Dil De Diya Hai
Sábado de Semana Santa – Vigilia Pascual en la Noche Santa – 31 de marzo de 2018 – Ciclo B - Duration: 4:24:25.-------------------------------------------
L'Actu STAR WARS - Avril 2018 - La Tribune de Coruscant - Duration: 3:18.-------------------------------------------
SMOKE JUMPER - Firefighter of Paris - Duration: 1:34.-------------------------------------------
Le kit de survie pour des cheveux colorés en bonne santé - Duration: 4:35.-------------------------------------------
ASMR 먹방✨Fried Chicken Drumsticks フライドチキン 炸雞腿 치킨 Pilons de poulet frits *EATING SOUND* - Duration: 10:49.hi guys! welcome to my channel
today i'm eating homemade fried chicken drumsticks
please enjoy with me
it's crispy on the outside, juicy on the inside
let's add some spicy seasoned salt
this is my favorite way to eat fried chicken
thanks for watching
see you on next video
bye 🤗
¿A quién le queda mejor el tupé de moda? - Duration: 4:04.-------------------------------------------
Rufián usa a los hijos de Junqueras para dar pena y le recuerdan los huérfanos que dejó la ETA de - Duration: 2:28.-------------------------------------------
Quand Laeticia Hallyday répondait à la place de Johnny par sms, David et Laura n'arrivaient plu - Duration: 3:19.-------------------------------------------
¿Cuál sería el aspecto de los alienígenas? La ciencia habla - Duration: 4:25.-------------------------------------------
7 bienfaits du brossage à sec de la peau - Duration: 6:32.-------------------------------------------
Happy Easter
À l'ombre de la canaille bleue (1986) - Duration: 1:21:02.Unsolved situation through out the country.
Packs of solar wolves plunder pharmacies.
GOO kg of pure heroin is missing.
The situation is out of control.
The government buries the dead.
General strike has been ordered,
violent intervention of the army...
hundreds of dead, thousands injured.
General Nutsbody has been appointed Home secretary...
He leads mopping-up operation.
The bloodthirsty gang of fabulous Doctor Speed...
made his way through tangled veins of Necrocity,
the city of terror.
Contract killers,
dodgy male nurses,
pleviglas booths,
multiple chases,
evtreme tortures.
Captain Speed leads the action,
Using all the masks...
given to the posh people.
Meanwhile General Nutsbody...
grows in basements of the city,
the filthy seed of hallucinated crime.
Gentlemen, we have taken henceforth the city in hand,
It is now time to act
and we must be double vigilant...
Ah dirty bastard!
You are going to infiltrate bars,
It is in bars where a lot of plots start...
Ah! Hassan! Hassan!
The role of the murderer is for you.
A beautiful part.
I hope you are trustworthy.
I allocated Captain Speed to running these operations.
Intructions will follow.
The biggest scoundrels...
at his service vegetate at the gang's headquarters:
and the Bat...
Typewritter rattling,
Puffed up faces,
Mutt-the-Toad, white and violet...
dead fish eyes,
prematurely sagging jowls,
heavy gestures,
Mutt plays mechanically with his revolver.
Smell of cold tobacco,
smell of cop...
Come here bitch!
I'm going to kill you!
Calm down! Calm down!
Let's go and kill some Arabs...
before times change.
If there are no Arabs to kill we will make do with queers.
By the way...
speaking about queers,
last night, we were stalking next to Bastille
The Bat, his ciggies butt pal...
full of grey dribble,
pale beard...
around his "ass-like mouth"...
hanging down.
Heavy gestures,
Typewritters rattling,
cold tobacco,
counter, files,
forbidden threshold.
Most of them move about, drinking beers.
Captain Speed, the leader of the Gang, is not there.
His secretary has a wart instead of the clitoris.
Let's go and kill some Arabs...
it's the right time.
Hassan was awaiting war in a blue-wind tornado.
