Chủ Nhật, 28 tháng 1, 2018

Waching daily Jan 28 2018

Hi everybody

I hope you are well !

Today the weather is bad so we'll do some mechanics stuff

Today I teach you to unveil a wheel in five minutes

Let's go !

So for this tutorial you will need a spoke key that will be main to reveal a rim,

otherwise it will be a little difficult!

It will also require an elastic,

and a pencil, a piece of wood ...

something that will not scratch your rims when there is contact!

Once we have all these tools,

We will take the bike, turn it over so it will be stable

so we can work on it.

We can also put it on a bike support, a tripod,

everything you have ... but in reverse it works very well!

We will then take the pencil

We will pass the elastic outside,

and fix this pencil on the fork or on the frame,

this allows you to have a reference to know where the wheel is veiled!

Once the pencil is fixed,

We will put it close enough to the rim,

we will spin the wheel,

and we will know where the wheel is veiled.

When the rim touches the pencil,

you will tight the spoke on the opposite side,

it will move your wheel away from the point of contact,

and put your rim right!

We will repeat the operation several times

always bring the pencil a little more close to the rim

and the wheel is more and more straight.

When the wheel seems straight,

It will then check the tension of the spokes!

For that, it will be necessary to take the spokes with the hands and to pinch with the fingers.

When the tension of the spokes is a little soft,

You can tighten by a quarter of a turn,

on this side and the opposite side to keep your right wheel!

It allows to have a better tension of the spokes and to have a wheel more solid!

When you have finished these 2 steps, your wheel will be straight and unveiled

You can then remove the pencil, remove the elastic

Turn your bike and go ride!

That's it for this video!

It was a small trick to unveil a wheel quickly.

Of course we will have a more precise work with a de-veiling bench and a tensiometer for the spokes.

But these stuff aremore destined to professionnals

Here we are on a method, fast and effective to unveil a wheel!

It will be suitable for all the bike and all the MTB,

so I hope it will help few people !

Anyway, you can tell me in the comments what you think about it!

You can also put a little like if you liked it!

subscribe on the channel,

and we'll see you soon for a next video!

See you !

For more infomation >> HOW TO STRAIGHTEN A BIKE WHEEL IN 5 MIN ! - Duration: 2:24.


5 Maneiras de Criar Inimigos e Afastar Pessoas - Duration: 9:48.

For more infomation >> 5 Maneiras de Criar Inimigos e Afastar Pessoas - Duration: 9:48.


L'astuce géniale qui évite l'amende pour excès de vitesse ! - Duration: 5:12.

For more infomation >> L'astuce géniale qui évite l'amende pour excès de vitesse ! - Duration: 5:12.


Noemí Galera, mucho más que la directora de Operación Triunfo - Duration: 7:19.

For more infomation >> Noemí Galera, mucho más que la directora de Operación Triunfo - Duration: 7:19.


Wie is de Mol (The Mole) S18E04 with English subtitles - Duration: 2:01:39.

This is a historic moment

260 euros.

This game is all about trust

I've decided not to say anything

We're not giving you any advice

The pot is at -990 euros


You earned 1800 euros with this assignment

That means you're 810 euros in the plus

It's a miracle

How did you do this?

No! No!

The departure of Bella, the happy cheerful one in the group

had more of an impact on the group than they thought

Businesswoman Olcay had tears in her eyes

Like they just realized that with a harsh game, comes goodbye

In the mean time, the mole is happily playing the game with minus 1000

Not a cloud in the sky

Especially not since the group is returning to known territory

Capital Tbilisi, where they were reunited before

While everybody agrees the group needs common trust

the mole will look for the confrontation

I noticed when Bella left, that everybody was upset

This morning, at breakfast, it was the talk of the day

I wore something yellow today, for Bella

I had something else on but I thought No…

To keep that Bella feeling, I put on my yellow shirt

As an ode to Bella, this one is for you

I was in shock. I never thought I'd feel that.

Really with my mouth wide open

Crazy huh. You're prepared, you know someone is leaving

But no. She was so loved in this group

The group has changed. The group dynamics have changed.

The feeling is different

I have to see who I get along with now

Who can I talk to?

