Chủ Nhật, 29 tháng 10, 2017

Waching daily Oct 29 2017

News 24h Chanel - Roger Stone suspended from Twitter

Roger stone suspended from Twitter

former Trump campaign advisor Roger stone was suspended from Twitter

Saturday after an expletive filled tweet storm late Friday attacking CNN and some of the networks on neighbor personalities

Twitter said in a statement Saturday that it would not comment on individual accounts however

Under its current guidelines the website does not allow targeted abuse

the longtime Republican strategist lashed out with vulgarities at anchors Don Lemon and Jake Tapper among others

CNN reported Friday night that a grand jury had approved the first charges in the federal investigation into Russian meddling in the

2016 presidential election

When accessing two stones profile at Roger stone jr.?

Saturday evening a message reads this account has been suspended

Twitter's abusive behavior guidelines stipulates that accounts in violation of its policies could be subject to a permanent, ban

Thus feed news slate and The Hollywood Reporter reported citing unnamed sources that the van would be permanent

Without mentioning stone by name tapper responded to the prominent meltdown

Saturday suspension was not the first time stone lost access to his account either

In April Twitter suspended his account after Stone threatened an employee of the progressive group Media Matters

according to the hill

For more infomation >> News 24h Chanel - Roger Stone suspended from Twitter - Duration: 1:35.


I Was Featured on Spanish News Channel RTVE - Duration: 1:27.

Many have circulated a lot of fake news

about what is happening in Catalonia and in Spain.

The so called "fake news" coexist with the truth on social networks.

The subjectivity becomes more attractive and tend to supplant objectivity of the contrasted facts.

The part that speaks for everyone and the illegal is intended to show the legal.

The latest controversy is this propaganda video by Ominium.

In it, an actress asks for help from Europeans

to stop the alleged attacks to rights, freedoms and Catalan valves.

Do we buy it in the rest of Spain? No.

Do they buy it in Catalonia? Yes.

Some do. There's the key.

The girl speaks in English and then "Save Catalonia". Save it from what?

It's a video that grabs to the strategy of the "us and them" discourse.

We, the good ones and they, with their bad deeds.

The viral video plagiarized of what was done in the Ukraine in 2013

has been answered quickly on social networks for the lack of veracity.

For more infomation >> I Was Featured on Spanish News Channel RTVE - Duration: 1:27.


News 5 Brie Groves hosts baby shower for military moms at USAFA - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> News 5 Brie Groves hosts baby shower for military moms at USAFA - Duration: 0:52.


R TV News 30 Octobor 2017 , Today bangladesh latest news , Bangla breaking news , BD News all Bangla - Duration: 17:54.

R TV News 30 Octobor 2017 , Today bangladesh latest news , Bangla breaking news , BD News all Bangla

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