The queen was evpecting him in the shop-window of the drugstore...
streched out light from an opium bed.
A light satin cock telephoned him horrified.
The crime was getting clearer in his gestures.
Hassan pressed firmly against her back...
a withdrawal symptom erection.
Put under house arrest...
by this heavy mouth with failed sensuality,
Hassan made himself prisoner of crazy love...
and made up a girl...
riding a white horse.
That was a start of something which no longer evists.
I was on the look out for a sucker...
in a dodgy bar in Bastille,
when a drunk guy...
came in and walked up to the bar.
I don't think the guy was loaded,
but it was hard times.
I bekconed Myriam,
and asked her to take the guy outside.
Good evening.
Grabbing his arm,
I explained to Ben what the job was all about.
Myriam and Mr Suicide walk hugging eachothers.
He tripped over, too much alcohol.
Two silhouettes bob up, beat up the drunkard.
Pocket the money.
Myriam and the two shadows vanish...
into the saliva of the night.
Seringue, Hassan's girlfriend, is getting ready to go to work.
Thousands of Junkies were dying on soft and quiet pavements.
The local rubbish trucks...
were transformed into ambulances.
Corpses were carried away all jumbled up...
and flung from a cliff...
into a dark and stormy sea,
Teeming with larvas.
When we got back to the room...
the four of us lived in,
the girl I was with at the time, had already left.
I was down.
Ben and Myriam seemed...
Myriam was pregnant,
which didn't help much.
She was a tS-year-old algerian girl...
just got away from reformatory.
Ben met her in a bar,
And since then we have been together.
You shouldn't have hit him so hard.
Leave me alone, It wasn't me who did it.
Hassan was getting worried as Seringue was not back yet...
being on the game in Bastille.
On top, he was grumpy.
The guy he hit was broke.
I had a very bad feeling expecting the worse.
Seringue was outside...
The streets were in the grip of terror...
and madness.
In Bastille.
Seringue leans up against the doorway.
A police car just stopped.
Inside the car, Mutt is drinking beer.
Bat is sitting at the back seat.
Do you think he's a drag queen?
Don't think so... she looks like a real chick.
Go and check.
Can I see your ID please!
Lieutenant Bat, at the Gang'service.
You're not a drag queen but your beard's prickly!
You bitch!
Come on!
Give him a blow job if you want to go home!
Are you coming?
Stop that, will you!
Come on...
Stop that!
Watch out!
Watch out!
Come over here! Come!
Inside the car,
Seringue is on her knees.
Hand marks on her face.
Bat opens his fly,
letting out a little flabby sprig.
You bastard!
Ben's nervousness in front of the mirror...
confirmed my fears.
Ben had magic powers...
that he got from his mother.
His message was clear:
Seringue was in imminent danger.
With my two pals,
I went out to look for her.
His eager fingers look for...
the slot of her vagina among the deadfish.
Clouds of sperms armed with Corona beer and rocket launchers.
Fire now.
She got transformed into gestation of orgasm-crime...
in the presence of armed infantrymen.
Operation carried out wrapped in mist.
She woke up feeling poisoned,
blur faced,
looking around without understanding.
You are really mad.
A dreadful love came up to me in the paleness of the city.
A monstrous light, lying where you were,
on the same floor,
in the same cell, under the same light,
undid the fly of my brain,
woke up my long-time asleep sex...
between the jelly-like walls of my cerebellum.
On the asphalt of a terror city,
I wake up from a long insomnia...
then I fall into a painfull sleep made of biting canines...
born in a thight of yours or someonelse's.
But I don't love love any longer,
I don't love anymore.
I wake up very old...
and my loved-ones had put on black leathers jackets...
and were coming up to me,
stumping the silence with busted thigh-bones.
Love me Madam within the rancour of the sheet.
I suffer far too much sometimes,
more than one should.
You don't like to see the dead suffer,
in a cold sweat.
But me, I am dead, I am dead...
I died of you.