I suggest to enjoy every moment we have together

Let's hold hands.

Let's not make it too dramatic

I have to get used to my new role in the group

Ruben! Ruben!

No speaker. We all want to hear.

Goodmorning Good morning

Have a nice sleep? Yes

I'm looking for 3 candidates without claustrophobia

Who's brave guys?

Those three will work together and automatically the other 4 as well

I'll see you in a minute

Thank you Art

I don't see any hands now

I don't really have claustrophobia

I said not to be claustrophobic right away

Then Stine said the same thing

And Ruben also said it Ok I'll go

But hold on. I'll be with the same people, except Olcay

Combination wise, I'm curious about other people

Loes was beginning to doubt

Loes always wants to trade when we've raised our hands

STINE: I thought it was interesting

Should you go?

It seemed like Loes and Ruben have a strategy

how they always have one person in each group

Maybe I'll end up being too scared

That's no use Loes

Eventually, after a long debate, I would go with Stine and Emilio

And Ruben, Jan, Simone and Olcay were the other group.

Goodmorning, the others are somewhere in the city and you have to find them

Sometimes it's that simple

But they don't know where they are so that's tricky

But they have all the tools to lead you to them

If you can do that, you will earn 1500 euros for the pot

You have 45 minutes and this phone

Who wants it?

Thank you Good luck

Let's see if there is anything Tunnel


So we're looking for a tunnel

We could call the other 3

And they would give us directions to them

They were our navigational system

STINE: We ended up in a dark tunnel

It was beautiful, a tunnel maze

These are the moments you think, this is Wie is de Mol

We got to a board

It started with a simple instruction: Go right and take the first right

Take the 5th left

Then they'd have to look around

and could see one of the things on the pictures

Underneath the pictures was another clue

But we didn't know which order the pictures were in

So when they had seen the picture in real life

we could give them the next clue

TB-Bank, a face.

Stars with 14-07-2016.

This is a logo of a café. Probably a café.

Restaurant. With wooden planks

Roman, a roman scene

A man with a shield

Guys we can do this

We had one phone

That phone was our contact with the other group

No signal guys

It means there was one place you could make a call, in a weird position

with your arm out stretched so it would be above ground

If you kept it up, you had a signal

Stine was at the top of the steps

I would be in the middle passing it on

Emilio would be at the pictures


Hello What do you see?

Jan has the phone, that's good

You have to stay where you are

I will give you instructions how to get to the next clue


The first clue is that you have to take the first…

No first to the right You to to the right

First street to the right

Ok, we'll call you back

After that, no hold on

Tot he right, first one right and then the 5th left

there we will have the first clue for you

Ok, talk to you later

Right right, fifth street left

I'm not claustrophobic, are you?

No not at all

First right, then first right

She said… No she said right and another right and then 5th left

No we have to go right first

It's nice that we get to see the city a bit

Don't you think

So you think this one right?

Let's do that But guys, that's a tunnel!

Yeah that's true No that's not it

Is that the 5th? 4… 5 yes!

It's a tunnel We have to stick to the clue, right and then another right

But this might be an option

Olcay and Simone took charge

I thought ok you go, let's see what happens

I really want money for the pot, but I also want to keep an eye on you

From here it's the 5th left

STINE: I hope they went right in the beginning

LOES: You can call them

OLCAY: Shall I run ahead?

Dead end!

Guys, we're getting a clue

Yeah she's pointing JAN: Can I say something?

I think we had to go to the tunnel where I said was the 5th left

Why is she pointing It' just some crazy lady on a balcony

We went wrong right away

We went in an alley, up the stairs looking for the 5th left

Olcay! Hold on!

Let's keep it clear. If this is a street, this is the 4th left

It should be underground

We were going up, up the stairs, it wasn't a tunnel

Nothing here Ok great

When we got to the top, Olcay didn't find anything

I should have followed your advice

Let's go.

But we have to try everything

Yeah but we only have 45 minutes

We've been going for 13 minutes, are you at the location?

We tried what Olcay and Simone said, despite of what I thought

and that didn't work out

We were very clear, go right, first one right, 5th one left

That's very clear

Do you have a clue yet?

