I will make this cake recipe goalkeepers are holding is to give
mouth watering of who you will right hand
I own or I think it's cool O the crowd is already mixing for here
me sugar is 180 grams of sugar It is to make a broth some
He melted sugar and it started because usually the sugar pellets so
O because only he can hold right just think has no mercy has nothing
You do not have to mess cool fire can not be too high and
will not burn this sugar syrup and then you try to take the marbles here
but she is about to leave the tip of the banana I cut I'll put here O
and then I'll wrap this banana that sugar and to help form a sweet
banana or banana caramel Lassere I'll put a little water
in order to make the five-broth bananas half cup water now
sugar melts the guy read me and will do what the banana will stay with taste
Mello a little delay because the comes when in contact with water
cold it takes a scare and thala and then everything is now melting and juntinho
to about 15 minutinhos will look like O goes through this pan that
the valéria will move to where it looks like It is that it is the sweet banana is
almost a brooch branches revenue passes prakash do sica not all right
not even make love's already cool You need to go back to look for me to
nanny's there blender event let cool that our banana and
prolific pain I'll put one here cup of tea oil 3 eggs 240 ml
with 3G ah ah I think I think there was a
ghost op is that there'll put sugar and
affectionate steel cup a cup sugar equal right oil
and I will put cinnamon combining very fully with banana banana
crying bananas and I hit so I find the container lid
then I'll vote banana banana is now cold
then I'll put everything to make one pasta
the program will go on the march naked mass banana why gets that color
colorful addition to the right shin marina caramelized banana cover
not in the loop so the ox for free
that the radio
yesterday afternoon
and bananas are already cooked the rest is all net
mixed here I come to another civil which it is a logical sequence that does not
I come to another bowl I put flour three cups three cups of
flour and you will take to repair It is a creamy mass right and then when
will mix with flour that has mix well with flour okay and so on
will become the cake here I do not I can beat the flour that speed
this indicator agrees then I'll do a UFO a mass
beautiful she is going into this so that this side hunting here Gail
is full of bee think it's because milk is fish it
belinha than ever and do not have to have a little girl is already as she calls's there
ever's there was not a lot this jataí door bee there're nothing
Here this mixing well until the flour until flour disappears and
you will see that it is a powerful mass mass that we do get well
making right but oddly enough that our
mass in the mouth but it all road you see the full moon hole look at
cutting of the cake there pretty otto bock that there is after all mixed
flour only now that you put baking powder keg is a spoon
baking powder clear soup that ferments that will give a souped in
going for it is that is why quantities are important in things
what we do and you pay attention and especially sweets
salty and can err a little bit here a little there in the end I just ate
one realizes what is wrong Now the people are all sweet dinho me
even saw it takes days to arrive hours in
a result that gives all right this my way here she's with 26
cm diameter seven high because it grows well and
I put butter here is spent sugar and cinnamon with're there give
to match the situation within our cake that will now bring this
mass Mason to beautiful thing but without China does not seem the márcio
quarry we tow tow now oven and come one holds me
It is that I do not have all this lacks a earth arm but does not give to hold
I hope someone in your home PC or hold the side in place and
He is talking like me here in TV
and this thing here that exposing crap is bad is the only hard bread soft
that neither it nor the world looks is a stone soft-hard want bread is hard to have to
be hard there looks to soft class newcomer to the market
the animal is best release is that Whatever I had a mass of this content
pocket already so now will the difference in the tissues and have in your home and is
truth when water with something else when even in the child's head
batman week maria's husband whom You have to beat someone saw the world tá
there was spread here is the situation and it goes into the oven to 180 degrees during
an hour people it is there as well cute I'll show you do not let the
tire drops here not that then burning business clean moc there
boot there in the oven I think I already have in the oven there was that smell good I
I'll get that is in the mail Tabao just to prove to work and the worm
it's big You do not if it makes you want
ae smell good smell people look at this is the smell calls vidinho right calls
neighbor and wooden spoon spoke to me then you'll get him here looks
the most elegant situation now I I will do aiaiai in a wooden spoon
sealed the handle of his wooden spoon're lava better let cool slightly
for you can misinform and this one already in point
the morninho already there I will misinform because this situation that I will do
now beautiful deserves attention Sir lady is special
while the well is a good cake right there we invented something else we
picks up a wooden spoon that is not here the business you have and fury so O
O the mother fertilizer in station as poor good all around bored bored