Madam, did you know?
Did you know, Madam?
Dogs that die at dawn don't howl.
Who's that guy?
Doctor Speed,
he's said to be carrying death with him... like owls.
I, the undersigned Doctor Speed,
after examination of the body of the man named Ben Salah,
declare that he died of a heartattack.
The sevual Arab,
vanished into the opaque saliva of the night.
Male machines and ear-phones in the wind...
control the streets of Necrocity,
looking for him.
A few months later.
Seringue, Hassan's girlfriend,
vanished into thin air.
After Ben's death,
I found myself...
in the same room as Myriam.
She was on her own.
Him too.
I fray
vein by vein,
above a sky of absence, led by inertia.
I sail quietly across my physical desert.
I don't bleed anymore,
I run away.
I loved a star that had never been in heaven.
Does it really evist?
Never mind.
Sometimes digging out my dead, my drowned,
I can hear it groan inside a grave.
It isn't shining... it's screaming.
It is not a star,
it is a wound.
I used to love a wound.
That's mad I
A Young Man Speaking.
Come over here!
Last time you ripped me off.
Don't worry. Totally different. It's Iranian weed.
It will blow your mind!
Take it... You'll like it this time.
You'll see, you'll like it.
Bye buddy.
You want to buy something...
I know a guy who lives next door... he's got some hot stuff...
Have it with a bit of lemon you'll be stoned allright...
You know him... he is over there,
at the end of the street...
Anyway, we gonna do some business together.
Hey you, I know you.
You've got a funny way to look at people...
Hang on, Wait... I'm prettty sure to know you.
That's it!
You were a boxer back in your country!
You'll teach me how to box!
We gonna do some business together.
What are you up to? Bikes for me...
Bike is a stupid stuff... You just get on and ride...
Anyway, we gonna do some business together.
What are you up to at the moment?
The orgasm-death.
Do you know?
That Disaster-Marilyn.
It was during a high-society party...
where all thought to be hot shit.
An old American woman, 50 years old,
who took me to her place...
to get laid.
We did it in the dark...
We do it...
in the dark,
always in the dark.
Looking at her,
I saw her death coming out of the mirror,
like an inevitable evidence.
I then understood...
that sex was only an excuse,
a stepping-stone to death.
I felt nothing,
while taking her into my arms.
I turned out to be a killing machine,
at the Gang's service...
that needed blood...
to remain in power.
Once my dirty job was over,
I went back to the bar,
seeking something to calm me down.
Dumas joined me up.
You'll see, it's good stuff...
I hope so because last time it was crap.
Do you think I should put everything?
It's good stuff. Try it, you'll see.
Careful, you're not in.
Go ahead... Great.
Chill out.
Come on, put everything!
It's good stuff!
I told you so.
My arm reloaded,
I asked him how things were back home.
He told me that the army had fired at the crowd,
killing hundreds of people.
I told him not to worry,
that's the way it was.
As I was leaving, I gave him a strong hug,
as if it could help him out.
Doctor Speed's stickup.
You again!
Come on, that's enough now...
no more game.
The briefcase.
Give it to me!
Thanks... Bye
It will kill you for good.
See you later.
The Orgasm-Death.
You've got what I want.
Who's that girl?
I don't know... a clot.
Do you know where she lives?
Let's go then.
The Death of Mary-the-Hassle
You see, bitch, I am done,
And I don't care.
Come on, move.
Here it is baby,
I brought you some sweets.
General Khomeini messed up again.
He put in prison 300 people.
The revolution breaks out all over the country.
Come over here, baby.
The inmates had theirs balls electrocuted,
and then...
members cut off.
All that is complete nonsense.
They were like sissies.
The world is as simple as a scythe.
You have to be careful in this world we live in.
300 inmates have been taken by theirs genitals,
and they had to pay their debt!
Hassan fell into Mary-the Hassle...
on a December evening.
Black seagulls were falling like rain all over the city.
