Chủ Nhật, 30 tháng 7, 2017

Waching daily Jul 31 2017

Hey! Please remember to turn on the english captions on this video. Now, take a seat,

enjoy the show, and thanks for watching. Welcome back to The Xav Experience. a few

days ago you were surely confused for my video attacking Yao Cabrera. It's fascinating

how in 4 days it reached almost 500 views while my video about Elsagate, a real

YouTube problem, reaches 200 views in one week. Fascinanting, but not unbelievable.

You see, my video saying stupid sh*t had a reason. It's hidden now because it achieved

its goal. I wanted to see how people reacted and I wanted to prove a point. I guess

you can say this was... A social experiment.

[MUSIC] You're watching... THE XAV EXPERIENCE! [MUSIC]

Recently, known YouTuber Yao Cabrera's channel was attacked and it left everyone on the internet and in real life talking. This was covered in

three videos in Dos Bros' channel. It's interesting to notice how the stabbing thing was

also covered in three videos. It's like a pattern. Like if they had a strategy guide

to make scandals and they followed it strictly. Anyway, dozens of people made

videos happy, or criticising, or even taking credit for it. I

thought this people talked about him as much as they hated him. It's ironic. So I made

an ironic video. But, ironically, Yao Cabrera fans attacked me becuae I attacked

those who attacked Yao. Yeah, this is tangled, right? This

is something that happens in Titanic Sinclair's and Poppy's videos, where they claim to be or do

something they're actually criticising, but people can't understand

sarcasm, believing exactly what they say. Even if irony is noticeable when thinking

a little bit futher. This tells me that most people following Yao's content

doesn't analyse. They keep with themselves only what they see, period. They don't think beyond that, and they're not going to know any better because

they only keep what they can see. For instance, this person insulted me for my video,

I then tell him to look up what irony is, and he answered the opposite of what

he said at first, like if after learning what irony is, he applied it on me

to try and fool me, but failing at it. We also have this person,

who could have criticised several things about me or the video, but chose to criticise

the video quality. People care about image, that's why clickbaits

are so important. That's why we have to put flashy colors and edgy pictures.

You could make superb content, but without image you're lost. That's why Tinelli

is so succesful on TV. And let me tell you, to me Yao Cabrera is no

dummy, he's smarter than he seems. In fact he takes advantage of people's naivness.

The other day I talked with someone about this, and what

he told me was that Yao is not smart, but quick. And I think that's

the better word. He's slick, he kinda knows what he's doing. In my video I mentioned that

I was doing an original video. "Hello, I'm Xav Curbelo and I came to make an original video".

Something clearly fake because everyone did it before. I say that

after making lots of videos about him I can finally stop, but then

I end up talking about him anyway. "Fianlly Yao Cabrera will fall into oblivion

and I won't have to make more videos about him anymore, that's why I needed to make another video

talking about him". This is something many people do, not only with Yao but with

any situation, cuando they say "This is the last time I'm talking about this", but they

talkg about that again in no time. There's a line where I say I feel so sorry for his

14 year old fans. "Manipulating everyone into thinking he tells the truth,

but he doesn't. I own the truth. I feel so sorry

for his 14 year old fans who shouldn't watch his videos, they should watch mine. I'm

a martyr!" With that line I try to say that many YouTubers call out

Yao for fooling his fans, but they don't really care about them, because these

YouTubers end up criticising his fans too. They just care about looking

like envoys of justice. They don't WANT the people that follow Yao. In one part I say "So

let's celebrate. Let's celebrate that his videos got erased. Maybe let's take credit for

deleting them. Let's say I did it. I erased his videos, I'm the hero around here".

This sums up my message, and I finish it with

"And I, above all things, am the face of a new YouTube, by criticising the obviously horrible videos of another YouTuber,

without any need to improve my channel". Many people talk trash about Yao, or Dalas, or

Gonzalo Goette, or whoever. And even when it's cool to throw shade sometimes

-I've done it before- there's people obssesed with this. Of course, talking

trash about someone will give you instant views. But will those views stay when you want

to talk about something different? Enter drama channels.

Channels like Salseo de Frank or Chismeando Loquendo. Channels that got stuck

in drama. This has been done in North America, under

the names of Drama Alert or Grand A Under A.

Those channels don't have the best of reputations. Talking drama will

give you views, but it will also give you a toxic surround. And you know what's worst?

None of that will stop who you're talking about. That's why my video is called

"This video will stop Yao Cabrera", becuase it won't as we've seen. The guy

already has his videos again and will keep doing that content... Until he loses relevance.

And he won't lose relevance when they attack him. He'll lose it the day that

people stop talking about him. I'm not telling you to silence your thoughts, but there's a difference

in doing a small shoot promo, and dedicating entire videos several times to gain views.

You're reminding people he exists and he's doing something big enough

for you to talk 20 minutes straight about him. We all know who he is, we all know

what he does. We cleared it up once, keeping with that doesn't make you any better.

YouTube is an amazing platform and people in Uruguay don't realise that.

Althoug the website has some important issues currently, it's still one of the

most instantaneous ways to show a project. There are such interesting, unique channels.

But here, we keep thinking that being a YouTuber is pulling pranks on the street and having no studies

neither working, like Mr. Ariel Pérez said. "Because we have to use this

for radio and TV to be everytime more professional, so that e-everyone knows

that you get here with work and studies, and not pulling pranks on the street". For many

adults YouTubers are a problem, like Mr. Daniel Baldi said. "Something that

unsettles you?" "YouTubers" (Laughter) "But there's also BookTubers" "Ah, those

I defend, yeah, but YouTubers and cell phones are unsettling, especially

for generations to comen, there's and overdose of that, it's got me scared".

But at the end of the day, can we blame them when we feed that kind of content?

When companies like Claro push the same people over and over again? "Yo, Dosogas,

you spend the whole day in YouTube, right?" "Yeah" "Well, now when you charge

your Claro, you get free internet. For example, if you charge 100 pesos to talk and text

you get 200MB for free" "And if I charge 200?" "400MB for free" "YEAH, MR. WHITE! YEAH, SCIENCE!"

"And if I charge in your sister?" (Canned laughter) Actually, being a YouTuber is much more. You're

leaving your mark, your influence, your impact on the whole world. And all those interesting channels

are left behind in the shadows, because of viral content. Empty content. And they're

probably doomed to stay like that forever. But you can do something to change

that. We keep criticising TV but at the same time damaging YouTube

by selling and buying posion. No matter the platform, if we don't change

our product won't change. If you don't feel like doing better

content, then support better content. I'm sure there's a channel out there

that you're love, and you haven't discovered it yey. Or maybe you did but

you're not paying too much attention to it, ha. In YouTube you can make series, movies,

cooking shows, sports shows, journalism, comedy, podcasts, and a lot more. And

yeah, you probably won't get to a talk show,

or get a part in a TV show, or become the idol of millions of teenagers, but

there will be at least one person waiting for your next video. And you can't pay for that.

You don't like X YouTuber? Don't watch it, don't dedicate your content to him, do something better,

watch something better, share the channel you like with your friends and family. Only then

you will raise what you want to see in YouTube. I'm sure there's something that makes you special

and people will love it. Even if it's 200 people instead of 200.000, they're still worth it.

Because if the only thing that characterises you is talking trash or getting into

drama, then you may need to reconsider your life. Only you can make the difference

between TMZ YouTube Edition and a Quality YouTube. I'm Xav,

and I'll see you again in the next experience. Thank you for tuning in The Xav Experience!

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