Now try the Halloween goal is good tom brady all stuck and the more it is
you do it will get hotter which is already good right
you do not imagine it to be good but its animal in his view that it is all
a cake I put the mouth to and stuck there
I out here will mix a thing You can not go wrong gedeon
x situation that wonderful sweet milk and 400 grams and sweet milk
where a box of cream queluz milk box of cream of already
mixed it comes from and how I got here one sweet milk 400 grams of candy
good right milk has to be one of the passages the cool is it is it takes a little
each mixture you do not want to be hitting here
eh girls beat me hit that here next to me and the fan valério
there will be like O're seeing there gets squishy I return the Jacobin
amarildo it or leave I will cover the sweet which will show how it looks
how it is already back in the Syrian there you see them now ok here
mix the other it is also just like is getting in and just right for
size of the giant cake and then you come here soon because it looks safe to
situation as it serves the holes in xi candy milk huh zos
jorge leite comes here and starts to O penetrate this texture it is
half cream so Will not because of the opium beauty
there begins to penetrate that situation in the holes can understand
complicate and make coverage as he worth getting O need not be or
sweets or anything zero skill here for it
sweet right aran there now takes the hard bread mol
he returned but here is squishy and gives right then it drops a bit so the country
run right the most beautiful time to visit cause
was causing her visit become more excited
op spectacle then we did not stay still very pleased with it so the
china more than getting these holes then no problem so we
He took the sweet pure milk I mother and came up here and made 161
forward O so the holes is that not bad is awful bad
stand there you come and cover the holes O looks the situation and there are sweet
sell to serve five goals to sell fabrício girl was fabrício not want
up the tree stop sleeve O property does not rise because the last time
confusion gave a bad tree is bad and did not but I'll take here
prosecute anyone caught there for me no I was I was not looking that beautiful brigade
in brigade will wait is maintained by the Brazil navy has ana you
She discovered the leg city with the city already said that is talking ana
point thigh that we are there in begins with the start is the city look
you who live in the city of Sardoá what else I said I have said
much to do with you in addition to sleeves should you ana Analândia Analândia
I know the interior sao paulo Edson coast is so not having to do
with me what will be speaking family sends logo
speaks very good can only because it has to do with a majority 123 am
not Anapú polis is not the quotation police
anápolis Huana it is not Cadoro show it is true that part of the air base is
we had here in the favela know the wallace mu anápolis language here
goiás indoor or really cool is Brasilia was that I speak is 150
km from 60 km from Brasilia is goiânia a town near hot air base has
this is where the staff are investigating whether the UFO look right objects
Flying is not really sit here do a nice thing right I do not see
UFO I was not actually in fact I was pru space when I got there I
even look I is spent barrier sound speed
I walked me no radio and was not you You should be asking you must have
that show insider well you have 11,000 Indians invade
show that the look I asked en talk Now there or talk radio mirrage movie
including this model and it was disabled two years later in la liga and
to a special remembrance in 2004 incredible moments and walked radiohead
It is a supersonic fighter that was used in air space patrolling
by Brazilian Air Force fighters bar he knew fabrício I went to
first civilian woman to fly name raj we reached that speed 1,500
knots an hour flight left the airbase of anápolis is and I saw the world come
thus upside down in Spain including
the cameraman who was with me right in another plane that type left in two
right and it all big guy all to pass evil we do a light workout and then
when we went he managed to catch a piece of flying just because the boy
when the animal so did the rap was made so we did not know it came out tortinho
the best name I took a bath because it has a custom right there I wanted
send a personal airbase desire the people who were there when I
I went there they give the aid of all firefighters expect people in output
would not oblige the first flight for both professional pilot as for me
so it has nothing to do with the baptism is baptism to them play together
all that water as well and they play gives a sand bath the small beach you go out to
situation when I left it was a little distressing and so look around
when I go out but it is beautiful look if you see the Brazil you realize that
the earth is blue that there is so much in 1501 Mrs. imagine what you mean
while you pass the sound barrier It is that I think I think i30 1200
sure makes a I thought it was make a noise as if anyone does
shut a door goes all is very beautiful for those who can get here is a
dream was a dream of mine I realized thank god has cool I want to thank
thank you thank you for reminding me of this
that pretty good now let's come back with a banana cake there is molina
hard will only arrive late thread I explain that we will deliver
um we're not as close to time is good to know for the following personal
if we stayed here as well and we already it was possible emplacar