You need to follow this clue before we can give you another

Give us a hint, maybe we saw something

Ok that's alright. A Tbilisi bank with arches

I saw that Again?

A Tbilisi bank with arches

In a gallery In a gallery

In a gallery, we passed it

The second is a sort of walk of fame like in Hollywood

I saw that somewhere

The third is a plaque, a roman scene

Can you just say that normally, a man with a shield and a man with a sword

A man with a shield and a man with a sword

Ok we'll go back There's one more

Six, she said Is there more?

There is also… uhm…

Hello? Dead?

Ok let's go downstairs, she's not responding

Did they not know what was right at the beginning?

It depends. I get it Did they hang up?


We've wasted 15 minutes already

I know Just thought I mention it

So we'll go back to where I counted the 5th street

Guys, a man with a shield and a sword, on the fountain


And sure enough we find the woman with the braid and the man with the shield

That's correct, stay there because we'll give you the next clue

When they managed to find it, we could turn the picture over

and give them new instructions

You go over there, I'll read it I want to read too

I thought: If we can go to the next instruction, I'll go with him

to see what exactly it says

Because information can be twisted there

Go to the right to the Shota Rustaveli Avenue.

To right, and then?

Go to the right to the Shota Rustaveli Avenue.

Go to the right to the Shotra... Shota Rustaveli Avenue.

What is she saying? To the right and then?

Shotra. Shota! Without the R.

He? Shota. Shota.

We've been there, with the play

That was the Rustaveli theater in the Rustavelistreet.

Then we knew we were right and we just had to hurry up

JAN: I can see the Tbilisi bank!

Yes! The bank with the arches

Wait there, we'll give you the next assignment.

Ok this is going well

Follow the road until the 3rd road on your right

Follow the road…

Follow the road until the 3rd street on your right

Third right, ok got it!

You'll stay here, you won't come with me every time

That's nonsense Why? I've got time

No we have 45 minutes

First right, second right…

Which clues did we have as well? Café.

We didn't see the Hollywood stars

It's a matter of trust Loes, remember

Yeah but it's also Wie is de Mol

I saw those stars at the Rustavelli theatre

When we were there for the play. I saw those stars there

You shouldn't walk around there. Don't go into streets

The clues are very precise

What do you see with those Hollywood stars?

A big black tile with a white star

But black tile with white stars

Jan? Black tiles with white stars

Then it's bit further There it is!

JAN: We're almost at the theatre, Simone says

I think it's across the street

STINE: Black tiles with two white stars

JAN: We're 100 meters away

I can see the stars on the ground

Stay there, you'll get instructions on where to go

The instruction is: After the ballet and opera theatre, go left

and go right to Ravez Tabakashivili Street

Revaz and then?

Revaz Tabakashvili.

Hold on, first…

After the ballet and opera theatre, go left

After the theatre, ballet and opera go left

And go left to the Revaz Tebukashvili.

Streetname: Revaz Tabukashvili Street.

Streetname: Revaz Tabashkuli Street.

Tabukashvili Street.

Revaz Tabukashvili Street.

Rebaz Tabukashvili. Ok we're walking

Let's hurry up. I think so too

The communication between me and Stine went well

I also did the car assignment with her and we weren't caught

I think we're a good team

After the theatre left

There it is. I can see it.

We're thinking we have the Revaz Tabukashvili in sight

We're 50 meters away


Hold on, let's look for a sign

We can't see a streetsign

Yes this is it!

Ok we're going to the right on Revaz Tabukashvili.

Ok very good

Guys come here

We have to find a clue that's left here

We have the coin on the wall

With a head and a profile of someone

And we have the factory door

With a green arrow and a window in the middle

One clue we don't have yet is the factory door with the arrow

We have 5 minutes

Yellow boards at a cafe

I'll look there

Let's go with them

Is this an arrow? But no factory door

No go back. I see yellow here

Are the planks vertical or horizontal?

That yellow in the distance, is that an arrow?

Simone says she's seeing something STINE: 3 more minutes

Isn't that a sculpture? We're not looking for a sculpture!

It's a sculpted man

Isn't that it?

That thing?

No we don't need a sculture, that's a statue

We'll never make it

That's a profile of a face

Let's go

Don't you think I don't know either!

