Thứ Bảy, 27 tháng 1, 2018

Waching daily Jan 28 2018

The Guardian Angel of a Nation

- The agglomerations of people, such as

societies, cities, nations,

have special protective spirits?

It is the question 519 of "The Book of Spirits."

[ ♪ Soft Song ♪ ]

Spirituality in Drops

- They have, for the same reason that these aggregates

are collective individualities which, moving in a

common direction, need a superior

direction on a spiritual level.

It was the response that spiritual benefactors offered

to the throbbing question of guiding nations.

Just as at home

each one has his guardian angel,

but that the family holds an upper guardian angel

who rules the family as a whole,

supported by the other individual guardian angels,

we have an increasing degree of complexity,

spirits of greater jouissance, of greater evolution

than tutelam towns, communities, cities, countries ...

thus making a hierarchy in the management

of the superior spiritual influence on the part

of those spirits that represent the Divinity.

Because each nation, with its

inhabitants circumstantially reincarnated there,

holds a common goal.

Let us observe Phenicia in navigation;

India, with its mission in mystical development;

Egypt with - in its ancient history - ,

the development of occult Templar science;

we will see Italy, developing the Law;

Brazil, fraternity and spirituality ...

Each nation,

whether ancient or modern,

obeys purpose, and those spirits who

are there and who reincarnate, often

in the same nation protected by a superior spirit,

are aided so that, in a chain of

noble spirits until they arrive the guardian angel of each

reincarnated individual, can thus synergistically,

synchronously, support that nation

to achieve its goals: be it

freedom, for example, as Switzerland;

of democracy like the United States ...

We are realizing that each country has a talent,

so to speak, that is part of the mission of that

country in a certain period of time.

On all those who rule the nations,

there are other nobler spirits, and in the tutelage of all of them,

according to the spirits they have assured Allan Kardec,

there is Jesus, the most perfect perfect spirit that

the Earth has ever known, to serve as a model

and of a guide whose hands are in their sacred

origins their tutelage, aided by other

equally noble spirits who are the direct co-workers,

such as Krishna, Buddha, and

so many others who have no commitment to

this or that nationality, but

are cooperators of Jesus in the system of management,

administration and planetary evolution.

Thus neither country nor the earth is adrift.

Our look at spirituality reminds us

of our trust and faith that we have spirits

who are guiding our destinies

to a certain extent, supporting us in the best

choices and that the Earth is not a loose

marbles in the Universe.

It is under the regency of the Christic spirit of Jesus

that somehow

manages our Blue Planet so that all of us

can make it a kingdom of love,

brotherhood, justice and equality

doing our part.

[ ♪ Soft Song ♪ ]

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