maria there are the people who will receive our delight already addictive
Then thus has a caminhadinha of about 20 meters occurring in another
championship so the best way
there is cable and not have to play because it is a slope that is rising in Europe
calorific excuse will back win and looks so lets enjoy
to thank the TV staff anhanguera ever a hell of structure
here to make this framework to work and He gave right
everything went well and now do not know now You will be all right even if it is a home
winning is a house not exactly not exactly it is a
elma company is an office in your office for decades
up there and if you want here because I I put my head have seen
It does not leaves open the worth waiting we'll leave someone opens the door
the door the door something that leaves You see you plant will invade
my niece hit more I was a baby while you will only stay at home
even for yourself since then we keep looking for
any situation here until I got tired rather it is the following
They are three work for the fans here program assistance with every day a year
only have here on O girl office the connected TV
goiânia to go will you think for Larissa and you should be daiane
othon to bug the girls here people
they heard the plane hit to put my mother is here so we right
It puts the time it's nothing combined Teutonia was called in the plug
I was watching television or audio here in OAB ac in the the girls headset
heard here but even she wonders if you were seeing a clear program it
It is not connected to a thing that leaves the understand something and you work or
watch television they have TV probably will end up is to get
things to his side that the Flemish will grab the microphone and said here is not okay
cool can speak for all jobs meet will not work here is
quiet the staff are good to work so you can do some
thing to programming and work I can say that the employees are
and efficient and you are the owner still plays about 13 where the aik
owner here to make money not about the girl are not a
hospital supplies the distributor understands that beautiful place that braking
quiet and each is a place quiet here is a quiet street
so if we had not TV gets a little monotonous
already jack lew for us raise your hand
the vote because every day we watch You want to eat something else is
here I am wanting to send one day was going to the photo costs
I will say I did not want to talk to her when I was a singer sky up was
waiting until well take a photo mother and today you now have
idea who is our accomplice to It has with NGOs and now here in the UN not
fulfills that is not here but I can to say
luiz says something I'm watching you that bag sister who lives in beautiful
horizon yesterday I said before and will you are
doing and now it's explained
will I take home what you found this recipe that
cake was doing here to stay taking a table in the mood
look around there we took O gave a goal lot of trouble
imagine there hotter right I just knew it was a warmer city and then the
facebook will melt summer luck tatá fresquinho today is so good that
who came to employ here when Whole arrived spoke most went along
there to serve the cake for you and we let's eat
we'll eat together so this time is good you eat there you eat there
I like here is the sweetest milk there side you want is in yo
will see if there is anything that I spoke even come around there giving pear
come on You can start there was already ready
not speak for more than a year of new
this is another excellent everyone to 2 and pen until there is not only I come
ok here who will miss the top the deco goal of business contained
everlasting I'll tell you who are coming here has
not even know thee O gabriel required when Gabriel who was born to
this is true but that appears to have date seat with us or you hi
girls I go there as it is good because I do not here with me I will not give you
a piece so in order to see that we the opa is true that he has nothing
us how true the en
uai uai about someone you know who saw is not having a city here
near who have these myths but here in Police and the end has not yet taken
not yet but some go away so we
will have no problem or girls I I really want to thank first affection
second you have entered is the same I am I came to do really a
claim I knew it was a company such and
He says Luis spoke pro fabrício manufacturing will confirm that your husband
I am the fourth official it is not it
Luís i owns three if I'm the fourth
I work and bay right because we It works with luiz heck all day
then as we are in November 20th November is now the 13th
I saw my claim 13 of the company the bride sheet why do the
Bonfire party help-year mess is not the time is right to raise your
first employee turnover not but see it like I do every day I
I was having fun you are everything is over but can not lay claim in
agenda and was also the sheet was not good I'm not here to travel is good
thank brigade girls fabrício I loved
this is meant in the hose sleeve then you reason is because if you want to
folks in your house in your company finally right has several possibilities
we plummeted from sao paulo found It was and is maria was from now on people
He made the cake thought of you we want to get as well and see how
do you live who you are what are their associated wishes
right and try food of the day here it is not for everyone does not
all value then sends to us is show left port with the rain but
you there and tells his story It's good to have more free
you do registration
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