We're somewhere below ground

And she mentions this now!

It's not a plaque, it's a sign

Does it have a face?

No it's just text

No that's not correct

Time is up

We failed

We were at those Hollywood signs

And we just saw there are other Hollywood stars

Where were you What did you have to do?

We were in a tunnel

Under the theatre

This theatre? Yes

We had pictures to give you guys clues

And the instructions were pretty exact

Yes guys

It just sucks

I don't know. The mole must have so much fun in this group

The mole must laugh so hard

At some point Jan and I went into the crowd

I thought we could talk safely here

Simone says: I know where those stars are. Olcay says me too!

So we run past this, where they really are

to that theatre with 1 star

I thought these are walk of fame stars, we need these

But when I walked back, I saw 2 stars

I asked Simone, is this the ballet and opera theatre?

Yes it is. No it's not!

Emilio is my compadre. We tell each other everything

That's why we try to put ourselves in other teams

So we can keep an eye on everything

What happened with you? Not so much

I was between Emilio and Stine

So I could see if Emilio was molling and Stine as well

I also heard you

Nothing really stood out for me

Who would you say was suspicious in your group?

The only person that could have done anything was Emilio

If I could make someone suspicious

it would be Ruben

All Simone! So our third suspect is Simone

And she's going up in the ranking

But Ruben, I forgot to mention

Did nothing Did absolutely nothing!

And he said: He wanted to keep an eye on everybody

I feel like Jan did exactly what we told him to do

Because I heard him give you instructions

Ehm yeah, but there was one thing

When we almost reached the stars

That were wrong by the way

But he said, no we're going back

So we walked all the way back

where we…

But the stars were just a guess

said Jan

Simone and Olcay think they know where they are

They asked, but they were the wrong stars

Food for thought! Food for thought. Food for thought.

It's independence day today

The Georgians celebrate they liberated themselves in 1918 from the Russian tsaar

It didn't last long because 3 years later

it became a Sovjet state

And it stayed that way until 1991.

Today they celebrate to be free of the Russian empire

and can live in freedom

It's a good time to test

how independent the candidates are

With questions that test their conscience.

Not just a test, the candidate that does well

will have free range to the finale

It was a beautiful park

It was cosy, very busy

There was a beautiful fountain

Those water steps that go down

It was a nice park to just sit

That would have been great if that was the assignment

Sit here and make money

Wie is de Mol is a game of lies and truth

To reach the finale, you have to be tactful

and dare to make hard decisions

Do you choose for yourself

Or for the group?

Or are you the mole?

And do you have one goal

to keep as much money out of the pot unnoticed

Whichever role you play

you can get on the right track

You can earn an exemption

for the finale

At that point my hope was already lost

The question is, how tough do you play?

The game is about making choices, are you ready?

Then he gave us those choices


Question 1

Do you want to know who the mole is already?


Next question

Are you willing to get rid of Jan?



Make a choice: 5000 euros in the pot…

or a group exemption

Group exemption

Haha I'm just thinking

Yes for the group

But suddenly I thought I'm here for myself

Chosing myself, I want 5000 euros

E.5000 in the pot.

That's my answer

It is possible you'll go home


After some thought yes


Your answer is noted. 5000 euros in the pot

Thank you

The moment I left, I hated my answer

Isn't it too obvious

that you would want to know who the mole is already

How do I tell Jan?

So very bad

You can get on the right track

You can earn an exemption

for the finale

But the question is, how tough do you want to play?

Do you already want to know who the mole is?


Are you willing to get rid of Emilio?

Yes or no?



At the end of the day it's a game

If you want to win the game, you have to continue

until everybody is gone

So yes, I will eliminate Emilio too

5000 euros for the pot or a group exemption

There is 810 euros in the pot

Yes but maybe I'm out after this round

Do you want to know who the mole is already?

No. No.

Next question

Are you willing to steal jokers from other candidates?


We'll follow yes

Make a choice. 5000 euros in the pot or a group exemption

A group exemption

In this phase it's more important

to collect information about the mole

So if you stay longer

you have a better chance of knowing who it is

That's the real ticket to the finale

That's the test and that's knowing who it is

A group exemption. Yes

Ruben. Art.