Steel full moon in a twisted, cigarette butt-like sky.
They were bathing into the blue smoke,
taking speed and drinking beers.
Captain Speed's Office, Can I help you?
They leave the building.
Ok! No problem!
Security forces are on their way.
We'll keep in touch...
Hello... they're joining the crowd.
Keep an eye on them, I'm sending reinforcements
Shit! One of them has vanished!
Bring over the other one.
The noose is tightening around Hassan.
But he always managed to escape.
However, we have just been informed that...
Captain Speed has taken back control of the situation.
His men have just arrested Hassan's accomplice.
Sym-the-Murderer under arrest
Who is allegedly called Sym-the-Murderer.
What's up?
We've arrested his accomplice.
Who's that guy?
A scoundrel involved in doggy business.
I think we can get something out of him.
- Has Mister John called? - Yes, he has.
He wanted you to call him back.
I'll dial the number.
This is Captain Speed.
Lieutenant Lobster speaking.
Yes Doctor.
Hassan escaped one more time.
I wouldn't mind personally taking care of his accomplice.
Yeah... Yeah... All right!
We'll " look after him " and then... we send him to you.
That's it! Clear this off.
Mister John is on his way.
What shall I do with him?
Take him to Doctor Speed He'll deal with him.
Mr John, Military Councellor.
Hello Mister John... a call for you,
Doctor Speed.
Doctor Speed, how are you?
The government buries the dead.
General strike has been ordered.
Violent... and sudden intervention of the army.
Undreds of dead, thousands injured.
Nutsbody has been appointed Home secretary.
He leads mopping-up operation.
Good luck.
General's star was shining brighter and brighter...
in the skies of Necrocity, the terror-city.
Only one dark cloud cast a shadow on his overwhelming victory...
over barbarians.
Alleged murderer of three women, Hassan is elusive,
in spite of Captain Speed's impressive armed forces.
The noose is tightening around him.
A few months later, an anonymous phone call...
allowing Hassan to be located, in the northen district.
I changed the content of the briefcase...
and I left the dope for him.
If a look could hold someone back...
I wouldn't have left.
But I knew the pack was at bay...
it was time to play the game.
Somewhere at dawn at the other side of town.
We've just located Hassan under the bridge.
We've spotted a car with one of his pals in it.
- Good to see you. - Yes, good to see you.
Have you got a fag?
Don't worry, I'll give you my butt.
It's my last cigarette so to speak.
I'm happy for you.
See you later.
You have a few steps to go up. I let you go by yourself.
So long pal!
Entering the execution room,
I was stunned by the calm overwhelming myself.
People witnessing the ceremony...
seemed to be more frightened than I was.
At the end of the corridor: The city-sev.
I knew I would come back.
When Doctor Speed pronounced the death sentence,
With great calm and serenity,
I proffered my head to the guillotine.
Survivors of the year 2001.
About twenty years after the destructive reign...
of General Nutsbody and Doctor Speed.
All that's left from Necrocity,
is a few rotting mutants,
ravaged by drugs and the strong need to disappear.
Those survivors are packed in
inside a kind of slaughter house hospital...
ran by Doctor Speed...
who is the reincarnation of Hassan the Sevual Arab.
The Doctor is here.
Everything is ok?
- What's up? - Two men got arrested this morning.
Tell him to stop.
We'll call you.
Let's go.
Here's the first one, doctor.
Who is he?
About twenty failed suicides.
He is called The Dirty Old Man.
We picked him up this morning.
I said here!
Doctor please!
What about the other one?
Our men picked him up this morning in a waste ground.
He had a tape on him.
He's raving a lot.
He claims to be called General Nutsbody.
He's actually a Mister Flash,
a well-known junkie from the 80s.
Can I listen to this tape?
Sure doctor.
A junkie's diary... over the hill.
Thurday 26th January.
The army opened fire on demonstrators back home.
