouvez le voir dans la vidéo en tête d'article

Si l'initiateur de cet appel a assuré qu'il ne s'agissait que d'une "énorme blague", des heurts en marge de la fête de Halloween ont donc quand même bien eu lieu, comme chaque année

À Lyon et dans l'Essonne, notamment, la tension montait face à des groupes de casseurs

Selon Le Parisien, peu avant 19h, le magasin InterSport d'Etampes dans l'Essonne a été pillé par une vingtaine de personnes encagoulées

À Montgeron, toujours dans l'Essonne, une épicerie a été attaquée par trois jeunes masqués pendant cette soirée

Les policiers qui poursuivaient un des trois jeunes ont été la cible d'un caillassage et une bouteille d'acide a notamment été lancée sur eux, indique le site du quotidien

Depuis samedi, plusieurs documents circulent sur les réseaux sociaux. L'un d'eux, intitulé "Les règles de la purge de Corbeil-Essonnes", appelle notamment à attaquer les forces de l'ordre "au mortier, feux d'artifice, pétards, pierres"

Face à la rumeur, des forces de l'ordre avaient en effet été mobilisés en plus des effectifs prévus

À voir également sur le HuffPost:

For more infomation >> "Purge" de Halloween: les images des débordements de la nuit - Duration: 2:54.


Corée du Nord : Abus sexuels par des agents de l'État - Duration: 4:39.

For more infomation >> Corée du Nord : Abus sexuels par des agents de l'État - Duration: 4:39.


Dura Penena Thanithala - Viviyan de Silva Boralessa - Kanthi Wakwella | Sinhala Songs Listing - Duration: 3:06.

Dura Penena Thanithala | Viviyan de Silva Boralessa & Kanthi Wakwella

Lyrics: Ananda Sarath Wimalaweera | Music: B.S. Perera

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