There is more at stake

then everything you've played for so far

You can earn an exemption here

There's a chance of an exemption

to the finale

Do you chose the money or the group?

How tough to you want to play?

Are you ready?

Do you want to know who the mole is?


My first reaction was no, I don't need to know yet

And I have a good feeling already who it is

You don't want to know who it is?

Hold on. Art took me off balance

Yes of course I want to know.

Are you willing to eliminate Loes?

Yes or no, it's simple


There goes Loes

I'm annoyed I didn't listen to my gut feeling

and was more patient

5000 for the pot or a group exemption?

Yes. Clearly

Are you willing to get rid of Ruben?


Again, very clear

5000 euros for the pot

or a group exemption

My heart is pounding and all I can think

Is to be strategic, how tough do I want to be?

There's a slight panic in my head

and I have to make choices

And knowledge is power

5000 euros for the pot


Is noted

Do you already want to know who the mole is?

Yes? Ok

Are you willing to get rid of Ruben?


Because I'm on Ruben and I think he's the mole

I have to sacrifice Ruben? He won't go home

So that doesn't help me

Are you the mole?


Make a choice

A group exemption

Or 5000 for the pot

The most important goal is to find the mole

And that means going through with a group exemption

Do you want to know who the mole is already?

You don't have to think?

Why would I have to think? Of course I want to know!

Are you willing to get rid of Stine?


People are selfish

The only thing I want is to win

You want to know who the mole is and whoever I have to throw under the bus

I am willing to do that

Make a choice

A group exemption, everybody is through

or 5000 for the pot

It's pretty ugly and bad

but I think everybody did the same thing

during this assignment

You sure?


It was an interesting afternoon

You have all shown how willing you are and how far you'll go

for an exemption for the finale

Some of you will eliminate a fellow candidate

Others are prepared to steal jokers

And almost all of you wanted to know who the mole was already

So if he feels like it…


One thing was clear

the exemption for the finale was interesting

And the most interesting part was

you could have it already

If you paid attention this afternoon

Because while you were answering these difficult questions…

the mole visited you

very closely

See you tomorrow

What is that supposed to mean?

I feel like such an idiot

Did you see anybody?

What a sick game is this?

I tried to look at the other people's faces

because maybe their faces would show something

But I can tell you this: This mole is good

Because nobody moved a muscle

I have to think about this

This game makes you insane

This game will make you

paranoid, it makes you…

Yeah he visited very closely

Or she

This is not ok!

This is not ok

You know it's a game

You know you have to pay attention

It is the confirmation we're such a dumb group

We don't bring in any money, we don't see the mole next to you

No we won't impress anybody

They say they didn't see him.

It could be that someone is keeping quiet

Loes, what do you think. You're very quiet.

I'm thinking About?

About what Art said

Take us into your head No

No she says

What about your head Jan?

I'm thinking, where did I miss something?

I like to think I'm observent

I have no idea but knowing Wie is de Mol these questions will come back

come back

to haunt you

Or at least make sure you're confronted with

the strategy you have in the game

We closed the day, after all the hectic with drinks

together with Emilio

And we talked about how crazy today was

Did you see the mole? No but I just don't believe it

I almost don't believe that we

Come on, it's a mind fuck!

I don't think anybody saw the mole

Everybody was super focussed

on those questons

I'll be honest. I got the question

if I was willing

to sacrifice Jan

And I thought Yes! I'm very willing

Oh yeah I sacrificd all of you

cooked and ate you all

I think Olcay was honest about her questions. Maybe not the last one

I chose the money right away

Whether she wanted the group exemption or 5000 euros for the pot

A mole would always go for the group exemption

But you didn't see anything No definitely not

Yeah Art. I looked at Art a lot

Maybe that's the problem as well

That you feel like you have to pay so much attention you look at nothing else

And that Art is handsome

That you don't look at anything else

It was nice to blow off some steam

I think it was a nice evening with Emilio

JAN: Tbilisi has a lot of nice sides

We got to see plenty of them

It's a beautiful city but we arrived somewhere

not so nice

It was a sort of ghetto with unfinished flats

Outside the city where it's not so nice


Yesterday you all had to make a decision, 5000 euros for the pot or the group exemption

Some of you chose the money

others the group exemption

But some thought it was fine if someone went home

Something to think about

At Wie is de Mol majority rules

And your choice is in one of the envelopes I'll give to you

If the envelope makes it to the other side

the content is yours

But what's the other side right?