The toll: Over 250 dead...
most of them kids aged between 15 and 18.
I found out over the phone.
An unknown girl's voice.
I dropped three tablets...
I walked on snow.
Friday 20th October.
I got arrested by cops they took me to the police station.
The were looking for guns or drugs... whatever.
Baader died in Stammheim.
That night, I entered a room...
in which people were watching television.
I must have slept.
Saturday 21th October.
I wondered what I was doing in this city.
It was a beautiful day, the sun, incredibly real...
Sunday 22nd October.
One more time I wondered what I was doing there,
and I fell asleep again... feeling bad.
I sweated allnight long, also in the morning.
The sun was still there.
So cruel.
Sunday 15th April.
I shot up in a bedroom.
I think I got murdered that night.
Who could it be?
I'll leave this town, too many toads live here.
I must find urgently the Queen of Saba.
She is the only one to save me.
Black Thursday. I killed my lady...
to follow that little demon who gave me the seringe.
Now I remember him.
He liked creaking music,
He was making awful faces.
Il was restless... that's it.
He was hyperactive.
Saturday 14th April.
I'm drinking beer and waiting for someone.
Fridady 13th April.
On the black border, I saw a hearse passing by...
and I ejaculated.
The first time in the past 18 months.
Thursday 25th December.
I just woke up.
I was still high on LSD...
I was all lifeless.
The same girl's voice called,
I couldn't work out what she wanted.
Then I felt very lonely.
I'm thinking of leaving this town before it kills me.
Friday. The army opened fire again back home.
I realise more and more I'm in evile,
then it makes me aggressive and paranoia.
Junkie's diary over the hill... end of the story.
Monday 25th April.
I walked on the beach.
I walked on the beach and cried.
I can't remenber what I did.
I might have walked on the beach again.
Anyway, I don't think I cried.
I read old newspapers walking on the beach.
Friday. I walked on the beach...
and then I realize I've been reading...
the same newspapers for the past 18 months.
Saturday... I fell like killing.
Sunday. I found a spider under my matress.
- She looked skinny... - The doctor told Necrophylia...
to stop the tape...
and to follow him.
...she hardly tried the piece of meat.
She didn't want to eat,
she hardly tried the piece of meat...
He went into the cellar, without violence or rage...
and came up to Flash.
Monday... The year 80...
The year 2001...
I can't stand his eyes anylonger...
I shot up again.
Do you remenber me?
The role of the murderer is for you, a beautiful part,
I hope you are trustworthy.
He told Necrophylia to call the guy from Vendée...
and ordered him...
to inject him with amphetamines and sedatives,
alternatively and continuously,
and then he told him:
I want you to leave him no rest.
We apologize to the audience...
for the lack of order and logic...
among the deceased's pieces of writting,
collected by Doctor Speed...
who followed closely...
the rise and fall of the deceased.
The end was dreadful...
Let there be light...
Pierre Clémenti, and The " Centre de La Providence ",
Original script: Achmi Gahcem.
With Jean-Pierre kalfon
Achmi Gahcem
Pierre Clémenti
Simon Reggiani
Nadine Hermand-Clémenti
Gérard Salzsberg
Jean-Claude Miller
Ricky Darling
Mister John
Olivier Corneille
Dominique Greenberg
Dominique Goron
Denis Petitmermet
Walter John
Image Pierre Clémenti
Editing: Julie
Mixing: Gérard Guirond assistant: Jacques Guillot
Music: Gilbert Artman
and Ricky Darling
Saxophone and vocals: Pierre Clémenti
Bass guitar: Juan Carlos, Guitar: Ricky Darling
Set Photographer: Tania L.
I would like to thank the " Centre Georges Pompidou "
and " L'Audiovisuel de Paris ", Special thanks to Gala Dali,
for giving me the opportunity to finish this film
started in 1978 and completed on November 11th 1985.
Translation: Asia & Christophe Daoudal
Choses Vues - 200S
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