Welcome to world news with cats. I'm Ti m...
What the--?
Where the--?
And I'm Shelter Cat.
Scientists have found that migrating birds can fly while they're asleep.
They can actually shut their brain down and fly unconscious
for longer than a Malaysian airline pilot.
Australian scientists have also found that high temperatures and heat waves can cause
reproduction problems in birds by lowering their sperm count.
The new research--
Woah, woah, woah, wait a minute, how'd they find that out?
What'd they use? Tweezers and a measuring cup?
Shelter Cat, we don't need those details.
I mean first of all, birds, yum.
And (G), you don't jerk off your prey mate.
We're gonna have to cut that out.
I'll cut you, bra!
I think he's back on the worming tablets.
In the U.S. there is gridlock after Democrats and Republicans failed to agree on a budget compromise.
Both sides of politics are--
What the--?!?
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