That's the start

That's the end


No this is a joke. Art doesn't really mean…

that we have to go from one building to the other with that rope?

Good luck

Is anybody afraid of heights? No not me

I'll have a look first

I had to tell myself. Ruben we're doing this

It was as a thing in my head

I wanna do this. I wanna conquer myself

This is the shit! I love it.

I'm looking forward to it!

Who's afraid to go?

I'm not super relaxed. I would like it if Jan would show us how

And then ladies first

And then the rest

So we'll all go?

I'll do my best

Ruben, you'll be ok Stine will you go?

I'll have a look. I have a wrist injury…

so I'll have a look at that movement

At that moment you'll see the height

It's 10 times more heavy

You have to decide something. Say whether you'll do it or not

'I will definitely go' 'I'm terrified but I'll go'

With that attitude, you're more likely to go than not

JAN: We could all pick one envelope which would have something or be empty

If we all go, nothing would be wrong, but if not all of us go

then it's possible we all bring empty envelopes to the other side and it's all for nothing

If I show them it's not so hard and scary

that might be good motivation for the rest

Making it look easy is the key to getting everybody to go

Then we'll be guaranteed of that full envelope

Let's have a look

And at that moment you do what you should never do:

Look over the edge for a second

Guys, little advice

If you're up here, don't look down

Then, even if you're an idiot like me, still pretty scary


You have to go over the edge to be secured. So fun.

First one leg, not enough

You have to go a bit further

And at that moment

I don't feel so well Keep breathing

Don't look down. You go girl!

Oh this is fun

Three two one…


He kept looking down

He kept looking down the whole time

Pull. It's not so bad

Well done

Now I have to go

And once you get there I was happy

A, that I went. B, that there's concrete under my feet again

It does feel safer. First envelope is in.

EMILIO: It was good I saw Jan go

He was very encouraging

It's going to be fine. And then you have to walk up

with your harnass and…

that moment, is horrible

This is scary

The zipline is attatched to the building

but you feel like the building can collapse at any moment

It was scary

Did you look, Emilio?

You're awesome

The moment that you're trying to hang there is insane

Emilio! Emilio.

One, two, three. And go.

This is cool! And tough

He's almost there already

Cool! He doesn't have to do anything

It was amazing

I went like this

It was insane

Nice work dude!

You were pretty manly as well

Look at Ruben. He's having a hard time.

RUBEN: I have to do this, I have to do this

It's 30 seconds and you're on the other side

I want to be next

Not you? You go first

I could see Ruben was very nervous

I'm next. Get that envelope

I was looking forward to it. I knew which envelope to take.

When I had everything on. The harnass and the helmet,

I was ready to go

One, two, three. Go.

Woehoe! Go, girl.

When I was gliding, it was so cool

When I suddenly stopped and I had to pull the rest of the way

pull my entire body

Just a little bit

It's one hand at the time

You'll get there

When I got there it was such a rush

I've got another envelope

Ruben will you go? I want to try

But I…. no guarantees

It's awesome

Just do it

Then it was up to me

I have this mantra in my head. I want to do this

It's ok. He needs to watch his breathing


I was worried about him

I could see him dying inside

The scariest thing is

hooking on and stepping over that edge

Come on Ruben

And I looked over the edge one more time

No, no, no…

I can't do it. I can't.

And it sucks

If somebody is doing something against his nature

it makes no sense

And it was very sad

STINE: It was heavy to see this

And I thought, no way Jose that I'm going next

It's alright

It seems like fun. I want to want it

But I will some day

What? Now we can make some money…

I don't know when you wanna go, now we can make money…

And I thought ok, don't hesitate, just go

Ok Loes, let's go

One, two, three. Go.

So cool!!

She's there

Fun? Yeah!

It was so cool!

Yes, yes, yes!


I was pretty calm but the more I got there

the more nervous I got

I want to hear you guys

Wohooo! Push off. Simone!

Especially stepping off the edge is heavy

There she goes!

If you're clicked in and hanging there

Then it's just close your eyes and go

I don't know what happened but something clicked

The hook clicked a bit further

I had a small heart attack

And the man was looking at me…

The others glided to the other side pretty quickly, not me

so I had to pull myself a pretty long way

So I really had to use a lot of strength

OLCAY: It's not going well, she's struggling

Come in Simone! Just a little bit further

How far? Almost!

Come on!

Come on just a little bit. A few meters

Yeah. Well done!

Don't leave me hanging. Woeh!

O my God. So good, Simone.

Five out of 7 envelopes made it to the other side

There was quite a bit at stake

5000 euros in the pot or a group exemption

Shall I tell you what you were playing for? 5000 euros in the pot

That's what you made the other side for

Let's see if it was really in the envelope


Also empty


5000 euros for the pot


Here you go Thank you

How much is the pot at?

5810 euros.


And with that amount, you can prepare for test and execution

Well done guys, well done

5000 euros. Jackpot.

And it means that finally we have a thick pot

And as treasurer I can finally do something with that

Time for the test

20 questions about the identity and actions of the mole

Whoever nows least, is out of the game

Except for the mole, who never goes home

In the test I've decided to spread less

and I hope that the things I wrote down in my amazing mole book

will really help me

I'm going to spread to 3 people and whatever I don't know, I'll guess

I'm confused, I was on Emilio a lot

but I'm starting to doubt whether he's really the mole

I also have Simone

because she keeps sending me the wrong way

'Oh we have to go right, let's look for the 5th left'

That wasn't supposed to happen, she did the same at the market

My most important mole is Ruben

But I also suspect Jan

because he's so fanatic

he's so busy trying to show how he wants money in the pot

He's so fanatic it almost seems like a role he's playing

But maybe you're fanatic but not as candidate

but secretly as the mole

Who has the black exemption. I've heard

that Olcay gave it to Stine. I don't know

if she's going to play it

But I'm not going to go to Holland with an exemption in my pocket

so I decided that it's time

to play my exemption

But it can also be deleted

STINE: Emilio is such a good actor

He can play so well

He moves easily between A and B

He manoeuvres through everything

A this point Emilio is my mole

EMILIO: I'm doubting

I have 4 suspects

Loes, Ruben, Simone and Olcay.

I could spread between those 4

but then you only have 5 good answers

I don't know if that's enough

Emilio, in the tunnelvision assignment

he didn't have any room to mole because of me

Because I was on top of him

But he's still a suspect because he's

still mysterious

I can still not get a good hold on him. He would be a good mole

You could have prevented this test and execution

But the majority chose the 5000 euros in the pot

It has 5810 now

But it's no use if you get a red screen

One of you will not have to worry

That person played his exemption

Jan, congratulations.

Thank you

Let's have a look at the rest





Oh no!

The first screen I see


LOES: Yeah Emilio…

I was…

completely in shock

Such a nice guy

I thought: He's doing this so easily

Being a mole and being so relaxed

The group loves him

I really hate this

We had a really good time. Emilio is very funny.

A very sweet and kind guy

So sad he had to leave

The group will miss him

But I will personally miss him too

Then you had your puzzle

O my God.

And it's over just like that

Yeah I, I thought so

I switched at the last minute

I doubted too much, the questions were too detailed

That's also not my strongest side

But it was amazing. Such adventures.

I hung between two buildings today

You were a hero today

That's cool enough

And we finally, since I brought 5000 euros to the other side

Was it you?

I could feel it by the thickness of my envelope

That it was right

So the winner can thank you later Yeah

I think so too. Maybe take me out to dinner.

That seems like the least Yeah I think so too

I think you made some friends here

Yeah it was amazing, a really cool group

We laughed a lot

Who do you hope wins?

I would have to say Jan, my bond

He is very fanatic

Would he deserve it?

Yeah because he's working really hard

Yeah I think so. Have a good trip.


We all ran like headless chickens to our own car

I had my joker and I thought yeah!

The circus. Tbilisi's circus!

Stay calm

Steady. Steady hands.

'Take the metro from Liberty Square to Rustaveli.'

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